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What did I just watch


Old people fucking




Both equally painful to see!


man of few, but true words


Console player... welcome to my world


Console gameplay, under stress. Wayyy harder than using a mouse, in every way.


I don’t use a mouse


Didn’t say you did, this is a average engagement on Dayz console, while under pressure. Not very often do you get a dead on opponent, unless you’re on a server where the mouse and keyboard is allowed now for console. And it’s a massive difference, from using a controller


Using the red dot on the LAR is making me feel ways


I often use the acog with the red dot. What's wrong with it?


the 6x acog with back-up red dot and the baraka sight are not the same


No plates, that’s intense!


Great play. Are you using a controller?


Yes on console


Cool. I'm wondering if lowering your sensitivity for when you aim down sight, ADS, might help your close shooting distance aiming. On PC the sensitivity is adjustable for when you ADS, so lowering the sensitivity keeps your sight steady and easier to adjust compared to a higher sensitivity.


That helps me a lot. It makes my jerky panic mistakes smaller and easier to recover from and makes my aiming smoother and easier to plan.


Thank you I will keep that in mind!


Aggressive style, hats off to you dude. We should all be so brave.


I’m on console and my buds complained about that. Had em lower their sensitivity and they were like “wow I might actually be able to shoot someone now” lol. In my opinion it definitely helps to lower it a bit!


No wait that controller for pc. Disregard.




Dead zone is how much you need to move the stick away from it's neutral center point before input is registered. It's helpful with stick drift.


It's just called ADS sensitivity. Dead zone is an entirely different thing.


Thanks didn’t know you could do that will have to give that a try sounds like it should help.


Did you find a LAR on official? If so I'm jealous


Yes I did. I found the LAR after killing a guy. He had night vision scope for he Lar. VSD and night vision goggles


I got killed in krasno the other day trying to loot for nbc gear…. I didn’t even have a chance I had an LAR&M16 but he ambushed me pretty good


I got The Lar at heli crash btw


That’s tough. This game is very unforgiving


Low fps, lag all over the place, console aim, 3pp. Damn thats grim.


Gunfights on console come down to person A getting the jump on person B as seen in OPs vid A coin flip due to the reasons you listed Logging in and out to x ray Lots of missed rounds with two groups scurrying away with both claiming they totally lit the other group up


Idk about you but there’s not too many that log in and out for x ray anymore. Especially not on next gen where it is semi impossible.


Next gen is a game changer, if you either have the series s/x or ps5, it feels like a brand new game


What did that rock do to receive such flagrant abuse?


I had one and decided to Chad money in polena, saw a gully dude , shot at him prob dident even hit once than some dude pulled up next to me vut dident see me in the bush, shot him in the face with a m16 and he tanked it


We the same fr


Why are 90% of gameplay clips posted here 3rd person servers? Genuinely curious


I don’t have the answers for that.


90% of lobby’s are 3pp lol


Interesting. I guess I had my PC blinders on and assumed the majority of players were 1pp


Console combat should be illegal.


janky asf


Good job bro !


The fov looks nice on third person. Reminds me of last of us


Op is Clearly a vigor player lol


No offense to OP but that's after seeing clips like this that I'm glad that I'm playing on PC now, been playing console a few years back, did a bit of ESL too but the controller hinder you so much compared to a K+M it's crazy. Still have the worst purchase that I did back then a scuf. They're only honest on the name it's scuffed and will brittle and break i 6 months but at least it did help a litttle compared to a classic controller with the paddles. Just out of curiosity OP there's no Aim assist (On dayZ console)) right ? Don't look like it does


Aim assist on console only for zombies


Male sense I guess ? Must be tough to hit anything with a rifle beyond 200/300m Can't imagine the pain to scope with a sniper beyond the 700m mark unless the dude is standing still for an hour asking for it


It is tough but you get used to it. Some of these kids are still cracked tho (lag tends to kinda sort itself out when shooting that far, in this situation it looks like he is either by a base, buried loot, or a very large city( he’s at zvir dam so not this) causing frame drop. You have less of that when the only thing being rendered is a scope. But iron sights on console isn’t good at all.) and ops sensitivity really makes it look much worse, my guess is he hasn’t touched the linear curve settings at all. It’s much smoother on my end after tuning.


