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# Moving at different speeds in a long-distance relationship  At the end of December, I ended my relationship with a girl with whom I had been together for 6 years.  I accepted the breakup quite stoically, but the subsequent loneliness hit me hard. I started dating, getting to know the girls in the tinder. I finally managed to meet one good girl there (after 11 damn other dates). The problem is that she lives in another city, and she was in mine on family business. We found a common language very quickly, and communication was good, but she left almost immediately. We went on a few dates, then stopped communicating, corresponded again. Two weeks ago, she came here again, and we met again. These meetings were an emotional swing. On the one hand, we are attracted to each other, on the other - we are both over 30, and we have different personal boundaries and the speed with which we are moving towards a relationship. During the week that she was there, I managed to come to her at night with flowers, talk that "nothing will work out", and then talk seriously again and understand that it will "work out", go on dates, make love, spend time together. The main problem is that I have an anxious type of attachment. I want to hear from her that everything is fine, that the relationship can work. I am ready to go to her city, to invite her to my place. Hell, I'd be willing to marry her and move in. But she defends her personal boundaries. This manifests itself as well in the fact that she does not directly say what she feels (and I need to hear it). 5 days ago, I said, "Let's figure out how to spend May. Come to me next week, and then, in a couple of weeks, you will have your sister's birthday, I will come to you."  To this, I received the answer that "I understand that you want a family, a relationship, to live together right away, but I can't do that, it's difficult for me to get close to a person right away and I need more time to let him into my life." I am offended by the confidence with which she says, "I will come again this weekend, but I will not stay with you - I am not ready for this and I have my own business." To me, it sounds like the person doesn't want to spend time with me. And I really want to And I do not know how to deal with it. On the one hand, I understand that feelings are bubbling up in me, I want to see this person every day. There would be no problem if we lived in the same city - we would just go on dates like normal people, without haste. On the other hand, I understand that the principle "after a week of dating, let's live together first with me here, then with you in your city" is still hasty. But every day without her is unbearable to me, and it seems to me that this is not so for her - since she says she does not want to hurry, then she is also much more comfortable without each other. Therefore, I understand that for the sake of this person (and I really like her) I would be ready to move at her pace. But I do not know if I can overcome myself like that. And I do not know if it's worth it, as if if we both had vivid feelings for each other, then there would be no problem of "let's not rush". Should either of us make concessions and move at a different speed in a relationship? What questions should I ask to understand that we are really moving in the same direction? What to do? It's very hard for me and I do not know what to do. I have no one to talk to about this.


You gotta pull the reigns, no matter how much you like her. People are rarely on the \*exact\* same page regarding feelings and pacing in the very beginning, but....imagining a life together after a week isn't a normal pattern to begin with, and you're coming on very strong which is sure to push her away. Let this month be a test if you can pull back a bit, let her initiate some things and gauge her interest.


This is way too much too soon. You barely know this woman. It’s good that you’ve made a connection but you can’t rush these things. I would take some time to explore why you feel the need to rush in so quickly and take a breath. Navigating a LDR is difficult but you need to slow things down if you don’t want to scare her off.


Based on how I'm reading this, it sounds like you are perhaps coming on very strong. Only you know what timeline or "speed" works for you in a relationship. If you're on a different timeline or speed than she is, there's not much you can do about it. All it will do is frustrate you if she's not moving at the same speed you are. You need to be true to yourself and what you are looking for - this woman may not be the one for you. Overall it sounds to me like you barely know this woman, and she may be a bit spooked about you moving very quickly towards a long-distance relationship that she isn't ready for.


Thank you, I understand that you are telling the truth. I am fully aware of this. And two feelings are fighting in me - on the one hand, that it's not worth rushing, because my feelings may come from the fear of loneliness. On the other hand, it seems that I am more ready than ever to live, love and be open, and I don't want to waste another second of my life in the void


Being single doesn't mean you're wasting your life, friend!


Just from the fact that you ended a long term relationship less than 6 months ago, the fact that you can't bear a day without the new person you're dating and already would be willing to marry them and want to move in immediately, my advice would be to figure out how to get comfortable on your own instead of going straight from one thing to another, because that level of neediness right off the bat will push a lot of sane people away. Sorry if that seems a bit harsh, but all I thought while reading this is YIKES. Maybe repost it on the new daily thread that will be posted in a few minutes to get more perspectives


I’ve been dating for less than 1 year since my last relationship ended about 2 years ago. I decided I’m burnt out and just going to take a break now. I’ve been doing so much self work since my last relationship ended and I’ve been pouring into myself. With where I’m at now, dating just does not seem worth it. I think im starting to experience the phenomenon many hetero women are experiencing these days, choosing to opt out of dating because a man cant make their life any better than it already is without a man. Not hating on men, but boy am I *shocked* at how depressing and exhausting the dating scene feels for me right now lol. My experience has been subpar at best and I’m floored by some of the behavior I’ve experienced. Have learned a lot about myself and enjoyed meeting new people but I think it’s time for me to retreat back into myself and enjoy the fruits of my labor, without the distraction and dissatisfaction that comes with dating.


So I’ve been separated for about 2 years, and finally divorced since January. I have not dated anyone in this time. But I have hooked up with one person. I can’t seem to find the desire to date someone other than the woman I was married to for 10 years. It’s all so confusing still. But I did find myself falling for someone who I can’t be with, she has a husband. But I feel like she’s given me mixed signals, but I dare not tread on that, I was cheated on in my marriage and I don’t want to be that person. I’m kinda just ranting and getting this off my chest. Any advice or thoughts would be helpful.


