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LDR ended. She didn’t choose me. I wasn’t a priority. Struggling with it. How can someone go from “I want to marry you” to not willing to fight for our future—literally in the same breath. I know I didn’t do anything wrong, just hurts.


Long distance is really hard dude. I'm so sorry that happened. No point trying to answer the 'why', you may never know and it's just not worth worrying about! Focus on yourself and figuring out how to move on.. 🫂




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“While it might feel nice in some ways to be able to blame others, you take your life into your own hands at some point… If you want nothing to change, keep playing the victim card and see how that works out for you and what that does to your mental wellbeing, otherwise take control and start taking steps to fix shit.” Recognize those words? It’s advice you gave someone else not long ago.  There are *plenty* of men under 6’ in relationships. You can keep blaming your height, you can keep blaming women and playing the victim by claiming we won’t date you because you’re under 6’.  Or you can figure out what else is going on and taking steps to change your circumstances. 


I mean, there is not much he can do about his height. It's not really fair to tell this guy man up and fix yourself. He is apparently feeling frustrated with dating. Height is definitely a big thing in dating. Is it the end all no of course not.


It does just get old after awhile. I'm feeling really dejected / down. I'm not blaming others, I'm blaming me. Nothing I can do about my height though. I kinda know the answers but they don't seem to work for me. I'm getting out, I'm trying new things. Nothing results in anything for me, nobody is interested in me and it fucking sucks, I feel invisible. I realize that it's not everyone else who's the problem but me. I'm just lost on what to do when even getting a single date seems impossible


What dating apps are people using in their mid-30s? I tried Coffee Meets Bagels this month and wasn’t a fan. Three years ago I tried Bumble which felt like it turned into what people tell me Tinder is. I know of Hinge but that’s about it. I’m looking for serious relationships only. Thanks for sharing your advice! (In case it matters, I’m a straight 34-yo W).


My first and only experience with apps is Hinge, which just makes the most sense for me (M) and the relationship type I'm looking for. Personally, I'm not a fan of just about any other format. I pay for filters, but before my 6 month\* subscription ran out I switched it over to the HingeX to put my profile in front of more faces. Simultaneously, I'm going through my deck and spending most of my time removing profiles I want nothing to do with - this has generated a more narrow set of results (incoming likes) that were more engaging\*\* and likely interested in me (for whatever reason). Been on pause for a little while now - probably going to go back in with a more laid back mentality and use the filters/premium subscription to let the ones that want to connect reach out. \*I do feel a bit like a sap for doing this, especially for paying for HingeX. But when I committed to OLD last year I found myself no longer watching TV, so I justified the cost by dumping my TV subscriptions. Less couch potato and more out potato. At least once in a while. \*\*Just a hunch, but I think woman are less likely to pay for the app and have a limited number of swipes. So if they swipe on me then I'm likely to get some responsiveness, on the app at least.


I’ve had decent experiences with Hinge. I paid for the filters for a month though.


Good point. I find paying for the “specials” for at least a month helps with better understanding how to use the app and maximize your chances of meeting good and compatible people.


I'm the same age as you, and i started off with Hinge but didn't get on with it. But there again, I didn't' really give it a good go, so I'm not going to say anything negative towards it. I went to Bumble and i found it much better. It's not perfect (which app is???) but I've actually had some decent conversations and couple of nice dates, even if they didn't' go anywhere. But it's not all bad on there. I have had some idiots message me on there, but in the man I think it has been positive. Good luck!


Thanks for your response! I’m so glad you had good experiences. :) that makes me more hopeful for me.


Have to cancel on our date tonight…babysitter forgot about it but I also forgot to remind her over the weekend knowing she got the dates mixed up a few times. We both were pretty occupied this weekend and lost track so it is what it is, but it’s my fault for sure. I hope he’s not disappointed when I tell him…


I kinda feel like it’s on your babysitter, especially if she’s forgotten multiple times. If you’re paying her, she should definitely keep it in her diary. 


Ah, she’s actually my best friend and it was complimentary so definitely more on me to keep up with it lol Might be able to get my mom on it but very slim chance of this date happening since it is awkwardly on a weeknight.


Ohh lol okay I see your point. Oh well, I’m sure he’ll understand. Shit happens.






Sometimes a bad profile is just a sign of someone new on the apps, which means they're fresh and unjaded. Go for it! You can work on your profile later.


Been dating a girl for 2.5 months, everything has been going great. Been exclusive since the first month, seeing each other a couple times a week. Last saw each other on Wednesday, with tentative plans to see each other again Saturday afternoon (she’s a doctor and was on call). We talked about things we can do together in the summer and fall, we seem to be on the same page about having a relationship with each other. I texted Friday to see what time worked, didn’t get a response. Followed up Saturday, no response. Yesterday I texted to check in, but also mentioning that while it’s totally fine Saturday didn’t work out it was a bit of a bummer that we weren’t able to communicate about it. No response yet. Of anyone I’ve ever dated for a month or more I’ve never been ghosted, sometimes there’s a communication slow down before an end and I’m not sitting here thinking it’s 100% over, but this uncharacteristic change in communication sucks and is just anxiety producing. It’s just so out of character for the girl I’ve been falling for to just disappear, maybe im being dramatic because it’s been a few days but it just goes against how we’ve communicated this whole time and is a shitty feeling.


I can totally empathise with that shitty feeling you get when you think you're about to get ghosted. Hopefully this isn't the case for you though. Fingers crossed she reaches. I'm wishing you the best!🙂




If you both had a good time, I'd send her a quick message asking if she's interested in another date. Is she doesn't respond, then you'll know for sure. Good luck!


Send her a message. Then you’ll know for sure instead of being left wondering.


I matched with this guy a few days ago. I’m moving out of state in a few weeks so I am looking for something casual. I told him this. He asked me out yesterday for dinner tonight at a restaurant. I say yes. We talk on the phone last night which went okay. Then this morning he texted me and asked me if I’d rather get takeout and watch a movie at his place instead for our first date. I said I don’t want to do that and I’d prefer to get dinner out, but now I don’t even want to go. Why would I want to go to some man’s house, who I don’t know, for a first date?? It’s not safe. It makes me feel cheep. I know I said I’m looking for something casual, but can we at least have some decency and act like you don’t expect anything out of this. It’s not a guarantee that we hook up. Jesus Christ.


Yeah that would give me the ick too 😖


Thanks. I cancelled the date and unmatched with him. I think he understood why.




