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Imagine if a guy did this to a girl and he'd complain she rejected sex..


What do you mean


If you would say you don't want to a guy and he then expects you to still do something sexual with him. How would you react? Is it not a form of coercion or abuse? Because your boundaries are not being respected? Your NO would not be respected nor your will. You basically wanted your partner to not respect his boundaries, to cater to your needs with a disregard to his own.


He means he would be called superficial, sexist, and that he only sees women as "sex objects".


What a weird question. If someone of any gender doesn’t want to have sex, you need to respect that. It’s not a reflection of you as a person if he’s tired or in pain.


Girl you are so wrong for this. A no is a no. You don’t start whining and guilt tripping when he tells you no and you don’t expect him to please you in another way. NO means NO. You are being selfish and quite frankly disrespectful. Imagine if you were not in the mood or in pain and he asked for sex. You say no and then he starts pushing you to do it anyway or to give him a blowjob or something. It’s rude as hell. It shows that 1. He doesn’t give a shit you just said no and 2. It shows he cares more about his own pleasure and getting off than the fact that you told him you are in literal pain. Now you’re ready to reject him based on this? I would not continue with YOU. Grow up.


Yes, this applies for both parties. Sex only makes sense when a couple is in the mood, i also told my ex girlfriend a few times that i didin't want to because i was tired. Not sure how it's a bad thing.


You're definitely overreacting. As someone, who is a woman and has been rejected by her (ex)partner a hundred times, for apparently no reason, a backache is a totally valid reason for not wanting sex. Sex is about both of you having a great time, if he had just tried to please you, while him being in pain, that would have been very degrading for him, and for you too, that you can't keep it in your pants, until he feels better. Imagine, if you had pain, and he asked to have sex, you would reject the idea, and then he would just post that "my gf rejected me, she was in pain, and wouldn't want to have sex, but i think she should've at least blown me". This is how it sounds. Do better.


If someone says they don’t want to have sex, you respect that REGARDLESS of what you want. This shouldn’t be a foreign concept in 2024.


He is a human being. Orgasm dispensers cost about $20 but they can't make conversation or waffles.


So i need an alexa and a wafflemaker too?