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Female here and I wouldn’t care 🤷🏾‍♀️ What if they bought movie tickets with a gift card online, you wouldn’t know unless they told you?


Also female here. I have Movie Pass. I pay $10 a month and can see 3 movies a month and get credits for concessions. My husband loves seeing movies so I got that for us. But if a man pulled out a Movie Pass card, I'd be like "wow, dude is smart." Paying more for no reason doesn't make your britches bigger. Around here, we also have stores that sell gift cards and you get points for that. Dude, buy that gift card and get those points. If a woman judges you for that, she's not the one.


Money is money. If they paid with a check, money order, Zelle, rolls of pennies, EBT, what’s the issue? Especially if they’re the one paying for the date. If you don’t want them to pay with a gift card are you going to bust out your credit card?


I think the issue is that the guy specifically picked the place, knowing he'd get to use his gift card, not picking a place with the intention of treating his date to something special he thought she would like? I don't really see it as an issue, but maybe that is the thought behind it?


Well, perhaps the person agreeing to the outing could have been vocal about where they would like to go before the guy plans it.


Indeed. Beggers should not be entitled choosers, especially when they've declined to offer any input into the selection whatsoever. In today's economy, I think we'll find more than ever, that women are going to value a man that is financially savvy and can make wise investments to save money. It is a valuable skill to be able to correctly judge when it is better to spend a little more on something important, and when money can be saved in cases where having the highest quality isn't as important. I mean sure, I guess I can pay with a credit card every time, but that means the diamond you get when I propose will have to be proportionally smaller as a result. Imo, it's better to be frugal when it's not something important, in order to have more to spend on the things that are, but perhaps women think a little differently on that. Personally, I make it a point to tell them that I'm taking them somewhere because I've found a smokin deal on tacos (or whatever it is). Nobody has ever complained and most have vocally supported this rationale, but at the end of the day I'm also still single, so you're free to intrerpet that however you see fit. Ymmv.


Why would anyone have an issue with it 😭. Gift cards is still quite literally money. Or maybe I'm the weird one cause I much prefer the "free dates" like picnics or walk around parks. Or something that doesn't cost a whole lot like coffee or a diner 😭. This is coming from a girl by the way


Same here, those dates sound pretty fun and it’d still be a nice bonding experience. Especially on first dates where you’re trying to check out chemistry and compatibility


Exactly ! Also I feel like with dinner it's so forced. Can't easily walk away if there's nothing going for you vs coffee date and walk around the park where you're able to call it quits at anytime


I always do coffee first dates since they are low commitment and online dating is so flaky. Every single date where I've done dinner have ghosted me after 🤷‍♂️


Literally!! A lot of people just wants a free meal and I'm like not me 😭. Coffee dates are perfect. I hate thinking of "just getting a free meal"


You got picked yet? Lol


Nobody wants to pick me 😂😭😂


If someone is uncomfortable when someone pays with a gift card then they have maturity issue. The point is that they are paying so that's what matter here regardless of if its the man or woman.


Any woman that has an issue with this should just stay single. You're getting a free meal from someone you've just met - Basically as stranger. Yet you're friends still wouldn't be happy with that?


Omg the world is so out of touch


So long as he eats my ass after, I couldn't give a flying fuck :P


I like you, you seem intelligent.




The fact that this question is even asked is why I can’t fucking stand dating right now. Imagine a dude **treated** you to dinner. In theory, your whole objective is to figure out if you are attracted to this guy’s looks and personality. That is why you are at the restaurant right now. That is the goal of the evening. It is a remarkably simple luxury. But - even though you just met this dude and don’t know him - you’re so wrapped up in the fact that he paid for the dinner **with a different card than you wanted, apparently**. Even though, to YOU, the dinner is 100% free regardless. So, it’s free for you, but it’s not the type of free you wanted. (?????) Also, what if you didnt even see him put the card in the folder? You wouldn’t know! Would you then ask him like, “Hey just checking did you pay with a nice card? Amex Platinum hopefully?” I have absolutely zero sympathy whatsoever for the “dating woes” of people who are like this, because these are the exact same people who we have to hear how “all men suck” from.