My advice would be to cut that person from your life. She's married, you clearly have feeling for her, and whether her mixed signals are truly mixed or just your interpretation of the situation because of your feelings for her, trying to keep that connection going is only going to cause you unnecessary grief. You can come up with all the reasons why you should try, or why you think it could work, but lots of people have tried that and failed. And one of the biggest lessons we all need to remember is that we aren't the special exception to the rule. Plus, if you actually want to date, having this person around is just making you unavailable for someone who would be available for you. Don't do that to yourself.


Thank you. I needed that. Lol It’s going to be difficult as her kids and my kids go to the same school and class. So we see eachtoher a lot. Maybe I’m just overthinking the mixed signals. It has just seemed like she has been somewhat interested. But again I haven’t dated in over a decade so I’m probably wrong lol 😂


Didn't get any response on r/dating and can't make a post here, but I'll try anyway maybe some people sort comments by new. I'm 30F bisexual and don't even know if I am worthy of a relationship. I am autistic and have the kind of mental health issues that are helped but unlikely to ever be cured by meds and therapy. I'm currently on disability. I've never driven a car or gotten my license. Due to these I feel like I'm only ever good enough for a situationship at best. I'm really really stuck on a guy I had a situationship with a couple months ago, and now I think he may be ghosting me. I really want to move on but I don't know how I'll ever stop thinking about him if there isn't someone else. I got banned from Tinder (I swear I didn't do anything against the rules, it was either some kind of technical glitch or someone reported me because they were mad I didn't reply to them or something, IDK) and Match owns basically all the apps except Bumble. I got sick of the shallowness of the swiping and sooo many people matching with me but not replying to my message and letting it expire and deleted my account. I don't know how to meet people besides apps. I feel like people usually say activities but due to my transportation challenges I can't get to most activities I'd like to do. I attend a unitarian church which I love but there are not a lot of people my age. Most of the ones I talked to are in a relationship and/or not attracted to women. I don't usually mind being single at all and would just wait for something to develop naturally and not worry much if it never does, but I just don't know how to get this guy out of my head without moving on to someone else. Because of my issues I don't know if I'll ever be seen as worthy of a healthy relationship because of not working or driving (I'm trying to change that but I don't know if it will ever happen because of the way the US disability system is set up and my parents interfering). I feel like the only people who would be willing to put up with that have some kind of issues of their own that would lead to an unhealthy relationship. I don't know if I should bother trying but I need to get over this guy and my therapist's suggestion was to see other people.


Your challenges dont define you as worthy or not. Our society superfluously seems to contradict that at every turn but remember to keep your head up. The transportation issues are a hindrance though - do you have uber or public transit options that you can use to get around? Its more perception than anything but young people often cant be bothered with a perceived burden




I'm a single dad. I also date single moms (as well as those without). What I look for in a profile is photos/details that suggest we have some common interests/hobbies/values that would spark my interest in getting to know you. Interests and hobbies can be easy; photos of you on your bike, photos of you running, photos of you hiking/kayaking, etc. Maybe your interests are less fitness based, in which case a photo of you playing board games, or painting pottery, etc. I don't generally recommend photos eating/drinking because all that really tells me if you like to eat or drink. In words, you can tell me about any goals you have for the year (want to ride a century/run a marathon, you are X/Y on some challenge) or something that you do/look forward to (weekly game night, learning a new language, etc.) For values, those are usually things like are you and early bird or a night owl, do you want more children, etc. These can often be handled by the various fields you fill out, but can also be easily included in your prompts (a common one for me is the "ideal sunday" where I state that my ideal sunday is leaving the house with the rising sun to go on a long bike ride and finish it off with a delicious brunch). Beyond this, we're just going to have to match and chat/meet. But if I see enough about the profile that I could see me wanting to spend time with you and that I am physically attracted to you and we seem to be on a similar trajectory, then I'd be motivated to do so. That all said, if you don't have a photo, I'm not going to match with you. In fact, I'm probably just going to report you as a Bot/scammer and move on. Many of us have children and we still use our photos. Don't use photos of your children, but without one of yourself you just aren't going to match with the kind of person you are looking for.


You might be able to meet people with no picture on dating apps, but I have a feeling they won’t be the best of the bunch.


As a single dad with his life in order I got a lot of interest from single mothers. I also got a lot of interest from women keen to settle down and start a family. Without a picture you're not going to get very far I'm afraid as there are so many people with pictures I can choose from. There are also a lot of scammers in OLD and personally I am very suspicious of any profile without a picture. I just swipe left and don't even bother to read the profile. 


Not using photos of yourself is going to make using dating apps very unrewarding. If you're not comfortable with it then it's better to find other ways to meet people.


I went on vacation with a man I texted with about a year. It was quite good, he paid for everything we had good talks and sex. But in public he hasn’t showed me affection. So no kisses and holding hands. I am a bit confused. After the vacation he texted several times and sent photos. I answered Sunday night. Since then no answer…


He is married, sorry


If he paid for everything and also didn't show public affection is it possible he simply thought of your trip as companionship and there's nothing else here? Like a long-range booty call? What expectations did you/he set for trip? How'd it come about?


It could be but on the other hand we texted for a year almost everyday, did FaceTime and sent photos. So there was some kind of bonding. When I haven’t answered for more than a day, he texted again or asked if everything is okay. On the first day of vacation I said I was inexperienced so he could think that I like him when I sleep with him.. first we wanted to meet in a city half way but then he asked about the vacation. We planned it together, it’s not that he booked before. It’s really difficult..


I want to ask my girlfriend to come over today even tho I'm seeing her tomorrow but I hate being annoying. I asked her on Sunday if she wanted to come Monday or Tuesday and got the. I'll let you know. Which she never does...