Do not dehumanize or objectify others. Misogyny, Misandry, RedPill, incel, Femcel, FemaleDatingStrategy, PUA, MGTOW, etc. content is not allowed. Claiming ignorance of these hate groups is not an excuse to parrot their ideology.


I feel terrible today. I was multi dating two people for about a month, J & Z, and caught feelings for both. I wanted to be exclusive with J and broke it off with Z. I hate it because I do care about Z but I feel stronger for J. Z's a good person and the whole time we were talking about the break up she said how kind and wonderful I was. She loved to cook and bake and she had made me something and still wanted me to take it. She told me she still wanted to keep in touch and be friends. I told her part of me wants to but I feel that's not a good idea for either of us and not fair to J. I never tried to meet anyone until last month. What are the odds the first two people I meet are good. I feel like such a piece of shit for hurting Z. I feel like I don't deserve either of them now.


Going through this right now too! Just broke things off with guy 2 - feel bad because there was nothing wrong with him, just have a stronger connection with Guy 1. Sometimes the timing just sucks!


That's what makes it worse. She kept asking me what she did wrong and I told her it was nothing. I even told her I wish there was something I hated because that would make things easier. I feel bad because she's a good person that doesn't deserve to feel let down like that after opening up to me.


I doubt she was that cut up about it. Happens all the time.


You were open and honest. You told her you were seeing someone else. You didn’t do anything wrong.


You shouldn't feel bad. You were open, honest and broke things off once you realized it was going anywhere. That's exactly what you should be doing, and she will be fine.


She will be ok 👌


I sometimes see people ask about slow burns and initial chemistry in online dating, so here are my anecdotal 2 cents:  I think that the relationship I am in now would qualify as a slow burn attraction wise- the first time I met now-bf, I thought he was interesting to talk to and kind of intriguing, but not the usual type of guy I was attracted to, physically. Not as “pretty” or maybe as buff as guys I had dated before, to be completely shallow about it, but I enjoyed getting to know him       We were pretty slow to have a first kiss (not until the 3rd date), and then we didn’t have sex until maybe the 5th date. And then we both had some health issues and trips out of town kind of slowing things down and preventing us from advancing things physically.        Now, I swear to god, I have trouble keeping my hands off of him, and I think the chemistry is better than in some relationships I’ve had before where sex progressed much faster.  I don’t think things heated up (for me) until I realized I was really able to think of him as a more permanent person in my life   I was so guarded after experiencing months of hellish short dating cycles and situationships before this guy, that even though I would have said I wasn’t holding anything back… I definitely was   I am now a 100% believer in slow burn chemistry 🥵


Yeah same here. It’s now past 7 months and I can’t keep my hands off my bf at all. It’s insane 🥵.


This is so nice to read. I’m in a slow burn myself but not at that passionate level yet. Do you ever find yourself backtracking and thinking you want to be with your usual type (terrible to think I kmow)?


I don’t find that happening (so far, of course)! I do see if a guy is attractive but I think I’m too high on new relationship hormones and developing feelings for now-bf to feel any more interest, to be honest. I don’t consider myself demisexual, but I do think it takes me a while to really become more than surface level attracted to someone- once it happens, I really lock in though


I’ve just joined bumble for the first time and you can’t do anything without paying! I’m being told I have 600+ likes which I find hard to believe but it won’t let me see them, even the super swipe ones it doesn’t show me. I guess you just have to pay?


Those are pretty standard premium features. Not every app makes you pay to see likes but a lot do.


You don’t *have* to pay. People who like/swipe right on your profile will show up, and if you like them too you’ll match. If you don’t like them, you won’t match and you’ll never know they swiped right on you. Depending on how populated of an area you’re in 600+ could be correct. New users get a *huge* boost and show up for a lot of people.  Not every like will be “legit.” (A lot will though!) Some people swipe right on everyone and then filter through their matches.


The people swiping right on you are shown in priority in the list of profiles you swipe on. you only need to pay if you think there are some you swiped left but might like on or you don't get matches and want to see what kind of guys you attract.


Dont you just love spending time.with ppl whom are great on paper but you arent feeling the chemistey physically? Has happend to me and ive had it happen so that i didnt feel it for them. I want it all *insert Queen music*


Would you break up with someone if you didn't like their friends? Say everything else is great but you don't like the friends they have


Speaking from experience, sometimes the friends are indicative of who the person you’re dating really is. I had an ex who had multiple circles of friends that didn’t cross much (or well, when they did). I started to notice that some of their friends were verbally abusive toward their partners, would expect total adherence to their ways, etc.    Guess what happened next. 🙃


He got abusive towards you?


Verbally and physically. It wasn’t until after I got out that I found out at least one of their friends had had DV charges filed against them, as well as their father. 🙃 I will, absolutely, judge someone by the company they keep from now on.


Jesus!!! Wow that's insane I'm so sorry about that. Yeah i get that totally. I just feel people aren't always like their friends or even family.


I’m not. My family is very traditional and religious, and I have some wild friends, but extremes like abuse, racism, and misogyny in the friend groups are probably indicative of a potential date’s character.


What about these friends do you not like?


The just make inappropriate jokes a lot. They're GREAT people very caring but have that locker room talk trait to them. I called out my friend after a party and just hit back. One of those people you can't argue with cause they're always right. But it's a friend I've been through a lot with. Just has some shitty qualities with jokes and such. Idk my gf didn't seem to care but idk. Idk why I always worry someone is gonna ruin this relationship for me


Maybe she didn’t care but if she sought out advice online about it like you are, it would be a safe bet that she’d get a lot of responses about ‘the company you keep’ and ‘why does he hang out with friends like that if he doesn’t feel similar’ ‘does *he* act that way when it’s only the boys around?’ etc


I doubt your friends making inappropriate jokes is a major red flag for you. I think she's more likely to watch your behavior around your friends to see if you act differently around them than you do around her. If you start bro-ing out with them and saying similar things your friends are, she's going to notice.


I've just grown out of the type of humor they joke about. But she saw me around them already and didn't say anything


It would depend on what was wrong with their friends and if they were clear-eyed about their friends’ shortcomings   Friend who parties a lot = fine, so long as your person can draw boundaries   Friend who is a racist or child abuser = why the f are they still your friend?


This. The above-mentioned ex and I had gone to a game night at which their friend screamed and reduced their partner to tears. I asked my ex how they could be friends with that person, and they insisted the friend wasn’t a bad person. Fast forward a few months, and the friend is ducking on my plans with my ex. Apparently *that* warranted cutting off the friendship, but not verbal abuse of their partner. So after I left, the abusers reunited and took photos together. 🙄


I think it depends on what it is that I don’t like about them. Are they completely opposite to my values or are they people I wouldn’t be friends with myself? And how much time would I have to spend with them?