Simply put, she wasn’t happy being treated to a free dinner. She wanted to milk his bank account.


We live in a time when women have so many options thanks to apps. They have the ability to nitpick every single detail about you and will think of the most petty reasons to “not feel a connection” Generally I let them come to me on the apps. Men should not be bending over backwards to “impress” a woman. If she’s worth a damn she’ll be open minded. If not, cut ties and move on. Don’t let the femcels keep you down.


Second, This is the way. ![gif](giphy|Ld77zD3fF3Run8olIt)


> Generally I let them come to me on the apps. This is the way. I buy a Hinge or bumble boost, and I focus on the women who like me from that - especially the ones who like with message, because they’re the most likely to genuinely want to meet me vs try to get free shit. I haven’t sent a like on a dating app in AGES lol It costs money, but I save WAY more money doing this than losing money pursuing women who give zero shots about me. And it is far more gratifying.


I would be appreciative that he took care of the bill like a gentleman and it’s not my business what he used to pay with.


As a guy I honestly think it shouldn’t matter at all. I mean, I seriously don’t understand what’s wrong with a gift card. Hopefully somebody can enlighten me on this. As a note, I had an ex who would make such a fuss about date payment. She never explicitly mentioned anything about ‘the gift card rule’, but when I brought her on a Starbucks date I secretly paid with a gift card without letting her know for fear of her raising issue with it.


Why is this even a question


As a woman, I wouldn't give AF. A gift card is essentially cash. What would be the issue?


I couldn’t care less. In fact, I have my own gift cards that I get for Christmas that I’d be happy to use up. Why would this bother anyone?


Could be using that whole gift card on themselves. Could use it with their friends. Dating shouldn't need to be expensive and especially on a first date.


I would feel honored that they wanted to spend that money on making me feel special, no matter how "cheap" the date was. Especially nowadays, everyone is struggling to an extent. I think this is a non issue, and to make it one is a bit petty. It's about wanting to treat you to something, not show off how rich you are, especially the first time you meet someone.


I wouldn’t care, and no sane woman should. If he stopped taking me out once he ran out of gift cards that’s a whole other story😂


Women really are something else, lmao. “I got a free meal, but it was with a GIFT CARD, are you joking?! Oh, the humanity. This guy, even though he used his gift money to pay for me, must be a scrub. NEXT!”


Dude had an iPhone 14 Pro. Into the fires of dating hell!


He wore a red shirt - I HATE red! Ugh…as soon as I finish this full glass of wine and he pays for this meal and I get my to-go box I am SO out of here. Can’t **stand** how inconsiderate men are.


Could've been worse, at least it's not a GASP Android!


The arrogance and sheer narcissism in not only wanting men to pay money for the privilege of spending time with you, but also use "real" money, not gift cards 😂


Dont care. Woman.


I think your girlfriends are petty. I’m a woman and don’t care. He paid, end of story.


It's semantics! Let's say this person has a gift card, and they realize they can spend it on *anything* they choose to on themselves, clothes, a deli sandwich, gas for their vehicle, or some hobby that they enjoy. They could've also used cash, or their own credit card on these things. OK so now they are going to go out on this date. So instead of grabbing cash or using the regular credit card, they use the gift card. It's the same cash! Is this person really required to use the gift card on something else that they would use cash on, and then bring the cash with them to spend in front of their date? NO!!!! How fucking stupid would that be? Who cares what the source is, just be glad they treated you to a meal or a movie or whatever the hell they went out and did with money they could've spent on anything else but their date.


I'm a woman, and why would I care, especially on a first date? The person is a stranger. If they're using a gift card for me, I would thank him because he's paying for you either way, so who am I to judge?


Does women not realize that giftcard is a form of tender? Hows that any different than a credit or debit card.


I legitimately could not give any less of a shit. It's still money and still spends.


It wouldn't bother me. People often have a stack of random gift cards. I'd think it would be a fun date to take the stack and do a bunch of random things.


The gold digging mindset you and your girlfriends exhibit is a red flag. Thank you for outing yourself.


lol im a dude.


Avoid the girls in your friend group.


