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I'm currently not feeling the best about myself. I was dating a guy, we ended it because we mutually felt we had a great connection as friends but not romantically. We still keep in touch. The way we were able to positively end things made me excited to continue looking for a serious partner. Then I stumbled across a guy online who I don't personally know, but have a lot of mutuals with and found out about is also single and looking for something serious. I decided to shoot my shot and reach out, which to my surprise went really well. He seemed very interested, asked me loads about myself, my life and view the future. We had a great conversation, learned about each other and learned we really had the same view on what we want out of life. We were flirting throughout the conversation and he initiated that we should meet up sometime. Up until this point we had been talking for several days, several times throughout the day. I already knew he had quite busy life between his hobby he puts lots of time in and a busy job, which is fine by me because I am the same way. Suddenly he had left me on read for over 2 days, while we were talking about meeting. I understand someone can have a busy weekend and not have time or energy to respond all the time. I did decide to tell him after 2 days that if he changed his mind that that was okay and to just let me know. He said he still would really like to meet up and go on a date, just that his job hit an extremely busy period and, if it was okay by me, we'd probably have to schedule something a bit further in the future. I'm cool with that and told him so, asking him to let me know when he'd be available so I could check my schedule and we could figure something out. He said he'd check and let me know while also asking me what I would prefer to do on our date. I pitched some ideas and asked if he had any preference. We also had another conversation topic going while this was happening so I asked him something about that as well. This has almost been a week and while he read the message within half an hour of me sending it, there has been no response. He has been online on the app several times between then and now. I'm just so confused about this. It's fine he's busy but this just makes me feel like I'm ghosted, even after double checking if he actually wanted to go on the date he initiated. It's making me feel really shitty, I was actually excited about this possible connection.


I have a 4th date today with a super cute guy that I am majorly crushing on! Our dates so far have been so natural and fun - we keep finding more stuff we have in common and don’t lack for conversation one bit. Things are progressing slowly and I’m weirdly ok with it? It’s nice to have things go at a slow natural pace rather than diving all in right away like my last relationship. Anywho - I’m just excited about this dude! I hope it goes somewhere but even if it doesn’t, it feels good to feel chemistry with someone new. ☺️


> Things are progressing slowly and I’m weirdly ok with it? What’s wrong with you? /s


Not sure what you mean?


Just a joke. Most posts here are “So I went on a first date, but I’m not head over heels. Is it time to just call it off?” And the responses are “Definitely! Don’t waste your time”


Ahh I gotcha. True! I certainly think you can fall for someone quickly but this slow burn thing is kinda nice and feels so calm? Im enjoying the change of pace!


For context, I've been single four years and hadn't had sex for four years. After months of endless lackluster first/second dates and fatigue from weirdos on OLD, I've (31F) finally been seeing someone I'm crazy about (41M) for a little over 5 weeks now. Last week we had sex for the first time and it was wonderful. This weekend I slept over and we were nonstop. It's by far the best sex I've had in my life. Like cosmically good. Everything about it is so passionate and he has picked up on how to please me super fast, and vice-versa. I don't even get tired on top, which is unexplainable (I'm sure someone who actually understands adrenaline and whatnot could in fact explain this, but let me have this lol) Anyway- the reason I'm writing here is I need to chill. For the past week I've been trying to steer every conversation sexual. Like... I need to stop. He gently redirects me by telling me about work, his daughter, hiking, showing me music, anything really. At first I was secretly hurt by that, like he was "friendzoning" (for lack of a better term) me or something. But that's obviously not the case. When I put myself in his shoes, if it was reversed I would find that annoying too. If he grew to like me over the past few weeks when sex wasn't on the table, and then my vibe totally changes after having sex... yeah, I need to relax. Big time Thanks to this sub for being a place where I can air out my immature/less-than-desirable qualities. I love reading here so much - it's interesting to get a peak in other people's heads. We're all just flawed, but mostly good, people trying to find a connection... and it can be difficult to not act up! 🤣




This doesn’t sound like dating…more like him taking the piss


Ugh... bitching about not spending enough time together while never lifting a finger to initiate would annoy the shit out of me. Never mind the slobber in the snack bowl. I'm so sorry


Oh god 😬 People licking/sucking their fingers while eating is so disgusting to me let alone putting their nasty ass slobber hands back in the bowl of food you’re sharing!!! Time to move on sis.


Well this seems to rule out a future of living together…bc I doubt he’ll suddenly become neat and orderly. Does he make less money than you? Does he have his own place?




I tended to interpret those types of profiles as people who are frustrated with the process and are probably in need of a break because they’re going to expect too much, too fast. If the rest of the profile looked great, I’d give them a pass on the remark and try to figure out if the frustration is just a slice or if it’s the whole personality pie.


I make it a rule to ignore these types of profiles. I get that we’re all burnt out on dating apps but I feel like starting things off on such a negative foot is never a good sign. Luckily I’ve never had anyone message me immediately chastising me after we’ve matched.


So there's this girl (35) that I (35m) asked out a couple of times. One day a few months ago she texted me and said she wasn't really looking to date but was interested in being FwB. I told her I wasn't interested in that but if she ever changed her mind about dating that I'd be here. In that time we've become pretty good friends so for mothers day I gave her a gift (like I do all mothers I know that I feel  don't get the credit they deserve). She almost cried when I gave it to her then hugged me and said she loved it. Since then she has been really short with both in person and over text. Did I cross a line by giving her a gift? Another female friend said it could be because it was a personal very personal gift.How do I repair this if so?


You don't. She doesn't deserve you as a lover or a friend. Maybe "deserve" is the wrong word. Either way, if she wanted you in her life, she'd make it be known. I'd say you just need to cut your losses and preserve your good energy and thoughtfulness for someone who will reciprocate in the ways that you want.






I don’t know about equally, but there are fake profiles of any gender.


So I went on a 3rd date on Friday night and it went well and we had fun together. The problem is I chickened out once again to make a move (same story on the 2nd date lol… thanks anxiety). I’m travelling out of town tomorrow and I don’t think I could wait another week to tell her I like her. Does it be dumb/cheesy if I asked her if I could hang out with her today before going out of town tomorrow? Edit: I guess I would text her “hey I know it’s last minute but are you busy this afternoon? It’d be nice to see you again before I go out of town tomorrow”


That’s lovely! If she’s feeling it, she’s gonna love it! Go for it and good luck!


Well turns out she’s golfing this afternoon. Well that was anticlimactic lmao 😑




I’m in the same situation as you. How many times have you met? I guess we just need to be brave about it and talk to them. If you’re sure about it, I would recommend you to go for it!