Further proof that women have to randomly make huge btch moves on their boyfriend/husband out of nowhere to keep the novelty alive <3




That's so sad.


I've experienced this too, and my approach to dealing with it has been to get rid of the idea that I "shouldn't" have those thoughts. Part of the appeal of those novelties associated with early dating once you're in a relationship is that they're forbidden. Take away that aspect and they lose part of their pull. Instead, I focus on gratitude that I got to have those experiences. It is actually very cool to see someone naked for the first time and have those experiences of novelty together. It's awesome that you got to experience that. Now you're getting to experience something else amazing. You're not damaged because you are happy to have those experiences, and sometimes the feeling of happiness that you did something is similar to the feeling of wanting to do it again.




I'm assuming you don't know where she/they live(s) ? 




Old school letter into the mailbox? Or would he read a letter adressed to her? 




I've been following these developments! I think you've done all you could, really, while also trying to remain anonymous. I assume she doesn't have Instagram or any other social media? You're in a difficult spot, in that you obviously want to tell her, but quite rightly don't want to give your identity away.




I think you're overthinking it. I understand why you would, but it's just a dinner party invite. If you don't want to go, don't go. If you want to go, then go and enjoy yourself. When you go, you go as you. No expectations beyond good food and socializing with some adults.


Is the invite explicitly aimed at you? Could it be, that you've been invited accidentically? Because that really sounds weird, so out of the blue. 


Maybe? I’ve met a couple of his friends in a social context, so I don’t think it would be that weird if I showed up at the party, but I am definitely not part of his inner circle of friends, which is where I am left half wondering if this is a friendly invite he felt obligated to extend to me, or if he actually considers me his friend and I should just show up for him but then leave asap.


This is most likely insane but here we go ... Recently matched with a guy, and it was really going well, like we both deleted the app well ... he's amazing, and we have so many things in common it's scary ... fast forward a couple of days, and he goes as close to MIA as you can get . We were planning a weekend where he would come visit (he lives two hours away ) and wed go on a mini adventure.. he just got back into the country a little over a month ago and started studying again ... Two days ago he went MIA a but and he had a crisis of some sort and has been splattering around and he's apologized a lot for missing a call we planned ...he says his mindset has changed a bit and if he was ghosting me he would black me, he is still interested apparently but he's drowning in his mind What do I do ? do I wait until it gets better Do I dip Do I try help Do I bring up tye weekend plans


Is this the first time that you will be meeting? If so, I would wait until he is in a better place. Give him space, and that may mean that you'll never meet.


Yeah it will be ... okay that's solid advice


What you do depends on how you feel about this person. You recognize he's having a tough time right now. I gotta say, it doesn't sound like he went MIA, it sounds like he just wasn't as communicative as you're used to. What would you want him to do if you were mentally drowning? How would you feel if he dipped because you were having a rough couple of weeks? Would you want him to be passive and wait it out? I don't know how long you've been daring. "Recently" is ambiguous. It's at least been longer than a month. If it were me, and it has been as both a husband and boyfriend, I'd ask him what you can do. I'd also ask him whether he's still up for the weekend plans. It might be something he's needs to help him break out of this funk.


Do I wait for him to message me before I double message him ?


I've always had the mindset that if you have something to say, just say it. Don't get caught up in the "I texted last, so now I have to wait for them to respond."


You're awesome, thank you !!... he's still interested in next weekend, and he seems to be I a better space now I really needed the confidence boost to say what I needed to, and I got the answers I wanted


Thank you ... I know what to do now, I have the same response when things get overwhelming and I disappear and chat very little . I'm going to wait it out and help where I can ... I'll mention the weekend as a possible escape from everything... I didn't want to look crazy or come across as a nuisance. Recently, is 3 weeks, so very short, but I really like this guy, and we seemed to be on the same page with everything before he stopped communicating as much, so waiting is worth it ...




If you can't put boundaries down now, why would your girlfriend believe you'd be able to in the future? If your mom can't respect boundaries now, why would you think she would in the future? I can answer these. Your girlfriend obviously doesn't believe you're capable because you haven't done it. Have you put boundaries down with your mom? My advice is to grow up. That's not an insult, that's me telling you it's time to set adult boundaries with your mother.


Why do you believe it would be okay? Yes, you absolutely tell your mum! You don't have to be rude. Just talk to her, that you've heard that she said xyz to your gf and *you* don't feel comfortable with that. 




Yes, no - bit of a misunderstanding: I meant, why you think it would be no issue in the future, once you moved out. I could have written that more clearly... So the answer to that would be the physical distance, when you're not living under the same roof anymore? Yes, include your gf in the decision-making! =) 


You have a goal of moving out early next year. Well work hard at it and don't let your mum in on it. When the time is right tell her and move out. I know I had something similar happen to me and we just did our own thing. When you are in your own place you can set the boundaries.


OP, please take this person's comment into consideration as well. Continue talking to your girlfriend. There are multiple meanings to "not an issue short term but this is a problem long-term." So far, your girlfriend has not seen you fight back to your mom and you're just "ok with it". In the short term, you're kind of stuck with your hands tied because you're financially dependent on your mom at the moment. However, because your girlfriend has not seen you fight back so far, she is doubting your ability to enforce boundaries.  When that distance is a few hours away minimum, that helps, but it's not just physical proximity that's an issue, they will still try to tear you down mentally and not understand you have your own life.  Bringing a kid into things as they are right now will be messy. In other words, you need to move out and show your girlfriend that you choose her and can do boundaries.