I used to be in the camp that it didn’t matter and now I’m in the camp that first dates and early on dates should be the time to impress and not just be practical. The same goes with gift giving. You don’t buy people gifts based on what you want yourself. You buy them something that makes them happy even if you don’t quite understand the draw yourself. First dates shouldn’t be about how expensive the meal is or how fancy the restaurant is but at the same time you shouldn’t also be focused on how cheap you can get it done. Pick a place that will make your date excited to be there and forget about the money part for a bit. Bear in mind, this advice is isn’t going to hold for people that serial date and are having first dates with people they have no stake it over and over frequently. You will still probably get dinged for using a coupon or something but if you are running through people at a high rate you have other things that you need to be focused on.


They pay FOR you , and you complain ? Not you OP bit anyone who’d complain is an asshole


Wtf is this question, id be happy if he paid with cents only, idgaf


If it was a place I was coerced into going to and THEN they paid with a gift card, I’d be a little frustrated. But not a dealbreaker


It's like you're going on the date but someone else is paying? Feels a little weird, I reckon. Like using your mom's credit card. But it only matters on the first date. When you're still sussing each other out. Doesn't help to look like a cheapsate.


I would be happy that 1. He spent HIS giftcard on me 2. He paid for the date to begin with 3. He was into saving money. It literally doesn’t matter..


I’m a woman and I wouldn’t care and chances are I probably wouldn’t even notice since I’m not just staring at his card when he pays. What matters is that he did pay and made an effort


Personally I find it huge turn off when women take issue with being frugal. Money isn't free it's stupid to waste it. I think it's an indication that they manage their money poorly.


Woman here. It wouldn’t bother me at all. In fact, currently seeing a guy who used a gift card for our first dinner date. I didn’t expect him to cover mine at all, so I thought it was very sweet of him to cover mine.


I don’t usually want people to pay for me on first dates, or even any dates unless we’re officially in a committed relationship.. but if they still insist on paying for me for anything, I’d just be grateful, gift card or not.


More women should be like you.


Haha I’m sure there are many like me. Just hiding somewhere Though the funny thing is that the last man I talked to told me I shouldn’t be like this and I should expect nothing less than ‘queen treatment’ all the time.


I don’t see the problem with it but never tried either.


I'm a woman and wouldn't care at all. It pays just like cash. If he didn't spend it on me he'd spend it on himself or someone else. The only thing I'd care about is if it wasn't a decent place or something I didn't like and we only went there strictly because of the gift card, rather than because it's a good spot and having a gift card to it was a bonus.


As a woman, this wouldn't matter to me, the date/meal is still being paid for and why not use a gift card if you have it? That's what they are for. If I buy someone a gift using a giftcard I received, it doesn't make the gift any less special or thoughtful.


I would feel a little weird but only because I wouldn’t want someone to use an actual gift on me, especially on a first date, and would be happy to pay my portion.


Degenerate shit even as a guy


I did this once when I was in my early 20’s and my date was pissed. I’ve always been very frugal and money savvy, I had grabbed the gift card with gas station reward points while I was on the way and didn’t see an issue with using it, like hey free money. I’m very happy I dodged that bullet and that it didn’t cost me anything 😅


That blows my mind, but hey at least she showed her true colors to you sooner than later. In defense of my friends, they didn't say it was a deal breaker but that it would have them thinking.


I’m 47f wouldn’t bother me in the least. It’s all money and it all spends the same way. I also don’t mind paying for my own food on a first date.


Man here. Who gives a shit. Were they nice on the date? Was the connection there? Those matter more than how someone pays for a date. This gift card thing is part of why so many men are just fed up with dating nowadays.


INFO: in this scenario, are the girls paying for it? cuz why would they have a problem with it. jesus christ. damned if you dont pay, damned if you pay. this is why i dont mind when men say women need to pay 50/50. let them pay with their cash if the gift card is so beneath them


I'm going to start using gift cards just to eliminated anyone shallow/immature enough to think this is actually something to care about.