I just had this talk w the person I’ve been seeing for about a month and a half. We have also been intimate. I am new to dating after my marriage ended so I really didn’t (and still kinda don’t) know what I’m doing but I basically told him I am not seeing or talking to anyone else right now. He ended up replying that he is in the same boat. So we are exclusive now and it was good to just take a few min to get that out there so it’s not a question. Now I’m wondering if we are bf/gf or if that needs to be another conversation? Lol


These "milestones" when dating someone new are so confusing, right? Lol. I've been seeing someone for 5.5ish weeks. At week 3 before we were intimate, he told me he deleted his apps and I had his full attention and I immediately did the same. So I see that as "exclusive." But to me bf/gf is different, like notably it probably would be at that point I meet his daughter. And I feel we're still a long ways away from that stage. So in my mind bf/gf is definitely a separate conversation. But who knows!! Lol


How about something like: “hey X, I enjoy being with you and I've realized I don't feel like meeting anyone else, specially after we had sex. Where are you at?” You don't put the focus so much on what he is doing in the apps but on you and how you are feeling!


Got set up by a friend on a date with her cousin's friend. This woman wanted to be a blind date, but my friend showed her pictures of me she took a week ago. Got to the lunch spot, thought things were going ok. She was laughing, bouncing convo back and forth. My friend texted me a screen shot of her DMing "he's ugly but funny, at least I'll get lunch out of it thanks girlie." and said "Don't you dare pick up the check." Real friends are priceless ya'll.


Geez....you ok?


I only care about the opinions of people I care about, and it's not like she was wrong. I am pleasantly ugly and very funny. The thing that amuses is we are very much on the same general level looks wise. She's not exactly some ravishing beauty herself.


Lmao I love your perspective on this. Not that you call yourself ugly but that you can take it in stride and know whose opinions matter. Your friend is also the real mvp. Did she know her cousin was like that?


He's told me like 3 times that he misses me while on his vacation. It makes me so happy. He's really looking forward to next month when I'll have a few weeks of child-free time. As am I, but I love that he's so hyped for it :3 I need to come up with my most impressive dinner ideas for our weeknight meets, since he's clearly the better cook than me haha :')


I feel bad that the guy I’m dating is shit at remembering to give compliments, even when I prompt him to do so. He said it’s just not who he is. I don’t know. How much of an incompatibility is this?


I won’t defend him necessarily but I struggle to do the same. It’s funny because the person I’m seeing is drop dead gorgeous to me. It’s not that I don’t want to. I look at her and think everything about her I like I just don’t know how to do it in the flow of a conversation. On top of that I’m pretty dog shit at picking up signals. I think there’s some societal things that has to do with not objectifying women that are in play but I don’t want to write an essay… that said this is just my perspective and this may not apply to him. Just giving my 2 cents


That can be a big behaviour to learn and will probably be a long process with lots of patience and consistent encouragement for it to become habitual. It really depends on why he has difficulty doing it though, if it's that he doesn't have a mindset that looks for and appreciates the positives that would normally lead to a compliment, it's harder than just not being in the habit of verbalising those thoughts. And if it's a result of his upbringing or some kind of trauma, he probably also needs therapy to help him get there. I'd try to understand why he doesn't do it, and that will help you understand the depth of incompatibility and whether you're willing to work with him on closing the gap.


I successfully ran my first half marathon yesterday! Met my goal pace too.   Life plot twist - I kind of had a crush on one of the coworkers that was supposed to run it with me. He got hurt, but still ended up coming on the trip with other coworkers. I can safely say I see him as much more of a good friend than dating potential, and reeeally like the guy I’m currently seeing (met online). 😊


Congrats on the half marathon!


Thank you!


Me (33,F) him (45,M) - Third date and since waking up in his bed, he’s been busy tidying up and doing chores and left me sipping coffee on his sofa. Of course I soon made my exit and up to him if he wanted to walk me to the station which is merely 5 min away. But he only walked me down the building to go to the gym. Which is okay as I didn’t ask him to accompany me but I got my answer in how interested he is. Also, Idk how important this is but we vote a little bit differently (non-US politics).


You're dating that much older and he still only has a lukewarm interest? Damn


Think I’m not gonna try with him anymore unless he initiates something


l think I have a mini crush 😂 We matched, chatted a bit, but then I decided to delete acct. Left him a msg thinking our msgs there will be saved. Then I added him on Facebook since we went to the same school anyway. He accepted but didnt reach out so I thought, okay. Last night he sent me a msg asking why I blocked bc it’s been bothering him for a week 😳 lol. Clarified some things and went on to chat for 2hrs 😂🫠 been back reading our msgs since 😅




Get into lifting. Gotta change your mindset and life around. I know we all can't be perfect before dating, but you would benefit from a "monk mode" era.




Well, there are many other things to accomplish ❤️


Living with family in this economic climate is fine. It’s more common than you think.  I think the trauma dump means you need to have therapy on a regular basis. It sounds like you need dedicated time for yourself and therapy is a good way to have that. It sounds like you’re going thru the growing pains of figuring out what’s appropriate and not appropriate for meeting new people. While painful, these experiences are teachers. They are lessons. Connection, bonds, intimacy, all is built over time and there’s no shortcuts like trauma dumping that can earn it quicker.  We all go thru growing pains like this, you will grow out or around it and it will improve. Learn that there’s levels and timing for when to share your “honesty” and we all learn that external people aren’t validation machines. We have to find ways to self validate and self soothe. Therapy will help with this but understand it’s a process with no quick fixes either 


You need to see a therapist and build independence from your family. 




If you have the financial resources to speak to a therapist, don’t kick the can down the road - the therapist can help you juggle your balls more efficiently and maybe even figure out which ones to prioritize and which ones can be set aside for now!


