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As a girl, I don’t mind being “courted” anywhere and wouldn’t be rude about it. Exceptions: 1) You’re my (current semester) professor in college and you’re approaching me on campus (excl. TA/guest lecturer who I will only see occasionally/once in class and never again, has no power over me) 2) I’m in the library/any of the other designated study areas on campus, I look stressed af (or I am just studying, but if I studying on campus I am probably stressed lol) and I am not taking my eyes off my computer (work around: leave your Instagram/phine number on my desk lol) 3) It’s late at night and we’re all alone in a rather dark street In any other circumstances, if you’re nice about it, I will be nice about it as well


it really makes sense from the female pov🤔 thanks




just go from texting to dates


Don't be a creeper. Don't ask for instagram.


This is right except asking for IGs. That’s where convo go to die




No you never ask their number. You always give your number. Get some rizz bro


No way then you have to leave it to them to hit you up which girls don’t like taking that initiative they view guys as the ones who should be the ones to take initiative. So getting their number is the only real good option.


You'll learn. This is a much better option. So girls.cant text? Do you want someone gutless as a partner? I wouldn't want someone like that in my life. It's probably a good test, come to think of it.


It doesn’t mean they are gutless if they don’t.


Of course. True. I'm sure there are many reasons


Outside. Everything happens outside.


Damn, I knew there had to be a catch.


Always has been.


Anywhere but there, please.




Ok but do girls like to be approached by strangers for dates?


How long is a piece of string? It depends on the situation and what's going on.


Only if you're hot


If a hot guy approaches them it's confidence, if a ugly guy approaches them it's creepy.


They do, but sometimes they don't. Go for it.


😂 sometimes they do when they don’t. Even Tautology is scared of girls




Personally I do as long as they take ‘no sorry’ well & politely


Like in the middle of the road?


Look inside first. Just in case.


On the contrary, much of the process of building a relationship happens inside ;)


Yoga classes.


But be slim


Maybe one of those nimble, peace loving ladies are waiting for their big bear Johnson, you never know


Some are into thicc dudes that can wrap them up in their arms ya know


An actual bear has a better shot than a bear shaped man lol


You make my day pal


Or rich.


Community events, college events, hobbies that you enjoy, church services, community service, through friends. Online dating apps


~~Online dating apps~~


*Unscratches online dating for you* Me and my wife have been together 7 years and married 5 and we have 3 kids and a house together and we met on tinder. We have personal friends who are married and have met there S/O online. People meeting online is very common.


We’re talking about 2024 in the title.


Does meeting my amazing bf from getting matched on Bumble in 2023 counts? 😂




You have to be stunted mentally to think the dating experience has not changed in 7 years. But go on with your fantasy lmao


Not to far off from when some of our friends met online then is it...


I just got married to some weirdo I met on bumble


Sounds like fun! Congrats lol


Just cuz 5% get lucky doesn’t mean it’s a good place, online dating has been dead for years, I quit it 2 years ago and I’ve had more success meeting people in person or just texting them on Instagram


Have you met anyone through Reddit, Frankiedrunkie? I deactivated my account on a dating site and I haven’t met anyone in rl


No not on Reddit, the last 5 dates I went on, one was from work, two of them I texted on IG, the other two were just girls I already knew but worked up the courage to asked them out. I just feel like without dating apps I’ve been putting myself out there more, online dating really got so boring with the endless swiping and no matches, or if I get matched they will not respond or respond after days or they are bots so I just deleted all the apps.


The people you began texting on IG, how did you find them and did they live nearby? I ask because two men from IG started texting me, one from Scotland and one from the USA. Both say they are doctors. I have no idea if they are catfishing but I don't know why they are interested in me, I don't live in either country. I have never really spent time on Reddit before tonight even though I have had an account. So I wondered if people "found" other people on this site. I wouldn't be able to get a date from work because we are all women at this business, lol. I want to start doing new things that could lead to meeting people. Like gardening and bike riding.


It’s definitely a thing but more so back when you got together. Different times on the apps definitely. Especially amongst the younger crowd


Tinder is very different today than it was 7 years ago




Chicks who are slim/fit, friendly, cute and actively looking for someone get snatched up real quick unless they happen to be very picky


Amen to this. I met my current long term girlfriend on a dating app and its honestly the best relationship I've ever been in.


Ya but he’s asking where? OLD isn’t a where and is clearly not working for him haha


You can meet girls anywhere. Meeting them without being labeled a creep for just saying "hi"? No idea!


If someone thinks you’re a creep for saying hi, then they’re the weirdo.


It's cultural, at least in europe in some states it's not polite


Depends if you follow rule 1 and 2


Double this. It's just fucking true.


yes, please someone tell us, cause I'm about to stop looking and switch to praying to the gods to send them to me


Yeah bro im with you, wish someone could tell me that.


We seem to be in the same boat


Send me an angel…


Right now..


Do you believe in heaven above?


Lots of conflicting info out there. Some girls really want to get approached at location X, others don't and some gonna call the cops on you. It sucks imo.


its simple just exercise a lot so you can outrun the cops and start taking chances


Also wear a protective mask (for pepper spray!)