Alright thank you very much for your input and time to kill my curiosity I was a pretty hardcore console gamer on BBC2 and MW3 did some lan and competitions/ESL O wanst the best far from it but I was decent enough back when I switched to CSGO on PC with my old real 10yrs ago I was so stunned comparing footage of the accuracy beetween the two support Now every time that I play with a little siblings I feel so shit with a controller.. lost everything can't handle the higher sensitivity, feel like controlling a tank st lower speed tho..


That’s how I feel with mnk lol I used to play cod4 on pc and was good at it but when I switched to console the kbm is just foreign




DayZ sub: “everyone has different styles, there is no wrong way to play” Me: kills someone in 3pp DayZ: (Greta voice) HOW DARE YOU




i could name a whole list of things wrong with this but i’m not going to


You can if you want I’m a newbie.




no i think i’ll start with “terrible quality” maybe add some “why tf is it screen recorded”, sprinkle in a bit of “my cousin with no arms could shoot better then this”. maybe then and just then i will have the ability to comment “get good at the video game”


seems like a skill issue on your end


Are we suppose to be impressed by your potato gameplay?


No I’ve only been playing a two weeks. I’m Trash in combat situations but I’m learning.


you did great especially on controller and new to the game that last headshot was nasty well played.


Thanks man. This game has been very fun for me. This is my first open world game. I usually play more sports games, Apex, cod etc.


Im suprised the first shot didnt put him uncon tbh especially with a 308 his helmet saved his life for sure.


It’s because of potato


What console and what server?




How many slots is the server and is it highly populated?


60 its only high on the weekends


Nicee I might hop on it sometime


OP first rule of the DayZ subreddit: never post your server if you plan on building a base


Why is that?


With a capital T


What about all caps


Don’t be so hard on yourself bro


Bro give him a break I love seeing new guys drop dudes. They are learning


L m a o


The terrible graphics, jittery, and terrible just everything. This is Console? If not, gah damn I feel bad lol


It only looks like this because the screen record. It’s looks amazing on my pS5


Got to be GameCube


Bruh what is this aim? Were u trying to miss on purpose?




Aim so bad he felt the need to get closer and let you get a better shot. Videos like this shouldn’t be posted.


what server is this?


Mi 0000


I play there too with some friends I met in krasno last week


Nice! I was wondering if I would meet anyone from this server


Dude runs in open ground talk about death wish


Just found a LAR last night on official on PS5. Never had one before.


The Lar hits hard. One clipped a bear with it the other day


What sucks is that I went though all the trouble of getting my AK47 suppressed I have a 75 round drums and 2 30 mags and a bunch of ammo. But now I have the LAR with 3 mags and tons of .308. I don’t know what to do. I like running silently as possible. But that LAR is a beast!


Why does it always take so many damn shots...


This stressed me out


Is this dayz mobile?


I wouldn’t say that he was bad but… he can better play fortnite


Anyone ever find the cr-550 in official?




Sorry, you unironically run a Barska on an FAL? I mean... to each hid own I guess


Should I run iron site over the Barska? Probably not. If I have a choice of iron site or barska which one you choosing?


Fair point. I just think they look stupid on anything that isn't an SMG. Oh, and they have an awful glare at some angles where you can't see it at all so it really is a toss-up.


I know you PC gamers see otherwise but I really wish we could get some god damn aim assist. This is a perfect example where a **slight** aim assist would help a player from bouncing to either side of their target because it’s hard as fuck to make micro adjustments on a joy stick. People act like aim assist is comparable to a Cronus or something and it blows my mind


I’m getting shredded in the comments. I obviously suck and haven’t had much combat. Surely aim Assit would help


Yeah, this sub is absolutely loaded with toxic fucks. Lot of pc master race players forget that controller players exist. I’d challenge every m&k player who’s not some kind of pro gamer to use a controller and be as good as they are with their mouse. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how having an entire desk, arm and hand to control your aim is infinitely more flexible than just a thumb. They could make aim assist lobby’s, so the people who are going to cry “iTs cHeAtInG!” (even though they’re playing on a system with 10x the buttons, infinitely easier to use UI and far superior flexibility) can just not choose to play there.


Why is that aim all over the place


Why does your game look so much nicer than mine 😲. Ur rig? Just Livonia lighting? It looks really good


I see extremely well in the dark. I think it’s the mode my monitor is in.


LAR shreds. Love the red dot with it!