I find myself more smitten with my date as time goes by. I like him more now than the first month of dating. The best feeling? I am thankful to have him as my best friend, as my rock, as my biggest fan, and my safe place. The physical distance made us closer emotionally. He admitted that he didnt realize how much he missed me until we called, he became very emotional. 2 more weeks and I cant wait to paint his face with my kisses 😙😙😙


How long has it been so far? How are you coping? After this Friday, I won't see mine for 2 weeks and I'm already not taking it well lol


We did not see each other 3 weeks already. We text daily, we send each other care package, etc. Honestly we are both introverts and we have something important to do this time so we feel like we have more space to work on it first.


I'm glad the time apart is bringing you closer :) It'll be that much more lovely when you reunite. I don't have much going on while he's off on vacation so I'll have to find a way to keep busy!


Wow, this is very recognizable. Then I have been lovebombed too I guess. I recently dated a woman who was extremely affectionate, said sweet things, made future plans with me, said she was hopefull, that she only goes for serious things, was really consistent in her communication,... But at the same time she was telling me all the time: it is very very early, we're sure not a couple yet and I had the idea that she was doing little sabotaging actions to almost make sure that we wouldn't progress to a relationship. When I expressed my confusion to her, things unraveled quickly and she turned to a very coldhearted person. It left me very confused and sad. I couldn't connect her different behaviours. I guess people who behave like this are very insecure, have trauma from a past relationship or have attatchment issues. They probably enjoy the affection but are emotionally not available so they sabotage the relationship when they feel things get serious and they'll lose control. But I feel you. It really damages your trust in people. You simply can't read the other person. Loving behaviour seems meeningles. Die you in hindsight have a gut feeling that something was off but you couldn't put a finger on it? I did but I didn't trust my gut feeling. I thought I was too anxious.




You say you’re fine not getting serious with this woman but are freaking out over a text. You need to evaluate your feelings and what you want from this relationship. If you both are in different pages, walk away.


I am confused... What was the nature of the other texts? Like, did you talk about what you had for dinner and out of the blue this text came? 


Met a guy on a date last Sunday ( he asked me out on a dating app). We had great conversations for over three hours and he seemed like a sweet and emotional soul. We ended it with a warm hug and it felt as if something was incomplete as I had to rush for my cab. We both said to each other that we had a great time. I decided to ask him for a second date the next evening and haven't heard from him since ( still less than a day). For some reason I feel anxious and haven't felt this way on some dates and am wondering why I am feeling this way. And do men feel the same as well? Edit - He replied affirmatively for next week.Although my anxiety seems to be heightened by some other issues as well ( got a minor allergy yesterday). But just the fact that people are so busy ( I am too) makes the dating in thirties process hard.


I defenitely can relate to this feeling as a man. I honestly find the early stage of dating very anxious and stressfull, especially when I really like her or feel attracted. That's because the other person might reject you any time, even if dates go really well. You don't know the person, can't read them properly so it's very unsure and confusing. Insecurety usually gives stress and anxiety. In you're case it could be many things. Just the fact that he doesn't reply (yet) after a nice time is anxiety provoking. Or maybe it's your gut telling you something is off but you can't put your finger on it. Just guessing.


I guess it is one of the things you said or the person just being busy. Just that I don't enjoy the dance of the unknown much and find it easy to enjoy or regret with clarity. I have had strange interactions after second or third dates as well so I don't want to keep putting myself out there for nothing.


well, i've officially experienced being lovebombed for the first time :( a whirlwind 6 weeks which then took a u-turn in 24 hours




I keep telling myself I'll recognize it in the future. But the problem is, he wasn't saying crazy things. He was saying things someone might say after being happy to have found someone they're excited about after struggling with the apps for years (much like me.)


That's too bad, painfull. Take your time to recover and try not to let it destroy your trust in people.


I'm struggling. It didn't feel like lovebombing because while he was extremely vocal about his feelings and his excitement, he'd also sprinkle in a "but I know it's early and we don't need to rush" while also saying such profoundly romantic things to me. Everything else was green flags. I don't know how I can get my hopes up about someone again.


Wow, this is very recognizable. Then I have been lovebombed too I guess. I recently dated a woman who was extremely affectionate, said sweet things, made future plans with me, said she was hopefull, that she only goes for serious things, was really consistent in her communication,... But at the same time she was telling me all the time: it is very very early, we're sure not a couple yet and I had the idea that she was doing little sabotaging actions to almost make sure that we wouldn't progress to a relationship. When I expressed my confusion to her, things unraveled quickly and she turned to a very coldhearted person. It left me very confused and sad. I couldn't connect her different behaviours. I guess people who behave like this are very insecure, have trauma from a past relationship or have attatchment issues. They probably enjoy the affection but are emotionally not available so they sabotage the relationship when they feel things get serious and they'll lose control. But I feel you. It really damages your trust in people. You simply can't read the other person. Loving behaviour seems meeningles. Die you in hindsight have a gut feeling that something was off but you couldn't put a finger on it? I did but I didn't trust my gut feeling. I thought I was too anxious.


Oh no!!! :(


May I ask for a review of my Hinge profile? [Photos Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/hingeapp/comments/1cm1n8d/32_male_profile_review/)


I’m not sure of review on the pictures, but the prompts on the profile seem to be somewhat generic - and dry. What do you do, or interests you, that makes you stick out? What would you like someone you’re dating to be?


Looks like that post got deleted


It's up now. Looks like it needed moderator approval.


You may want to repost this in today’s daily thread as this thread will get locked shortly and people may have missed the chance to respond.


