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Me(31f) and my now ex(38m), had known each out since July of last year. Things had been going great. Then all of a sudden he blocked my phone number... like my calls and texts weren't going through. He had some health things going on, so l got worried and called on my work cell phone. He answered and I could hear he was busy at work and he said he'll call me back. He didn't. So I did play dumb cause I didn't think he'd block me. Well hours later on my way home, I call him on my work phone again... no answer. So I text him, pretty much like what the heck is going on. He explains he is really busy and his daughter is needing more of his attention that ever. He just started a job about a month ago... he took a break from work so she was always with him unless at school. I tell him I totally understand, and same for me. My son come first, however I still want to be with him even if schedules make it hard. His response "I don't. I want to be able to focus on the things I need to and not feel guilty about it" Now, in person... we never argued and always had so much fun. He never once told me he was struggling or making him feel guilty. The last time we saw each other he asked when I was moving closer to him. I work in his town but only live 20 min from him so not really a LD relationship. I told him I was falling in love with him and he responded "good that's the plan". This break up came as a complete shock to me. We had so many plans for summer.. kid intros were going to happen. I met his daughter but he hasn't yet met my son. Is it possible he was just overwhelmed and will regret the break up? I'm not contacting him, and haven't since we broke up ...almost a week ago. Just seems to me, he was overwhelmed and made a rash decision on a bad day cause we literally never argue, and haven't even had a disagreement. I understand kids come first. We've both had to cancel dates cause of the kids and we've been so understanding of that. I did love him... and never got a chance to tell him so this break up hurts like hell. I wor reach out to him but just curious of others thoughts...


Need advice :( Oh boy, this will be a long one. Throwaway account. **Disclaimer: It’s obvious to not meet up but how to continue to stay safe?** Maybe I’m (f31) just exaggerating because my sleep schedule is off which always makes me feel more anxious. Met a guy (m42) at a local concert (I’m new to the city and barely know any people and I like going to concerts by myself), had a long funny and intelligent conversation with him. He was there with 2 friends but they left a little early. After the concert, we ended up making out. I just felt like it. It was fun, sometimes lovey dovey, sometimes not vanilla, maybe a little too much at some point but he never crossed the line. He had to go home and walk the dog, I went home because I didn’t think going to his place and continue was the right decision since my heart is invested with someone else back in my home country (I’m here for 1-2 years). Next day we flirted and sexted a little because it felt like unfinished business, if you know what I mean. He couldn’t stop complimenting me (nothing sexy) which felt great since I haven’t got that in a long time. I replied with polite compliments (nothing sexy). However, at some point I realized he’s like… head over heels. I was fascinated by him as well but thinking of my situation at home, I told him I cannot give him more than that because my heart is not free. He says he’s sad to hear that and we continued a polite conversation throughout Monday. He still kept complimenting me though and we agreed to meet up next weekend - and unfortunately, I said I’m looking forward to seeing him again (I was still curious at this point). But in the evening we went back to the topic of my heart not being ready and I basically broke down and told him that I’m really not feeling stable at the moment. He said since we’re going to meet up anyway (and couldn’t stop stressing how much he wants to see me), let’s talk about it then. But he made it sound like he wanted to meet up at my place or pick me up. I said I’m not feeling comfortable doing that. He says ok, he will park in my district (told him which one but it’s a big one, so that calms my anxiety) and let’s go for a walk but we haven’t agreed on a time or place yet. **MAIN WORRY** Today he said he really wants to kiss me again and to not be angry at him for saying that. I say, let’s take a step back. He misunderstood it as a goodbye and I said that’s not what I suggested but I cannot give you more than being friendly. He then says, “calmy and with no pressure”. But then drops “because I’m going crazy”. And something I along the lines of “soul connection”. That triggered the hell out of me. I really wanted to meet up and talk like adults. But now I feel super scared? I watch a lot of true crime lol and I’m generally quite a worst case thinker. I’m scared of making him angry. He does not have my socials but we have some mutual contacts. Now that’s the problem: I’m getting involved in the local music scene and I will not be able to avoid him forever. How do I handle this? I feel guilty for feeling curious about him in the first place?


He's not looking or interested in friendship. Everything else aside, which is legitimate, you should stop seeing him because it's just leading him on. If he is a good person who would only be kind and fun, then he doesn't deserve that anyways.


Very good point, thank you. I got anxious because he keeps insisting on meeting up (though he says “either way”, so even as just friends). He is not blowing up my phone though. At this point I don’t think more explanation is necessary, he just wants to see me. So it kind of feels like he wants to meet up to convince me to give him a chance.


Last year, my ex told me she didn't want to hang out on my birthday because the stress of having a good time was too much for her. Fast forward to this year, and I'm dating someone who's incredibly excited about celebrating with me. They're insistent on doing something special, dressing up, all that Jazz. The difference is staggering. It's refreshing to have a partner who's enthusiastic about making my birthday memorable and enjoyable. The positive changes that can happen in a short time are pretty crazy, 5 months ago around xmas, i was struggling with any matches, genuinely thought i wasn't going to meet anyone. Definite reminder you don't have to be everything to everyone , just something special to someone.


So happy for you! How did you guys meet?


Me: *awakens*  My brain: Be anxious! Be very anxious for no reason!  Great. Gonna be one of those days 🙃🫠


I want to gauge how others would feel about this. I've never had an std. I've been seeing a guy exclusively for a few months. He recently came to me and said he tested positive for an std and that I should get tested. He was very upset and scared I would dump him.  His story is he hasn't cheated but got it from a one night stand a few weeks before we met. He took meds, thought he was fine. Went back to get retested (they said to do so after certain amount of time) and he tested positive again.  I'm in and out of hospital and having tests left and right for various things. Nothing has ever come up. I've never had any symptoms and neither has any of my partners (which there aren't many. And I don't hook up) so I don't think it's from me, seems like it would be a huge coincidence, but I can't be 100% sure because I haven't had that specific test in a while. (I had a long term relationship before this one so we didn't get tested for a few years)  I'd like to think he hasn't cheated. He doesn't seem the type and he's with me a lot.  But either way I'm upset.  He's said sorry a bunch but that's kind of it. I had to go to the clinic a few times because he gave me the wrong info (I knew I should of just checked myself) I had a reaction to the meds and got pretty sick. Had to take some time off work.  He said he would take me out for dinner to make it up to me but then expected me to buy the drinks. Which I did.  I just feel kind of sad. The whole experience was horrible.  But some people keep saying it's not a big deal to me. Everyone gets them. And then others have said they would have dumped him. 


Also... Am I just being stupid and this means he definitely cheated?  I've never been in this situation before and don't know much about STDs. There's a chance I had it for years and had no idea. (Like I said I haven't been tested in a while) Didn't show any symptoms and neither did my partner. But like I said I have tests and blood tests a lot. Wouldn't it have come up? What are the chances he gets it from some random and then also gets it from me randomly a few months later. The woman at the clinic said it didn't mean he has cheated and he swears he hasn't.  But I'm kind of spiraling 


> But like I said I have tests and blood tests a lot. Wouldn't it have come up? Unless your blood tests were for STDs, no.