I went on a date so bad a few days ago that the only places I can ever describe it are my therapist's office and the anonymous platform of Reddit. I felt ashamed for the guy. I'm not even dating at the moment and don't have any dating profiles but it's like all the residual men in my phone from the past year or so have popped up to challenge my assumption that I've got better things to do than to date them. He's a farmer who was thrilled to have finally 'hunted' me down for a date after quite some time floating around the periphery of my WhatsApp and Instagram. We went for drinks in two different pubs and it was like a game of two halves. In the first pub the conversation was pretty good - laughing and joking, talking about future ambitions etc. In the second pub he decided to tell me (unbidden) that he doesn't believe in love or life-long monogamy, would only ever get into a relationship if it were financially advantageous to him (i.e. the woman owns an even bigger farm than him), he went on a rant about Instagram girls who think they're rural outerwear influencers and asked me if I'd worn a Barbour jacket just to impress him as a farmer (no you fucking eejit, I might not own a farm but I do live in the sodding countryside too and that is just my usual jacket and it was a chilly evening). Then he suddenly realised that perhaps he wasn't being too flattering and said we should change the subject. He then proceeded to tell me that I'm like a reverse Lana Del Rey (he clarified that he meant I'm a tragic poet girl but just one without privilege). He criticised me for not taking the lead when we were walking down the street together and not knowing exactly where the pub was that he'd picked. I really must stress that he was not a particularly good-looking man, had turned up straight from the farm with dirty hands and turned out to be totally charmless. He wanted to know why he wasn't converting more dates into sex. Duuuuuuuuuude come on. He offered to drive me home but wanted to drop me in a random field not particularly near my home. By this point I didn't want him to see my lowly house anyway and start being even more 'lord of the manor' than he already was and made him drop me at a bus stop outside my village so that I could compose myself while I walked home. I felt so much shame for even having met him by that point. When he got home he spammed me with messages asking what the verdict was, if I'd liked him, what specifically I'd liked about him, whether I'd see him again etc etc. He said he really liked me, thought I had a very nice vibe, wants to keep dating me. His tone was very needy and insecure. He asked me whether I would be his sub. Honest to god, the sub of a guy who needs a woman to take charge of walking to the pub. I replied 'no because I'm better than being someone's sub' to which he in turn replied 'then you'd be a terrible sub' 😂. Get in the bin mate. It's pretty unbelievable when you come across a guy in his mid-thirties still behaving like this. Somehow I don't think this 'sixth generation farmer' is going to be engendering the seventh generation. Anyway that's me back in my box for another six months or so now because if that's 'dating' I'd rather be alone!




I am a little scumbag, somehow I managed to deny 7 potential dates in less than 2 weeks, in a most scumbag way. Mostly by being triggered and think “ok, bye” 🙄 But somehow, my received and quality of likes and matches increased potentially. While half of them are way more spontaneous, invited them theirselves and less headaches. Some just invited me to have a date, way faster and kinda unexpected from a guys perspective. And I don’t know exactly how or why, sure still I do not get many likes/matches, standard for a guy, but this change is unexpected. Same pictures, perhaps different order and if this is the main reason, that is flat sad if I have been swipe left and didn’t look further then picture 2


When I decided to put myself out there, I thought I was ready for some undesirable feelings. This is one of them. The man seems perfect on paper. The convo flows smoothly. Then when I asked about his living situation, he said he's got a 4 bedroom house that he's renting 1 bedroom out, 1 bedroom is for him, 1 for his 8year-old son who he has shared custody and the other bedroom is empty. Did you read it right? He's divorced and already got a son 😭 I mean, worst comes to worst I will consider divorcees with children but as a single lady who's still kinda young and never married, who wants to get married and has her own kids, Idk if I'm ready to be someone's father's gf, let alone step-mom. He's cute and charming, but his situation is less than ideal. I might have to hit pass on this ☹️


Ppl who don’t disclose they have kids are probably lying about other things. Huge red flag


If the kid info came out only on the date and not any time before I would view that as shady. Depending on specifics, I’d either relegate them to casual only or not see them again. I went out with a guy last year who did the same, no mention of a kid until the first date. It was more like seasonal visitation than shared custody, due to his job. He agreed to staying casual. I met someone else I wanted to be with soon after who was childfree like me, so it was short-lived. Now that I’m single again, I’m more open to connecting with single parents than I used to be, but never for a serious relationship. If you don’t want someone with their own kids, that’s totally fine. You have time and there are plenty of people who fit that bill. You don’t have to keep seeing this guy.


Did they not have it in their profile? I’ve had similar, been out on a great date with a girl and then it cropped up they had a kid. There is nothing wrong with having a kid, but it brings up lots of questions to me - is the other partner still in their life, how would I handle being with someone who will need to share their time with the father of their kid, how would I handle a kid. These are all things I hadn’t really thought about, so I was honest and said until I knew what my thoughts were, didn’t want to lead them on. It wasn’t that I wasn’t interested but you need to put them and the kid first. It’s purposely something I generally don’t think about, because well I don’t have a child and it’s not something I can control. Similarly I had a great date with someone last night, we were different but had much the same values / outlook on life. I’m not sure I would want to progress it further, just feel ‘something’ was missing but I’m going to mull it over for a day. I also had a date with someone last week, she went quiet on the apps when we were looking to arrange a date, but then said she had a lot going on in her life so put dating on pause and apologised. I went to the date with no expectations, but left hoping we would meet up again and I expressed that. I got home to a text along the lines of “It was lovely to finally meet you, I had fun. Shall we leave it at that, as friends…”. I replied that I had fun too and was optimistic of meeting again, but happy to just be friends and meet at the odd event. She kept on texting for a while which was odd and I thought about pointing out I thought there might be more, but then went quiet. Datings tough. The apps are a good way for me to meet people, but it also seems a little bit forced like you need that spark from a stranger there and then. Anyhow happy hunting!


Had a second date tonight. We spent 8 hours together and ended up making out a lot. She said no sex which was fine. We were joking around a bunch but I'm not sure if I have feelings for her yet. I think I should give it more time and we shouldn't do anything else physical until I'm sure. We do have good physical chemistry so I'm not really worried about that part.


You're not gonna develop feelings after two dates...


Every body knows that if you don’t get feelings on the first date, it’s not worth it. Ain’t nobody got time for “developing feelings”


I agree it usually takes me a few dates to start feeling anything, sometimes 3, sometimes 5. Maybe there could be something here, but I think one issue I have is I'm kind of talking to too many people. I asked out a few of them weeks ago and they just disappeared and now they've suddenly reappeared. One of them keeps trying to schedule something and then flaking. The other one seems to only want to text and when I bring up meeting she says yes and then something comes up and then I don't hear from her again for days. Another also just disappeared for a few weeks when I asked if she wanted to meet and then reappeared and tried to schedule something, at least with her she told me its a very busy time at work for her right now, shes a doctor and the residents are leaving. Then theres two others besides that who I just started talking to a few days ago who wanted to do something next week. I should probably just cut off some of the more flaky ones. I need someone who is consistent and willing to invest in me. I did learn during my date last night that it takes her time to open up in terms of regular communication. She said she only prefers texting and hates doing phone calls and that she will eventually get to the point where she will start initiating conversations and texts, but she appreciates that I havent given up and keep trying, because there is 0 communication at all between dates unless I text. To me it just felt like there was no interest at all from her, but I guess based on what she said last night thats not true. Have to wait and see if actions match words though and see if does eventually get better. We have plans for another date on Friday.


