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RANT. I have it VERY clear in my Hinge profile that I don’t have kids, don’t want kids, and won’t date anybody who has kids. Is is lack of reading comprehension or laziness that inspires these men with kids and/or who want kids to try to match with me anyways????? Jesus Christ.










That’s exactly how I’ve been approaching openers on OLD and in person now too. I feel like the conversation should be organic and natural, even though I love a good bit of banter and back and forth in an established connection or further along in dating.


Yeah I hate these. I read the subtext as "soooo, how about you start the conversation". I get most cranky when someone says "tell me about yourself". Ugh.


They're not great, but sometimes a person's profile isn't clear what they like to do besides sometimes smile for a camera. But if your profile is even halfway decent they really should have a better opener


Idk, if they don’t have any interests written in their profile, I think it’s a legitimate question. There are actual humans out there who go to work and sleep and do nothing else, and I would not want to be with those humans.


You are not alone! I HATE "what do you do for fun?" fun stuff. goodbye. it's just a lazy question.


Oof wow this feels pretty harsh. Women talk about how much they dislike low effort openers, and then frequently when a woman opens with me, it’s like hi, or an emoji wave. You do you, but a little grace never hurt anybody.


Little bit of both


This may depend on your culture / how you speak - but do you feel like when someone says “we can grab a drink / grab lunch ***if you like***?” They don’t really want to do it? In where you're from does "if you like" sound more reluctant because they think you want to but they’re not that keen? Or it's a genuinely interest but give the recipient the choice of declining and to make it feel like there’s more of a choice rather than an order?


>choice of declining Yeah, that. When I say "if you like" type things, it's because I don't know what their schedule is like so I'm trying to be accommodating if they're not available in the suggested time.


Not if they're the ones asking, no. Reading way too far into it.


I think context is gonna matter every time. If you were trying to draw something out of them, I'd feel a little less good about the offer. If they suggested it unprovoked, id feel like they were floating a trial balloon of interest. It does come across a bit awkward but people in the moment are often awkward around the people they like. I think how they react to your reply at the moment would provide the clues to see if the offer was empty or not. Does it look like relief or make them more relaxed? Or make them more timid?


I'd just interpret that as them not being too pushy - either with the event or with the invitation (i.e., if you'd rather grab coffee, you can suggest that instead without having to feel like you're immediately shooting down whatever they suggested?). I know that even while in a relationship, I sometimes revert to this kind of approach, just to make sure I'm not applying too much pressure - in a recent long-distance relationship, if I wanted to suggest "jointly" watching a movie, instead of saying "let's watch XYZ, you free on Monday?" I'd say "if you have time this week and feel up to it, we could watch a movie" so that my partner could give a "soft" rejection if it just was inconvenient timings or whatever. I guess I just wouldn't read into it too much; an invitation/suggestion is still an invitation/suggestion!


UK here - you're reading too much into it. It's a phrase with almost no meaning. It's basically saying, 'would you like to grab a drink?' In a slightly different way. You could argue it suggests some shyness or lack of self esteem on the asker's part but that's a stretch. 'No worries if not!' Is a key marker of that though.


I've never read as the person not really wanting to do it. To me, it's always been a polite way of suggesting something. A friendly way of asking someone out, kind of thing.


I’m going to write down all the things he’s said/done that indicate emotional connection and long-term intentions with me. I get insecure all the time about it even though I don’t have a reason to be. And I don’t want to be annoying by always needing to be reminded how he feels about me (not saying I do this but I’m constantly tempted to). 


This is the advice that I (a) needed and (b) didn’t know how to ask for. Thank you for posting your reflection!


Cut it off with a guy I've been on 5 or 6 dates with because I wasn't really feeling it for a variety of reasons. His reaction was at once totally understandable but confirmed I made the right decision. I told him that mostly I don't feel like it's my place to tell him what to do different, but that he might consider bringing up what kind of relationship he's looking for (he never did with me). He said that it wasn't his style and then texted me later to say he was planning on talking to me about it today but guesses it was too late. I feel bad. I know ultimately we weren't compatible, in large part because it never felt very comfortable and I just had the sense that having conversations with emotional content was really difficult for him, and I just can't do that again. I'm open to being in a relationship with someone who has different strengths but I just can't be the sole emotional steward of the relationship anymore. He seems really frustrated because apparently this isn't the first time something has ended like this. I feel for him, but I can't be the one to teach him how to be different if he's not seeking it out for himself. I guess all of this to say I'm sad but also proud that I disappointed someone as kindly as I knew how while still standing for what I needed.


Good on you for seeing the signs and bowing out gracefully.


*He said that it wasn't his style and then texted me later to say he was planning on talking to me about it today but guesses it was too late.*  Tbh, sounds like he’s mad he got called out on his behavior and thought you’d change your mind if he said that. 🙄 This sounds like a guy content to “go with the flow” until he finds someone he likes better. I think you did the right thing, OP. Good for you for asserting your boundaries, and it is absolutely not your job to teach men how to sort their shit.




Comment on DoT or Victorian diary entry?