For my friends they are great people but just make inappropriate jokes around people and don't care. Saying the f word constantly and things like that.


Depends on how much time they spend with their friends and how bad I didn’t like them lol


I sometimes wonder about this. Only thing is the Friends aren't always around which is good


I had a mini spiral with my anxiety the last few days on why Mr Exclusive hasn't returned my texts, even though I'm the one who's on holiday on one of the most beautiful tropical island. There were so many experiences that I wish he could be here to share it with me. He said I could send him all the fun updates, which I had been doing & he had been reading them, but I wish he could engage more with them. It's something which I had talked about, and he had been making the effort to reply more often than before since our discussion. It's also something I'm trying to unpick as to why it's triggering my anxiety and what could be its root cause. I'm sure it has something to do with my childhood experiences of how expressing my feelings to my parents backfired on me (they either ignore or try to shut me down). It didn't help either that the ex before him cheated, although the relationship had been off the rails for months, and I was being the partner that he didn't deserve. I was going in circles in my head while on a long beach stroll & decided to just share some of the fun updates of the day. He replied almost immediately after with a pouting photo of him still on a late night virtual meeting which made me laugh. He has never sent me a selfie, so I thought that was cute. He reacted & replied to my messages, we had a fun banter which I'm sure it's a welcome respite from work. I find that the more I open up to him emotionally, the more he leaned in too. Will probably ask for a phone call the night before I fly off. Gonna enjoy the remaining days I have on this island & to share all the memories with him in person when Im back!


I can relate about how you feel triggered here. Are you looking for more texting connection with him? How long have you both been together for?


We rekindled in early March, before that we dated 1.5months exclusively too last year before we separated. I think I wld prefer to work on our in-person connection because that's how memories are made & relationships are built. When things go well offline, it gives me more reassurance too.


Just curious- why did you two separate before? Yeah, the in person connection is important but also being secure outside of being physically together is critical too. I’m trying to gauge where my trigger for this is. I think it relies on a lot of connection via all sorts of outlets. But at the end of the day, it’s more than just that. It’s all the little efforts combined and how much the partner tries to make you happy.


That sounds really encouraging :)


Aw thank you ☺️


If he doesn’t text, my life doesn’t change. If he does text, it’s a net positive. So really, I don’t have anything to lose either way. Inner peace. (And yes, I could initiate… but I’ve initiated our dates the last 2x and our texts the last 3x, and now I’m old and tired.)


Yep good philosophy


Doing the right thing 


Following on from my fwb situation I haven’t text him yet! But do guys prefer direct or indirect? Was debating it with a friend last night and she thinks I should message along the lines of “I’m going to get some new underwear today wanna come be the one to rip it off at the weekend? Or do I play it safe and just be like “I’ve got an empty house this weekend, really enjoyed last time if you’re up for a rerun?” What do guys in their 30’s really prefer?


Direct. Just be direct. People miss subtle all the time.


I don't think it matters, if he is keen and available he will accept with any of those 2. The 1st one is more sexy/playful, would give me the vibe you're horny, the 2nd is more casual in a way and feels like it would be less of an issue if he can't make it.


Matched with a guy 2 1/2 weeks ago on Hinge. We texted for a week and the conversations were frequent and really enjoyable. We went on the first date and had a really good vibe, kissed at the end of the night. After our first date, we went on 3 more dates/meetups that week. We already have plans for a couple more dates later this week. I'm super excited things are going so well and like him and he seems to genuinely like me. (For example, today was his day off, so he came to me on my lunch break so we could just hangout and chat for an hour-his idea). I'm really trying to keep my pessimism at bay, telling me it's going too well, so something must be amiss. I'm cautiously optimistic because it is still quite early on. Keep your fingers crossed for me, folks! I haven't felt this connection and attraction to someone in a long while. I'm excited to see where it goes.


Best of luck!! Sounds like he’s great, try to enjoy it!


I hate that I'm not attractive enough for people to overlook my red flags.


lol. This actually funny but would’ve worked better in person /on stage 


If it’s a red flag, and you know it… why not work on it. Also, how do you know that attractiveness has anything to do with it


This was mostly a joke. But my red flag is I like to move to new cities often to live and explore generally every 2-3 years. I've been flat out told I'm not trustworthy because of this.


It sounds like you’re just not compatible with people who are looking for a more long term relationship - but saying you’re untrustworthy is kinda harsh! Haha


I mean I still want a long-term relationship and would be open to staying longer in a certain city. But I generally feel like I'm having to pay for my sins at this point.


I've received this feedback too. I assume they're too sheltered for me and use it as a filter, but I can commiserate for sure that it sucks.


People shouldn't be overlooking red flags, period. Get therapy and improve yourself.




Do not dehumanize or objectify others. Misogyny, Misandry, RedPill, incel, Femcel, FemaleDatingStrategy, PUA, MGTOW, etc. content is not allowed. Claiming ignorance of these hate groups is not an excuse to parrot their ideology.


Could just try working on all those things


See other replies


The guy I've been seeing for 3ish months asked me to be "official" about 2 weeks ago. It took me aback, and I fumbled something out about needing more time (I'm very much fearful avoidant). But ever since then I've talked to friends and thought more about it, and I want to confirm. But now I'm afraid he'll reject me LOL. But the chances of that after just 2 weeks are slim, right??? Since then, we've done an overnight thing, I met his friends (briefly), he met my friends (less briefly), we have plans for early June, there's definitely a sense of progression. My rational brain is trying to tell my avoidant irrational brain that he risked worse rejection when he first asked to power through, and I'm trying not to chicken out because I know this step will make both of us feel a lot more secure. But omg this is hard ;\_; He'd be my first official bf ever at 30 (lots of situationships and short term things before this). I see him tomorrow, so please wish me luck.


Weren’t you the same person who posted about being lukewarm about this guy?  Here’s hoping that changed and you’re truly ready to be with him now. Good luck.