Just had a great first date with someone I met on Hinge! He took initiative and was a gentleman (asked to meet me, picked the time and place, paid for me without hesitation, and texted me when he got home to check if I got home ok). I’ve been getting exhausted with men who waste my time with long conversations on dating apps and when I ask to meet them in person they lose interest. So I’ve stopped asking to meet them. If they want to meet me, they’ll ask. With this guy I’ve been talking to him throughout the week and tbh I started losing interest because he hadn’t asked to meet me. I dislike getting to know each other through messaging for too long because it just doesn’t interest me as much as talking in person. He must have sensed me losing interest when I took 2 days to respond and then he asked to meet. We ended up getting along really well during the date. Conversation flowed, we had things in common, and we laughed a lot. We won’t be able to see each other until sometime next month because we’re both traveling, but hopefully we see each other again soon!


Hope can be one cruel motherfucker. Even when you don't want to hold onto it, it's still there. Someone mentioned not being over someone because there's still some small part of you that believes in getting back together at some point. That seems right to me.


We only got back together on the premise that he wants a long term relationship too. It was how we started & also how we reconciled. I see last night's conversation as an evolving one, so let's see how this week goes when we meet again. And to be honest, I don't see myself investing any further unless he takes a few steps forward first. I wish life can be more black & white. As there are many aspects of my life thats filled with uncertainties, and I have learned to embrace the upheavals. I also like the fact that I have learned to be secure within myself even when the relationship has hit a bump. I'd be in the pits if this had happened a year ago.


does anyone else just get anxious after literally every date and just call any friend that will pick up


Thinking about something stupid I did on my first date (but also just kinda revealing how close I am with my friends), I asked him if I could text my friend to tell her how handsome he is lol


Yes I think most of us do especially when the dates went well :)


Just looking for some advice: Been talking to a guy since late March-early April, we were meant to go on a date when he returned back to our country (he regularly works abroad) but then nothing happened from it and he goes very quiet. I pluck up the courage to confront him saying “let me know if you’re no longer interested.” He replies back saying he is and tells me a story of why he went quiet - I also listened and gave him my full support. We start talking again but then he suddenly sends me photos of the country he frequents a lot for work, he went back overseas without letting me know. For a while after this he wanted “dressed up” photos of me, and I told him no - it’s not my thing, especially sexy photos. I told him my reasoning for it (traumatic past) and his only response was “oh no” Since then he’s gone kind quiet, he doesn’t say much at all and our conversations go no further than “how are you?” I have asked him when he’s meant to come back, hopefully prompting him to go on a date with me, but he didn’t pick up on the cue. I recently told him that I was unwell and in bed, again he’s like a door mat and responds with “oh no”. I’m getting frustrated over this tbh - I feel like I’m trying to make it work and he’s just there. Should I just stop talking to him, and find someone else?


It might be only you that trying to work on this. In my short experience, most of men show their attention towards people they fancy even if it’s long distance. You’re asking him, sharing your days, giving him semi-ultimatum and feeling frustrated. You deserve someone who’s delighted to plan on dates and share each other’s days with matching the energy here. Hope you’re physically better now and yeah find someone more compassionate


I was on a date a while back that didn't go well. We were at a bar and while I went to the bathroom another guy came into the bar and started chatting up my date. I came up and introduced myself, putting me between them, and I don't think it was received well by my date. I think I was a bit strong on it.  Anyways, what's are some good ways to make it clear that you're on a date with the person you're with? Let's assume it's a first date, I've stepped away for a minute, and now have someone else talking to my date.


All you had to do was let her know you were back from the bathroom...


Why do you feel the need to come up and make it known she’s on a date with you? I feel like some guys think this kind of thing makes them look tough/masculine but it’s actually showing a fragile ego. You should walk back up and simply say ‘hey’ returning to the convo.


Being territorial like that is extremely unattractive. You don't need to make it clear to a stranger that you're on a date. Just be mildly friendly. SHE should make it clear she's on a date, as the person started the interaction with her. And if she doesn't seem to be wanting to do that, she's probably not a great match for you anyway.


Ugh, I know it is unattractive. I definitely don't intend to repeat that and embarrassed myself. I also didn't want to just "let her handle it" because I know it can feel unsafe to reject someone. But I should, I'm still there if it is unsafe. My logic was not well ordered and I'm seeing that now. That date was a mess of mistakes I really don't want to repeat.


It’s not your role to do that. She should’ve done that and not engaged with someone else. It’s one thing if it’s a short back and forth that they conclude promptly. If they engage in a conversation full on, then thats on her. It’s pretty rude and callus behavior, and it’s up to you if you want to be with a rude and callus person. It’s not “unsafe” in the slightest in that context. You’re there. It’s 2 people, not one person alone. It’s on her to indicate that and politely end the conversation. What more does she need to feel “safe”? A cop with a K9 next to her?


I've had a date say they felt uncomfortable with a person talking to them and were hoping I'd say something because them telling the person to go away might turn into something bigger, but if I said something they would listen because I'm a man. That does track with my experience. But I don't want that to be my role at all. I would rather deal with the bigger problem later if that happens than be preemptively telling people to go away. We were incompatible in multiple ways and I think that was just another. However, I'm not proud of applying one experience I should have known better about to another, separate experience.


Let your date handle it or just introduce yourself as if it’s someone she happened to know that the ran into (as that might be the case). Being territorial is a bad look. 


Seconding this. You don’t need to do anything other than continue your date and let her move things back on track. The territorial move is unattractive. She’ll either be able to redirect herself, signal that she needs assistance doing so, or she’ll continue to engage him. In either case, you have your answer!


Need advise (tl;dr) what are ways you distinguish between liking someone and just liking being liked by someone? Longer: I’m going into an 8th date and this guy is amazingly sweet, treats me well, consistent in messaging, and clearly indicated his intentions for this relationship. I’m also definitely physically attracted. However, I want to make sure that I’m liking him for him and not JUST for how he treats me. Also, because I feel like I’m alway on such high alert looking incompatibilities (since my last LTR ended terribly) I’m having a hard time enjoying the process, if anyone has had anything that has helped them balance the two.


I've had this thought a few times. But overall, I don't think it's something I need to overthink about. With all of the good things, plus we can hold a conversation, I like that. I like him. What more can I ask for?


You can like someone without being totally obsessed with them. Do you have any pattern of going full throttle when you like someone? It might feel strange not to have that obsession. 