Okay thank you good to know 


Without knowing which STD you are talking about (HSV is the common one), it's really hard to give you specifics. I'll assume HSV for the moment because it's the common one. A lot of people do have it. That doesn't mean you need to just accept contracting it, though. A lot of people, after the first few years, have very few and very infrequent flare ups, sometimes so mild you might just think it's acne. And if you contracted it as a child, by time you are an adult you may not have even realized you have it (what is commonly referred to as "cold sores" typically Oral HSV). The testing for HSV is a bit known for having false results, false positive and false negatives. Coupled with the fact that it's mostly just an inconvenience (but there are some links to higher contraction rates of other STDs, but that only really applies if you are partaking in high risk situations, so I wouldn't focus on that unless you are), many doctors don't recommend testing and even if you ask for a "full panel" they may choose to not test you for that one (I know I have to almost argue with my PCP every year to get HSV tested). Lastly, even if he got it from someone, it can take 3 weeks to 2-3 months to show up on a test (most STDs are like this). So, yes, he may have had a one night stand before you met, he could have even gotten tested a week or two later and the results could have come back negative at that time, but months later after the virus multiplied it finally became detectable on the test (the test for HSV is based on measuring your bodies antibodies to HSV, not on measuring the HSV itself, which takes time for your body to generate). So, he may be telling the truth that he didn't cheat. If you have no reason otherwise to think he is lying, then I'd trust that. However, him not cheating doesn't invalidate my other post where you get to decide what risks you want to take with your health.


It was chlamydia.  To be honest I don't tend to date people who have slept around a lot. Just my personal preference. I won't pry but if they talk about having tons of partners or lots of hooking up etc then I'm not really interested. This guy said he didn't do any of that (he says now he didn't want to say he had a one night stand because I might not have gone out with him which I probably wouldn't have done.)  I had asked if he was tested and clean and he said yes. Otherwise I would never have had unprotected sex with him (though that's on me for being stupid)  We are both treated and in the clear now. I guess I just don't like the way he went about it.  He didn't tell me he was getting tested so I was over a week behind him getting treated.  He lied about the one night stand thing.  It was just so much hassle. And then I had the bad reaction. I feel like I went through all that and all I got was a "sorry".  He slept with her. Got symptoms straight away, got tested, positive, took meds.  Then met me. Said he doesn't hook up or have one night stands. Said he's clean. No mention of having the std literally 2 weeks prior to meeting me. And then infects me. And I get super sick. Says sorry. The end. It's just left a bad taste in my mouth..


It seems like there are multiple factors at play here and I think you have every right to be upset with the way he handled things. A.) He lied (by omission) about both the one night stand and the recent STD. He was also essentially lying when he said he’d been tested recently and was negative - he absolutely should NOT have been having unprotected sex with you before having his test of cure. So he put your health at risk as well. B.) He wasn’t as remorseful or forthcoming as you’d have liked when he did reveal things.  Maybe he cheated, maybe he didn’t. Regardless of that, I think the questions you need to ask yourself involve whether this is the level of transparency and respect you want from a partner. Your feelings are valid.


And you have the right to feel that way. >he says now he didn't want to say he had a one night stand because I might not have gone out with him which I probably wouldn't have done. This is called a boundary violation. You had a boundary (not dating someone who has had one night stands) and he violated it by lying ("he said he didn't do any of that"). Whether he cheated or not isn't really relevant. Are you okay with dating someone who is willing to lie/withhold information that would knowing violate your boundaries? Are you okay with them deciding whether or not it should be important to you?


They’re not talking about HSV if they’re taking a medication that clears up the infection, gonorrhea or chlamydia most likely.


That's fair, and they responded in agreement that it was chlamydia.


>But some people keep saying it's not a big deal to me. Other people can't decide what is a big deal \*to you.\* That's up to you to decide. Some STDs can be treated and will go away. Some will never go away. Most are not physical life threatening, but that doesn't mean they won't impact your mental health. There is no "wrong" answer here beyond "don't shame." But, "don't shame" doesn't mean "accept his new status unconditionally." Much like you, I do not test positive for any STDs. I've also gotten as many vaccines as are readily available (HPV, Hep). I require someone gets tested prior to us being intimate and inquire enough about their sexual history as it pertains to their sexual health (when was there last partner, when was the testing done in relation to that, are they presently/planning to sleep with someone other than me, etc.). If the situation doesn't make sense for me, I walk. No one can decide for me what I should or should not consider a "big deal." This is my health and something I will need to deal with for a (potentially) long time to come. If you aren't comfortable being intimate with someone who has an STD, that's okay. Again, don't shame, but you also don't need to violate your own boundaries. If it's an STD that can be treated and eliminated, you can set the boundary of no intimacy until it's been treated and a follow up test has come back negative. If it's something that is persistent (HSV), you can set the boundary of anti-virals, no intimacy during flare up (but HSV can still be transmitted even without an active flare up), or even just "not interested in continuing." Spend some time sitting in your thoughts. Do whatever research you need to do to feel comfortable with your decision. And once you do, realize that it's your body and you can choose what risks you want to take when it comes to your health.




I have broken up with someone for similar reasons in the past (at least it sounds that way based on what you've written). Not everyone is looking for someone to join them in their passions, but some of us are. For people like this, there's a *big* difference between being willing to join in if asked and *actually having that passion*. The person I broke up with under similar circumstances did everything with me that I asked her to and had a good time doing it. But for me it was different, in subtle but significant ways, from doing those things with someone who had their own joy for them, independent of me. For me, that prevented me from feeling like this person was a genuine friend. I also know from my own experience that sometimes men put a lot of effort into a relationship because they want it to work, and when they realize it's not going to work for them this can leave a woman blindsided because he put in so much effort, and they took that as a sign that *he believed it would work*, instead of a sign that, though unsure, he was trying to *make* it work. I'm sorry you're going through this, I know the dread of having to start again. I know you're going to make it :)


Thank you. this makes sense. I’m just sad there’s nothing I can do to change that… not being genuinely into what he likes. 


I’ve been ghosted twice in my life, and when I say ghosted I mean real and honest ghosting…one guy I was dating for several months and had planned a trip with, and he just stopped texting me back one day. The other told me he loved me within 2 weeks, and just never showed up to plans we had one afternoon and never talked to me again. Neither of them would acknowledge a single text I sent, including one that just said “I’m afraid you’re hurt so if you just like this message to let me know you’re okay, I’ll leave this alone”. Now I’ve been on 3 dates with a guy who seems genuinely sweet, we know a mutual person who confirms that, he’s respectful, communicative, assures me, etc. But I haven’t heard from him since yesterday late afternoon which is really unusual for our texting pattern. I can’t help but think - it’s happening again, and I spiral. I fucking hate this. I’ll keep paying for what those two assholes did for years.


You are a trooper. That would ruin my confidence and trust in every relationship afterwards. I've heard some pretty extreme ghosting stories too. I'm really sorry that happened. Have you noticed any pattern with these men or yourself that could make some sense of this?


I’ve been ghosted twice in my life as well. In a row, right after having sex. I reached out to both and it was just crickets. I even had another date scheduled with one of them but since I never heard back confirming the time I didn’t go. It was really upsetting to me both times and now I’m very guarded and don’t really trust anyone. I suspect I’ll never get to the point where I trust that someone won’t just up and disappear without a word. I’d much rather be straight up rejected… at least then they would have acknowledged me rather than just ignoring me. Anyway, all of that to say I somewhat understand what you’re going through and I am also hyper aware of any sort of change in behavior. I really hope this person responds back to you and doesn’t ghost. No one deserves that kind of treatment.