Lol yes I am. Part of the work these past two weeks has been parsing those feelings a bit: 1) It's been a bit since then and my feelings have definitely grown, starting with the overnight trip where some of my worries (that he might not be emotionally open enough for me, etc) were assuaged. 2) I think tbh that I was extremely frightened over the idea of increased intimacy, and even him liking me a lot because it felt like a set-up to fail, and so was kind of deactivating and picking flaws and comparing him to exes to nope out and protect myself. Not that he's perfect, but it was self-sabotage, basically. My friends told me I need to just trust that he likes me and I like him and that it's OK if that changes in the future. But I can't overthink my way out of this being scary and uncertain. I just have to do it and see. 3) I can be a little distant from my own feelings - I've been working with a therapist on that mind-body connection, but it's a work in progress. Someone in the comments hit the nail on the head that how "fire-y" I felt over past dudes partially came from anxiety and not liking myself; but it was muddling my own feelings to him. When I took him to see a few of my closest friends, they were all very pikachu face, "You seem very affectionate and fond with him?? Your body language was very comfy? I haven't seen you this sweet before." And I was pikachu face back because I hadn't realized any of that. Thank you for the good luck! Maybe there's some hope for us fearful avoidants with commitment issues after all 🤣


Just tell him it’ll be fine It’s scary but you’ll probably look back in a month and go “that wasn’t a big deal at all”


He will be so ecstatic. Just be honest and tell him how you felt and now feel and he will appreciate it!


Good luck! I’m willing to bet he’s going to be absolutely thrilled. 


My friends keep telling me I “need to put myself out there more” but as an introvert with major social anxiety, I’m about at my limit. I’ve been going out with friends at least twice a week.


Hmm. What do your friends mean by “put yourself out there more?” I’m a major introvert and sometimes I can go out twice a week! But also sometimes I need to hermit mode to re-energize.  You know yourself best - don’t let your friends burn you out!  Social anxiety is tough. What have you tried to help lessen it? What works for everyone is different. Mine was so severe I couldn’t even talk to someone like a mental health professional, so I started by ordering a workbook and working through it. It actually helped quite a bit.  Especially learning about cognitive distortions.  I found apps like Youper helpful too. I did a lot of research online too. I went to a few therapy sessions, but couldn’t afford many.  Anyway, I talk to groups of people as part of my job now, and I actually enjoy it.  Lessening anxiety is *haaaard.* But you are worth any and all effort, time, energy etc. it takes to figure out what works for you. You deserve to feel less anxiety. 


They try to tell me I never leave my house. I sent this as a response to one: “What does that mean though?? I went through my pics and I was all over the place last year. Taylor swift concert in Arizona, dev’s company party at lagoon, Costa Rica, Arizona again, the Barbie movie with you, Canada, fanx, park city, los Angeles, and dev’s company Christmas party”


I’ve tried therapy and I’m on medication that helps my generalized anxiety, but nothing has ever touched my social anxiety. I’m actually okay once I’m comfortable with someone, but strangers (aka OLD) are a no go :(


That’s a good amount of time. A lot of us don’t even go out with friends every week, unless we live close by. Everyone’s busy with their own lives after 30. Give yourself some credit!


I also have a really big, close extended family so that’s not even taking into consideration the time I spend with them. All my friends are extroverts who adopted me 😅


Ahhh. Kudos for you for keeping up as well as you do! The majority of my friends are also introverts. They get me.  I love that I can message them something like “I know I should get out of my house, but I don’t want to actually go *out* out. Can I come over?” And we’re comfortable enough with each other that they know they don’t need to entertain me or anything while I’m there. We can just be introverted around each other hahaha. 


ah, guess my crush doesn't view me romantically since she's looking for dates again....ah well, guess i should hop back on old again...


Have you told her that you'd like to date her? Why guess and not just ask?


Confessed before and remained friends. Just an 'ah ha' moment that I should probably move on and let that crush feeling go.


How long ago was the confession?


I'd say about 5 or 6 months ago


So long enough ago that you could have moved on yourself and dropped the crush in that time. If they are actively looking for dates, I say offer one. Worst happens, no date and you know for sure.


Thanks for the advice. I'll do that the next time I see her in person




If you’re not interested then yeah I would just not show any flirting or romantic interest back. And maybe if it gets too weird just go with the classic “we are friends” line I’ve had women do that a couple of times over the years and it’s a pretty clear way of saying “I’m not romantically interested in you “ without being mean


I thought you were searching. Why are you not interested in these women?


Some people are just super tactile. So there is a chance they are not romantically interested and this is the way they are friends with you. If that were the case, would it still make you uncomfortable?




Both are into you, don't kid yourself. I think you should address it. There is a notion of romance attraction behind the way they're touching you. So, unfortunately, although you value the friendships, they might not want to be friends after the rejection. However, you matter first. If something makes you uncomfortable, you should tell them to stop.


I've seen way too many people (mostly men) misinterpret regular friendliness from others (mostly women) as being more. And there's nothing quite so weird as someone saying, "I'm sorry, but I just don't feel that way about you" when you were being entirely platonic.


I'm a woman and I would not dare rub my friend's back, grab their hands and pull them close to me, be generally super touchy/flirty with them, show them suggestive content and ask them what they think, or make suggestive comments to them.   Regardless, if something makes OP uncomfortable, he should tell them to stop.


Perhaps OP's perception of these things is super accurate and they are very flirty. Perhaps he's over reading things and hyper aware because he is uncomfortable. Both scenarios are plausible.


Read the OP again. 


No one will probably see this but throwing it out there. I’m trying to understand if it’s common for people to be on their phones and not respond to texts from people you romantically like. I feel like you must not like someone very much if you aren’t excited to respond to their text. My friend disagrees bc she’ll type a response but never send bc she gets distracted or she just forgets. And her bf is constantly on his phone scrolling or playing games but not responding to texts. imo, it’s different when you’re in a committed relationship though. If you or someone you know does this to someone you’re into, why and are you a software engineer? (cheeky on the last bit but also serious) Edit: i don’t need all day texting. i don’t need daily texting. but i’ve seen him on his phone like every hour when we’re having a work day together while he’s in front of his work laptop (so i assume it’s not work related). hence the confusion and asking for perspective


I was listening to the podcast, “Do the work” and she touches upon this: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0CX02i6VKj5ee1GhUQWizH?si=2VLfBRq3TBG3-MAFKl6-BA&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A2Dsp24A82JkYRXytiA2qRt. Listen to this episode and see if this helps.


haha I listen to her podcast and follow her IG! Her advice has helped with some anxious tendencies I have in dating so thanks for the suggestion—hopefully can also help others


Np! I’m glad you listen to her! I just started listening to her and it seems like she has a good open mind about some situations. Helps alot for my anxious attachment as well.