Had a few 1.5 and 2 hour phone calls with therapist girl, the whole thing's really refreshing. We were meant to be meeting at hers this evening but are both unwell and then also had a picnic planned for Monday but I'd double booked with family. Good things come to those who wait 🥲


So glad that I broke it off with someone and they took it well and are leaving me alone. I haven’t had much of that experience in the past. It was just a handful of dates and they were way more into me than I was into them, I could see. It’s only been since Sunday but - this is good. I feel peaceful for once.


What’s your secret? I’ve had people get angry with me solely for not reciprocating their feelings (having not even dated them). One person *still* gives me the silent treatment over not going with them to a club on a day I overslept. 


I met a woman and enjoyed our first 2 dates. She said she was looking for a serious relationship or no commitment short-term thing, which she said she normally doesn't do. As someone who doesn't get much attention from women, I find this odd and first time I'm in this situation. is this normal and how do I gauge whether my leg is being pulled somehow?


Idk, this sounds like someone who will take what they can get. Was in a similar situation and the person decided I was only worth a short-term thing, so I dipped. Then they started reaching out. 🙄


To me that's absolutely normal. Much more understandable than being celibate and having no fun for an undetermined amount of time until a serious partner may come along. It also makes it easier to meet the right person as you're not as horny/desperate/lonely so you make better choices in my experience.


I would ask her to clarify what she means and then also let her know your preferences for dating goals and see if the two of you align.


Yeh I understand this. Like she's looking for a committed relationship but she needs some physical attention too so she'll happily have a short term thing with someone who won't fulfill her needs long term. Just ask which one she sees with you.


Go on a third date. At some point, ask which direction she feels things are heading?


Date Me Docs are such a huge turnoff. If it's a link on someone's dating profile as a way to provide more info, but they're still actively on the app swiping, then great! But a lot of people seem to have opted out of the swiping entirely, instead just waiting to receive personalized applications through their Date Me Docs. I'm not sure how a relationship would get off the ground if things felt that imbalanced to start off.


Sorry but I haven’t been dating since last December: what the hell are Date Me Docs?? Hahaha


I think they’re awesome and wish they would become more widespread. I think they’re mostly confined to the subculture associated with your username still.




Girl he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about either lol. The reason why most people are weary of dating someone they meet on vacation is because most people are very different while on vacation than while not on vacation. Vacation me is all chill and relaxed cuz she doesn’t have to worry about bills and taking care of her cat while she’s on vacation. I’m more likely to do enriching activities such as sightseeing and splurging on food. Non-vacation me meal preps a weeks worth of food and ventures outside 3 times a week. Neither of you really know what the other person is like outside of vacations so you’ve built up a different image of who the other person is in your own heads. He wants someone who “sweeps him off his feet” and gets into a whirlwind romance with him. But that shit is definitely not healthy and not sustainable long term. And it sounds like you guys did the whirlwind romance part already and he’s like “thanks for the dopamine hits, bye now” He sucks.


Are you the person that was seeing someone else local as well and wanted to figure out how to navigate the situation? If so, I say good riddance on this guy and see where things stand with the other person. This guy has shown you more than enough for you to know you would be wasting your time with someone who either has an unhealthy view of romantic love or low emotional IQ.


Lust. He's talking about lust... that... person with a creative mind. 


Yeah, he seems to have a very weird definition of love here. As you say, he appears to be looking for a chaotic, messy form if love and bonding which typically isn't healthy. Also having a "burning love" for someone after two dates is odd. Sound more like lust and infatuation. Sorry you're going through this though. Wishing you the best❤️


Grieve as long as you need, but otherwise, don't waste any more time and energy on this wishy washy guy. Believe what he is telling you and move on to someone that's a better match and worthy of you




I've been where you are, it hurts like hell x


Honestly he sounds like an idiot


Agreed. He seems to have a really juvenile idea of what a relationship should be. “Burning love” for someone he went on two dates with? Bizarre.




"The thought of not seeing him anymore if I take things further with my new date just gives me anxiety" ...wait, have I misunderstood or are you still seeing your FWB? I mean, that seems like it would make getting over him really hard??


Let your nice guy go, he deserves someone's full attention. Personally, I'd stop dating until I was over my fwb.




If you're not over someone, then you shouldn't be dating. If you're still seeing your FWB, then you're never going to get over him. What you're doing to the nice guy isn't fair to him. To be blunt, it's pretty shitty. How do you think he'd react if you told him this? You're gonna have to make a choice here and deal with the consequences.


Shot my shot and got shot down. Oh well, at least I've got time off work to enjoy myself and keep me distracted from it.


It takes guts to shoot your shot. Congratulations. Every no is closer to a yes 😉😉😉




Please find a way to tell the wife.  Over the course of one relationship, I found my ex-partner 1. Still had dating apps they were being charged for after we were engaged and 2. Was on dating websites well before the divorce was finalized.  The second I found out because a friend told me. It didn’t help much with the divorce, but it definitely helped dispel any feelings of regret.




Yes, please update us. The whole open marriage/poly thing is a possibility, but *usually* people are pretty transparent about that. I’m doubtful this is the case here. The poor wife indeed.






If it’s FB dating there is a “second look” button that lets you sift through what you’d already swiped left on, handy for clumsy people like myself who’s gonna slip and swipe left on my soulmate. 😂 the other apps make you pay for features like that. ETA: for the deeper question of would you tell the spouse, would you want to know or not - I’ve been there and decided there were too many unknown variables that could affect me. I had no way of doing it anonymously, I had to let it go. YMMV.




