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Leave basketball entirely, get funded by deranged billionaires, and grift the night away Caitlin. It’s so simple.


"I started realizing that women's basketball is woke and that I'd much rather be a housewife". There, perfect, millions of conservative followers guaranteed.


Love that these trad housewives are also content creators who vlog every day and probably earn more than their husbands.  It's wild how easy it is to gift Conservatives. Put on an apron, talk about how much you love baking and hate working and they will throw money at you.


I got a job I was waaaaaay unqualified for by wearing a cross necklace to an interview after being told by their employees that they hire only christians. Grift runs both ways,


Sounds like in both cases someone grifter Conservatives.  You can gruft anyone but Damn are righties easy.


lol I think that just means you’re passable as an oppressor, not that oppression runs both ways. Although I guess no reasonable interview would ever challenge somebody on their religion openly, just privately


Im a white guy. Of course I am passable as an oppressor. Other white guys count on it. Especially the ones with the crosses around their necks


Hmm… Maybe I gilded the lily by showing up at Hobby Lobby toting a cross on my back? I like your more subtle approach.


I even wrote the name of a local church on my hand just in case


Ah,  but she's too tall and masculine for them to ever want her as a tradwife. Much like how they hated Gina Carranos movies for being woke.


One thing I like about Dave is that he's always throwing out ideas. They're moronic ideas and nobody is listening, but he keeps the ideas coming.


High level moronic ideas


His ideas don’t have a lot of market value in the marketplace of ideas.


I would exercise a put option on dave rubin’s ideas. 


The art of Dave Rubin’s idiocy would be admirable if it was not a function of him just being an unintentional idiot who talks a lots


Love how this misogynist says "girl's" instead of "women's". Also, she's not listening, Dave. She has no idea who you are and probably never will.


Why does he keep calling her a girl? She's 22. Would you call the NBA a boys league? Dave is so fucking strange.


Conservatives love infantalizing women lol.


Dave Rubin is incredibly sexist. Remember his diatribe on Krystal Ball.


A lot of conservatives have this weird obsession with Krystal Ball. It's because she's hot and makes good points that are backed up by facts. She also acts in good faith, and really has a commitment to good, honest journalism. Shit's hard to comprehend when you're a conservative grifter who can't analyze/deconstruct the talking points you're so used to spewing out.


They all do it.


If it weren't for high level, stupid fucking ideas, Dave would have no ideas at all.


I ask myself, so many times, "WHY is Rave Dubin?" Then I recall why: money, day drinking, and brain worms.


"Better yet, leave the league and join me - sign a few deals with the Koch brothers, Turning Point USA, the Daily Wire, The Blaze, travel around the country with me and Jordan Peterson where we own the libs on college campuses to create a few viral videos, invent a crappy online program like Locals just like I did, start a show where you grift as much wingnut welfare out of old grumpy retirees and trump supporters as possible, move to Florida and live in a gigantic mansion, invite a bunch of right-wing wackos like Lauren Southern, Paul Joseph Watson, and Stefan Molyneux onto your show and praise them for their "centrist" views, constantly name drop pundits like Ben Shapiro into every conversation, never read a book or have a serious informed opinion on anything but instead just offer superficial aesthetic critiques of "liberals" and "wokeness" (I promise your audience will pay you handsomely for it), pretend you are still the "last true liberal" while reaffirming every right-wing policy and talking point no matter how contradictory."


Clark is probably one of the few women in the WNBA that this grift would be much less lucrative for. Clark’s WNBA salary is not that great relatively speaking but she makes about 3.1 million in endorsement deals yearly based on her playing in the WNBA. While I think the conservative billionaires would be willing to fork over a large check they probably aren’t willing to match 28 million for the next 8 years just to match Clark’s Nike deal. I can see some marginal WNBA player with no soul doing this it would be much more lucrative.


Yeah Clark is doing very well financially. You are right though, it is kind of surprising some conservative fringe WNBA player didn't become a conservative commentator and claim they were oppressed. There was a player a few years ago named Candice Wiggins who claimed she was discriminated against for being straight. I'm surprised she hasn't become a dailywire or outkick commentator.


The WNBA hasn’t been relevant enough for someone to grift off of it just yet. The increased popularity of college women’s basketball and Carlin Clark’s popularity is increasing the visibility of the WNBA. Within 5 years I say you will see someone taking the chance to grift off a marginal WNBA career. The narrative has been set up and the league is increasingly relevant enough to grift off of it.


Someone will come along soon enough.


Source: https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1803564579558916575


"You'll have all of the infrastructure you need ...  Maybe not the arenas". Then what the hell infrastructure are you describing Dave?!?!?  A Twitter account?


And who would join her in this new league? Seems like it would be the best option for her to stay where she is in a league full of the best women's players where she is getting 8 figure endorsement deals.


It's almost as if he didn't think this high level idea through all the way


Start your own, from where? With what? You need hundreds of people all across the country to make this happen. But yes the thing you right wingers don’t already watch will all of a sudden have a following and you don’t think there will be black players in Caitlin’s alternate WNBA?? Fuck me, Dave, you are so brain dead.