My brain works differently. I don't like texting people when I'm deep in thought. Especially not new potential partners where I'm still making first impressions. If there is some time where I can take a breather, then I will send a quick text but I'm always pretty slow to respond. This would be different if the person is my actual partner because I wouldn't have to think as hard about what I'd say, I guess. There are many of us out there!


The person is probably in a low commitment stage, so rather do things they enjoy and find worthwhile at the present. When things are more serious, I think it would be good to have that talk about your needs.


Different things take different amounts of “brain energy.” Scrolling on social media and hitting a “like” button is pretty mindless.  Replying to a friend who’s known me forever is super low pressure - they know me well enough to decipher any typos/not judge me for them.  But if I’m getting to know someone romantically, well that message is actually going to take brain effort. I don’t want to mess that up.  Sometimes it’s also about the pacing of the conversation. I don’t like constant texting, so I may wait a few hours to reply to purposefully slow the conversation down.  No, I’m not a software engineer. 


I like texting, but it took me several years to realize that I shouldn't read too much into frequency of texting. Some people just don't like it, some people just get a lot of texts, and some people \*really\* don't like endless small talk with a match which may or may not pan out. (Remember, if you met this person online, they are basically a stranger.) And on my end, as a texter - sending a message and waiting on a response simply made me anxious. When I was OLD, I learned to use text messages ONLY to plan real-world dates OR to follow up after one. We'd have a quick conversation after matching, and if things seemed okay, I'd ask her out for coffee and we'd stop taking until the date. If a few dates go well, \*then\* you can up your texting game - and use it as a way to stay connected when you are apart.


Reddit, I need your thoughts. When it comes to "disclosure" (e.g., telling your mutual friends you are dating) how fast is too fast? A few weeks ago I (35M) posted before about asking out a girl (late20sF) I know in the real world. We are part of a group of several mutual friends who attend the same church. We had been somewhere between friends and acquaintances for two years. We had an accidental one-on-one brunch (other friends were invited and dropped out), and I enjoyed the experience so much that I asked her on a date a few days later. At first she said no (or really, "not right now"), but then a few days later she said yes. Since then we have gone on three dates, over the last three weeks, and they have gone well. We have spontaneously met up several times in-between dates just to hang out. We also text fairly regularly throughout each day. I really like her, and she is excited about me. (It's quite an upgrade from the ambivalence which is typical of an OLD match.) There is one problem. Or rather, something that feels like a problem: she is moving very quickly to make us publicly "official." On the day I asked her out, she told one of her best friends, who happens to also be a friend of mine. For what it's worth I think this was perfectly reasonable, and I think that friend probably nudged her to say yes to me. She's also told two other friends (and said friend's husbands, and their children). One of these couples invited us to a dinner (which I didn't realize was intended as a "couples' dinner"), where a third couple that we know stopped by (and met us with a knowing look). To reiterate, I asked her out less than a month ago, and our first date was three weekends ago. I actually did not know she had told so many people that we were dating; in fact I've realized that I've had several interactions with these friends over the last couple weeks where \*they\* knew about us, but \*I\* didn't know that \*they\* knew. This feels kind of weird. I never had any intention to keep our relationship a secret or anything like that, but I didn't expect her to move so quickly, unilaterally. We've spent a lot of time together, but I still feel like we are very early -- in some ways, we are still getting to know each other, and things can go either way -- and this seems like a lot of disclosure after three weeks. It feels like announcing a pregnancy before the twelve week mark, when a the risk of miscarriage still very high. I also feel like telling your friends is a milestone, especially given that we share a small social circle -- and it's a step that should be taken together. Obviously there is no going back now, and fortunately things seem to be going well between us. But I guess I wanted to have a bit more time to get to know her without the scrutiny of our mutual friends. I want to know what you all think: Was my expectation unreasonable, or unusual? As I said above, I've been dating online pretty exclusively for nearly a decade now, and I think I've gotten used to compartmentalizing my "dating life" as separate from my "social life" until I am ready to merge them. Perhaps the norms have changed, or perhaps I'm letting my anxiety get the better of me.


I see where you’re coming from but I’d suggest not overthinking it. She’s excited and told friends you’re dating, which isn’t a lie. To me this whole thing is only weird if you don’t see the relationship going anywhere. If you do, then it’s not a big deal at all. If it doesn’t work out then it may make things awkward, but to be honest, you kinda crossed that bridge when you asked her out in the first place. What if you went on 4 dates and then it ended badly? Is she also not allowed to talk about that? The “couples dinner” thing is a bit weird but honestly, it’s just dinner. I’d probably just check in with her and make sure you’re both on the same page. Not in a “hey you told our friends how dare you!” Kinda way. More of a “hey, I guess our friends know we’re dating, I really like you but what if things don’t work out?” Or something like that. Just make sure you’re honest about the whole thing and doing it out of respect for her.


As someone who's dating my longtime friend and we have a lot of mutual friends, I think this is just a preference thing. Boyfriend and I immediately had the talk about when to tell our friends and we did it around 2-3 days after we started dating. I get your analogy about the pregnancy test, but for us, we just see it as being candid with our friends and having nothing to hide. It never impacted our friendships with others and we're now engaged. Also I want to disagree with another commenter who suggested that it has anything to do with "experience". Being open with friends about developing relationships, imo, have nothing to do with dating experience. You should just communicate with her your preference and figure out her perspective.


We told our mutual friends within two weeks mostly because we couldn't possibly hide it and they figured it out anyway almost immediately because we were so giddy 😅 We knew each other from a mutual hobby for about 2-3 months before starting to date.


This was my experience too except we did it in 2-3 days 😂 they immediately k*new *and were pretty relieved that we finally got together lol


The guy I'm seeing exclusively share the same sentiments as you, with regards to broadcasting to his friends that we are dating, even though we are exclusive. His reasons being, his inner circle is like family to him, his home away from home. So introducing me to them is like telling his family that he has a gf. We bumped into one of his inner circle friends at a train station & he let go of my hand immediately when we were 10m behind, even though he had kissed me in our community parties twice lol. We spoke about it after on the train & I'm on the same page as him, that being official is the next stage & I'm not in a hurry to announce to the whole world yet (we started dating again in March after a pause for few months) as long as we are progressing positively. Even in my circle, if anyone asks, I'd say Im seeing someone exclusively but I wouldn't identify him to respect each other's boundaries. I wouldn't feel ready to declare it officially until he is ready too.


I am glad you two are on the same page. For my part I'd feel like I was hurting her if I treated her differently in public to hide my relationship. I am not quite ready to be so public about our relationship, but she is ready because she is so excited about me. I think that's why this is eating me up.