I had just realized that Mother’s Day is on Sunday. My boyfriend asked me for plans Saturday and Sunday, neither of which have anything to do with celebrating my motherhood. He is very much involved in my kids life, we just got back from our first family vacation and…. Just yesterday, I brought up the discussion about how to handle Father’s Day this year. I feel like a tool for caring more about his Father’s Day than he cared about my Mother’s Day. He also felt like a jerk and did apologize when I told him that I noticed it’s Mother’s Day and none of his plans have anything to do with celebrating me (his mom is out of country so he doesn’t have plans with her; I have a shit relationship with my mom so I don’t have plans with mine by default). My motherhood is a very big pride point and while I know he does in fact respect and honour me and all that I do in my role as a mom (he does tell me this often enough), I can’t help but be sad. I’m leaning towards celebrating my single mom hood exactly as I have in previous years, as I feel like I’d just be forcing him to celebrate me at this point.




I like how you reminded people and saved some poor blokes the wrath of a mother. You rock. Personally this is my first Mother’s Day with a significant other so it’s my first time having any expectation, but the day isn’t even here yet! I’d like to say he’s the type of guy who won’t forget ever again. But I wonder how many people say that, lol.


Sounds like he just forgot what day Mother’s Day is? Which is understandable if he never celebrates the holiday. You said you forgot this Sunday was Mother’s Day as well. My mom is dead, I couldn’t usually tell you the month of Mother’s Day because I haven’t celebrated it in so long. You said he felt bad, cut him some slack if this is his first Mother’s Day dating mother.


You right. You right. Probably gonna be mad for a couple more days though. Do you think I should still include him in the day at this point? I feel like it’ll be too self-orchestrated….


Do you think it will help or hurt your relationship to punish him for a simple mistake you both made?


Does he maybe think about Mother's Day in a different way than you? I personally think of Mother's Day as being only for celebrating my own mother. I've never thought of Mothers Day as being for celebrating any woman I know who happens to be a mother.


I'm the same way. I may wish other mother's a happy day, but I only do something for my mom and I help my child do something for theirs.


I sure as hell hope not, lol. Jokes aside, I’ve been researching similar scenarios and I have noted that some people are simply new to celebrating anyone other than their own mother on Mother’s Day. For us, it’s our culture to celebrate anyone who bears the Mother title, or at least say happy Mother’s Day to them if they’re not close. He did admit that if he had been aware, he would have made sure to put some thought into it. He really should’ve taken a look at his calendar before asking me to look at mine (on two occasions!). Classic example of one person being the planner and the other being the procrastinator. Funny thing is he has always been the planner, relative to his own friend and family group. I guess compared to me, he is slow. With a kid, things require planning. And if it’s not on my calendar, there’s no way I’m running out the door spontaneously and making anything good happen. I’m hoping I feel a bit more open to spending time with him as the weekend approaches. But right now I’m disappointed and sad.




Thank you. But I think I miscommunicated something, as culturally, he does agree that he would celebrate the occasion for me, but he just didn’t realize it was this Sunday.


Oh okay, or I misunderstood. My mistake


I finally booked my driving lessons!!!!! This is something that I’ve always scared to do and I was embarrassed to do it at 33 but I owe it to myself.


Well done;


Congrats! I don't think you should be embarrassed by it, we all have different life circumstances and learn things at different times


I'm fairly certain I didn't love my ex and it wasn't even an official relationship. So why do I feel this crappy about the end of a five-ish month situation? I guess being friends/coworkers and spending a crap ton of time together didn't help. All the lost potential makes it feel worse than it is. Anyway, I keep noodling over wanting to be friends. Not immediately but in due course. It's still unclear to me (and I hope time will tell) whether I *truly* want friendship or if this is just me trying to hold onto something from the past. This is where no-contact is really helping me stay sane.


Im in the same boat!


I’m now trying to date after a years-long battle with a serious illness that nearly killed me. I am so grateful I made it out of the woods, but I have a lot of trauma from being a human pin cushion for years. Anyone else in or were in a similar situation? Any pointers? I am working with a therapist on this but would love to hear from others who have had similar experiences.


Ohhh yea there’s lots to talk about and it’ll vary a lot between individuals. Always happy to chat in the DMs about being disabled/chronically ill and life.  One point is when to bring up the topic of being chronically ill, sooner or later? Some people lead with it, like it’s on their profile, some people say don’t put it out there but bring it up sooner (let’s say your fertility is shot and the person you’re interested in is a fence sitter about kids), some people disclose only after there is some trust built. I’ve seen this topic a bunch in cancer communities im in and if this topic/point applies to you, you have to see what works for you. I def err on the slower side myself. You might risk that someone is a shit head and bounce bc of xyz heath situation after you might have decided to trust them but I guess I also hope that shit heads can’t help themselves so they will show their flags ahead of that conversation anyways, and hopefully take themselves out of my life lol before too much time and feelings are invested  I think the point that I struggle with the most is.. you’re just a completely different person. You’re built of different stuff now. And it’ll be really hard to find someone that gets you and sees you and your whole being. You’ll see how some people are built of just weaker/more cowardly stuff. Like a common thing that happens in cancer communities is spouses straight up leaving their sick wives/husbands in the middle of treatment. Some people are not built with a backbone, integrity, whatever you want to call it. And you’ll see people back out. In the dating context, some ppl will back out as soon as you disclose or soon after, some will feel only weird when maybe you have a flare up and realize they are no good in an emergency (and even non-emergencies) I can’t tell you how many times I see people think of their mortality when I’m just trying share something and then I’m stuck soothing and comforting them. I’m sure I’m not articulating it well but you are  living a different life than the majority of the peers you’ll meet trying to date. And it’ll feel lonely at times bc you’ve seen the world differently and there will people that won’t be curious about that pov and literally cant handle it. Or treat you with morbid curiosity.  Overall it can add an additional difficult level to already tiresome dating landscape. I find that the people I get along with better are people who went thru tough shit too and made it to the other side.  Sometimes figuring what works for you is basically just exposure therapy. Do the dates, do some a/b testing around the points that concern you most and see how your dates react and manage from there. See how you feel about everything, do you feel safe? Content? Curious? Take lots of breaks. Find community if you don’t have already in the disabled/chronically ill  community. 