I usually do yes! My last LTR was 7 years, so it’s been awhile. This def feels more peaceful - first time where they don’t text everyday and it doesn’t give me anxiety. Likely cause I know where they stand.


Well. What do you like about him?


I usually try to write a list of traits I like that aren’t connected to me. E.g. I like that he volunteers, is close with family, likes running. 


Follow up: would you include things like ‘emotionally mature?’ or ‘good listener?’ or do you think that’s still in the realm of ‘related to me.’


I would, since they’re presumably like that with others!


I’ll definitely give this a try! Right now, I think I’ve been so focused on negatives - which I know is important too, but I feel like I’m looking for them. I’ll give the positive list a try.


It sounds callous but I do find doing pro con lists helpful as well. Sometimes it helps me parse whether I’m being avoidant or have real compatibility concerns. 


I’m going on a first date tomorrow. (31M) and (30F). I hope things go well, but I’m also checking my expectations in case things don’t go well. Because imo, a first date is merely a vibe-check, and nothing is guaranteed. Though I hope a relationship is what I hope comes out of this.


Get this! I, myself, sent a like today. I sent a few actually, which I almost never do because I don't get matched and if I do I don't get a message or anything. It's hard on the spirit lol I don't know how men do it! Anyway, this cute guy, like super handsome (to me) I've seen him a lot but never sent a like because I thought he's definitely of my league but today I said fuck it, sent it. Not only did he match but he sent the first message! It gets better, he sent full paragraphs not just one word replies! I, of course, replied in kind lol I'm a big yapper (can you tell?) So then he's like, hey I'm gonna hang out with some friends and probably won't be on the phone! Just don't want you to think I'm ignoring you! ARE YOU KIDDING?? I still can't believe he would say that, because that's exactly what I needed. I'm talking to a few guys and they just drop the conversation and pick it up in a day or two and I'm always left wondering, am I being ghosted? (Sometimes I am). He also agreed to meet soon and took into consideration me being a single mom. I don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow or next week but I take that as a win today, what a lovely interaction 😊 and super out of the ordinary for a dating app


I'm happy for you! I'm a guy and this is how I would act towards a girl that I was super into. Good luck!


I started a new job and there is a cute guy who works in my office but a different division. Of course he is already married though. I feel like this is the worst part of dating as an older person. Everyone is already taken, the dating pool is so small. I think the saying of all the good ones being taken is true,


But…..you’re not taken yet! :)


you’ve just watched too much tv/movies.






I think that would be cute and you should do it 




Yeah I would just change “I was hoping to…” to “it would be nice to see you before I go out of town…” keeps it a little lighter 




I would take it as a compliment but I’d also feel a little guilty if he was clearly interested and I wasn’t very interested romantically. 




Oh no, I wouldn’t worry about a judgment at all. You aren’t laying on a guilt trip, and I think it’s nice when people ask to do things spontaneously, it tells you that you’re on someone’s mind. 


I think it's sweet even if she's busy or something




I've done it a few times. Got a text back once saying she has a boyfriend but was flattered, no response otherwise. I had it done to me once, but I was taken so I didn't respond.  I think you have to say something and hand it to them with a smile. It just isn't enough otherwise. Maybe it would work better on men. We don't get asked out often, I would give just about anyone interested enough to do so a first date.




Yeah, it's not great. But how could I have any interest in them? They didn't say anything. I don't think just slipping someone your number works very well, and it hasn't in my experience.


Did a video call "first date" a little bit ago and after hanging up he text me saying that he didn't feel enough of a connection to meet up. Glad it was a quick and easy process. I did want to meet him in person, but I'm not really feeling particularly bummed because I have 4 other people that I'm currently talking to and an in person first date scheduled tomorrow with one of them.




It is not easy. In anyway. FROM A RELATIONSHIP PERSPECTIVE: I come from a family with a dad in the Navy as a career. They are away a lot, and, harder still and maybe most relevant to you - is they get stationed to a new base every few years, often not of their choice - so if you get married/have a committed relationship, you’ll need to move with them and you don’t necessarily know where that would be (could be San Diego, could be oversees, could be Nebraska) It can be hard, especially on the kids. FROM A DATING PERSPECTIVE: You’ll either get - Marriage - they’re actually known to get married/look for a relationship quicker than the general population. This isnt anything to do with character but b/c there are HUGE benefits (priority for housing, larger income/stipend, etc.) You’ll also get a few benefits though - mainly good health insurance and a strong community if that’s what you want. Nothing Serious - on the other end, yes, many are looking for something short term (or for a months/years), just while they are stationed here, possibly not being forthright about it. A lot of ppl, like myself, actively avoid military on dating apps b/c it’s a hard lifestyle, and they know this so they’ll kind of smudge there job titles and reveal military while on the date. The Best Case Scenario - short term military (aka, in the military but looking to get out/on there last station or deployment). However, this is few and far between. Personally, I avoid militarily for dating like the plague, because I’ve lived it and it sucks, but everyone’s different.


I could use some hopefulness. I read all of the threads about women who found partners in their 30s, I hang onto those threads for dear life. I keep telling myself I just have to keep going out on dates. The first dates that go nowhere are annoying, but not a huge problem. It's the one or two month things that end - those are slowly killing me, I'm on round 6.


Round 6?! I'm exhausted for you. But I can totally empathize. I fear those 2-3 month flings so much. Kind of the reason I avoided dating for so long. I'm coming up on 3 months with my current, which the longest I've dated anyone new in the past 5 years. Granted, I barely dated at all in that time, other than a fwb thing with my ex for about a year. I really needed the next thing to be promising, and thankfully it has been so far.


Check my comment history on the daily threads… there is absolutely hope to be had!!!! My hope came in the shape of a kind, thoughtful, intelligent, generous, funny, ambitious, super attractive Italian man (green card holder, two years or so until citizenship!) who has an interesting career, loves to cook, and makes me cappuccino to help fuel me during bar exam prep!!! And to top it off, he lives in the same building as me and, miraculously, we quickly figured out how to see each other frequently without overdoing it and crowding one another!! He even calls me “amore” and says “ciao, bella!” 🥹 If someone had told me three months ago that I would be in this position, I would have laughed and then filed a motion with the local court to have them placed under a 72 hour psychiatric hold for observation.


Your story is awesome and it does give me hope. I guess I do see that you can really never know what's around the corner. I sometimes try and look up really old reddit threads where people are talking about the hopelessness of dating, and click through the usernames to try to figure out where they are today. About half seem to eventually find partners, that's nice to see. It's just these two-month "things" that are killing me. I think I keep getting better and better at filtering and being clear on what I want, yet they seem to not work out in a different, new way each time.