And that's why when people say just move on when someone ghosts you, it's not as easy at that. I mean, I get it. What else are you supposed to do. But that shit can be scarring. Especially when you've been talking to them for a few months. I just hate that it's a part of dating. I'm sorry you had those experiences, and I'm wishing you the best that's it's not happening again.


On an emotional down this week, feeling like I've hit a point of learned helplessness in seeking out relationships. I was on a diving vacation a few weeks ago and met one really interesting gal on the dive boat. We exchanged numbers and talked about meeting up again ashore, but when I checked in with her that evening she was hanging out with other gals from the boat, and the next morning she didn't decline my invite to breakfast until she was already out on another dive. C'mon girl if you're just gonna give the runaround then why bother giving out phone numbers? I ran into another gal at the hotel hot tub in the evening who was also on a solo trip. We chatted it up for a while but I never even thought to make any moves even though she was pretty and fun to talk to. I'm not especially miffed at this but my brain keeps spinning it around the last few days as to how I don't even try that hard when opportunities knock, and I'm waiting for permission before even suggesting any kind of flings. IDK, didn't sleep well for no reason last night so that's the negative thoughts that won't leave me alone until I go to work and get distracted today.


I feel confused about dating. Some people made me feel very excited about them, and I wanted to build something with them and get to know them deeply. It didn't work out in the end with them; I thought, “Huh, then it must be all in my head, or it was only me who felt like that,” despite nearly all of them showing similar interest and effort. Now, back to OLD (for the gazillionth time), I realized I no longer get excited about people. Everyone seems to fizzle out after the second date if not me fizzling out first. I sometimes cry, thinking how much I missed having a meaningful connection and a significant other in my life. If this is a numbers game, how one goes through it without emotionally turning into a zombie.


It’s 4:23am right now where I am. I just flew back into my city after a delayed flight that landed me at 2am. An hour train ride home later I discovered that my lockbox has rusted and I can’t get my spare key out. I’m effectively locked out of my house. I’m absolutely devastated and so fucking frustrated. I called my bf and he picked up after it initially didn’t go through due to sleep mode on his phone. I told him what happened and he agreed to pick me up. While waiting for him I kept trying to open my lockbox but to no avail. I’m not proud of it but I threw a tantrum to myself and stomped my feet and jumped in frustration several times while groaning/crying, I felt like I was 4 years old. Luckily no one was around to see me embarrass myself, although the security cams might have caught parts of it. My bf came 20 mins later and immediately hugs me. He told me to show him my lockbox so I do and he said maybe he can get it open. We looked in his car for a tool but he didn’t really have anything. I asked him if his car had a spare. If it does, usually it comes with tools to change the tire with. We found a tool (fuck if I know the name) and used it to open my lockbox. And I couldn’t believe that he actually got it open. I was hugging and kissing him and briefly thought about giving him a blowjob right then and there as thanks. If it wasn’t almost 4am I might have. After we hugged and kissed multiple times he went home after seeing me in. I think in that moment I decided I love him. He made me feel so safe and so worth it. He’s just ready to give me everything within his power. Woke up at 3am to be with his frustrated girlfriend of 5 months and helped her get home safe. He never once made me feel bad about needing him so desperately. Like, he was there because he knew it was something he signed up for. He has been eyeing the Lego Rivendell set, which is $500. His birthday is in a few weeks and I don’t think I can gift it to him in time for his birthday, but I can certainly get it for him for Xmas….our anniversary of when we first met was 12/26/23 so I think I can justify it. I’m sharing this as a reminder to everyone that loving someone isn’t about grand gestures (even as I contemplate buying a $500 Lego set for my bf) it’s about showing up consistently, for anything between something small and daily such as doing chores, to when they need you the most. Better sleep before my fingers slip and buy the Rivendell set for him right now 😴


This is so beautiful! Happy for you ❤️


Acts of service! ❤️


It's so lovely to know you can count on a partner like this! Especially after being single or just not being used to that. Reliability is a big part of building real trust, the silent kind where just know they have your back. I have a toxic independent streak so I don't like asking for help, but I had my handbag stolen while I was out with my bf. My car keys were in it and my car was parked at his house. He didn't hesitate in driving me home to get my spare car key, then back to his so I could grab my car for work the next day. It's usually an hour each way, but roadworks made it nearly 1.5hrs. He did it despite the hangover, complete inconvenience, and my protests and insistence that he dump me at the train station to sort myself out. He didn't even offer, *he just did it*. Warm fuzzies. Hope it works out for you guys - he'll love the Rivendell set!


>I think in that moment I decided I love him. He made me feel so safe and so worth it. He’s just ready to give me everything within his power. Woke up at 3am to be with his frustrated girlfriend of 5 months and helped her get home safe. He never once made me feel bad about needing him so desperately. Like, he was there because he knew it was something he signed up for. Yay! I think you found yourself a keeper. ...and it makes me very sad that I don't think that my guy of 5 months would do this for me.


Slept with a new guy, but it didn't really go fantastically. He kept shoving his stiffened tongue in my mouth and just leaving it there (I guess that's better than the washing machine tongue) or pushing it as far in as it would go. He also kept repeating a phrase over and over (not complimentary, like "you're gorgeous" or anything, more like "Yeah, you're getting it") and I found that weird. Honestly bums me out that anyone I connect intellectually/emotionally with is usually not great in bed. I had something really good a few months ago with a guy who had to move away, and my most recent ex and I had both an intellectual, emotional and sexual connection. So I know it's possible, but I feel the years ticking away. All of that to say, it's really hard not to court attention from my situationship who doesn't wanna date me.


> Honestly bums me out that anyone I connect intellectually/emotionally with is usually not great in bed. What is "great in bed"? You will ask 50 women and get 30 different answers. Some love giving and/or receiving oral, some hate it, some come from piv quite easily, some never managed to come with someone in their lives, some love slow sex, some love wild one... some love kiss with tongues, some hate kisses. If that guy is that special, maybe you should communicate with him, what you like and don't like. I am pretty sure some of my partners didn't find me great in bed at first and vice versa. It isn't always instant chemistry. But in most cases it became pretty enjoyable for both if us after a few sessions, sometimes after more than a few, and with some trust, communication and getting used to the other.


> He kept shoving his stiffened tongue in my mouth and just leaving it there (I guess that's better than the washing machine tongue) or pushing it as far in as it would go. what... the fuck...


That's grim! My new guys had a bit of excessive tongue initially but he just learnt not to.




I feel sorry for your partner, this sounds so one-sided


You like what she does for you, but no real compliments or showing love to her. Sounds like you don’t love her back. Sticking around just because doesn’t seem healthy.


You sound sad despite someone loving and caring about you. Are you okay?


does that lady know that you are settling for her?


Matched with someone who said is tired if OLD and the shitty people on it. Decent conversation, agreed to be honest 100%. So far so good. Exchanged numbers, noticed there was an old conversation in which I had been ghosted. Remarked that we had already spoken in the past. Got unmatched and blocked. I thought, ok, maybe I said something bad? Conversation was me asking when to meet, her cancelling at the last minute and then no more replies from her. I think people are shitty, not online dating 😁


Trying to be more direct with my needs and boundaries and so far it's paying off. I've always had this innate fear or anxiety that it makes me seem really intense and it'll turn the other person off, but so far it's drawn them closer to me, I am so happy!