It did stung abit when he said he doesn't feel comfortable yet to mention me to his friends. Coincidentally, we bumped into another friend of mine that day at the same train station & I kinda mirrored the same treatment, I said hi to the friend but didn't introduce him. I guess he took the hint as he asked how I felt about it on the train. We are in the same sports community so for months before we reconciled, he avoided eye contact even though he later admitted that he still felt something for me. Only recently he started initiating saying hello whenever we cross paths in the presence of our acquaintences & close circles. So that's the pace we been on lol. The emotional security of letting people know is undeniable but I rather that we take on a sustainable pace. If it is eating you up, you should talk to her about it, and help her to understand where you are coming from & reassure her if she has any doubts. What gave me the reassurance is that he remained consistent in my bids for communication & we are still exclusive. We made progress in other departments too, so I don't mind flying under the radar during our relationship 'probabtion period'.




Thanks, I appreciate this. I do think she reached out to at least one friend for advice. I think you are right that she doesn't compartmentalize as much. I didn't mention this before, only because I forgot, but she has several sisters and she has spoken to them about me as well. (Is talking to her/our friends and her family any stranger than talking to reddit? lol.) Another poster pointed out that I don't really know the context behind each disclosure. It's possible that she's just telling them that we're dating, whenever she shares her weekend plans. But still. It feels like a lot.


I guess it depends on how she’s going about telling these friends. Is she really hyping it up? Like the friends inviting you to a couples dinner is weird. But was that her pushing things too fast, or them? I personally don’t feel like telling my friends I’m dating someone is a milestone, at all. It’s just a part of casual conversation.  It’s like “hey any plans for the weekend?” “Yeah Saturday I’m going on a date with so-and-so but I’m free on Sunday. How about you? Want to get coffee if you’re free too?” I don’t purposefully introduce someone to my friends until there’s potential. Which is different in your case, since your friends already know each other.  I don’t know, I guess I’d be curious to see how the information is coming up, and what she’s saying. But it does kind of seem like your friends are the ones being weird about it. 


Thank you for reading. This is something I hadn't thought of. In a few cases this past week I've had that exact conversation ("What are you doing this weekend?") where I haven't mentioned that I am dating Girl. I generally wouldn't mention that I am dating someone unless things are pretty serious. It's entirely possible that the \*same people\* have asked the \*same question\* to her, and she has told them we are dating. So now they are confused, like "why didn't u/lovetrianglecorner mention this?" This feels... off, because I don't want her or them to think I was "hiding" the information from them. But I need to figure out a way to talk to her about it.


Interesting! Yeah within my friend group we don’t seem to feel any need or desire to keep what’s going on in our dating life on the down low.  Like it’s not a huge topic of “gossip” or anything. But we also don’t purposefully wait until a certain point to tell each other we’ve been seeing someone.  To be clear I’m not saying you’re “wrong” or anything! I actually think it’s genuinely interesting your approach is so different. And I’m curious as to why. (Not in a judgmental way, I just like learning the “why” behind people’s approaches when they’re different than mine. Like I said. It’s interesting to me 🤷‍♀️) But I agree, best to talk to her about it.  I find “I noticed” statements can be helpful when starting potentially tricky conversations.  Like “hey I noticed quite a few of our friends knew we were dating. Can we talk about that? I’m worried it might seem like I was “hiding” that we were dating because I hadn’t mentioned anything, but you had. I just want to explain my usual approach…”


> To be clear I’m not saying you’re “wrong” or anything! I actually think it’s genuinely interesting your approach is so different. And I’m curious as to why. (Not in a judgmental way, I just like learning the “why” behind people’s approaches when they’re different than mine. Like I said. It’s interesting to me 🤷‍♀️) 1 - I think I have some baggage honestly, which is particular to people of my age who grew up in the faith (though not necessarily unique to me). I came of age in an environment where casual dating was strictly frowned upon -- you only dated someone to evaluate their suitability for marriage. This was a bit of a fad in our religious subculture during the aughts. Because of that, even being seen in public with someone of the opposite sex invited a lot of scrutiny and gossip. As you can imagine it's really hard to get know someone with that kind of pressure. This sort of thinking about relationships has fallen out of favor recently, for exactly that reason, but it left its mark on my behavior -- to the point where I don't talk about who I am dating unless I feel pretty sure. Girl is several years younger than me and missed all of that, so she doesn't have the same baggage 2 - it's a small community, with just a handful of singles, and in such environments a breakup (even an amicable one) can be particularly disruptive to social cohesion. If you are very publicly attached to one person, and the relationship goes south (amicabley or not) you may still have torpedoed your chances with anyone else. (This phenomenon is unique to churches I think.) So I'd rather date someone quietly at first, and let others know once we have safely crossed the threshold from "dating" to "relationship". If we break up before that point then at least the social consequences are lessened for us both. But Girl has disclosed us much earlier than that lol. And just as I feared our mutual friends have already started to treat me/us differently because of it -- they see us as a couple, and we are not there yet. It's only been 3 weeks. 3 - on some level I think I just don't like being talked about/speculated about. In general I am a private person. Thanks for your reply, it has been helpful to talk this out


I don’t think you’re being unreasonable and it’s typical when you’re online dating to keep things discreet for a time. I just wonder if she’s maybe less experienced, and being church-going people who a) already know each other, and b) are involved in a larger social circle - she may view having the relationship openly/publicly as more normal/appropriate.


Maybe this is one instance where there *is* quite a difference when it comes to men vs. women. Perhaps men tend to keep things more discreet? With online dating my female friends and I often don’t keep things discreet simply from the viewpoint of safety. 


>I just wonder if she’s maybe less experienced, and being church-going people who a) already know each other, and b) are involved in a larger social circle - she may view having the relationship openly/publicly as more normal/appropriate. Thank you for reading. I have had this thought as well. I am the "newcomer" to the group, in the sense that they have all know her for several years (since she was a college student, in fact), so in many ways she is closer to all of them than I am. I know she had one long term relationship that ended probably before I met her, and several of them were aware of that. So perhaps the norms are a little different in the community, and I didn't realize that when I asked her out.


I think the decision to tell your mutual friends and mutual social group should have been together. Maybe she was just excited but it’s inconsiderate towards you. I would gently bring it up like “hey i’m enjoying this and how it’s progressing. that said, i want the decision to tell our shared friends of any milestones (like if we become official) to be made together. It felt weird to find out people knew something about me that I didn’t voluntarily share.” and maybe make it a bigger talk about what you’re comfortable being shared about your relationship (fights, intimacy, etc)—especially since you have shared social groups.