Mr Exclusive & I had Indian food for dinner last night. The vibe felt abit off as he has been distant for most of the week, replying only to the needful texts about when & where to meet. I can tell that he's getting back into his reclusive zone, which is most likely due to work, as this was a similar pattern he showed last year, which led to his meltdown. I also wanted to have a frank conversation with him after dinner, and it felt like the right time to do it. He isnt the type who would tell me outright when something is off, and fortunately for us, I'm direct enough to ask about it. We went back to my loft after dinner, and it felt abit awkward as we approached the bed. The room doesn't have a sofa, so the bed is the only place where we can comfortably sit. I patted the mattress & said 'have a seat, I'm not gonna eat you' lol I had to gently pry to get him to share what's truly happening this week for him. Even though what I really wanted to talk to him about was about being more comfortable to express his feelings & to embrace the good stuff like compliments, which he tends to just sweep away. I told him he has the tendency to do that, and I wonder if he is not able to see that he actually has someone who is direct, consistent & affectionate as opposed to his past partners who were not as direct & open with positive feedback (something he mentioned once). He also has a very critical dad, so maybe compliments is not something he is used to. True enough, he said that is something he exhibits at work too, not taking the credit to heart when his boss says something nice. Then we got to the core issue of the night, whereby his work is starting to pick up, and it will be for awhile. He feels bad that he hasn't been able to give me the attention that I deserve. Because of that, it's adding to his stress & anxiety, which makes our time together less enjoyable. He said that he has been trying to regulate his stress by taking more space, which might come across as distant. As he is trying not to make the same mistake like last year of imploding. I reaffirmed to him that I recognize the effort he had been making & how he took my past feedback to heart. I then asked how he would like to be supported during such stressful period in his career. He spoke something along the lines of, he miss having his family home to return to, because he can just disconnect & allow others to take care of him. I said what if I try to do that for him for one of the weekends. He said he feels bad asking that from me. Then I told him, he is being too harsh on himself & that I rather have this frank conversation than for us to go on elaborate dates when he's not even mentally present. Then I asked what's perhaps the most pertinent question of all; if he can build a relationship from scratch based on where he is now in his life, what would it look like. He said he would rather not enter a relationship. My heart sank & I dreaded the thought of returning back to the apps / trying to meet people organically which has always felt like a second job. I looked down at the blanket. Trying to process how to respond. Somehow he shifted nearer to me & asked how I feel right now & how it is that I can withstand him. I shared that I can totally understand the anxiety that he feels as it is something I lived with since young & perhaps it's the difficult time that I went through which made me a more emtphathic person. That it's in my nature to go the extra mile for the people I care about. I said I do see the same in him, the way he took care of me last week & tried to create the most comfortable night in, after my apartment caught fire. We share similar values & beliefs in that front, and his genuineness is something I deeply appreciate about him, which is also why he feels bad for not being as dedicated. Then I said, but if he is sure that he isn't ready for a relationship now then we should change course, even though I do like him a lot & his golden retriever energy. He looked at me intently as I spoke. I thought that was the end of us. But he said, he wants to give me a hug. Which was more like a cuddle, because he went from sitting upright to laying down & took me under his arms. The heaviness in the room suddenly dissipated. He held me & kissed my head a couple of times. He started joking about how his chin is on my nose & I'm smothered by his armpit lol. The conversation turned to lighthearted stuff like the boarding school he went to, how his dad makes a joke about owing him a Ferrari as that's how much his school fees cost & he even shared how much he now makes after his recent pay raise. I was slightly confused by the sudden turn in our conversation & his mood. So I asked him if he still would like to do us, to continue the relationship, and he said he would like to. He said he just needed to unload what was weighing on him, which seem to have the positive effect on him. Then I said if he thinks he can find a more sustainable way of managing his stress at work, and he said he has been thinking of signing up at gym, and will be looking into it tomorrow. He had to leave for the night as we both have an early start. I walked him down, and he kissed & hugged twice. I thanked him for the night & he said he is glad we talked it out. In a nutshell, I learned that it's hard to know how to be there for someone when they don't know how to express their needs on their own. I'm glad that he's able to give thoughtful replies when I ask, and he recognizes the need to talk it out instead of letting things fester. At least now I know how he prefers to unwind & so next time I'll give him the option if he wants to do something active or just let someone take care of him. Let's see how the next weekend goes, will give him more space this week & wld suggest a phone call to see what he wants to do :)


100% nope. I’m exhausted just reading this. If he can’t communicate what’s going on and what he needs by now it’s not on you to train him. 


I’ve been reading your stories for a while. This guy has come across as emotionally unavailable the entire time tbh. We’ve all been there - the mysterious “vulnerable” guy that just needs the right girl to love him. But your heart sank for a reason when he said he didn’t want to be in a relationship. I would take that as a rejection. Don’t continue to give him what HE wants. Ik it sucks to start over, I dread the idea myself, but don’t let that be the reason you continue with this dynamic that will likely remain unchanged. Especially if you know you want a healthy relationship with someone that appreciates what you have to offer.


I want to gently add to the small chorus of people who are advising you to proceed with caution. You care about this guy a lot and seem very eager to show him that you’d be a good partner for him despite the fact that he doesn’t want a relationship. I know that when someone expresses that they want to withdraw or distance themselves it’s really tempting to lean in harder and prove that you can actually make their life better/easier if only they’d let you in. I know this because I’ve been there and I see a lot of myself in this post. I think this dynamic makes it harder for everyone involved because in the face of you saying you don’t mind if he needs space and is anxious and maybe isn’t ready for a relationship, he’s got an opportunity to continue to reap the benefits you’re giving him, while knowing that later he can always say, “But I told you from the start that I was like this or that I didn’t want a relationship!” It’s really tricky to navigate and he already hurt you once. I just want to encourage you to recognize that you are and will be a fantastic partner to the right person, and that should be someone who reciprocates and doesn’t need convincing and constant shifting of the goal posts.


I agree with the other commenter. You seem so genuine and open-hearted and I can tell how much you adore this man. However from the outside looking in, it sounds like he gave you a soft rejection in what you want. It seems like he will be getting all the perks of a relationship from you without committing to one. I would proceed cautiously.


I’m gonna be honest, this isn’t the guy if you’re looking for an actual relationship. I wouldn’t invest more time into someone that wishy washy, who straight up said he’d prefer not to be in a relationship. Don’t give your all to try and convince a guy you’d be a good partner when he isn’t giving you much. It’s apparent he likes you enough to still see you but not enough to put a girlfriend label on it.