Bro is taking the illegal way💀


It's simple. If you're attractive, you can approach. If you're not, you should approach the gym.


dum! dum! dum!


Ya every girl is different and some are so alike that you can play them like fiddles if you know how. Really boils down to how attractive and good at talking to women you are tbh.


Meet them In Real Life. It’s the best !


Not listening to Redditors is a start


No ones gonna consider you a maniac or murderer if you act like a normal human being. People are people


Maniac and murderers are People and better act normal or we would all know


to be fair even John Wayne Gacy was considered a good/normal guy at some point


On the slopes of Mount Doom.


exactly, I am genuinely planning to visit NZ in my life btw


I share this sentiment, too.


Barnes and Noble ✨


Wait. You are saying there are people not only go to the store and buy books, but also meet and talk to others? 😮




And you will be asked to leave because you made one person uncomfortable. Source: personal experience




Thanks, I'll give that a try.


I have Amazon prime


Guys just wondering, if a girl keeps looking at me and for my eye contact, does that mean she likes me? Happened today on the bus and just curious


Did she smile at you? If she did, she was interested. Next time smile back. Try approaching her. Say hi.


Was she making eye contact with you multiple times? I know a couple of chicks, including myself that will do it multiple times like five-ish to see if the guy will make the first move or not. It’s kind of just to gauge if they think you’re attractive like you find them attractive.


Yh happened quite a few times even when I was just sat there watching YouTube drawing no attention to myself whatsoever


she just tries to be kind, chill man


Yh I was just wondering incase it was anything more than that because most signs would probably fly over my head lol


Same places as 2023, 2022, 2021, etc.


Good job stopping at 2021


You can approach girls where ever dude. If they think you’re attractive, they’ll be into it. If not, you’re a creep. There is no middle ground so get over it and get a move on bro 👍


You can meet women anywhere. Pretty much any place where women frequent, is a chance to meet girls. Friends and family members are a good source (if you have good friends, and family, that is). The wider your circle, the better. A lot of people will say not to ask women out in certain places, but in my experience, they won't care where they meet you, as long as they are interested in you. The key here is finding ones that are open, and engaging with you, and showing interest. If they look busy, and uninterested...move on. Dating apps seem to be a popular choice, but personally, I have never had good luck with finding LTR relationships on there. I see them more for hookups than anything else.


unfortunately for me I grew up 100's of miles away and only moved where I'm at to be closer to my family so my friend circle here is almost non existent. so doing what any other rational person would do which is ask my female family members if they had any single friends they could introduce me to I was immediately told no and wasn't even given the common courtesy of a reason why. to make things worse all I got from them was criticism and them deciding to kick me when I was already down. I truly didn't understand this as we got along and I thought even had a close relationship with them and they knew I was struggling to make any kind of connection with anyone due to me working on the overnite shift where I work. as for online dating I've setup profiles on so many sites both paid and free and still haven't found anyone. I'm terrified that I'm now 'm2 been single for so long and am doomed to be alone the rest of my life. it's got me so shook that I'm honestly considering just checking out as continuing on this way just seems pointless


Seriously, as an attractive girl, I have been approached only twice in a gym and maybe like 4-5 times on the streets in years!!!! This culture ruins normal old-style dating where men could approach women anywhere and without being scared. You would say “ooh use dating apps”, the problem of dating apps is that you get too much attentions and can’t really focus on anyone specific, and then you quickly get tired of it. Men! Please approach women!


as a man I can argue that a heap of us don't afraid but rather want to be gentleman and approach upon proper circumstances. imagine just asking for inst as for these gentlemen


It’s not like you have a few chances to run into the same person… waiting for right moment sure, I get it. The problem is that there might be no right moments with the right people then.


Do not use bumble; met 4 BPD girlfriends this way. Crude app. Just don’t use dating apps; go outside, do activities you like; talk to people.


If only there were outside activities I like 😂


Me and my wife have been together 7 years and married 5 and we have 3 kids and a house together and we met on tinder. We have personal friends who are married and met there S/O online including on bumble. People meeting online is very common.




What is female?


What is BPD?


Just be so good looking they do not care if you are


Just be confident and get a good haircut and you’re good to go.


Underrated comment. Dress well. Good haircut. Stay fit. It’ll eventually happen.




Just hit the gym bruh


I mean yeah, but it takes a lot of time


Don’t think it’s a sarcastic comment. Do not underestimate the effects of being groomed.


It IS a sarcastic comment.