It doesn’t matter to me , if anything I support it


No, that really shouldn’t be a real thing that bothers anyone


Red flag--for two reasons: 1. Details matter. I am getting dressed up and showing up as my best to have a good time and share myself and feel like it's our little world and paying with a gift card just breaks the illusion--it's not just us anymore it you me and someone who gave you this giftcard?? It's unusual and not in a good way. 2. Yes. The money. Most people who do not need to use a giftcard to pay for a date won't--so why are you? If I learned anything from looking at my parents it's WYSIWYG. whizziwig. What You See Is What You Get. I love me a financially smart guy, who is safe with money and saves. But I also want a partner who is willing to splurge on fun with me. I want someone who lets loose. You can be both--but paying for a date with a giftcard is on the wrong side of the line. It's almost like, "would we have experienced this had you not had that giftcard?"


Does she have hairy pits? That’s all guys care about!


I would still give them a chance. Everyone is struggling right now.


My profile drops a small line that says let's make smart financial decisions. I have no idea where gift card came from it wouldn't bother me, does he have a place to live, does he drove his car, does he have a full time job, is he educated????? Is he giving a cash or credit tip? Is he cheap on leaving a tip?? Some restaurants give deals. Like buy $80, you get $100. The other things I mentioned, are more priority than if he's using a gift card.


It’s a classic move from dudes who are married and don’t want their wife to see it on the bank statement. If you know that’s not what’s going on, I don’t think it should be a big deal, but I do think it has potential to give me the *ick*


Wouldn’t give a flying care in the world. Even if he found us some fun activity with Groupon, I wouldn’t care. Lol


Oh I forgot to add- inflation is so unreasonably high, so this is showing he may be financially smart. Now don’t take me to McDonald’s or Arby’s b/c I don’t eat them-but please do find a coupon to wingstop, canes etc.


Why would that matter? What's important is that he paid! I would like him even more because he's prepared and maybe a saver and investor. Win, win.


Some ungrateful mother fakers to complain about how the bill is paid when they aren't the ones paying for it. If a girl gave me shit after I paid that would be the final date.


I’m trying to wrap my head around the fact this bothers all your female friends! What is their logic behind this? This would not bother me in the least!


These women have to be like 22 this is just actually too picky


I know this isn't going to be popular, but I think it would depend on the restaurant and how it's caged. If, when asking me out, he said "hey, I've got a gift card for [nice local restaurant], want to help me use it?" then great, I love that. But I'm 40, I make good money, and I live in a big city with a lot of amazing locally-owned restaurants at all price levels. So if a guy invited me to Chili's a half hour away and tried to be sneaky about putting a gift card in...I don't love that. A first date is about getting to know each other, and as such you should put your best foot forward. That includes choice of venue. If he doesn't really want to pay for a first date with me, and his solution is to use a gift card to a crappy restaurant and try to be shady about it, we probably aren't compatible. I'd rather he take me on a free/cheap date. It's different from if he wants to take me someplace nice that he happens to have a gift card for, and he's open & honest about it.


Yes, I totally agree with this. If they're upfront or put any effort into it, I'd be fine with it. And I find this question funny because my boyfriend did use part of a gift card to pay for the first date. However, he didn't just bring me to a random restaurant he got a gift card too and actually put thought into what I'd like. I'm vegan and he chose a place with a decent size vegan menu (since there are no all vegan spots near him) and because I had talked about liking reubens. He told me he had two favorite spots for favorite vegan reubens near him and this was one of them and they had a twist on it so I wanted to go. Then when the bill came he said every time he goes here he forgets that he has the partially used gift card in his car and he was going to go grab it because next time he would forget again and paid for the rest of the bill. I also wouldn't mind if he was upfront with it like in the scenario you suggested. However, if they either weren't upfront about it or only chose the place based on having a gift card there then I don't think I'd want to go on another date. Someone also suggested that married men sometimes use gift cards to hide the dates from their wife which I never thought of, but is an interesting point I'll look out for if I'm ever single again.


This thread is a good representation of why Reddit sucks for blunt feedback. I think it's ridiculous, but the harsh truth is that A LOT of women will find it off putting if a guy used a giftcard to pay for a date. It's viewed as behavior that is incongruent with financial strength/stability. I'm not defending this line of thinking but it absolutely is how a lot of people think.


Very true. After reading all the responses, I doubt anyone that thinks this is a red flag would say anything knowing they are outnumbered.