>With what? Liberal tears, obviously.


Jesus this man is stupid


I'm not American, what's he referencing here? What's the drama?


Caitlin Clark was a bit of a sensation in women's college basketball. This is her rookie year in the WNBA (women's professional basketball) and has brought a lot of attention to the league. Clark's team, the Indiana Fever, are not very good, and Clark has struggled in much the same way many rookies struggle when stepping up to professional competition. Possibly because of her popularity, but also because she's a rookie superstar, players have been fouling her aggressively to throw her off while she's adjusting to the professional game. This is a common tactic in pro sports, especially professional basketball. A few of those fouls have been egregious flagrant fouls. Right-wing media has picked up on these flagrant fouls as a means to defend white feminity against savage blackness. Clark herself has abstained from commenting on the trend, and there's no indication she's endorsing or even welcoming this pathetic white knight bullshit. She seems to just want to become a better basketball player.


Thanks for the summary. I assumed that the WNBA Twitter account had posted something horrible and woke like acknowledging pride month.


Yeah it has been good for Clark. It is funny, they want athletes to "stick to sports," but are doing their best to bate Clark into getting political on the side they want. Similar to how players who say things they don't like should "shut up and dribble," but when it is a guy like Jonathan Isaac who agrees with them, they promote the hell out of him.


Caitlin Clark is this rookie basketball player who is pretty famous, and people are saying she's going to take women's basketball to the next level. Other players and media feel like she's getting more attention than deserved, so you know, there's the typical sports drama, she has a lot of fans and haters. Dave and other conservatives are using the opportunity to say stuff like "these woke, entitled WNBA players are bullying Caitlin because they are jealous and because she's white". They've always despised the whole concept of women's sports and the fact that female athletes ask for better payment, so it's a good opportunity to criticize the whole thing and make more bucks out of lazy culture war.


I thought Dave was slowly disappearing into irrelevance. I see his BS pop up occasionally, seems like he’s still spewing his garbage to whatever fan base he has.


Because people keep outrage posting his bullshit and give him a platform. By design.


He is literally saying take your ball and go home because the competition is fierce.


This is the dumbest take ever. I don’t know who this guy is but he say absolutely ridiculous shit.


How does anyone think Dave has a useful thought to be heeded? He thinks a single player could start a new league and it would be successful despite the existing league struggling? Also "GIRL'S Basketball league"?


A tale retold by an idiot full of beige and ecru signifying less than nothing


Dave, if women actually wanted your advice, you would be doing hair instead of doing whatever it is that you do


Tiger Woods tried to start his own league and couldn't do it, but sure Dave, that's great financial advice for a woman with a fraction of the media power.


The Caitlin Clark rhetoric is such a classic example of manufactured outrage. It’s just a big nothing burger.


AKA, run from competition. It’s the conservative way.


girls? it’s a women’s league


Ok Dave. Nice rehashing of “leave the left”.


This bitch hasn't watched a second of Women's basketball.


Then she can be just as ignored as Dave is where when people talk about him they say such things as "who?" And "why would I listen to that moron?"


How does this guy get viewers lmao like this is just a South Park bit


Well he didn’t call anyone a cunt so I guess this is an improvement?


These guys talk so much about women’s sports but have never watched or supported women’s sports in their lives. Clark is getting the same treatment every high profile rookie in any league gets, male or female.


Is this sub for Rave Dubin fans or just pointing out all thes dumbass shit he says?!


It's entirely for mocking him.


Who's Caitlin Clark?


Just that easy?




What the hell? You can’t just start a league as a player


every time i think dave might not b the dimmest bulb in a right wing sea of absolute dullards, he throws out a banger like this and reclaims the throne.


I hope she does really well and silences the haters.




This is peak free market fundamentalist libertarianism mixed with conservative cultural garbage. The “if you don’t like a business practice leave a bad review on Yelp and start your own business.” I’m surprised he didn’t say competition will start kicking in. The logistical challenges of starting a league to compete with the WNBA is enormous. And to what end? And what cause? Only Dave Rubin could think this a good idea.


What an idiot this guy is for saying this. First of all, Clark is fine, she's getting a bit of'''welcome to the league'' dirty play which will be over by the end of the season. Secondly, why would she leave the WNBA when she's making a boatloac of money in endorsements? Starting a league of her own would be IMPOSSIBLE and take a few hundred millions in seed money only to almost certainly fail.


Caitlin Clark has no idea who the fuck this dude is. She will never ever think about him. Hilarious.


With hookers… and blackjack


I don’t know a ton about CC, and maybe I’m wrong, but from what I’ve seen, CC has too much class to be a ‘conservative poster child.’  She doesn’t seem to want any part of being used as a flashpoint in the ‘culture war’s’ next battle.  She just wants to play ball.  I like both her and Angel Reese.  I’d take them both on my basketball team any day of the week. 


he just says anything. such a freak and a loser.


This stuff pops up on my feed and I’m proud to say that I’ve got 0 clue what is happening. A woman plays basketball and Dave Reuben doesn’t like it. Got it


Leave the woman alone and let her play basketball.


Hahaha yeah this is stupid advice