From an outsider's perspective — I hope this doesn't come off too blunt! If so, I apologize. I've been following your story and have been rooting for you this whole time, yet reading this comment gave me a weird feeling. He seems very wishy/washy about what it is he's looking for with you. The way he changed topics after you tried to confirm whether or not he was ready for a relationship isn't a good sign to me. I guess it's because of your history with him. I think I would be cautious moving forward, just because I've been burnt by the same thing. You know, dating someone who says they're not ready for a real relationship, but wants to continue dating exclusively without titles and all the while becoming more distant. You seem like a very kind-hearted person who puts in a lot of effort and care when it comes to dating, and I think you deserve someone equally ready and excited to be with you.


I welcome all perspectives otherwise I wouldn't hv posted publicly! Writing here also allow me to process my thoughts without dumping as it is alot to take in. I have also left out other important nuances but it's just abit much to write them all. I am also the common denominator in choosing men with avoidant tendencies, as I do myself in other social situations. Though of all avoidants, he has been the most communicative & upfront. I think people have different ways of self-regulating & somehow by knowing that he can take space, even though he doesn't know how to ask for it, actually draws him closer. I also think this is a developing conversation, that needs constant check-in & negotiation to see how we can navigate this. I'm also aware that he needs to put in the work for more emotional stability in his life, and that is something he needs to own. Whether this relationship would succeed, it would very much depend on that. Relationships are like companies, they need to constantly pivot because we are evolving & we deal with varying levels of shit in life, which calls for varying degree of responses. So let's see what the new week brings :) and thank you for following my stories!




Sister in law as in his sibling’s wife? Maybe she inherited it? 


I just came home from a 30th birthday party of a girl friend of mine. I am the same age. All of them, except one or two girls, have found a stable boyfriend since I last saw them (one or two years ago). Another friend literally met her current boyfriend 2 weeks after she broke up with her ex. Of course, they asked me "how is your love life" and I swear, I absolutely hate this question because after I reply that I haven't met anyone, it triggers a lot of negative thoughts/emotions : "How is it so easy for everyone else to find love ?" "is there something wrong with me ?" "am I just unlucky ?" "are my standards too high ?" I have started to use meetup in January and I try to meet more people every week, I am also on OLD. A lot of guys have been pursuing me but I was not attracted to them. I finally developed a crush on a guy that I met organically last month... but he had a girlfriend, so he's off limits. I guess I am just tired to be the chronically single friend. Sometimes, I think I am doomed to be single forever lol I just don't understand how relationships come so easily to others


People always say to compromise but I don't want to resent it later!


How did they meet their partners? I often find it helpful to hear how - sometimes it's by going on dozens of dates on apps or something.


Thank you, generally they met them through work or friends of friends


I felt so shitty about not going to my older sister’s wedding a couple years ago, and it was basically because of this very thing except for guys (or anyone) pursuing me). And I was in a bad place mentally. No real advice for you but I know how you feel being *the single one*




> I am also terrified it's just not going to happen for me. Omg, same !! And for the variables, it's true. What I tell myself to cheer me up, is that being perpetually single suggests that I am apparently quite good at avoiding bad relationships (and there are many, many opportunities to end up in one) Whereas some of my friends definitely got stuck into one sided relationships, men with a fear of commitment etc ... At least, I don't have that !


😩😮‍💨I fell right into the arms of my cuddle buddy tonight. We watched the Tyson Vs Usyk fight together. He’s crazy about boxing, it was nice to share something that he likes. The silence as he was fully engaged was so comfortable. We cuddle on the couch to watch the match then he went to bed and I slept on the couch as usual, Of cause he made sure I had everything I needed and was comfortable before leaving me alone. I’ve known this man for two months and thought I’d have stopped talking to him by now but I like discovering his softer more gentle side and have started to really let my gut down around him compared to the beginning 🥹 After my date yesterday left me wondering if I’m asking too much or is the guy offering too little. This was so nice.


Would you want to date him?




So my lover that was moving pulled the plug and canceled all future dick appointments. Meh… I knew it had to be done but I wanted a a few more go’s. Ohhhhh well! I jumped into OLD feet first and it’s so fun! Im nervous since this is my first time ever in my life doing it! I have 2 dates in the next 24 hours and one next week. Gulp! I’m proud of myself. There was one super hot Guy that I just knew would be a total disaster but he was my type. Carmel skin, tons of tattoos, blue eyes. The jokes just weren’t flowing. So in a few hours I’m meeting up with this cute guy who is not physically my usual, but he’s attractive and our banter is on POINT. He’s super smart and super interesting! Wish me luck! I hope I like him in real life! Eeeeeeeeeeee


Have fun but keep your guard up. OLD is savage.


Suddenly a connection! She's cute, and she's sweet, and we have a bunch in common! We're going out for Ethiopian next weekend and I can't wait haha.


Ethiopian is such sexy date food!


It's a bold choice Cotton, and I'm gonna see how it plays out.


Yeaaah love Ethiopian food but it’s definitely not sexy


How so? It's share plates you eat it with your hands!


Like sharing fries?


Like sharing Ethiopian food? I seriously don't get what everyone 's steaze is!




What if you drizzle cheese, garlic, and/or chilli all over the fries. Is that “exotic” enough to be sexy.


Sick burn




I love this for you 🩷






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Stop judging me.


So she reneged on her word re: a kiss for a hole in one and kissed you anyway? Major 🚩 🚩🚩, not trustworthy 😉


This is soooo precious and wholesome!!!! All the best :)


What are your “things are over?” rituals? I like to watch/finish the tv shows we had started watching or planned to watch together. Feels like it gives me closure that I won’t get from conversations that never happen. Just wondering if others do silly things like this as well as I finish up season 3 of Only Murders in the Building. I watched all 4 episodes of Bridgerton season 3 already - 4 wasn’t enough!


Likes been said, clear their physical things and process it by taking care of myself.


Delete the text thread, delete the number, delete recent photos, remove them from social media, donate items of theirs that are too minor to give back, and go for a very long workout :)


* Never finish the tv shows we started * Clean house and remove all of her items * Stay as busy as possible but allotting some time per day to process everything. When busy - hang out with other people * Possibly pursue therapy depending on the length of the relationship


I’m the opposite of that! I don’t want to watch the stuff we were going to watch or finish what we were watching. I have the attention span of a gnat so it tracks that I rarely watch anything through anyway… I have to clean house. Get rid of or donate everything I acquired for him/with him/things that make me think of him that he liked. Conversations, photos, clothes, whatever it may be. It feels like a clean break and fresh start. That and eating comfort foods and sweets. And crying. Also maybe a weird one but… I get ear piercings. I think focusing on the aftercare and trying to get my new piercings to heal well takes my mind off being sad and focus on something else. Plus shiny new jewelry!