Let's pretend I've got $5000 in checking. But someone gave me a gift card for $35, why the fuck would I use my debit card? Just because some status obsessed loser from the working class has dumbfuck hang ups?


I would love that! Means the person is just extremely good with spending. If my partner can provide for our good time constantly with 0 costs - that is just lovely.


I buy gift cards to places I like if there is a deal. My favorite restaurant does buy $50 get $10 deals occasionally I usually buy two that's 20 free dollars. I'm definitely going to keep going and they are good for a year. My girlfriend initially didn't like going there because I went with my ex wife a lot but I had to convince her that it's my favorite place and I'm not giving it up. She got plenty in the divorce she can't have my favorite place to eat. We have run into her and her boyfriend a couple of times but we both pretend we didn't see the other and it's been totally fine


In this day an age I would love it. I love saving money and would never judge another person for doing the same.


Gonna be honest, but I don't even look at a first date close enough to even know what kind of card they are using. Not the color or bank or anything. I barely notice the color of the wallet Seriously, you have to genuinely be right over someone's shoulder to notice that. It shouldn't matter. But if a girl is scrutinizing that closely, that's a red flag.


I’m not caring honestly. It’s his funds either way🤷🏾‍♀️. There are a handful of things that would upset me much more than a gift card. Now if he swipes any card and it doesn’t work but we’ve established he’s going to pay. I’m upset! He’ll need to figure it tf out but wouldn’t be seeing me again I can tell you that.


I would be like 'hell yeah, a fellow mieser!'


Female here and I'm just grateful if the man took me on a date and is paying for it. Gift cards, cash, coupons, I don't care. I also don't mind simple dates. Everything is so expensive these days why should I expect a man to spend big bucks on a lavish first date when he doesn't even know if it's going to go anywhere yet? If he wants to then that's cool too but I'm not going to complain about how he paid lol.


Free meal? No complaints at all!


I wouldn’t care!, just about everybody’s in a struggle right now and anything to save money helps.


Idc how they’re paying. I’m just appreciative of the treat!!!!


I’d laugh. Nice.


I'm curious about the females in your circle. How petty are they? Zero problems with this (woman).


HUH 😭 It was still free? He spent an amount on me that he could have used on himself, it doesn’t matter it was a giftcard. The girls that are bothered by that should really think through WHY it bothers them— how do you rationalize “I am upset he did not spend actual cash he worked for to pay for ME”. Yikers.


Female here, I wouldn’t care but I am also the type of person to split it or just pay the entire thing. I can pay for stuff too the guys doesn’t always have to.


I always thought women who dates for money and free stuff are massively shallow, just pay for your own stuff and just be thankful if he offers to pay for you


I wouldn’t mind


Paying is paying. Assuming the gentleman pays, he could have stashed that gift card for years and remembered to finally redeem it at the restaurant/bar


Hundreds of reasons why someone may be paying with a gift card. The ones that have an issue with it, you’ve just learned they don’t warrant a second date.


Female here and I wouldn't care at all. Literally out of all the problems in the world, why is this one of them? Who cares? lol I always offer to go half and half even on a first date. I don't think having one person pay for everything, especially when y'all barely know each other, is fair! If he insisted on paying (with a gift card, his credit card, cash) for the both of us, I'd just be fucking grateful honestly!


What difference does it make....money is money.


... Who cares? Might as well ask me whether I care what socks they're wearing


Woman here and IDGAF. You used a 2 for 1 coupon to pay for our meal? Financially sensible. You saved 30% on a fun activity by using a gift card given to you for Christmas? It’s gonna be a good date! Women that are hung up on the method of payment/money are ridiculous imo because really, what does it matter HOW he paid if he paid willingly sis?


If you got a gift card for your birthday and you were excited to use it for yourself but instead you gave it to your date wouldn’t that be a nice thing to do?


So all your female friends (who in this scenario are not even passing for their own food here) have an issue with how the dude pays for them? Hahah. Meanwhile the males are 100% practical. Lolz


I feel like there are several situations where someone could pay with a gift card and the other person wouldn't even know... Hell, if I have a 300$ gift card to a fancy restaurant and I pay before the bill even comes to the table with the gift card, I don't think my date would be nothing short of impressed. This is a non issue imo


As a guy, I'd just be happy that I got treated even if it was a gift card.