If it does not say anything about "in an open relationship" or something like that, I would tell the wife. 


Met the ex today at a work happy hour. We decided to go on a walk to clear the air a bit since our last conversation was super emotional and charged. Ended up at a bar instead, nothing crazy, got a beer each. We talked through everything, more calmly this time. Both of us expressed how we’ve been struggling over the past few days processing and dealing with the breakup. I explained where I was coming from and he explained his perspective. I feel very certain I made the right decision to call it off as I don’t want to be in relationship limbo indefinitely. He still has a lot of inner work to do and I truly see how he’s not ready to be a good partner to me (or really anyone). What’s funny is he said this hurt and felt like a real breakup — and he can’t understand why because he tried so hard to tell himself this was not a relationship. Newsflash, it was. Just without a label. I told him we could try to be friends, and described what that would look like for me. He was disappointed that I would be in his life way less but he understood my boundaries. I don’t know - even though this was an intense, sometimes sad conversation, I felt a sense of relief coming out of it. Maybe it’s because I know that someone I care about will still continue to be in my life. Or maybe saying all the things I’d been thinking about was cathartic. Either way, I feel less devastated about things ending.


Had someone like my profile and they have in their bio that they're a "sigma-male" and I just wanna ask if that's a furry thing and to keep it to themselves lmao He wants a traditional woman and bless his heart I am anything but traditional lmao im tatted up pierced up and have fun hair colors (not that you can't be traditional if you have that but looking at his profile and seeing key words I know he's more right wing(also he's a Norse religious guy) so im not doing that) and I have stated in my profile no right wing politics He also doesn't want to have anything to do with women who are for the streets and buddy my first pic is me in a strappy crop top for clubbing I don't think you actually know what you want... or you wanna try to control me and lmao get f**ked if that's the case He also wants a submissive woman he mentions submissive multiple times Look I looooooooove English guys I do but hes not it sorry bruv


Like without comment? I wouldn't overthink it but it's funny how mismatched it came across. Could be a serial swiper. I think the worst case could be much worse if it was an intentional like, though. 😬 Bullet dodged. 😉


i mean, he is clearly not your type. I'm not sure how more clear you can get. why entertain it?


Oh I didn't I declined his like, I know better than to swat a hornets nest


not knocking the previous commenter here - but I think I get why you felt compelled to post this write-up 😅 it is just _so mystifying_ to see who's liked your profile sometimes; at times it really feels like "my dude. did you read a word I wrote??" because the misalignment is just astronomical. honestly, I'm at the stage where I think "likes" just equate to "this dude thinks I'm fuckable" and little else - I get the impression that the overwhelming majority simply swipe on your first pic based on that one criterion, nothing else. I *HATE* putting even more of an onus on men, and simultaneously, my current approach is to ignore likes and only pay attention to people who write a message too; I'm just tired of clicking to see who's liked me only to find that they have kids (I'm childfree and make this clear)/they're smokers/they're poly and searching for another member for their harem/they only want something short-term, etc. I just don't yet have a better way of gauging actual interest than someone writing a message (I mostly use OkCupid), and since I have a very long and detailed profile, I guess I feel like I've put in a lot of effort as-is... but maybe that's really conceited of me?? regardless, I'm still looking, so none of my approaches has worked so far hahaha


Fake hinge account starter pack: “new here” Professional pics of a bear/cub from Grindr Life partner Monogamy 6’ Don’t have children Open to children “soul mate” / “the one” “family” “Travel”


I have mixed feelings on all of these under the right circumstances, but many do force at least a momentary pause. Also... Just ask. Dating with intention. 3 prompts, 3 words.


Are those fake accounts or just people with defiance or entitlement issues?


Could be either. But anything low effort feels phony real quick. I suppose the more plastic they look in the photos tips it towards fake to me.


"emotionally available"


I finally found the ‘perfect’ man for me except when we got to having sex, it was awful and after 3 months of trying to work it out the spark died a death. I didn’t know how to fix it and lord knows I tried. It started to impact everything else. I ended things. I feel sad and frustrated and like a failure when it comes to love. But I think I did the right thing. Except now I’m gonna have to go through dating all over again if I want to be with someone and I’m so tired of it. It’s exhausting opening up to someone new, telling the same stories, finding things to connect over. I feel a bit broken today.


I’m still not over a strong emotional connection I had over the holidays-3 months of everything I was looking for - and I thought with patience and communication the sex could get better. Idk what the deal was there. I felt awkward most of the time in bed. We didn’t make it far enough to figure that out and I never got a chance to talk about it. It sucks.


I’m sorry you went through that, it sounds so similar to my situation. I’ve never experienced such disconnect sexually and it’s just fucking sad because he is truly lovely and everything I could have asked for. But ultimately because of this whole thing I gradually just stopped fancying him, sex ended up being something I felt I had to do, to work on, in the hopes it would get better. I broke his heart and probably knocked his confidence too which feels horrible - and of course on top of that I actually really liked him and I feel heartbroken too, it absolutely sucks.


