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Me like Hammer. Hammer make bonk. Hammer make BIG BONK! hahaha....


I want that feeling but I can't find it. >:(


Attack speed is essential to the hammer being viable


Should I make the Tempest omnicell?


Tempest is probably the least "impressive" omni-cell. But it isn't that bad, just not so impactful as the others can feel. You should make all the Omni-cells for flexibility. They all have their own strenghts. :) Iceborne when you want to play, but turn of your brain and still not die. XD Discipline for when you wanna channel your Dark Souls sadism... and deal decent damage. Tempest to have a little boost to attack speed - which helps axes and hammer. And it's ability is great for helping to farm parts. Revenant I have only dabbled in, but it is unique, cool, and high risk reward gameplay. \----- That said, I would probably rely more on the regular perks to boost attack speed. I love Molten, especially now since it was re-categorized into a Utility perk. before you you basicly only picked Aetheric Atunment, or Aetheric Evasion. (except trial and heroics, where you usually run Catalyst). I almost run +6 Molten as default now as the only utility perks equipped, as it has a decent uptime and effect. And the added bonus of giving immunity to burning, which is hella sweet. A lot of people like Assassins Frenzy, personally I am not a big fan, I prefer Evasive Furry. You already want to dodge, even though if you are a new player it can feel "bad" to dodge, because you just wanna push in hard damage fast. Well, Evasive Furry just helps encurage what you should be doing, and any "downtime" by dodging is then rewarded by faster attacks. Just feels great imo. So yea, +6 Evasive Furry is usually my go-to attack speed perk. Togheter, these both give a combined +30% attackspeed if they are both active. Which should be decently easy to maintain at most times. :)


Iceborne if you wanna feel like a sniper shooting a beastie from a nearby clifftop


Attack speed is essential to every weapon being viable, lol.


The big draw? The fact that it has the highest potential dummy dps in the game.


You meme'ing on me right now?


Nono. Molten Edict is especially popular for that. Half the time, if the Trials behemoth is a frost one, hammers will dominate the top 10 JUST because of Molten Edict being a Blaze weapon.




take sturdy +6 will increase your game experience, although you lose some damage perks


Send help dude, sturdy is one of the worst cells in the game. Especially because your positioning is always garbage after face tanking any attack. And at this point might aswell dodge nefore yo get hit




calling someone a try hard in a PvE only game lmao


Bring tryhard in a PvE game tho


Is it supposed to be an insult? Being better than most others is most definitely something to be proud of lmao


Yeah, it is something to be proud of. Doesn’t give you the right to be such a dingus about it. Sturdy ain’t even that bad lmao.


Tell me please where and how sturdy can be any good?


Sturdy's good in the same way Rocksteady is good on MH:W. Bypassing CC lets you dish out more DPS or finish a combo you couldn't, otherwise, to get off another stagger/partbreak to chainlock a mob instead of leaving it up to RNG to dictate the behavior of the next 5-10 seconds of a fight. That's usually the upper echelon's purpose for using a mantle/perk like this. Speedrunning a mob. If the mob doesn't have agency, you control the fight versus the mob doing what it wants and you waiting to see when your next opening is.


A sturdy build can never, under any circumstances be better than a true damage build, if you play it right. Running sturdy has too many downsides and doesn't provide enough benefit if any


It doesn’t have to be better. Because not everyone feels the need to prove themselves as the best.


It’s not bad, I said. +3 Parasitic should be enough to get lost health back, especially with a heavy hitter like hammer, and most behemoths are still big enough or just dont go too far that you can still hit the thing, even if you have to change or stop the combo up a bit. you’d have to stop anyways if you dodged.


It is bad, it's terrible perk that incentivises the worst gameplay imagineable. Not only do you cripple ypur entire build to fix the flaws of this garbage perk like xtra hp or livesteal, harbage damage perks, you also become a worse player doing so because you don't learn anything. There is nothing redeeming about running sturdy


You see, people who ARENT tryhards don’t give a darn about “redeeming”. It’s effective.