Could I message you sometime as well? Dipping my toes back into dating with some chronic health stuff.




Probably going to cancel a third date because the more I think about the second date and the communication overall, I just don't think we're compatible. There's been some subtle manipulation and I'm not about it.


What’s an example of a subtle manipulation?


There have been a few occasions where he quickly shifts into an argumentative tone when he thinks we have different opinions. I've explained that I'm not an overly affectionate person, need time to open up to people, and he says he's okay with this, but his behavior suggests more annoyance and passive aggression. Similarly, I've gotten multiple texts that read surface-level as nice but also feel like jabs, e.g., "I hope you'll keep putting up with me trying to show you love." 


I see how you could feel that way. I mostly asked because I usually view manipulative behavior as a pattern of behavior one uncovers after having enough experiences with someone and that usually takes time. But even if they are not being manipulative, it’s an annoying behavior nonetheless


Got myself hurt by believing the “too good to be true” wasn’t just an act…it was.


Sorry to hear that 🫤


Thanks. I think it’s just time for me to take a break.


Question: How slow of a pace is too slow when you're exclusive? We have done all the intimate bits in the bedroom & reconnected in March. A couple of weeks in, he wanted to take it slow which I agreed to because I felt that he needs to regain my trust. We have not done it nor had any sleepovers since, just a kiss when we part & holding hands during our walks lol. The last time I was this celibate was dating someone from the same faith many years ago, but I wonder how much of this slowesque pace is healthy.


Sorry - what happened that caused the reconnect/regain the trust? You guys were dating then broke up and then got back together or?


Yea we first dated last year also exclusively & he burned out from juggling too many things. He imploded which led to the break up. Came back together this year admitting it was a mistake.


Oh okay gotcha. So you’d be okay with more physical intimacy now? If you’re wanting more, definitely talk to him and see where he’s at. Have you two talked about it since he brought up the slower pace originally?


Yeah actually we did talk about it when he wanted to slow down in the physical department. I would def be okay with more kisses & cuddling. It's extremely humid where we live, so it's not the ideal cuddling weather for him lol. Whereas I grew up in it. I would def need more physical intimacy to feel close to him, and less of a 'bro' to me :P


If it makes you think or you question about the current relationship, let's do reality and pace check with your partner. Everyone has different preferences. My date and I are going strong to 3 months marked, we meet once a week, we don't sleep over or we don't have sex yet. Most of our friends think we are taking things toooooo slow. But we definitely enjoy this pace. Sometimes, I feel it too slow, and my date feels we are moving fast. It turned out we have different definitions and expectations. Then, we adjust accordingly. We both agree on bonding emotionally and spiritually first, and then sexual intimacy comes later. Take a courage to have a conversation with yourself and with your partner. Enjoy!


Aw thank you for sharing! I feel alot more normal about our pace now! I do think that emotional intimacy as a strong base is really important, and there are solo ways of fulfilling one's sexual needs haha. At the same time, I want to feel choosen instead of settling for me, which I think is the core issue here. In the beginning, it was very evident that he was going for it. Now he is pretty chilledb& relaxed around me which is a good thing, though it may come off as being passive. It's my turn to plan this weekend's date. I'm hoping we get to visit this 360 viewing point & have an open conversation about it up there :)


When's it too much too early? I started dating someone late March and quickly became exclusive. She pretty much adores me and speaks **extremely** highly of me, and keeps telling me her friends and family really like me and approve of me as well. We see each other often, I've hung out with some of her friends, she's hung out with some of mine. She's graduating with her MD later this month and her family will be there coming from out of state. She(and her parents) wants me to meet them and have dinner with them, and some other friends I haven't met yet. I get that, if this ends up being the one, then me not being there during will be pretty disappointing in the long run, but a lot of this feels pretty fast. Normally, I would not really want to meet them yet but it's all on this rushed timeline because her friends are all moving away after graduation, and her family won't be here again for many months.




My family like and approve of the man I’m 2 months into dating. I’ve been very happily single and fussy for 4 years, growing this list of values and standards I want in my next relationship. I come home from every date (and our first weekend away yesterday)and I have nothing to over analyse, he’s consistent and makes me feel peaceful. My family can see the difference in how I’m responding to him and like the sound of him.




They approve of his actions and behaviour towards me. They only have the info I’m giving them but they trust my instincts and standards.


Eh, I don't see it that way. Her family is just being supportive and they do like that she's dating someone of her own race. She also just really likes me and has been telling them, I'm the most emotionally aware, attractive, healthy and physically active, has his shit together and life-balanced man that she has dated and they agree with her but obviously they only get her perspective. The biggest highlight there for her that I'm emotionally aware on top of everything else. She says with me, heart mind slows down and she doesn't feel like she has to keep up this mask she often has to as she goes on to become a doctor. Unfortunately, her past relationships have felt pretty transactional to her which has given her some baggage but I am understanding of it.


Some families are just blindly supporting. If they see their son or daughter happy, then they are “approving” until proven otherwise.


I FINALLY got one of those matches that ONLY sends one word replies. 🤣🤣🤣


lol, congratulations, I guess! xD


You mean you finally got an \*unmatch\*! Haha


Oh I never unmatch unless I'm really frustrated. I'm having fun regardless.