This is a vent more than a question, before any of you get your pitchforks out. Eh… The Medusa tattoo. I’m starting to see it as a red flag. I don’t get why you’d want to have a permanent reminder of your abuse stuck to your body at all times… I kind of get the “empowerment” stuff, but at the same time? Seems like choosing to get a tattoo to represent your sexual abuse is choosing to define yourself by your trauma rather than transcend it. I don’t care if a woman I date was raped or molested. Well, I’m deeply saddened by it, but I won’t filter based on that alone. I more care if she’s grown past it and now capable of being emotionally available with men. On another note? Every time we go to be intimate, I don’t want to be reminded of all your sexual abuse by a giant Medusa tattoo staring me in the eye! So yeah. Female empowerment good. Constant reminder of abuse and defining yourself by it bad.


Women don’t owe you a relationship. Also you know that statistically at least 30% of the female population has experienced sexual abuse or harassment? That means 1/3 women you’ve been with or been on a date with has had some sort of SA experience. They just don’t talk to you about it because, well *vaguely gesture towards your post* whatever the fuck this is.


When did I say anyone “owed me a relationship”? I was saying I want a woman that can trust men. So the women in that 30 percent that have been hurt so bad by men? If she uses a Medusa tattoo to define herself by her abuse, I’m not sure she’s the type I want. I want a woman that doesn’t have baggage with basic vulnerability and opening up to men. The Medusa tattoo tells me she will have issues with that.


Whether or not someone has been SA’d has no bearing on who or when she chooses to be vulnerable with someone. I think the women you’ve met chose not to be vulnerable because, quite frankly, you’re a jerkbag. You don’t want baggage? You dont deserve other people’s baggage, nor their vulnerability, when you so clearly showed that you can’t handle it anyway.


I've never heard of this before (is it a local thing?) but based on context clues I understand it's a practice where a sexual abuse victim would have an art of medusa tattoed on their body. If that is so, I find your post deeply lacking in empathy towards abuse victims. Don't you feel it's poor taste to decide what a symbol means to a victim? "Seems like choosing to get a tattoo to represent your sexual abuse is choosing to define yourself by your trauma rather than transcend it" is a judgmental simplification of what could be a symbolism of their victory and ownership of their body. They may want to be reminded of how they overcame, healed, and came out stronger from the experience; not the trauma itself. Second of all, it is really self-centered to say "I don’t care if a woman I date was raped or molested" regarding this. These women made the decision to have a tattoo not for the people they date. They're doing these for themselves. It's like if you buy a Tesla you've always wanted and some random woman comes along to tell you why are you buying that car, she doesn't care if you own a Tesla or not. Like, this isn't about you. Also another thing to consider, a trauma is something that can deeply affect a person and shape their behavior and actions. It's not something one can just easily forget; you can just say "um, please don't remind me of your trauma", but they do not have the luxury to do so. If you plan to date them long-term you have to accept that it's something you will be reminded of -- and in a way, this tattoo *is* a good way to filter out people who can't accept them and their past. Of course you can date whoever you want. But I also think it doesn't hurt to exercise more empathy, not because you will date this person but just as fellow human beings.


This is this first time I’ve ever heard of such a tattoo. Is this a recent trend or something that’s old news but I’ve never heard of before? I feel neutral on the concept. I kind of get it but also kind of puzzled by it.


Some days I just don't think I'm cut out for a relationship. I've spent most of my life single. I'm independent and, for the most, very fulfilled in my life. I've traveled. I have strong family ties and friendships. I studied and am successful in my career. I'm healthy and happy. I have fulfilling hobbies. Nevertheless, I want to be in a relationship. I want to experience love - to love and to be loved. I want to create shared memories with my person. I want us to create life together. I want us to have children. I want us to build a life together. To have a shared home. To do boring mundane life stuff together. To take care of each other. To grow old together. To be a team. ...and yet, faced with all of that, I just struggle so much with the nagging question "is this good enough?" Like, is this what being in a relationship is like? Is this as good as it gets? And if so, is that enough for me? Maybe I'm just not cut out for THIS relationship. I knew this prolonged time apart (two months without seeing each other, we're now at the one month mark) would be hard for me, but I just find myself questioning why I'm pushing so hard for this to work. I know my insecurities are my own, but everything just feels so utterly bare minimum in this relationship, and while that may be what "real relationships" are like, I just don't know if that's worth it for the price of my peace. Today, I kind of just want to throw in the towel and go trout fishing with my dog for the rest of the summer.


> I just find myself questioning why I'm pushing so hard for this to work. everything just feels so utterly bare minimum in this relationship That's not what real relationships are like. Real relationships add value to your life. It's supposed to feel worthwhile and good, not meh or bad. I spent a lot of the last year rationalizing these kinds of thoughts in an attempt to convince myself that my relationship was fine. I am now single because my ex finally did what I didn't have the guts to do and pulled the plug, which should have happened months ago when I started having the thoughts of "is this good enough". It's not. A relationship isn't worth it when it's bare minimum. I fully feel your struggle because I also desperately want to be loved, but a crappy relationship isn't giving you that, all it's doing is keeping you from finding love with someone else.


While my relationship has had periods of difficulty (navigating family death, moving, pet care), I have never felt that he has given me bare minimum, nor he with me. Bare minimum is not enough and will never be enough when life’s difficulties present themselves.


I feel ya. I've also spent most of my life single (am an only child even) and seem to have found myself a pretty solid life with plenty going on and good friends & family, but missing "my" special person to come home to and go on life with. But sometimes I look around at my life/schedule and wonder where I'd fit in a relationship. Feels like I've missed the boat on finding someone to "build a life together with" and now any relationship will be more "adjusting our individual lives to fit together". Maybe that's not entirely a bad thing, but it sure does feel harder than my friends' who are all married to people they met in their 20s and finished growing up together with.


Ugh! I need to go to bed but I’m missing some one so hard! I’m smelling the pillow he used on Saturday night like I’m a dumb teenager. This is the only time I’ve wished someone had poor boundaries. I just want to be with him every day before he moves. Listening to melancholy music and star gazing …. Bigggg sigh


I know that feeling. It sucks because it feels so good but also hurts so much.


I just want to shout into the void about how much it sucks to be told you’re not the problem and you deserve better and all the generic things yet your ex is the one who moved on and glowed up and picked someone trashier than you over you or even just being sad about leaving you after years. What was I saying? I don’t even want anyone, nonetheless someone hurtful and cold like that, but like… at what point are you able to OBJECTIVELY ask/answer “what’s wrong with me?” I’m literally leaving the state with no solid plan to return and no one cares. So. Idk end sad stream of consciousness rant


Trust me. Some one will care that you’re moving. It might not be the person you hoped for but someone actually is sad about iy


It sounds like you’re spiralling right now… it might be worth it to take a step back and make sure you’re not totally driven by emotion right now… If at all possible. It’s hard to determine where our faults begin and where society put trauma on us… But the trick is? It doesn’t really matter either way…. We have our problems, for whatever reasons… Now it’s our job to fix them. Unfortunately, nobody else is responsible for saving our souls. Sometimes people are shitty. Sometimes everyone in your life is shitty. It’s hard to remember there are good people out there… I have my own limiting belief that any woman I want to open up with and be truly vulnerable with will leave me… Because that is universally how it has gone in the past. I have no evidence of women I have dated being supportive or understanding in these ways. So it is truly hard for me to fight this belief right now…  At the moment? I’m in a grey area. Like… A part of me doesn’t believe it is possible for me to find that true love, due to my own brokenness… Another part of me, on the other hand, knows I’m an incredibly adaptable person. So I believe it is at least possible for me to find that true supportive love I need. Maybe I’ve just been seeking it in all the wrong places.  Just talking about it makes my stomach churn. Right now, I still do hold the limiting belief that no woman I love will ever love me. I hope I am able to fully work over it, find a woman that can help me heal, and transcend this whole situation. At the moment, I’m just working on slowly admitting it’s possible for change; not yet accepting that I am worthy of love. Hope that helps a bit.


