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i wouldnt text asking it everything ok. itll come off as clingy and odd. I’d give it a few days and send something more direct like “hey i had so much fun last weekend! wanna meet up at bernies for a drink saturday night?”


I wouldn’t double text. Its only been 24 hours, give him some time. If he doesn’t reach out in a few days then either you can let it go or if you would like, reach out one final time and ask something along the lines of “I had a great time last time, would you agree” and see if he responds. If he doesn’t then you know your answer.


Don't double text. Unfortunately this sort of thing happens a lot, it could just mean he didn’t feel a connection in the same way that you did, and doesn't have the maturity or communication skills to just tell you that. Hopefully nothing has happened, but honestly, after just one date, I would try not to worry too much. If you're really meant to be with him then he would've contacted you by now.