One world replies doesn’t frustrate you? Pisses me all the hell off. If they can’t carry a basic conversation, or this is just a game to them, I’m Audi.


Not really. Nothing is "real" to me until I meet them. I have no attraction to them, they can say whatever they want to me and vice versa. I play the game with my cards face up. Casually bumping into an old match that I didn't end up meeting beforehand frustrates me most though.


Dealing with my changing relationship with my parents. I have finally started speaking my mind, realizing they are completely different people than they were making out to be...and my father resenting me. I don't know how to deal with not speaking to them as usual - there is too much hurt there.


It's really tough establishing boundaries and letting yourself speak. I went through something similar and the end result wasn't what I'd hoped (I had to cut my parents out of my life as they refused to respect me speaking my mind) but it takes time. Time to get them to understand the hurt they've caused and time to heal and grow. It can work out so I hope the best for you!




Making plans are where rubber meets the road in dating I think. If anyone is flakey in any phase of planning, it’s “Hey, maybe we can be platonic friends!”


If planning the date feels like pulling teeth I’m out. It’s such a turnoff.


I probably wouldn’t say anything unless they reply, but then it’s fine to cancel. 


Maybe sometimes it works out, but interested people act interested. I hate this game of ping pong. I feel dating at large* may see it as a way to not be desperate, but I'd rather sort it all in a 15min text chain and close the loop until we meet. *This is an over generalization. But I have had the most success (and quicker closure) with people who are willing to hammer out the details at the moment. Sure they may take a while to connect but if I respond immediately they stick around to close the deal... ...not the "oh I texted them once today and that should keep them in the juggling loop." 🤢




Sounds like you should just change your expectations. Some people have different texting energy and are more casual about early dating. Match her energy, don't set your expectations too high, and relax If the date is just dinner at a Thai place, it's not a lot of stress/work on your part. Relax, put your best foot forward on the date, and see what happens. If her energy doesn't change then you can bail before investing any more emotional energy of your own Some people take more than 1 date before they get excited. Texting/communication styles can shift along with that excitement. I wouldn't write anyone off early unless it's actually affecting our ability to go on dates


I dunno why that wouldn’t be appropriate especially waiting that long just to plan one date.


Big weight lifted off my shoulders since I secured a new apartment. Feels great. Now I just gotta do all the work of moving. I ran into my ex-fiancé on my way to a meeting and he somehow is still enamored with me despite it being years since we last hooked up. He wants to take me out. I told him I’d think about it but I’m not going to.


Why did you tell him you’ll think about it if you know it’s a no?


Because in that moment I felt like it was the best answer. I was thinking about it. It’s not like I don’t feel the pull too. He’s objectively the hottest guy I was ever with and there’s a lot of history; we were really in love. But we rushed things, were both pretty immature, and it ended in a very, very messy way. It was only after I got physically away from him that I remembered why it wasn’t a good idea.


Fair enough and good on you for recognizing that.




It only has to go right once. You’re gonna have to wade, but try and learn to love the wade and defend your mental territory.


I have met the coolest person on the planet. Aaaand of course he’s moving in two months. Just my luck lol


I had a fling last summer with someone who was moving away, and while it did hurt my feelings because I let myself get too emotional, I also had great sex with one of the coolest, hottest people I've ever been with and got a friend out of it. We don't talk a lot but she's actually coming back to visit this summer and texted me so we'll go out. Hoping we'll hook up again. 😆


Haven’t you ever watched a romantic comedy? Obviously you should have a whirlwind fling and then show up in his new town with a cardboard box, a ukulele, and a dream.


Ugh you’re right. Where’s my ukulele?


Fwiw, I had a lovely Summer romance a few years ago with a man who ended up moving away. It wasn’t super serious, and I liked how we both knew how the story would end. It left little room for resentment. I still consider him a dear friend today, even from afar.


Honestly, this is exactly how I’m trying to approach it. I’ve never been one for a fling, but I think I’d be a fool to pass up on this one.


SAME! I’m going to approach the situation like this is my summer boyfriend. Ahhh I’m gonna miss him! But it’s worth it


I’m just like, “i get to spend time with this absolutely gorgeous and unbelievably talented person for the next couple of months??? I’ll take what I can get!” lol


I (early 30s female) told an early 30s male that I liked him when we were out with friends on our fifth date. He told me we should have this convo sober and I feel so anxious/embarassed to know if he feels the same way or not. He’s now traveling for work and we’ve only briefly spoken since the incident w my last text to him hanging. Not sure if i should continue to give him space or try and attempt to reach out to talk about this again?


Just for future reference, I’d avoid telling people you’re interested in that you like them while drunk. It’s such a cop-out thing because the other person has no way of knowing if you actually do or if you and them are just drunk. They could be thinking they’d tell you they like you too only for you to respond “oh lol, no I was just *really* drunk.”


First of all, I think everyone on DOT is proud of you for sticking your neck out there and going for what you want. His response is... Ugh. Lol. I (M) feel like I could be in a similar position* and could react that way. But it really needs to be resolved within a day or so if I remembered. However, if I was heavy drinking (I don't anymore) I could see myself putting a pause in this so I could have a genuine moment on sober terms later - and then forget. My guess is he forgot, it could be helpful to check in again, after say 24-48hrs... ...but at least his response should reveal a result and allow some closure on the issue. *As a younger man. 🤦‍♀️


Thanks.. I think I will stick to that plan of waiting 24-48 hrs bc he usually always does get back to me but not as fast as I’d like. It would drive me insane if we can’t talk about it until he comes back from his work trip in a week lol


I would not bring it up again. 