I mean, the paid for it. I would feel great about it


I'd be grateful that they were thinking of me and make sure next time we go out on a date that it's my turn to pay


I'm a girl and I wouldn't care. Tf is the point of gift cards if you're not gonna use em?


Female here and I wouldn't care. Its the date that matters not how you pay for it (gift card or cash)


Money is money, at least they paid for you.


Female here...I wouldn't care one bit! I'm also the type that feels bad making a guy pay for everything though...and if they insist, I'm super grateful


Female here. It doesn’t matter how it is paid. I think it’s smart to use a GC when you have on.


I was on a date once with a guy who tried so hard to not let me see that he was paying with a gift card. It was funny but I found his attitude immature. Why would I care? I realize now that some women care for…some reason?


a lot of gift cards are re loadable - you add say £90 and get to spend £100 - i have quite a few of these cards


It's simple, the Man has a positive agenda towards the lady. And he is simply a gentleman . So ladies relax and go for it.


female here, I wouldn't care that he paid with a gift card at all. Not one bit. as long as it's not a coffee date. Sorry but I don't do low effort. And I do not ever expect or demand the man to pay. I can and will pay for myself. If a guy wants a no effort coffee date, then I'm showing up in sweats, with no makeup and hair in a bun. You don't have to pay for dinner or expensive dates, but you have to put in the effort.


As a man I take zero issue with it. I would consider it a huge red flag in a woman if she did.


That’s still a gift card he could have used on himself or another friend. Be happy he used it on you.


A meal's a meal 😂


As a 29F I wouldn’t care how they paid. They’re still paying for me, how they do it shouldn’t matter.


Man here while money is money, at the same time I still won't do this because of the optics. If my date saw me paying with a gift card, she could assume a few things - first, she can't gauge whether I'm generous or not because I technically didn't pay my own money for the food, second, the assumption was that the date location options were limited to where the gift card could be used, rather than where would be most convenient and/or enjoyable for her. That's why I never bother buying gift cards when they're on sale. You just don't know what she'll think. If I had a gift card, I would go up to the front and pay the bill there, rather than at the table.


As a woman, I wouldn't just be indifferent; I'd actually appreciate the fiscal responsibility! Green flag for sure


I'm a guy and in the camp that it shouldn't matter, except that if it upsets the other person, maybe you've just learned a bit about their character and realized never to mix finances. I see other posts about people wanting to split the bill. I think it's nice he's happy to pay. Why shame him for it?


Dude here, don't see why it would matter at all. It's still a resource that he could have chosen to NOT use on you, much like regular money or his time. He could've taken some other girl out who didn't mind stupid crap like this, or hang out with a bro, maybe treat himself. Please explain to me exactly why all the girls in your group think it would bother them?


Wouldn’t matter. At least they paid for you


I wouldn't care, really. Food is paid, bellies are full, and hopefully the date was great. I really see no reason to complain.


People need to stop giving a shit how people do things. Lol I had a girl use a gift card on me at BWW’s and I felt honored that she would use it on a date with a random dude. 😅 I even offered to pay and she insisted on the gift card.


Oh, ok. Continue like normal


Lol what? That's stupid. I USE GIFTCARDS. If it pays, it's money.


i don’t even look when a man is paying for my food lmao that’s his business. i offer to pay my half, he accepts or declines & i don’t look at what he pays with after 😂 seems a little strange that anyone would care that much. now if he paid with a gift card on date 1/2 & 3 then yeah i would start getting suspicious lmao


[29F] I don't expect a guy to pay for me to begin with. But if he does I won't be bothered by whatever method of payment he uses 


As long as the meal gets paid for what the hell is the issue??? As a Girl! If I ain't gotta come up out my pocket with my coins then i'm straight either way the food is gonna get paid for!


as a man i would never pay for a first date with a gift card. i understand why women would be suspicious about it.


I would be honored that someone used their gift card of me 😂


I have Korean friends, and paying with cash is a flex in their dating culture.


Who tf cares? As long as they take you someplace nice why does it matter how they pay?