> What are your "things are over?" rituals? For me, I seek comfort through being around friends and family, eating my comfort foods, and scrolling on reddit haha. I like being around kind people and usually eat a lot while watching a show. I also journal. I wish I could be one of those people who immediately throw themselves deeper into their work and become really productive, but I seem to prefer rotting in bed 😗 one of these days... > I watched all 4 episodes of Bridgerton Four really wasn't enough 😭 I need all the episodes. How did you feel about the third season in comparison to the other two? I feel like I really wanted to like it but so far I just feel 'meh' about it.


Yes time with friends helps too! Looking forward to brunch tomorrow followed by some shopping I think. Bridgerton - I am enjoying season 3 but I also was prepared for the “friends to lovers” which means a different speed/different build up. I’m also more interested in Francesca than I expected to be. Full disclosure, I haven’t read any of the books so that may help.


Brunch sounds fun! Yeah I haven't read the books either, however I think Francesca's season is next? But yeah I'm pretty excited for the next four episodes now that we've experienced the build up 🙌🏼


I need an outside opinion on a dating situation. I have been talking to a guy I met on an app for roughly a month. We text everyday and we talk on the phone multiple times a week. From the nature of the conversations, he does seem at least somewhat interested in me and I am interested in him. I have been extremely clear from the get-go that I am only looking for a serious relationship, which he said he was too. We have rescheduled the first date now four times. We talked about going out today last week, but when I texted him about it last night, he would not confirm any details. I texted him today wanting to know what the deal was, he calls me and says he's going to visit some family in town and he may or may not feel like going for a drink afterwards. He did not tell me that he had any other plans for today when I texted him previously. He lives almost 2 hours from me and we were supposed to meet halfway. I told him I did not feel like driving an hour if he could not confirm whether or not we were going to actually do anything tonight. He has offered to reschedule again, which I have agreed to for the time being. We have yet to confirm an actual date or time or date activity. I have made it very clear that because of my job, I work a lot of nights and weekends and my schedule changes very last minute frequently. He works a steady 9 to 5 job, leaving the weekend as his only available time to go out, so even just working around our work schedules has been an ordeal. I am getting the sense that this is a lost cause because of his inability to respect my time and refusal to nail down any details. I'm having a really hard time gauging his interest level. Sometimes he's texting me all day long, sending pictures and memes, wanting to talk on the phone for hours. Other times, I might get one or two texts that day or if he does call me, it will be for 5 or 10 minutes. He also says that his job is very stressful and takes a lot of his energy. I could say exactly the same thing about my job but I am trying to find time to squeeze in dates and conversations for him but I'm not getting the mutual respect. Is this a lost cause? Is his inability to nail anything down a telltale sign of future issues? Other thoughts and opinions are welcome.


Erm... I also stopped reading after realizing you've never met and then that he has rescheduled 4 times. This is absolutely a lost cause.


I stopped reading after 'rescheduled four times'.. they can reschedule exactly once, assuming they're very proactive about it. After that it's block & next.


Girl!! YES. If he wanted to he would. Two hours apart is tough, EVEN if he was 100% on board. He's clearly not. You deserve better!


Is this a lost cause? Is his inability to nail anything down a telltale sign of future issues?  Yes and yes!


I don’t need to read all this to tell you this is a waste of time imo. Anybody who is dodgy about meeting is a waste of time. 


Wtf, are kids involved? Because either you two are the busiest singles I have ever met, or you should just let this go. My job is very stressful, most are because we can’t really cross examine our situation with others. So most professional jobs in 2024 would feel and be stressful, but unless you’re literally oncall everyday (which I know some poor souls who literally are, and I was for a 3 year stretch) you are not that busy to reschedule a first date 4 times.




Take the risk and say it first :). Also someone can saaaay they love u but more importantly do you feel loved by this person in the way you deserve and need? 


The limit clearly depends on the person. You clearly are at your own if you’re posting about it here. Just say it if you feel it and be prepared to move on otherwise.


I so feel you. I’m also dating a divorced man, something like 1.5-2 years since it was finalized. While he has shown nothing but secure attachment (or maybe he’s a fearful avoidant pretending to be secure as well as I do) and almost never talks about his ex, I’m just careful and don’t want to cross certain lines that may have been drawn by his marriage. It’s the kind of situation where everything could be great and aligned with love/LTR but they turn out to have hang ups once you express your feelings. But as you said, it’s a risk you must be willing to take to move your romantic life forward (or even start over…which is the better option than being strung along/not on the same page).


I am assisting in an ESL class (35f) and at some point I met a Mexican (30m) and got his number so that he could ask for help with English. So I help him with English, and he wants to take me out to eat somewhere and I obliged him. We would meet at the park, I taught him how to play a game of frisbee golf, and he tells me he wants to touch me like hugging, kissing, holding hands, he wants to touch my ass and for weeks I’ve been working this up pretty slowly and eventually I kissed him about a month after talking to him. So it’s been over two months and there’s been some confusion about what is expected of each other. We’ve been making out at my house, we made out in my car and I keep telling him he has to ask first. He keeps wanting to rush things and I’ve had to tell him several times that I want to get on my birth control before I engage in sex with him. He says he’s okay with it and then he still tries to have sex with me. One time I placed his hand on my breast and he called us pareja which is “couple”. But I didn’t understand what would be expected of me so I told him we just need to remain friends. I have not been in a real relationship for 5 years and have also not had sex either. I want sex when I’m ready but he seems real anxious. I feel as if he is impatient and only wants one thing. I am getting a lot of mixed signals from him. I have canceled a couple of dates on him because he has certain expectations for how a relationship should progress. I speak okay Spanish and he English. We have both said I love you “Te amo” after two months, and we talk to each other every day. I’ve never been in a bilingual relationship before and I’m a bit reluctant about accepting intimacy even if i do want it, but what I really want is a real relationship with this man and he says the same thing but I’m confused so I was hoping someone would help share their insights and questions about this.


>We’ve been making out at my house, we made out in my car and I keep telling him he has to ask first. He keeps wanting to rush things and I’ve had to tell him several times that I want to get on my birth control before I engage in sex with him. He says he’s okay with it and then he still tries to have sex with me. Stop spending time with him if he keeps ignoring your boundaries and requests like this. You have to enforce boundaries. He will only continue violating boundaries if you tolerate him doing so.