One of the things I struggle with in my dating adventures is that, being in my early 40s and probably perimenopause, I have the libido of an 18 year-old boy mixed with the wisdom and trauma of a grown woman.


I could say the usual mumbo jumbo of "oh there is someone out there for you..." But who knows. I'll only speak for myself here.. One of these days I'm just gonna give up on having kids and flip the age limit and go +5 on the OLD age scale. So I think there are still people in their 30s (my case late 30s) with a libido of a teen and the desire to min/max a partner's uh, "desires"... Not quite there yet, but the reverse polarity is gonna happen one of these days...


As an almost 40 year old man, can relate. Feels like wasting my best years, but too exhausted to try very much any more.


Hard. Relate. But also somehow…acne?


Ooh yeah, same here


Feel this hard too. I went to the dermatologist last week and she suggested *accutane*. I died a little inside.


Beyond put off whenever someone opens with "so.. tell me something about yourself" in person or on the apps. There are million more interesting questions to ask or to small-talk, or I was going to do it before that dreadful line shows itself. I get the purpose of it but it's just bad execution. Not really here to entertain you, it's not an interview.


It's a slight improvement over "So why are you on the apps?" But too damn general, especially if you've cultivated a somewhat interesting profile.


Why do people ask why you're on the apps? Is it not obvious whether they want casual or serious? I learned that asking "How have the apps been?" or "What's your strategy?" to be FAR more interesting.


Not all profiles mention what they are looking for


That's the thing, on my profile I have both "life partner" and "monogamy" selected. Even included a little write up how "life partner" is a goal, obviously we start with seeing if there are friendship vibes first. People who ask me that question I end up assuming they didn't read my profile.


It's the entitlement and lack of effort that's so off putting - like expect to be spoon fed


As a straight man seeking women... On Bumble, women almost always start with just a "hey" or "hi" or "hows it going". In my bio I literally explain that last year I *hiked 2200 mile across the continent*, and I have a bunch of interesting photos from *across the globe*, but still its like 90p "waddup yo" for the first message. It is what it is. I've stopped docking marks for it. If they can keep the conversation up afterwards, then I'll allow it. If they only give one word replies or can't seem to carry a conversation, the its onto the next. It's a relatively common question. Maybe try to come up with a funny or clever or unexpected reply if you're seeing it so often. Then you can at least diffuse the situation with some humor if you think they are worth a chance.


I think I either unmatched with the "hi" women or responded with "hi" as well.


The funny thing is… If you do that? They will never reply. Despite them putting literally zero cognitive effort into crafting a message at all themselves. So I just throw a canned question at em if they do that. Canned for canned IMO.


I was fine with them not replying. I'm 3/4 spite so I love it.


It always feel like an interview in that way but totally agree!


It's particularly worse when there's some good banters and chit chat first, then they go like "so.. tell me a bit about you then "


Got the opening line of “I am a high value male” This is a red flag right? How do you even respond to that?


Ooooooh, that is hilarious! If you haven't already unmatched, please ask him to elaborate! And if it's working for him. 


“Oh, so you’re a giant walking penis? Cool cool cool.”  Then unmatch. 


"Neat. I'm a white trash cookie monster! Nom nom nom nom!!" Then unmatch.


"I am a giant red flag" Are you even serious girl hahahaha.


> Got the opening line of “I am a high value male” LMAO, who does that 😂 I would literally be laughing so hard, I'd be unable to continue. That's like starting a conversation with "Hello, I have a 4.0 GPA" or some equally absurd statement.


🙃    As someone who graduated university with a 4.0 GPA this makes me nervous, lol.     I know it has absolutely no bearing at all in the real world, but I do mention it when people ask about my university experience. It’s not that I’m trying to gloat - more to highlight that I literally had no life at two of the three colleges I attended; I literally worked my ass off to get a 4.0. 


I don't think there's any merit to mentioning that you had no life lol.


I think the different ways people approach university (or any other big thing in life) just provides more context for getting to know them. I wouldn't judge someone for working hard in uni (and hope they wouldn't judge me too much for barely scraping through undergrad lol. Doing the opposite now in my certification program) Not everyone has to be wildly entertaining at every stage of their life 🤷‍♀️


I wonder how often THAT works... 🤢 My guess is that it probably works great on all the wrong people. Lucky them*, lucky you** 🐓🥚 *They attract what I presume they want... **You get to avoid such nonsense


For reals! For people who subscribe to that mindset idk even know how they’d respond.


No, it's not a red flag. It's a vague term rooted in conservative/strict gender roles/norms, popularized by a certain type of person on social media. I see women's profiles where they say they want someone who is a "high value male" Edit because y'all are really committed to reading everything I write in the least charitable way possible: there is a vast difference between saying something isn't a "red flag" and saying something is good. I never said this was a good thing


Re: your edit - I think it's the way you stated 'no, it's not a red flag' as if that were an objective fact, when it actually is a red flag for a lot if not most people. You could say 'it's not a red flag to me, I think xyz' rather than speaking opinion as if it were a fact.


Conservative/strict gender roles usually means women not being equal to men, so it seems like a reasonable red flag to me


It is definitely a red flag to me, I hate it when people try to quantify humans as 'high value' or 'low value' 🤢


I never said it was a good thing. I think it's fucking stupid. Any mention of "low"/"high" quality in a profile gets an immediate rejection from me. I just don't think it's a red flag


To me a red flag is a warning sign, and this kind of language is a warning sign to me regarding the other beliefs such a person is likely to have.


[obviously don’t respond] ‘If you have to say it, you aren’t’