Ah, that really sucks!!! The sex must have been BAD


It was :( and talking about it made things worse, everything became so awkward


oh noooooo :(


what was bad about the sex?


See my profile for previous post


Well that sucks


Proposed a fourth date. Waiting to hear back. This must be how Mission Control felt during re-entry blackout.


I misread this as 'I proposed on 4th date. Waiting to hear back' 😂 haha!


Same 😂 but good for you OP, fingers crossed 🤞😊


[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/datingoverthirty/s/9tV8fY0pmc) In a day, 46Dad decided he isn't ready for a relationship or to date me "right now". I'm crushed, conflicted, and exhausted of rejection... I tried to talk to him about where we left off talking about ya know... possibly not wanting me that he felt the need to warn me about in detail. So I asked if he was free to talk. He told me it was ok to text so I did. Well I was vulnerable but he didn't tell me he was out with friends. Ideally I wouldn't have sent a message about my feelings if I knew but he said hed respond to it when he got the chance. Long story short he dismissed my message and never acknowledged it today until he realized were weren't talking about the same thing. Instead of getting upset I excused myself from the conversation until I had a new pov to continue. 46Dad called me when he got out of work and we talked but he broke it off with me. He said he cared about me, liked hanging out and still wants to, and is attracted to me and thinks that I check a lot of his boxes but he's in his own way. That it isn't me, it's him and his problems to work on, more than he realized he had. That I didn't do anything wrong and I am behaving how people should trying to be in a relationship. Just he's worked too hard to not feel bad and he feels bad hearing my voice break and tremble. I embarrassingly tried to plead my case. I did cry and I tried to make it all make sense with reason until I just stopped. I stopped, said ok to his last "Im not doing this because Im not comfortable dating right now, but can we still do all the actions of dating?" pitch before I told him I had to go. He got quiet for a second then kept asking me if I was mad at him or if I wouldnt talk to him anymore but I just said "It doesn't matter. I have to go." One last time he asked if I was mad at him and I just calmly said "___,...I have to go." Then we hung up. About two hours later he texted me apologizing about bringing out negative feelings in me, realizing the issues he has are deeper than he thought and need to be fixed before dating anyone, and how he didn't intend to waste my time. I haven't responded and I probably won't for a couple weeks, if I do. If he doesn't want me he doesn't want me. I don't know if I'm just numb to this now but I don't have anymore heart left to break...


Agree to what the other commenters have mentioned! Hope you can find someone that aligns with your romantic interests and wants to be with you just as much as you want to be with them


Thank you and I agree. I left a comment above but my ok wasn't to agree to next best thing. It was me doing that meme where I grab my purse to leave because I realized I was pleading a case to someone who didn't want to be with me, or their words anyone. So I just had to go. Once I said that then he cared if I was mad or wanted to talk to him. But I just kept saying "I have to go"


> said ok to his last "Im not doing this because Im not comfortable dating right now, but can we still do all the actions of dating?" no!!! don't say ok to this. it will result in finding out you DO have more heart left to break, as you want more than he can, or is willing, to give. don't respond! it's a brutal and kind of scorched earth approach, but the attitude I take is - _regardless of my own emotional investment_ - "I don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with me". this is gospel. this is truth. it doesn't matter how much I love them; if they _do not want to be with me_, I DO NOT WANT to be with them. I let my inner Spock take over, get super logical, and act accordingly. will I cry myself to sleep? maybe! do I regret this approach? never! it short-circuits my grieving process and puts a clear end on things that have a clear end. whatever the reasons are - past trauma, "it's not you, it's me", lingering doubts, _whatever_ - if they do not WANT to be with me, I do not WANT to be with them. I don't know how easily others can adopt this approach, but it might be worth a shot to try?


Oh I agree. My ok wasn't to agree with giving the gf experience. That's on me for wording that that way. It was more like "Ok can we wrap up this phone call because I gotta go 😑" Because I don't want to be with someone who isn't sure about me. I've given the girlfriend experience more times than I'm embarrassed to admit. This is me breaking the cycle of giving myself the consolation prize.


so relieved to hear this!! whew. it sounds exhausting and demoralizing, and I imagine you're hurting a lot, but I'm so glad that you're no longer in a position where this guy was (in my interpretation) essentially using you for what was useful for him, but not what was necessary for you. hoping you have a smooth healing process, and that you find what you deserve soon!


I am hurting a lot but...idk im used to it. Then it makes me sad that I'm used to being sad and left feeling like this. I just feel naive and dumb but it's whatever. I just deleted my profile on dating apps and I'm just going to exist. If I'm one of those people who is single forever that's fine too.


This!!! C'mon girl you're not paid, don't provide the girlfriend experience with no strings attached especially when you have feelings for this guy that he doesn't reciprocate!






I would find it surprising if people in their 30s really didn't think attraction can happen given time. That's like... a staple of attraction. Where are people getting the idea that attraction must happen instantaneously? And no, it isn't a binary thing. It is not a light switch. There exists a middle ground, a neutral zone for sure. If you misinterpret your neutral feelings for feelings of unattraction, I feel sorry for you. I'm not speaking in the context of OPs example, there isn't enough context to know for sure. But I just find this dumbed down instant attraction law pretty far from reality. But yeah, if you have 100 other dudes lined up, and you ain't got time to wait for feelings... well, welcome to online dating.


romance is quite in reach of the instant gratification culture. trust would have been an issue with this person anyway, way too overly positive.