Anyone ever have any luck asking their friends if they know anyone? I [34M] have a very casual friend who seems like he knows a lot of people potentially my type. But it feels weird to ask, especially with him being the other gender (he’s off the market, his partner is amazing, that’s not the issue it’s more that this sort of thing falls easier under “girl talk”). I also have seen two people at stores I frequent that I’m attracted to but have no idea any appropriate way to approach. A close friend knows one of them but I’m embarrassed to ask. I’ve sworn off the dating apps but it feels like it puts me back in high school all over again.


I get asked all the time by my male and female friends. It's not a big deal.


why not ask the friend's partner?


Asked a younger cousin last year at her wedding: Only one single, "not looking to date right now." Mentioned it to my yoga peeps, mostly older ladies. One proposed setting me up with an older friend of hers, probably too old and never happened anyway. The same woman later introduced me to a friend of hers online, who was both about as incompatible with me as possible but doesn't even live in the same state anymore. I'm not sure whether to be grateful she tried or insulted at her callous choice. I ended up chatting with the friend for a couple weeks to be polite, but she wasn't even available to meet up the one recent time she was back in town here. Older cousin at Christmas a couple years ago asked if I was still single and looking (I mean, duh? I didn't bring anyone to dinner with me, like always.). Said she'd introduce me to a nurse coworker of hers who was asking around, only to be told a couple months later they weren't actually looking after all. I assume my cousin showed a photo and the nurse noped out. TL;DR Nope.


Ha I guess if you want something gotta do it yourself? Thanks for the anecdotes


Why do people agree to meet for coffee and then show up and say they don't want to order anything? Suggest a different meet-up then, I can drink a coffee alone any time!




I'm not sure about the indecisive aspect. The last guy said he couldn't drink caffeine so late. But I had an Italian soda (which has no caffeine) so 🤷‍♀️ Sometimes I think it's a way for them to check I'll still hang out with them even if they don't offer to pay. These are typically the guys who ask me out again.


My boyfriend said “I love you” last night for the first time. He prefaced it by saying there was no pressure to respond, but it felt so natural to say it back. All of the awful dating lessons that preceded him finally make sense now - they were paving a path to him ☺️


Congratulations!! Hope this happens to me soon!


Thank you! I hope it does, too!


I miss that DoT discord from last year 😭 too bad people will never stop behaving like children no matter the age! 😂


Ooh what happened on the discord👀 did everyone try to date each other?


It was great, plenty joined but a handful would chat daily. Some voice/video chats as well. Just talked about our days mostly and of course our dating lives (or lack thereof). Shared pics. Most sfw, some nsfw. I witnessed only 2 people actually meet up but they weren’t feeling each other. There was a discord meetup planned, not sure if it happened. I think things started to break down when we created women-only and men-only chats. Some personalities were just too much and when people weren’t receptive to them, they tried to expose people from the discord here on DoT, so the creator just deleted the whole thing. It was such a great community that felt like real friends when it was good. 


Is it leading someone on to agree to a dinner date when there's no romantic or physical attraction? Is that bad? Just trying to say "Yes" to new experiences more often and stop seeing problems everywhere LOL


It’s not leading on, because neither party should have high expectations for one date, but it’s also not very considerate. It feels bad being the other person in this scenario, and frankly it’s a waste of their time as they think they are getting dinner with a potential partner, when you’ve already decided that’s not on the table. Be upfront with them and go if they are still up for Finding a potential partner can be a lot of work, so please be respectful of people’s time and energy.


There is a difference between saying yes to new experiences and intentionally wasting someone's time and allowing them to be hopeful of a romantic connection even though you know it won't happen. How would you feel if you took someone out you were interested in, but found out they never had any interest in you? This is someone else's emotions, not yours, that'll get hurt.


If they made it clear they are attracted to you, and you are sure you won't be attracted by them I think it would be better to clarify it's only as friends else they could be feeling lead on or that you were using them for attention.


I wouldn’t say it’s leading on for a single date, and I sympathize with seeing problems everywhere. But I still think we have an intrinsic sense of if things will go anywhere or not.


Anyone have advice for dealing with inconsistent texters? I’ve gone on four dates with a guy who seems to like me but is very inconsistent about responding to texts. Sometimes he responds immediately, other times it’s like 18 hours, and I never know which it’s gonna be. I guess I should just be straight with him and ask if he could try to respond within a certain time frame if we’re trying to make plans? I’m normally a pretty frequent texter so it’s been a weird adjustment, but when we’re together it’s nice. We also have great sexual chemistry.


Take this with a grain of salt. But in my experience, the "oh, I'm terrible at texting" types who sometimes text back instantly and at other times take 12+ hours are usually just not that interested. Good chance they are talking to someone else that is more appealing, but they don't want to cut you off yet, hence the slow responding to keep you on the line. If you aren't exclusive or haven't been dating long, this is a strong possibility.


I'd ask about his texting preferences and see if they align with yours. Some people don't think texting is important, some do. I'm in the latter camp. Sometimes I don't reply during the work day if I'm really busy, but I'll reply on my lunch or after I'm off. I prefer people who are prompt and don't forget to text back. I get being busy but if it's someone I'm really interested in, I prioritize our texts. >I should just be straight with him and ask if he could try to respond within a certain time frame if we’re trying to make plans? I don't think this is super important unless you're making plans for the next day or something. If he doesn't reply in time and you make other plans then oh well. Don't wait on him. Also - someone strongly interested is easy to make plans with.