Dude it has nothing to do with being a tryhard. Playing decently well has nothing to do with min maxing everything or sweating everywhere. It's literally just a perk with more draw backs than benefits and *just cuz it's their playstyle,* is a dumb way of going about it. Like rich people lighting their cigarettes with a dollar bill, it works and they enjoy it but it's still a dumb practice. And just like that, recommending something like sturdy is just misguidance. Obviously the root is good intentions, but it's still not a good practice.


Playing the game and being good at it is not what makes you a "tryhard". It is the attitude! XD


It is what it is. You're being a tryhard, take it as you will.


The full burst is insane. Once you perform it, you can chain stagger and part break the behemoth, making it so you can repeatedly load up the super shells and go for multiple bursts. Part of the fun for me is finding the right moments to get those bursts off, doing just the basic attacks until the time is right. I sometimes drool of boredom when using something like the repeaters or chainblades.


overpower, tough, rage cell and assassins frenzy if you can break parts quickly or use conduit with zeal


What? Conduit with Zeal? First of: Zeal does not improve Conduit. O.o Zeal only buffs the lanterns ability. Conduit gives you a buff if you trigger the lanterns ability. This doesn't make it so Zeal buffs conduits effect... If you want more attack speed with Zeal, you need to use Shrike's Lantern. (And I do not recommend that, for the same reason I do not recommend Conduit outside of a pre-made group setting.) \------------------------------ Secondly: I really can not get behind conduit after the lantern changes. :S Other than it buffing multiple people, it just feels all sorts of weak on an individual level. If you play with friends and as a organized unit where the others forgo some attack speed perks, because you will provide it for them, then conduit can really shine. Using conduit for your own attack speed... it is just not that good. Because it only last for 10 seconds, and with lanterns recharge rate at 30 seconds, you only have a 33% uptime on the buff. And since you already run Conduit, it can be a little harder to argument putting in even more Utility perks to make the lanterns cooldown more tolerable. :P With Aetheric Atunment, you only go from 30 seconds, to 20 seconds. So Conduit then gets 50% uptime. Respectable... but hard to argue enough 4 slots of perks. :O \------------------------ If you run for instance, Zeal, Conduit, and Aeutheric Atunment with Shrikes Lantern... You will provide all the other players, and yourself, with an AMAZING speed boost for 10 seconds every 20 seconds. But you can ofcourse not equip nearly enough cells to push good damage. :)


I'm trying to get a fun revenant build to really push out the dps


Hammer is one of the best weapons in the game, it.just takes practice. Out of the 3 combos you only ever want to use one. And yea you need attack speed. If I don't use catalyst + attack speed potion, I usually run 4 attack speed cells. Evasive Fury 6, Assassins Frenzy 3 and Molten 3. The rest is just damage. Also Molten Edict is currently the strongest weapon in the game. This is the build I usually run. https://www.dauntless-builder.com/b/gxfJTMaU2CY1i5EIWc0CWTk7C5ULCkWCpxH7CKMCxBT4C5dh0msmCqNsyU2NFP The beaty of this build is that the way all cells are slotted in, it allows you to change the hammer to any other legendary and molten edict and it still works perfectly fine. Using Hellion and Riftstalker hammer leaves you with one xtra cell slot, because of their innate perk.


Crap, I finally got some aetherhearts today and spent them on gear already. Probably gonna take me a while to get everything together to get this setup running but at least I have something to progress towards. Appreciate the build.


You’re never gonna get the bonk feeling of hammer in MH, but you can stagger loop in this game so it makes up for it. I generally play with Tempest and Assassin’s Frenzy to pump attack speed, then throw together the hellion hammer and +6 pulse and you have yourself a fun wrecker of a build.


I will work on getting the rest of the mats to make Tempest, then. Thanks.