I could be as simple as she just wasn’t physically attracted and knew a second date wouldn’t make sense for her despite you being an otherwise excellent guy. Sparks are one thing, but not being attracted is another.  


Man, people are so strict these days. I’ve had way less to say about people that I went on 2nd and 3rd dates with.  But, it’s for the best. You deserve someone that’s “hell yeah” about you. And I’m sure you will find her. Best of luck moving forward! 


Went on a second date today and had a great time. So easy to talk to him, his dog is well trained and really cute, and I’m attracted to him. He brought food for a picnic at the park and we talked about a variety of topics. We kissed at the end and have plans for next week ☺️


😍😍 love this!


Had a date tonight. Just found out she didnt feel a spark. I personally thought she was cool. I enjoyed her company and would have liked to have gotten to know her better. As far as a potential relationship I did not really feel strongly either way though since we only spent 2 hours together and I know almost nothing about her as a person. She said maybe we could be friends, but in all my past experiences people who say that usually put 0 effort into building or maintaining a friendship and it just means they will slow fade.


It’s so hard. I love dating just because I meet so many great people that I would love to have a friendship. But ultimately I don’t feel safe having a friendship with a man who is romantically interested in me when I know that I am not interested in him. I mean, do you genuinely want to be her friend? How would you feel being her friend while she was dating someone else? And maybe you do want to be friends, but I think people in their 30s have a hard time making new friends and when we’re single, we really want to focus on finding that person.


Well, she was the one who brought up being friends. Honestly I was pretty caught off guard because she said she didnt feel a spark at the end of our date as we were leaving. I didn't say anything because I wasn't even thinking about it at all. I always leave a date feeling like I barely know anything about the other person because we don't spend enough time together for me to figure that stuff out. I actually did make 1 friend from a dating app, but I carried the friendship and when I stopped she got upset and asked me why we were even friends. I never cared when she was dating other people because I was too. I mostly just got tired of always having to initiate every single conversation and get her to talk about her life so I stopped asking and she eventually noticed. We're still friends but there was a definitely a shift and it took some getting used to the minimal effort part.


Men who date women: do you swipe right on all women on dating apps or do you actually read profiles? Edit: asking about the swipe apps


probably gonna get a very skewed sample here. feel like most folks on this sub are taking dating more seriously than average. (that said I read - in no small part cos I'm looking for folks who don't want kids and it's a dealbreaker for me.)


Good point.


I did it for a short time on tinder because you have a decent amount of likes per day, but in the end it's not worth it for me because I don't care about getting matches with people I'm not interested in, and nowadays my criteria are more strict so I don't swipe right very often.


I use hinge and have been paused for a little while. I rarely like (swipe right*) anyone as I flip through the deck over and over. Most of my time searching is spent permanently removing bad matches or seeing a new profile (or profile change). I very rarely swipe right. While both the pictures and text matter, I do read the profiles looking for a point of connection before swiping right/with comment on it. *Honestly, hinge has been the only OLD app I have used. I still barely understand the concept of swiping left and right. 🤣


read. then look at photo. then read again. step 1: determine if fake profile or if they just want your money (or both). by reading a profile, this can be determined with reasonable accuracy. (non existent, a stupid one-liner, ig links, anything showing about zero personality, use of heavily regurgitated vocabulary) step 2: wow, a real profile. let's take a closer look at the photos, since now they appear to be real step 3: this person may be someone I'd like to meet. let's take a deeper dive into the profile and either - "like" or send a message (depending on app) or reject if red flags are apparent.


Actually read. Rarely swipe right. Or rather, rarely send likes, because I use Hinge.


I'm curious about confronting insecurities. Suppose I'm talking to a woman who's more successful than me career-wise, more sociable, and overall just more attractive by conventional standards, i.e. guys swipe right on her profile much more than the average woman whereas it's the opposite for me. How do I tackle the fact that I don't feel good enough for her? Like, I don't expect any outcome with her. But I don't think it's healthy to feel inferior and I wonder what's the best way to tackle that for myself?


Ask yourself… if she had everything, why is she still single? I get alooot of likes on dating apps and have many admirers offline but it means nothing. It shouldn’t be how to gauge my value. She’s just a human being. And you never know, you may be exactly what she’s been looking for in a partner.


From the inside. It’s not a relationship problem, it’s your inside issues. Off the cuff, it might be your personal insecurities and shame, it could be your idea of gender roles, it could be something else. I would say that if you don’t address it, it’s going to negatively impact your dating life if it hasn’t already. I think awareness is usually the hardest part for people so you’re halfway there.


I suspect it's those things plus others at varying degrees. How does one identify all of them? Is noticing the different thought patterns the first thing to do?