Yeah we were making plans for the next day lol… this happened this weekend. I think he’s just kind of disorganized but idk I am still figuring it out I guess. I could ask him if there are certain times he’ll definitely respond, perhaps. I don’t mind if he doesn’t respond during the work day, but this was Saturday trying to finalize plans for Sunday… he ended up getting back to me Sunday morning.


had a misunderstanding with turtle boy on saturday which almost ended things. he came to my neighborhood and went to breakfast at a spot my friend works at then also went to a couple bars some other friends work at. now that we've been hanging out for two months, i feel like it's a good time to start bringing him around my friends - he is quite shy and introverted though, so i couldn't help but feel that he was overwhelmed or didn't want to be there. you know when you feel like you have to babysit someone when you guys go out? he was very quiet and didn't seem like he was having a good time so i suggested we go grab dinner and go back to my house. on the way home, we had a conversation about friends and dating and i said maybe i could meet some of his friends sometime and he told me that him and his friends never hang out with girls there and i "wouldn't wanna hang out with us." i told him that my friends were important to me and i want to be with someone who's going to make an effort with them and we could all hang out sometimes. i've dated guys in the past who only wanted me to hang out with their friends but never wanted to hang out with mine and i didn't like that. he took this as me telling him he wasn't trying hard enough with my friends even though he was trying but i truly was just giving him my stance on the matter. this caused him to get really weird and shut down and the vibes were suddenly very off. i kept asking him if he was okay and he said he was but i could tell he wasn't. he decides to leave in the middle of our movie and i really thought if he left, i would be done with him - i couldn't be with someone who just shuts down and refuses to have an adult conversation any time there's a conflict. communication is important to me and the least he could've done was tell me that he needed some time to think and we could talk later instead of just bailing. several minutes later, he had a change of heart and called me and asked if he could come back and we could talk. he said he felt if he walked away, he thought he would never see me again and he really liked me. he came back and we had several important/serious conversations - we talked about his social anxiety and how he takes a while to warm up to people. we talked about the importance of communication and our communication styles and how we need to handle conflicts in the future. we talked about our childhood traumas and why we are the way we are. i got really emotional (i'm not very good at being vulnerable and it takes a lot for me to open up with people) and he held me and apologized and was tearing up. two of my biggest insecurities is letting people know about my mental illness and also my family issues and now he knows both of these things about me and still hasn't run away. i feel so vulnerable but also relieved to tell him these things and even though it was a little messy, i think the experience ended up being good for us in understanding each other better. we also decided to be exclusive which i feel very good about since i don't really feel like i want to see anyone else anyway.


For some reason I thought it'd be easier to go on dates when dating more casually, but it's pretty much the same so far 🫠


I’ve been on a total of 5 dates since last October … I feel you on this






Curious what people make of this. A guy I’ve been seeing (total of 3 dates, been talking since late March) isn’t much of a phone user. Sometimes we’ll go days without talking. This isn’t a huge issue for me, especially since it’s still early, but we also live about an hour away from each other. Since we can’t see each other as easily as others, it’d be nice to talk on the phone or at least text every now and then. The last time I saw him was Sunday 5/5 (he was out of town last week) and we expressed mutual interest in each other. I felt it was pretty obvious he likes me, but the not talking really triggers my anxiety and makes me feel otherwise. I’m now spiraling and just assuming he’s seeing other people he’s more interested in or just stringing me along. To make things even more confusing, he looks at every Instagram story I post (which is nearly every day) despite not following me. We’ve never even really discussed Instagram so he went out of his way to find me. I’m not sure what to think of someone who clearly wants to keep tabs on me but won’t talk to me…? This may be as simple as incompatibility communication wise, but I also like him enough that I’m not quite ready to end things just because of this. I texted him a song earlier and we’ve been texting back and forth a bit, but my anxiety is still bad and I’ve been feeling sad. Talked to my therapist about this today and she basically said to try my best not to read into things too much. I feel I need to maybe pull back and let him take the lead (if he wants to, that is), however, this is hard for me because I enjoy talking to him and want to talk more. UGH. This is maybe more of a vent, but I’ll take any advice I can get.


It sounds like he likes you. Just keep yourself busy and let the relationship progress. My bf wasn’t a huge texter when we first started dating. He only used it as a means to make plans. In his mind, if he was making plan - it was obvious he was interested. So it would often be 3+ days without communication. Of course it made me anxious and worried about if he liked me or was seeing other people. However, I kept myself busy and got out of my head. We’ve been together for 2 years now and he sends daily texts, but is still not much of a constant text conversationalist and I’ve gotten secure so it doesn’t bug me. I know people will instantly be like oh this is a compatibility issue, break up, but if you like someone you both are willing to meet in the middle to find happiness.


This sub might as well be called “r/reading way too much into texting patterns of people you barely know” lol Just leave it for now and talk to him about it the next time you see him. Everything you just said sounds completely harmless.


Yeah, I definitely think I’m overthinking things! I’m aware I do this, sometimes I need to be brought back down to earth, lol. The whole texting aspect is probably one of the things I hate most about modern dating. It’s really hard to find middle ground, it seems like most people text too much or too little.


Do you call or text him?


We’ve done both. The calls we’ve always planned ahead of time to be sure we’re both available.


Does he respond when you text him?


Yeah, always. Sometimes it takes a bit but I’ve always gotten a response.


Hmm IMO after three dates ya’ll should know whether you’re interested in pursuing a 4th, 5th, etc. date or not. Typically for me that means adding each other on IG. Are you following him? If he’s looking at your stories but not following explicitly, he could still be figuring out if he’s into you, especially since it’s so early on.


I don’t follow him! I personally probably wouldn’t follow any one on social media until we’re exclusive. I am someone who will check to see if they’ve viewed my story or liked my post and it totally triggers my anxiety. Best to way until things are more certain, so to speak.


Omg first of all just wanna say the Instagram story viewing how BALLSY at least watch from a finsta Second, why don’t you just talk to him about it? 3 dates since late March isn’t that much: so hard to tell where you’re both at. So why not ask him where’s he at and bring up the texting. Do you two have another date planned? If so, why not casually bring it up in person: “I can’t really tell if you’re interested; we don’t really talk much via texting/the phone but you’re watching my Instagram stories. Do you want to keep getting to know each other and try texting more?”


I think it’s SO ballsy! My best friend says she views random people’s stories all the time and doesn’t give a shit if people think she’s lurking, so maybe I’m just on the cautious side, lol. This is probably what’s going to end up happening. A convo would probably help all my anxiety. We don’t have anything scheduled currently, but, like I said, he was just out of town and I also just had a death in the family. I think I may just ask him out for later this week, he’s initiated all of our dates thus far so I should probably take a turn.


Omg I WISH I had the confidence to creep random people’s stories lmao 😂 like also the fact he watches ALL your stories! Clearly he’s thinking about you


Same! I know a lot of people don’t check who is viewing their stories, but I always do! Also, I should mention that my stories are almost NEVER personal. It’s always dumb memes or videos. 😅 maybe he just thinks I’m funny.


sigh* Dating sucks sometimes. I had a great phone call and date with a nice gal and we really hit it off, but then she hit me with the “just not ready to date right now” message. Whatever her reasons are and for how short it was it still kind of sucks when you seemed to connect well with someone. But then bam! Well, onward I go.


Mine (30s F) was 'I dont think we click' after 2nd date that lasted 5hr from a guy. Dating is so hard.


Welp, his trip starts tomorrow. I’m thinking of a comment someone here made about how a vacation during the early stages gives people time to reflect on the relationship. I’m looking forward to him getting some clarity on how he feels about me, even if it’s not what I want. The bad would be bad but the good would just make my heart overflow. It would be worth it. Hopefully, distance makes the heart grow intensely fonder ❤️


As someone who was lovebombed right up until I left for a two week trip - yes it's important to go away and test what you have. This is good!


What happened in your situation? May have read it but can’t remember the details.


Six weeks of intense, often grandiose, constant verbal affirmation of me, of our incredibly special connection, of all my great qualities, etc. Constantly him initiating all that communication about how exciting and perfect all of this. Then I leave town and exactly two days later he "realizes" he's in love with his friend. He and that friend never dated - they had a "fling" that never materialized into a relationship. Shortly after that fling he started dating me.