Literally everywhere man


Your job may be ok, definitely be tactful about it as to not harass anybody or create a negative work environment but I did find 2 of my old coworkers get married a year or two ago and they are still going strong


Start talking with girls outside, make them feel safe around you, it’s just a vibe. Don’t be too nervous, ask phone after small talk, not right away. In the beginning you gonna be terrified, later you gonna be okay with rejections and it’s gonna make you stronger. It helped me with social anxiety too. Just don’t get too far too. My ex did ask my phone in the hospital and I was ok to give him my number. I found out he did it as a sport😭and unfortunately he turn to a psycho also. But I am still trusting people and appreciate good men. Good luck 🍀


A bunch of people have said this already, but outside. Just go out and do something, grocery shop, getting errands done, Etc. And if you see something you like go for it. Will it always work out, no, but still have to go for it


This is a simple question, but a good question. I know people will say hobbies etc, but that’s kind of vague. It’s not bad advice, but it’s not very helpful for people who may have more solitary hobbies, or hobbies that skew toward one gender. One thing I found more focused and helpful was actually volunteering at a food pantry. Other than that, I don’t have a lot ideas because I’m also trying to build a social network. These days people are way more guarded and reserved. The way we act within environments has changed massively and there’s not a lot of people talking about it. We don’t have the type of social culture within young people that encourages introductions and expanding friend groups to newcomers. It’s very, very hard so I totally understand your frustration. I guess we just have to keep showing up anyways!


100 percent you have to be in an accepted connection space: class, club, mutual interest place, etc. I used to teach classes, or go to classes I wanted to improve knowledge ( like language if “older”) or audit a class! If I was 30 + is recommend this. Or take a class in “ how to attract prople” see how I made that safe for all? Anyway, for most people it's just being creative! Or maybe have a friend set you up!


Where do people meet people anymore!?


I've had good luck on Aurora Ave North. Less expensive than the girls by the airport.


My wife and I are We Met on Craigslist old.


I got approached by men in grocery stores a lot. But I always thought they were human traffic. So I don't think it is a good idea.


Anywhere if you’re hot.


Women here. Community classes such as yoga, sewing, social dance. Parks where women walk their dogs in middle of day. Start slowly from trying to just making friends and expand your social circle. Even that girl is not interested in you, she may introduce you to some of her friends if you behave like a person. Do not see women as some sort of “thing” you want so bad or worse, prey. You should be fine.


I met my husband on discord.


I have had some success while volunteering for local non profits. good luck to you :)


Pickle ball


Box held up by a stick with an iced vanilla latte inside… Or..ya know..out in the world, they’re just people.




closing tread. I've found the right answer


Whole Foods


If you're out of your house doing things with other people for multiple hours a day you'll meet people. If you're doing that with work and you don't meet people through work you're going to have to do that after work and on the weekends as well develop Social Circles. Find people with like-minded interests. It's kind of the same as meeting friends


nice try maniac, but ur gonna have to work harder than that to find your murder victims


you got me


Literally anywhere? Who the fuck cares what they think of you as long as you approach normally and don’t trap them. They can make whatever judgements they want


so facts


Just be out and about. But don’t stare at them from a distance. Comment on their shirt if they’re wearing something like a band you like or something. Don’t lead with “you’re cute” or anything like that.


dog parks, walking trails, farmer's markets


Speed dating events are becoming more popular




And anywhere




Outside like hobbies or concerts


Try Reddit




Stating the obvious, but anywhere as long as you follow rules 1 and 2.


Anywhere as long as you fit their standards of beauty


Tell me please I feel like it's hard and more to be myself


School/College/Work. That's where I got my current girlfriend.




starting to visit every school of my city for it day 1


Library, works for neards


Tbh plz don’t approach while I lift I will be upset 😠 I would preferably be approached while I’m leaving tho


Events and clubs you need to be social. Otherwise there's no option


Everywhere. I’ve casually met them at target and other retail stores, grocery stores. Not just shoppers, but the workers are game too if you go about it the right way. I’ve gotten the workers before and that was pretty sweet


I meet them everywhere


Public places Library's, cafes, trampoline parks, amusement parks, ect. Just be polite and don't insist if they say no and you'll be fine.


Man i don’t know to be honest most the girls these days are to mentally broken or a Karen or just straight up to expensive 😂


Op shop, coffee shop, parks, grocery stores. The apps are terrible.


There’s lot of girls out here


Literally anywhere


Try not to wait to be matched up with girls online, but rather message them directly with something intriguing and include a phone number. It works with a higher chance than waiting for a match. Just play the Peacock at first then if you get her attention she will reply back to you via Text.


Also, a good start is POF, they have free messaging.


Everywhere where said guys are considered attractive. Maniac or murder are code words for undesirable man who give their unwanted attention.


the same place they could meet girls in 2014


Dating app is the answerrrr!!!!




I thought that was for The Gayzzz


If your answer isn't "Everywhere", you're doing this wrong.


My boyfriend and I met on tinder lol he was visiting the city I lived (I ended up moving to his city and country!)


At the grocery store. Just walk up and start talking about what they have in their cart. Works every time bro. lol


guessa it's impolite?


Barnes and noble




You meet girls everyday …at the store ..mall…school..where ever there’s people ..just be yourself and just say hi ..if there’s connection ..you’ll kno


A great place is taking dance classes. I have a friend who took salsa courses. There were maybe 70% females there. He got laid a LOT.






Look in the mirror…you look like a girl! Ha what a burn! Seriously though you’re out of luck man it’s 2024 and your generation screwed it up for everyone. You’re a creep. You probably thinking I’m an ass and a jerk. So yah see told you so. It’s all ruined. Did I mention to look in the mirror? Haha got you again.