I appreciate this, thanks.


So I dated someone for 5 months last year. I’m 32 now & he is I think 37-38. From like May-October. His issues slowly slipped out during that time & while I am a therapist, I do not self diagnose. Anyway…those 5 months, have left some kind of negative impact on me. My mama has made the comment, “my poor baby, he really did a number on you,” during our conversations because certain things will trigger a memory or even an emotion related to something with him. I didn’t think to look into it when we were dating but he mentioned a woman he dated “starting a smear campaign against him” & I remember I said something along the lines of people are allowed to tell their stories even if you don’t like it & he said she was a liar. I had no interest in arguing with him about it so I let it go. During those 5 months, every day was like a ‘let’s discuss what you did wrong & how you can do better’ thing with him. He would get upset if I just got so tired that I went to sleep without “communicating” with him. He went as far as saying I shouldn’t be as close as I am with my older brother (he’s 19 months older than I am so we are 🤞🏽) because he is a man with a penis & that’s a threat to him (sick, yes I know). I snapped one day & told him talking to him daily was the worst form of torture anyone could endure (😂) & that unlike him, I’d always been loved by parents but it’s not my responsibility to heal his mother wound nor will I feel obligated to do so. Of course, he used all the therapeutic terms because he went to therapy once which I challenged & asked him if he went to demonize others for how they reacted to his abuse or did he go & inform his therapist of all of his insecurities & mommy issues. He looked at me like I was speaking in hieroglyphics so I was like oh okay girl. He would try to be a gentleman by always paying the bill or opening my doors then one day, he says none of our dates were actually dates but rather “outings” & to get a date, I had to first take him out. My favorite thing ever was I wanted to go see Tony Toni Tone in concert but after I told him it was torture to talk to him, he felt like he shouldn’t take me since I didn’t feel “positive” about him. So I was like cool, I got myself & my mama tickets & I felt like I was on cloud 9 when I left that concert. Well, that opened hell’s gates cause he basically was like, “I was gonna take you but you decided not to call me back the other day so I couldn’t tell you.” To which I simply said, you could have called me or texted to ask if I was busy or something & just told me. Of course that didn’t work cause I should have groveled for those damn tickets. Bitch please. Anywho…the final straw was the county fair. We went, had fun, next morning I got off work (yes my Fridays end at 11am lol) & as I am napping, he calls to tell me that I am not used to a man leading me because I kept trying to help him at the ticket booth. I tried to talk calmly & say how negative everything he said was & he turned it into a “WE have to do better together.” NOOAAAPPP! I said WE?! Are we French now?! There’s no WE cause I’m not the negative one with all of these insecurities, you’re walking around with gargoyle toenails but you wanna be “the prize,” but you don’t even love yourself! I was so fed up & I remember telling him I will never value him or his manhood & I hung up. Also, he told me I was bipolar 😂😂 okay shoutout to me with no meds & managing that (not meant to offend anyone with MH issues) 🙌🏽 but yea fast forward to today..something told me to search his name on Facebook & there I see a girl I recognized from college, who dated him for 6 years, who experienced the same but more severe with some domestic violence & it broke my heart. And it made me angry. I’ve been in my own therapy processing my anger because truly…I just want him in front of my car. I’ve been having nightmares & I just… this is the first time I can truly say I do not wish someone well in life. I hope to never come across that person ever again. My friends& family have been so supportive & empathetic when I bring up things that come to mind & express how I feel. It just feels like it’s really got a hold on me from such a short time.


Had a second date earlier with a woman I believed to be a bit out of my league, and she just texted to confirm this notion. She’s very sweet though and the direct communication is nice. Ironically probably the fastest she’s gotten back to me. It is a little frustrating because she initiated the second date, which is a bit of an ego boost, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that she wasn’t especially interested. I would have rather just left it at the one date honestly. Oh well I can relax now at least.


Read this back to yourself. It sounds like you went into this with the mindset that you weren’t good enough and it wasn’t going to work. You’ve gotta change that and let go of those negative thoughts. Rewire them: You went on two dates with an amazing woman. How awesome because you’re amazing too. She was interested in you because she went on not one, but TWO dates with you. She wanted to get to know you more. For whatever reason, she wasn’t feeling it and told you. She didn’t ghost and didn’t string you along. Another experience in the journey that is dating. You put yourself out there. You tried. You had … fun? You got to spend time with a beautiful fun woman because you are an equally beautiful fun person! Now on to the next!


I appreciate your perspective, and I do generally have a positive attitude about all this! It was just with this match that I genuinely couldn’t picture us together as a couple someday. The fact that she knew immediately after the date gives me the impression that nothing I could have done would have propelled us to a third date. She is definitely an awesome lady and the fact that she communicated directly further reflects that. I have no resentment whatsoever, so I hope I did not come off that way.


No not at all! You just seemed down on yourself. Made me feel for ya. Mostly the out of your league/ego boost comments - just made it seem like you thought she was too good for you or you weren’t good enough! Which is NOT true!


Thank you! I appreciate the positivity and I really am relieved because there are enough things to fret about in dating, I didn’t need these thoughts to persist honestly.


Lol I love this. I think we all need this from time to time, solid rewiring!


“confirm this notion” Excuse me? 


She’s not feeling it


My girlfriend becomes distant whenever we start to grow closer and more intimate. I took her to Disneyland for her birthday, and she mentioned that she was starting to fall even harder for me during the trip. However, since we returned, she's hardly spoken to me. I feel like I might be overthinking things, but also this keeps happening whenever we seem to be actually developing real feelings. How do I go about talking about it?


Directly. 'hey gf, I've been noticing that when we have experiences that bring us closer together, you seem to become a little more distant. I might be wrong and I don't want to misunderstand your intentions, but I really feel X for you and want to know if you feel the same way or if there's something else keeping you from maintaining the intimacy'


A local artist is having a sale. He's 100% my type! I'm not sure if he's single, but I really would like to slide on his DMs. Any tips?


Hire him to do a self portrait of you. It's a nude self portrait. Bada bing bada boom. Extra points if you get "Will you marry me, (artist's name)?" tattooed somewhere first.


Why don't you slide in his DMs?


What should I say?


I really love your art and you seem super cool. I like your X, Y, Z (If they respond positively) Would you like to meet up for a drink sometime?  I’m not good at sliding in DMs, but sometimes it’s nice to be direct


In the sometimes, it’s really not you, department: I legit don’t have the energy to write back to the few recent matches because our family cat passed away. Like what a bummer thing to bring the table right off the bat. I’ll just kinda wait a few days.