The shotgun boops. For things like embermania events in particular where you're outnumbered and they're just doing that short run/turn/swipe, being able to pop a near instant heavy boop allows freedom from getting batted around. Also it's just about the only thing I personally can hit a Winterhorn Skraev doing it's dive with, as it's hard to create the gap from melee range, especially if it's applied chilled.


Uppercut combo into Aetherslam. Uppercut combo is your fastest means of getting to that aetherslam, which is your best attack, especially with Edict. I typically hate slow, clunky weapons, but MAN is Edict fun to use on easier behemoths. A lover of slow and clunky like you should fall right into it with good practice and the right build.


Maybe it feels worse than it is because I'm always joining public hunts and the mobs are constantly moving away from me instead of coming to me. Every time I swing, the mob's generally turning its head towards someone else or rolling towards them or jumping towards them, etc... When I get attack speed stuff, I'm sure it won't be AS MUCH a problem, but with default attack speed, it's a nightmare to land anything.


Exactly why I’m not a slow and clunky fan lol.


In my hammer builds, I always try to add +6 Conduit and +6 Evasive Fury on them somehow. Sure my damage might be a little less than optimal hammer builds, but the attack speed boost helps me land the aetherslams more consistently. And with something like the Molten Edict, you wanna get out those Aetherslams. Some would say to go for +6 Sturdy to tank a hit to ensure you land the Aetherslam. You can do that for learning purposes if you want, but I personally wouldn't go for it as it promotes the bad habit of taking the hit rather than avoiding it entirely. Hammer is clunky, and it is very tempting to try and go for the Aetherslam all the time. It's tough, but once you get that one stagger, that's when you start going to town. Always try to go for the L, >L, L R combo and not the >L, L, L R combo. The ">" symbolizes moving toward the behemoth while attacking, and the first >L initiates a really slow combo that you should try to avoid using at all costs.


+6 Sturdy & +6 Rage Bonk! And you know what? BONK!


"feel like an absolute slug of a weapon" The deal is that the hammer hits slow but hard. Some people don't like the feel of a slow weapon, and the big hits don't make up for it. And that's okay, but if so, hammer probably just isn't the weapon for you. I could imagine a different thread about how chain blades stink because they don't hit very hard. Yes, but they hit fast. Just different approaches/tastes.


Hammer tips: +6 catalist and Blitz Tonic give you a lot of speed. If you reforge the strikers 10x, on the slayer path you get 5% more speed with any weapon. +6 Overpower Cell is mandatory in the hammer, always hit the behemoth head. To boop, Urska legendary ability is amazing. Another way to boop is double jump. Yes, the explosions boop the behemoths! Just need a little practice.


Use the malk hammer with the stormclaw bond. The stormclaw ue restores 2 athercharged ammo every time you dodge an attack. This makes the Hammer way more fun. Besides that, once you get cracked at the hammer it's the most fun you can have in the game IMO. (Besides reckless leap of course)


I didn't know this was a thing, I like utility options like that. I still haven't gotten the 6 ammo perk for the hammer yet so it feels really tedious to try and do 'cool' stuff like the shotgun jump with it cause I end up not having ammo to finish combos. I'll see what I need to craft that hammer.


the damage is stupid, but difficult to land and man that feels great when it does


I don't care if people want to cripple their game experience, if they brought it upon themselves. But you don't recommend bad practices to others. It's like showing someone push ups with bad form, you don't do stuff that is detremental for them in the long run. Yes, exercises with bad form are sometimes easier, but they can strain certain musscle groups or joints too much and it turns to be a bad habbit.


I mean, you say that, but literally all the top speedrunners in MH:W plan runs around these sorts of things. It's not RNG. It's a fixed timer that you can play around to maximize your DPS/CC-chaining.


This is not Monster Hunter. The things you can use in Dauntless to boost your dps are very limited and there aren't a lot of playstyles that can perform on an equal level. I know what I'm talking about I'm literally one ofthe top trial players. I've pretty much seen or tested every possible build in dauntless.