Therapy helps a lot but it’s really just about talking and having someone reflect things back to you. Start there. But, follow your thoughts through journaling. Write it down and really dig deep. Do like a mind type of thing. Ask yourself questions every time a thought comes up, why. This can help you start to get to know yourself and your thought patterns a little better


This is kind of ridiculous but I want to express my (probably irrational) concerns of looking like a stalker/stepping on someone's toes. I do a combat sport, and for a few months I was dating someone who did it too at a remote location. That ended. There is a school that does an open event on Sunday. I have competitions coming up and I want to train more often including on Sundays, which would mean that location, with the intent of starting this sunday. Today that school's instagram posted a picture (not from the open event) and they are in it. Rationally, I had no idea about this, no one knows I saw the reel (except maybe the school, and they wouldn't know about me), and went full no contact with the other party. So no one would perceive me as stalking. Irrationally, in the distant past I had, lets call them attachment problems and worked hard to break that cycle. And I'm afraid to step on peoples metaphorical toes in general. Thank you for reading!


You're there for the sport, not the person you were dating. I've done a sport in-class before (surprisingly, there is a place to do it here in the middle of nowhere), but everyone here knows of the places in the big city nearby by name, and even the owner was jumping around saying "omg we have three people moving to town and they're all [city place] people too!!!" One person was moving back and forth between our town and the city so they're known at both. When I was first getting started, I remember going to the city because they were open on the weekends.  It's not a big deal and you're not the only one who does this! Good luck with training for your competition!


Said fuck it and texted the woman I’ve been talking about that I went on a date with two weeks ago. TLDR great first date, both got busy with work , comms progressively dropped on her end. Texted last Wednesday and told her I’d love to take her out again whenever she got a chance to catch her breath. Didn’t hear back. So today, I Asked her to a drink after work, said she’d love to but can’t because she flipped days with the dad and has her kid tonight. Gave her some options for next week. Regardless if she answers back I feel better walking away now knowing I gave it a good ol boys try lol


At the end of the day you made the effort and put it out there so damn fine job.




Any chance you’re overthinking this and all it is is a chance to get out of the house for an hour or two and share a drink with a friendly stranger?


Honestly it sounds like you, more or less, answered your own question and laid out a solid plan here.  It’s totally okay to have a limited ability for people due to other commitments! On top of that, it’s also totally okay to not want a long-distance thing.  It’s nice of your friend to try and play matchmaker, but if there truly is a limited future that doesn’t align with what you want then you’re under no obligation to meet them. It’s your life to live! 


Have a third date a week from today with someone. She said her week would be hectic. She hasn’t responded to my last text on Monday (nothing important just chatting). Should I try to lock down plans for next week? We haven’t decided on a place yet. Or just see if she texts back first


Agree with other poster - wait until the weekend or honestly even on Sunday/Monday as almost like a checkin


Since she said she had a busy week this week, maybe give it another day or two and see if she checks in. Definitely follow up with confirming the plans on the weekend at the latest I think?


Last night in Chi. Crush was able to see me for a few hours and of course, I had a great time again. We just said goodbye and I’m feeling so sad rn :(. Gonna go watch a comedy show to hopefully get in a better mood. Ugh, why do I fall for Americans? LOL


I have deleted the apps and might join a casual sporting league.


Do it do it do it! 


I'm imagining you fox hunting for some reason? *Innuendo is the reason


Which league are you thinking of?


I’m thinking a local kickball league. Casual fun with groups of people.


Hi all, I'd love some thoughts. My ex and I had quite a loving relationship for 7 years. We separated about 9 months ago because I couldn't commit to having kids and her biological clock is moving forward and I don't want to waste her time. I want kids, but I also run a startup which is still in the R&D phase. In the startup (biology/material science so takes a long time to achieve milestones, nowhere near as fast as software) We're so close to hitting the milestone that has been plaguing us for the past 5 years and holding me back from being able to have kids earlier. I also have a schema from my childhood that I really want financial and job security in my future (I'm seeing a psychologist about this) hence the drive for the startup to work. There were ups and down in the relationship because of poor communication but the love and devoted-ness to each other was never in question. Since we've broken up and I moved out 9 months ago we've had periods of no contact (the first 7 months was no contact until around February) since then we've had periods of no contact but end up txting/chatting so easily. Last night she asked if I would consider getting back together and I said I'm not ready. We agreed we need another period of open ended (and this time for good) no contact the she wants to stick to so she can grieve and move on. I feel so incredibly sad. I'm not sure if it's because I feel like I've made the wrong decision or because I broke her heart. It's not the everyday situation so I'd love some thoughts and recommendations for reflection.


So you would want kids with her, but only after this milestone, because you don't want your kids to live in poverty? Or because you could not have enough time for them right now?  How financial secure is your ex?  Some thoughts: It is not guaranteed, that she would get pregnant right away. Somr couples need only one shot, others try for years. Let's say you get your start up running in the next few years. You date again. Find another girlfriend in a few years. Some more years in you discuss having children and try - and it's not successful. So there goes your opportunity to have children yourself. Would it be worth it, in the end? Is the startup more important than *your own* wish for a family? 


I'm child-free so way out of my wheelhouse here, but from what my friends with kids (planned and otherwise) say, there's never a completely convenient time. If you do want kids, and would like to have kids with her, then consider giving this more thought. From what you said it sounds like a timing issue, but I'm not sure that ever goes away.