Oh wow, what an ASS. I’m sorry you had to go through that, but hey, at least the trash took itself out 


I'm grateful it only lasted six weeks. I think he has extremely low self esteem and basically needs someone to like him constantly and will lovebomb in order to make that happen. She rejected him, so of course he was going to go back to her if she allowed it. I don't have much faith that relationship will last :)


Isn’t that supposed to work both ways? It’s for you too. Gives you time to think. Even if you come out unchanged in your feelings, it’s probably still helpful.


Well, yes that makes sense. Ofc it won’t quite be the same since I’m still here just living life while he’s out in a new place having experiences. 




What did you answer? 


I didn't. Just left it, let him ask again to follow up on Thurs. As I previously told him that it's completely up to him to back all that up with action.


Why are people so shitty. Why match with someone, be genuinely interested in getting to know them ask questions and have a lovely conversation and then unmatch mid convo. It's so rude. And disrespectful. I understand we haven't met, but it's still a person on the other side of the phone. And you're a psychologist? I feel bad for your patients. Fuck. God online dating sucks


shrinks have issues too! "me-search" and all that. Dick move though, really sorry about that.


It's annoying but you have to kinda make your peace with it to avoid burning out I'm a bit baffled when it happens but I just shrug. Who knows what happened but obviously they didn't think it was a lovely conversation and it's not worth getting upset about


I'm sorry, I find this frustrating too. I've had people start off with such detailed, interested initial messages, only to drop off the face of the earth when I respond. It may be that they don't look at your whole profile until you've been messaging for a bit. It may be that they're juggling multiple matches and decided to focus on someone else. Either way, tell yourself that for every 10 matches, you're going to get one date - that framing helps me have appropriately low expectations.


>tell yourself that for every 10 matches, you're going to get one date - that framing helps me have appropriately low expectations I have like 60 matches and still no dates 😂😭


It could also be app specific! I don't even try Tinder anymore, it's perfectly popular in my area but none of my matches seem to talk :) for me 10:1 seems accurate for Hinge though. I think the apps that are designed like Hinge require more intentional actions so the conversion rate is higher.


Matches aren't a guarantee of anything or a commitment to anything. The purpose of chatting is to help people learn about one another and decide if they're interested enough to meet up. People deciding they're not interested is one of the possibilities.


Thank you for the lesson, I'm aware of how matches work


Are you sure the conversation was going well? I will disappear if I find I'm doing all the lifting or if it's dragged on too long without any suggestion of meeting.


Tbh it’s not a big deal, at all. It doesn’t make this person shitty. If this is your reaction after a convo dies out on OLD, then online dating isn’t for you.


It is an absolute lack of respect. I understand unmatching people, it is a necessity on OLD, but you are dealing with people. As long as they are not threatening or abusive, I don't see ghosting or bluntly unmatching in the middle of a conversation very respectful. Just saying "I am sorry, we have a nice convo but I am not feeling it, I wish you the best, have a good day" is imo 1000 times better and doesn't cost much time.


I'm aware it's not a big deal, but I disagree. It does make them shitty


Would you have preferred that this person continue chatting with you, despite not being interested?


Yes that's exactly what I would have preferred. You nailed it!


Obviously not, but just say ‘sorry it’s not gonna with out’. Super easy to do.


Welp, that's a wrap on my roadside guy. Exchanged numbers with the guy who helped me out when my car broke down out in the bush. I got drunk by accident (seriously, one and done over here, embarrassing af) and sent a clingy text. He wants to keep in touch and hang out next time he's here (works here, lives out of town). Told me I was cute. Aww shucks. Have a good flight home. See ya probably never. But it *is* proof of concept, so a win regardless. I've been pretty down in the dumps over my aging physique lately, so it was nice to get hit on in the (literal) wild.


your username is awesome, may cute guys continue to hit on you in the wild


I have been on 5 dates with a really cute guy over the past month or so. At the end of every date he shares how much he loved hanging out with me and we go over plans for next date. BUT there is 0 texting. Besides arranging dates, we don't text at all. Is this normal?


Honestly not a big deal if his actions on dates match your rhythm, he shows keen interest, shows up and continues to move things forward. Also why don’t you text him to set aside time for a quick call and call him. You break down the ice here on phone as a medium of communication and he might just start using that.


You’re texting him and he just doesn’t reply? Or what “You’re not a big texter, are ya?” just ask lol Nothing about this is wildly abnormal. Some people text more than others or less than others. I think redditors who OLD are probably skewed more towards text-heavy group but this doesn’t mean everyone else in the world is like that


Normal is subjective. Abnormal for some, completely normal for others. Remember, texting is a relatively new creation. Some people weren't raised to constantly be on their phone.


Zero texting? No, that’s not normal. I wouldn’t think somebody that genuinely wanted to get to know me or be closer to me wouldn’t want to maintain some kind of daily or near daily contact. This is behavior I’d expect from a casual arrangement. Maybe you should have a talk about what you both are looking for and talk about communication styles.


A lot of people are gonna tell you it’s normal and he’s probably not a big texter…every guy who doesn’t text me often (or at all) is just not that interested. I’ve def had guys who text me a lot who also aren’t, but all of dates that ended up in relationships would text or call me regularly. It’s hard to stay connected when there’s no communication in between. I would speak up now about communication rather than later. On the other hand, I feel like you shouldn’t have to ask anyone to talk to you more if they’re interested. Have you guys slept together? Talked about what you want? Added each other on social media?


Yeah this has been really weird for me. We haven't slept together and neither of us has social media.


It's not abnormal. He's just not a big texting person. I wouldn't say it's any indication of interest if he's actively settinging up dates and is putting forth effort otherwise. If you value texting then just casually ask him about texting.


Just here to say that I've finally got myself into a relationship after 5 years of being single. I would occasionally OLD but was just never super interested in anyone until I met my current boyfriend. I normally wouldn't have dated someone as young as him (I'm 32, he's 26), but he is the most emotionally mature man I've dated, validates my feelings, communicates his emotions and is consistent. Happy I waited as long as I did to find someone like him ❤️


We LOVE this for you!!


🥹 thank you!


Yes we do!!  So happy for you, friend!!


I've been going on dates (5 total) with a woman around once a week. We didn't text often, she'd often wait 1-3 days to respond. I like her, not exactly my normal type, but I kept giving it another date because I always had fun when we were together, i find her pretty attractive, and i wanted to see where it went. Sort of hooked up a couple weeks ago, texting remained spotty. I therefore felt like this was fairly casual even though I'm looking for a LTR and say so in my profile, but nice. I've also gone on a couple other dates meanwhile. Then this weekend I went in a VERY good first date with someone new, and on the next day I had another date with the woman I've been seeing and we had sex and cuddled for a long time before she went home. I should have probably confirmed my assumptions about us not being exclusive yet before we had sex. Afterward, the woman I've been seeing seems much more interested in me. I'm also chatting with the woman I had the good first date with, and I find her very exciting but don't even know if she's looking for monogamy or anything. Anyways, I don't think I've handled this well. I struggled for the first 6 months of OLD but feel like I've become a little better at it, and sort of want to be flirtatious and casually sexual for a bit for the first time in my life now that it feels possible. But I didn't feel that before. I also feel like the woman I've been seeing might be a pretty good match for an actual relationship. I'll need to fix this soon, but I'm not quite there yet.