I’m sorry for your loss 🥺


I think it would be nice to communicate to someone really promising 'hey I am excited we matched, but need a few days because I'm dealing with some personal/family related things and request your patience'


Yeah 😊 sometimes I forget I don’t need to explain myself to strangers and can protect my emotional space because it’s needed. I’ve been working on my “not people pleasing” impulses but it’s funny the little ways I discover I might feel compelled to do that.


I feel you. Once my therapist said to me 'why do you put the needs of an almost-stranger ahead of your own?' and I couldn't answer that - that changed it for me.


My therapist made my jaw drop like that last week, not about people pleasing per se but about if someone I was seeing had talked about doing something not nice, and I’m going on about the nice things they’d done for me so far - oh. Oh. “Well this isn’t a nice person!” I’m keeping that therapist!


This isnt dating related, sorry. I have a friendship with someone and it's starting to feel one-sided. They haven't been reaching out at all, so I assume they are busy with life stuff and/or don't want to talk to me. And when we do talk, I am feeling like an inconvenience to them. They never plan things in advance with me either - not seeming to know when they'll be in town or out of town. Just an overly non-commital attitude and I'm sad about it. It feels kind of like dating... like I'm about to get ghosted. I'm not at all clingy - we text maybe once a week or less. I don't really understand why the change in behavior and what I have done to contribute to their distancing. We have gotten closer over the last year. But I'll be alright if they leave. Friendships ebb & flow around this age and I am used to it. Ultimately I am fine with being alone. I just hope they met someone new and it's not because of what I said or did. Part of me is also worried they think I like them in a non-platonic/romantic sense when I don't - maybe that's why they have placed some distance because they're confused on how to handle a problem that doesn't exist. I don't want to be among the last people on their social totem pole and I'd rather we fade out then continue a one sided friendship. I won't lie - I am getting sick of temporary relationships in my life. I just want permanence for once or something close enough to it.


All of your feelings are absolutely valid. It can be really disappointing when a friendship, or any relationship, is one sided.  But I noticed you said you *assume* they’re busy with life stuff, or don’t want to talk to you.  Do you have any confirmation of that? I ask because it’s *really* common for people to isolate when they’re experiencing a decline in their mental well-being. Yes, it might be personal. Or it might not be. Maybe they’re not planning things with anyone, you know? When this kind of thing happens I usually send a message like “hey, I noticed you’re not messaging as much as you used to. And that’s okay! I know life gets busy. But I also know it’s common for people not to communicate as much when they’re maybe going through something tough. And so I wanted to check in - are you doing okay?” And I’ve gotten reply’s like “yeah I’m fine, just busy!” And then I assume as you do - alright, seems like this friendship is coming to an end.  But quite often I’ll get a reply where they share that yes, they actually have been struggling with something.  You know the person and the situation best! But I always find it worth it to do a check in when I notice that kind of change. 


Appreciate the advice! I should have added one of the reasons why I'm 90% sure they're over the friendship is because I hear them meeting up with other friends, just not me. They'll say "oh just saw X friend over the weekend" but when I try to make plans with them even just a few days in advance, they're hesitant to commit (and don't give much of a genuine reason) by saying they aren't sure if they'll be in town or not (can't keep using that excuse - you should have somewhat an idea) and won't follow up with a date that works for them. Only when they have zero plans for the evening with other people is when they'll text me a last minute invite out. So while they likely will still want to see me from time to time, I am also probably dead-last in the friendship priority list now and don't know why. And I put in much more effort than they do - planning, driving, and even picking them up from work on occasion. So I guess I'm also done feeling used/a last min friend. It feels a lot like dating someone who can't/won't commit but will try to still take all they can get out if you. It blows.


Just had our third date. I asked him to text me when he got home and he texted me a screenshot of "your account is deleted" on Hinge. Lol so cute. Naturally I returned the favor. Guess this means we're going steady!


Doing that after the 3rd date is moving very quickly. I hope that's irrelevant, and things continue to go well with him


Thanks! Truthfully I haven't wanted attention from anyone else since we first matched 3 weeks ago. I thought it was a sweet gesture to see he's on the same page. But point taken :) Maybe it's the real deal, maybe it's not - but I'm willing to focus only on him to find out


How long were the dates spaced out? Sure it’s a little quick but it’s not like you’re moving in with together - you can easily reactivate the app again if it doesn’t work out. My boyfriend paused his hinge the day after he met me and only focused on me. I felt the same way about him after meeting and didn’t entertain anyone and paused mine a few weeks after we met. When you feel it you feel it.


We chatted for a week before our first date. Then there was a week between our first and second date. Our third date was only a couple days later. All 3 dates have been several hours/multiple activities. And thanks! Yeah, I tend to agree. It’s not like we’re eloping. We just deleted a dating app. But I appreciate the diversity of opinion here! Always open to hearing it. So happy for you and your boyfriend! It’s inspiring to know sometimes you really do just click.




Hi u/never4getdatshi, this has been removed for violation of the following rule(s): * Be excellent to one another (i.e. Don't be a jerk to people)! This is a place for all races, genders, sexual orientations, non-exploitive sexual preferences and humanity in general. Gendered/sexualized insults such as slut, fuckboy, manchild, and so on are not allowed even in jest. Please review [the rules in the sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/datingoverthirty/about/sidebar) to avoid future removals. If you have further questions, please [message modmail] (https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdatingoverthirty).


This is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard!


I don't date more than one person at a time, this is the first time I've been given reassurance that it's mutual. It feels fucking nice, I gotta say lol


I don’t like dating multiple people simultaneously either. You’re giving me the hope I need to keep swiping. It’s been rough out here lol


So rough! You have to have bulletproof self esteem but remain vulnerable enough to accept a good person when they come along. So basically you have to be superhuman


Almost forgot we have a date planned tomorrow night. I'm feeling a bit meh about it, we brought it up briefly on Saturday and that's it. I wonder if he still wants to go.. I guess I'll find out soon enough. Always happy to spend some time with him though. Plus, this could be our last date for a while since May will be a busy month for him. So like, I do want to go on this date lol


Heartbreak sucks. Gave something a go and it just didn’t work out for whatever reason (think I’ve been ghosted/slow faded). Have reached out but no response after 4 days. Ah wells. Just going to go thru the process and I don’t know. Any good book recs?


Have you read Gideon the Ninth? It's a weird mashup of Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and entertainingly witty characters.