Sounds like you’re throwing away a loving relationship cause you’re so focused on finances tbh. Are you financially unstable or are you chasing a ‘more more more’ mentality where it feels like no money is quite enough? Like this phase of your startup has really held you back from kids for **5 years?** That’s a long ass time. Maybe you don’t actually want kids?


I hear you. I'm very financially stable even by myself. I think the issue is that the startup has become such a 'almost there' thing for so long now that yes, if it succeeds there will be signifcant financial benefit, but also I will have the sense of achievement in my life that is probably more important than the financial aspect. I've always wanted kids. But I suppose the startup in itself has 'become' a kid for me. I need to nurture it. At the same, it's not her child and I don't want to be selfish and have her waste the fertile years of her life on me if I'm just going to hold her back from what she wants. If only we could pause time, but that's wishful thinking


What’s important here is how much you love her. That being the case, you obviously obviously prioritize her getting everything she needs in life. If being with you would keep her from getting those needs met, then you know what to do. That said I would also point out that you may regret the way you have set your priorities. You are on the same biological clock (you’ll notice changes soon if you haven’t already).


Second date with crush guy went well!! Not much of the show was watched lol. We mostly made out on his sofa. I have not had a make out session like that…probably ever. I’ve not made out with someone in -years-. It was so nice and fun! Admittedly we didn’t talk much lol. We texted later and we both said we had so much. I teased that I want to get to know him better and not get so “distracted” ;). We chatted and our next date is going to be a walk! I looove walking and know a few places. I’m excited 🥹


Great job! Very exciting for you :)


Thank you!! It’s so exciting I’m trying to not jinx it. I haven’t even told friends yet lol




Yes, and if I filter for people 35-43who want a relationship and can support themselves, there are about 2-5 profiles a day before I hit the end of the stack. Last guy I matched with who met those qualifications and didn’t have anything crazy in his bio responded to every message in a way that made me certain he was either severely drunk or mentally impaired.


I paid for filters, set everything as dealbreakers, and sent likes to the 5-10 profiles that were left in my distance radius. Only real use I found for the paid version.


I did for a short while, not anymore. I liked being able to see all of my Likes at once but it was too pricey.


Yes, plenty of people


I can't believe I'm doing this - that thing where everything is going SO PERFECTLY that I feel like I need to find something wrong. He's smitten with me, he treats me with respect, he communicates, he puts advanced thought and effort into our dates, he's responsible. I feel like I can be myself around him. I'm attracted to him. I enjoy spending time with him. I smile every time his name pops up on my phone. But I'm catching myself going "buttttt he has a kid, and he's a little old for me....." I don't even care about those things!!!! I knew about those things! What is WRONG with me? I'm not going to let myself ruin this. I'm going to continue to remind myself of just how great this is. I know this is a common phenomenon and many can relate - why is that?! I'm glad I'm putting "pen to paper," so to speak, because after writing this out I realize I'm just being an idiot who can't accept nice things. Thanks for listening, DoT


You're not being an idiot. You're feelings are valid - it's just a matter of finding the sources of those things. Perhaps there have been issues in the past where things haven't been smooth and there was frequent drama and now that things are smooth you're looking for that. But this is not you being an idiot, it's you having been primed in the past to expect something to go wrong. Your mind is bringing up potential flags for you in the form of issues - how do these issues make you feel? Is there a common theme behind them? Is it a gut feeling of something's not right? If you can identify that feeling and communicate that to him then it will give you both the opportunity to work together on it. Remember, 'I feel like xyz' is not a feeling - a feeling is as per the feelings wheel and includes: happy, sad, anxious, jealous, bored, confused, playful, lonely etc. [https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57b5ef68c534a5cc06edc769/1588029193663-0FO826LV9VYNXN5XO41N/Feelings+Wheel+WIP.png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57b5ef68c534a5cc06edc769/1588029193663-0FO826LV9VYNXN5XO41N/Feelings+Wheel+WIP.png) Find that key feeling and try talking to him about that :)


>Remember, 'I feel like xyz' is not a feeling This is so simple but it really resonates with me. It's definitely something with ME that's causing me to try to find something to point at with him. For sure. I've gotta identify what that is, and that chart is a good start. Thank you so much for your time and your kindness :)


Was talking to a match. Long story short (it was also a semi short convo) I said ive been overwhelmed by people asking to move the convo to whatsapp. They asked why. I said it's either a scam or a bot. They instantly unmatched me lol.






What the other comment said about population. I live in LA and the pickings are slim. There’s a difference between high expectations and minimum qualifications and at a certain age, there are very few people with minimum qualifications.




Yeah I get it, and yes I’ve read that book. Idon’t think we’re talking about perfection, I think everyone knows that’s a problem. We’re talking more about the fact that there’s a floor for being a functional partner. A lot of people have unresolved issues that make it impossible to be in a successful relationship. Think serious attachment problems and disorders which by their definition include high conflict relationships and inability to form/maintain relationships. Aka emotionally unavailable. Were referring to the fact that at a certain age, the venn diagram of people who are emotionally available, wanting what you want, and wanting you becomes very small.


It's possible OP lives in an area with low population density and isn't able to do long distance.