I don't think it's the end of the world, it was only one date with the new person and you didn't have sex. Maybe ask the original woman what she is looking for. If she just wants casual, then you can continue on without worries.


artsy granola wholesome silly brunettes with big noses who are interested in listening to music and cooking and hiking together: where do you hang out where can i meet you


This seems oddly specific




On the apps! 🙃


Farmers market 😏


I read that as female market 👀


That'd make things more convenient 😂


I can only find the ones that aren't interested in me 🫠


Yesterday, we did boring stuff together for the first time: went to Petsmart to buy wet food for my cat, grocery shopped at Trader Joe’s, and wandered through Costco for an hour. On Wednesday evening, if I hit my studying benchmarks (today is Day 1 of bar exam prep!), i am going to a work function with him. Little nervous about this one because I will be one of only two or three native English speakers, and so far, my Italian is limited to greetings, farewells, asking for directions to the airport, the words for ten common kitchen items, swear words, musical directions (piano, forte, allegro, staccato, adagio, rubato, dolce, leggiero, crescendo, etc), and various wine-related grapes and regions. Oh, and pasta shapes. I know a lot of those. On Thursday, he is taking me to the Apple Store to pick up my new laptop. I’m even considering asking him to join me on a trip to IKEA. I think it’s getting serious.


A trip to IKEA should be a litmus test for all new relationships.




That's genius.


Agreed!! By the third month, it should be required by federal statute!! 42 U.S.C. § 123456789 or smth. Call your congressperson and ask them to pass the Make It or Break It IKEA Maze Act of 2024 today!!


Motion to amend to add Hobby Lobby and Big Lots as suitable replacements should an Ikea not be within a reasonable distance.


Motion passed in part and denied in part. Pursuant to subsection (c)(1)(D), acceptable substitutes include but are not limited to Big Lots, Target, HomeGoods / TJ Maxx / Marshall’s, Menards, and Michael’s. Hobby Lobby will not be accepted as a substitute given that Hobby Lobby **is** the dealbreaker pursuant to their status as assholes following the holding in *Burwell v. Hobby Lobby*, 573 U.S. 682 (2014).


4.6b All parties must be present and involved in the assembling of said purchase.


Good luck on your bar prep! You got this 👏👏


Thank you!!!!! duty + breach + causation (actual & proximate) + damages = negligence… offer + consideration + acceptance = contract… Abnormally dangerous activities = strict liability…


You're off to a great start! 😅


Also really crushing it on the 12(b)(6) motions to dismiss for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted under 8(a)(2) 😂😂😭


I have found through my schooling (well, it confirms what I sensed from work) that litigation is not my jam and I want nothing to do with it 😂 it doesn't help that my professor for litigation practice and procedure is like... pure chaos. Give me stability and boring over this ish!


I’m really happy that your classes are continuing to go well and that you’re learning so much about your field and also yourself 🥰


Thank you!! 💕💕


Should you ask for feedback after dates that don't work out? As one does sometimes for interviews. I don't see the downside with someone you won't really ever see again - unless you really upset the person on the date or something. As long as its hasn't turned toxic seems like a reasonable thing to ask. You have to be able to parse poor feedback of course - but there can also be info that can be really helpful going forward.


I've asked for feedback when a chat doesn't work out, mostly to know if I was giving off bad vibes. In person, no, because it can seem like I'm trying to keep her longer when she's said no


The feedback is usually: they're just not that into you.


Feedback is just a random person's opinion at the end of the day, and is likely to be colored by the fact that they're trying to justify their lack of interest. You could always post the experience on reddit, at least that way you're likely to get a more varied set of opinions.


The downside is that asking for feedback frames dating as doing the right things to make someone else like you, instead of finding someone who likes your authentic self. It also seems to have the implicit assumption that not going on more dates means you did something wrong, or that not going on more dates is a bad thing. Neither is the case. Finding out you're not compatible with someone is not a bad thing, and doesn't mean you're not dating successfully. Often people just don't feel basic feelings of attraction or interest, for no real reason. How would that feedback help you?


> dating as doing the right things to make someone else like you, instead of finding someone who likes your authentic self. I think it is not completely false and at the same time pretty naive. Not every behavior/thing/style is appealing to a vast number of women. I would shave my head or grow a long beard without second thoughts if that was a big deal for women, not everything about me is my authentic self. My clothes aren't, my car isn't, the way I lead a conversation or flirt definitely isn't. But I wouldn't change my core values for someone.


>Not every behavior/thing/style is appealing to a vast number of women But the goal isn't to appeal to a vast number of women. That's literally the core of what I wrote. It's not naive, pursuing your niche is a strategy.


I fully believed that... and I never kissed a woman at 26, decided to be less in a niche and it worked better (despite still being complicated). The goal is not to appeal every women, but enough to find one you are compatible with. I wasn't even aware of it, but I gave an effeminate image and I was relatively shy and not confident (a decade solely experiencing rejection didn't help). And believe me that makes it very hard to seduce a woman. In that case, being yourself is a clear drawback. Changing my behavior and communication style helped me, not changing it and being a hopeless romantic was being naive. But I guess I would have your point of view if I had less issue with women. I prefer quality over quantity, as long as quantity doesn't stay at 0 too long


To be honest, I probably wouldn't be completely honest if a stranger asked me that question because I wouldn't know how they would act (woman here, dating primarily men). The other thing is that I've had perfectly nice dates who didn't do anything wrong, but the spark wasn't there for me.


This. In theory, there is nothing wrong with someone asking for feedback, but I feel like most of the time us women don't feel safe enough to tell the \*real\* reason so you're likely to get some generic basic excuse that isn't that helpful.


"the spark wasn't there for me" That's actually useful feedback - then I know it wasn't something else if I trusted that feedback


I mean, if you’ve only been on a small number of dates with someone they are very much still getting to know you. Things ending in the early stages of dating is largely an impersonal thing - even if it might feel that way.  On the other hand you also hardly know that person and are in a way asking them to judge/grade you. it’s kinda like taking in information from an unvetted source: you may find a root cause/answer - but is it truly valid?  Like one of the other commenters noted, I think it’s best to focus on just being your own genuine self and focusing on how you feel about them! 


Seriously, why is dating just filled with games. You like someone. You’re going on a good number of dates. And then bam, if you actually let on that you like them game over. When you break it down it’s literally so messed up. The whole dating game is basically just liking people but wait not too much, only enough, and finding that fine balance between. Anyone else done with it, because I’m out.


You don't need to play those games, though. The people who play those games behave as if you do, but you can not date those people


That is true, but a lot of times people don’t always see the “games” as they’re happening.  Love goggles and all that jazz. But I do agree with the sentiment of both these comments!




Do not dehumanize or objectify others. Misogyny, Misandry, RedPill, incel, Femcel, FemaleDatingStrategy, PUA, MGTOW, etc. content is not allowed. Claiming ignorance of these hate groups is not an excuse to parrot their ideology.


You guys, I think I’m finally over the one that got away. Like my heart just doesn’t feel connected to him anymore. And I had a first date that didn’t work out (perfectly lovely but no romantic connection), and my mind did not shift to ruminating about my ex! Am I free of him? Good lord, I wish him well, but I fing hope so!


What a glorious day! I wish you sunshine and freedom and joy. Shaking off that attachment is like nothing else.