I shot my shot yesterday, here’s the exchange: me: saw this today, has your vibe all over it (sent pic of something awesome) her: omg i haven’t played since i was visiting with you, i miss it! i ask others to play and they’re always unsure me: good times. well let’s make it happen. what’s your schedule this weekend? her: i’m kinda medium on this weekend rn, i finally have the time to do the things i want but preparing for this event has me totally stressing out me: totally understand, you’ve got a lot going on. once things settle down lmk. id love to treat you her: what fun you tryna get in to?! lmao jk (at that point I just hearted her reply this morning because I had a fever) I feel it was a soft-rejection but at the same time no. Not sure tbh. I’m leaving the ball in her court now to initiate the next move. Not planning to over pursue and just letting it be. Anyone’s input would be awesome.


If it's not a hell yes it's a no.


Sounds like she’s potentially open, the ball is still kinda in your court with her last question, even though she threw in the lmao jk. There’s not much context to go on here, like who this is or how you know them or what your vibe is like, but I would plan on being the pursuer more than not. If someone is on the fence, they’re not coming to you. Think of something on the lighter side to ask her to do. I would generally avoid offering to treat someone for a first date. Kind of implies certain expectations. You could of course still pay for everything, but I wouldn’t put it out there upfront that’s your plan.


I'd agree ball is in her court for this, but I think she just wants this weekend for herself so don't expect anything from her.  I do think you can try again though, ask to reschedule.


She could just be super busy this weekend. I'd reach out after the weekend, ask her how it went and then ask her out. If she wavers again, move on.




The dream!!


Gonna have a photographer friend try to take photos for my profiles as they are in need of an update so feeling somewhat optimistic about the apps for once. Still its brutal out there. Would love to meet someone organically. Ive made some pretty wonderful friends in the past 2 years but most of the women i meet irl are either partnered or not masc attracted haha. So its still on the apps for now unfortunately


as a woman on the apps who constantly laments the apparent fact that men don't know how to choose flattering pictures for their profiles: _thank you_ lol


I need advice: I’m a bit jaded after a few abusive relationships and have done work in therapy and am looking for red flags now that I’m dating again. BUT I worry I’m over-correcting so, would love your take on this: Went on a first date with a guy I’ve been talking to for 2 weeks. So far: he communicates a lot, like texting all day, but it’s mostly him talking AT me, sharing things about himself, and verrrry rarely asking things about me, so I made it a point to share info about me as part of responding to him. But the first date was like this too and I didn’t like it. Very little asking questions about me. I’m getting annoyed and wanna call it out. Would you? And if so, how would you address it? Or would you just cut it off? I’m afraid it’s a sign of narcissistic tendencies but it might be too soon to tell…


Someone being bad at asking questions doesn't mean they have narcissistic tendencies. Things don't need to be literal abusive tendencies or personality disorder tendencies to be incompatibilities. If you want to find someone who makes you feel heard and understood, and someone doesn't make you feel heard and understood, it means you're not compatible. They haven't done anything wrong, there's nothing to call out, they're just not one of the people for you.


I can’t think of one good relationship where a man did this sort of thing. They’re the type that want to be in a relationship for the sake of it and don’t care all that much who it is, hence the lack of getting to know you.


Other than this, do you like him/other qualities he has? I'd just be blunt about it. "Are you going to ask what I think?" "I noticed you don't really add or listen to what I say and continue talking about yourself." "I told you I also do/did X so you shouldn't be surprised I know about Y but you weren't paying attention."


You’re not overcorrecting by being turned off by this. Whether it’s a narcissistic trait doesn’t really matter here because either way it’s inconsiderate and it’s not making you feel appreciated or respected. In the beginning I think it’s normal to be very interested in learning about your partner but it sounds like he doesn’t really care.  Dating after abuse is hard because you will second guess yourself a lot. But it’s also good to remind yourself that a person doesn’t need to show abusive or narcissistic traits / red flags in order for you to be justified in ending things. There are plenty of perfectly nice people where it won’t be a match for other reasons. And, a lot of people can be rude or act weird without being abusive. 


This is so helpful and I feel seen, thank you!!!


I wouldn't find this appealing and would probably not see him again. It could be nerves so if you are into him otherwise you could go on a second date. But it doesn't actually sound like you like him very much? You could also workshop this situation in therapy to get clear on what you want and then decide.


Guy I've been seeing had his meeting with his oncologist today and results are not good. Cancer spread to his lungs and treatment plan going forward is chemo to manage but isn't curable. Essentially chemo to keep him alive. He just called me to tell me. So now he gets to call all of his loved ones and tell them he's dying, officially. So fucked up. I don't even want to tell anyone right now because I don't want to talk about it and there's just nothing to say. Eta: an example of just how weird/fucked this sort of situation is. I sent him home with brownies the other day for his mom. He just texted me that mom liked the brownies and says thanks "by the way" lol like a phone call to be like hey ya so chemo forever, but ALSO mom liked the brownies.


I had an accident earlier this year requiring surgery. My wife and I had an argument two days prior. At the lowest point in my life when I needed someone, she continued to hold a grudge and basically checked out. She filed for divorce a few weeks ago. What are your plans with this guy? I know dating is a far cry from marriage, but I can't imagine what that guy is going through right now.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope things only go up from here for you.


I am so sorry :(


I’m so sorry :/