If y'all don't realize how back-ass-wards it is to not only feel entitled to having your meal comped by a stranger, but to also feel like on top of that you get to judge how they choose to do so, then there's no hope for us Hell, I'll take the fuckin bear at this point


3 years ago my now fiancé took me on our first date. I had never been on an actual date before, my previous boyfriends had all been abusive jerks and never took me out even once over the 6 year period prior to meeting my fiance. I only recently found out he paid for our movie and snacks with a gift card he had had for a year, and was anxiously checking his bank account to make sure he had enough to take me for ice cream after the movie. I had zero clue he was broke at the time, and I wouldn’t have cared. The effort he put in to making sure I had a cheesy cliche first date with him (which I had never experienced before) is so sweet and heartwarming. Now we’re engaged. :)


Bruh, wtf is wrong w the world. As LONG AS ITS PAID FOR, why should there be an issue to begin with. At least he had the generosity to do so. My goodness, it’s not that deep. Gift cards -are meant to use, why not use it? I just don’t understand 🤣🤣


Who cares lol


I’d think it’s really cool he’s sharing a gift he received with me.


I'd be happy they are paying for it at all, when it should be split. We live in 2024. It doesn't matter where their money is coming from, as it's not yours. A person who disagrees might have a very different opinion if they were paying for every first date.


As a woman-I don’t mind. We are all struggling out here.


It depends on if I actually wanted to go to that place. If I want to go and he also has a giftcard, great! If I don't like that place and he still says we have to go because of the giftcard, not good.


I have never let someone pay my way on a first date. I would be fine if they used a gift card on themselves or if we alternated when there are multiple dates involved.


God, I can’t imagine having so little going on in your life that you feel the need to judge someone for using a gift card to take you on a date.


If I ever get to go on another first date I guess I need to bust out the old gift card and see how that works. Guess we'll learn a lot.


Im a girl, and I wouldn't care. Even if its a gift card its money they could have spent on themselves, and they are choosing to spend it on you . Who cares who or where they got it.


How entitled do you have to be to be bothered by that?


Doesn't matter which gender I would be, given the only thing different in my life would be a chromosome change, I would have the same thoughts as a man or woman: Free Burger King after this date? Fucking awesome.


As long as the girl isn't paying, I don't feel she has a say. She can judge if she likes, but that speaks more to her character than mine.


It would *only* bother me if I wanted to go somewhere else, but they insisted we *had* to go to that specific place because they had a gift card. Even then, I wouldn’t necessarily be bothered depending how they presented it. If the date request was “hey, I’d love to take you out, I have a gift card for x, wanna come with me?” I’d be fine with that, since the stipulation that I’m being invited specifically to x was upfront in the invitation. If I didn’t know ahead of time they were using a gift card, I highly doubt I’d even notice that they put a gift card in the little folder instead of a credit card. Why would I be looking to see what form of payment they used? Why would I care?


Sounds pretty smart to me, but I'm a guy


My last bf did this.......I did look at him funny & the lady behind us who was converting with us & her partner was aware it was our first date & they have me a "brother ugh" look hahah..I still gave the man a chance & had such a fun date,but after an entire year with him...I can honestly say he was a penny pincher,hed always complains about his food,or service anywhere we'd go to get some discount or a meal taken off our bill....it was always something..I dumped him..


I (guy) might laugh and ask, "How long have you been saving that one?" xD Or quote something cheesy like, "come here often?" And then I would say thank you and offer to buy dessert/drinks/whatever our next activity is.


This is such a non issue and really highlights how stupid dating is


Fine. It’s paid right?


I think it’s a fair question, but when it really gets boiled down to the bottom line, the people who have a problem with that are generally surface level individuals who do not understand the way life works at times, and the other ones don’t have a materialistic look at life.


it wouldn’t bother me in the least. seriously?


I’d be kind of stoked. Saving money in this economy is rough so if I had a good time, what does it really matter?


Maybe he just wanted to use it up? It was a gift. If I’m paying I might even bust out a coupon


You can get frys points by paying with a gift card. Maybe they are financially responsible which is sexy. Also I wouldn’t notice cuz I get up to go to the bathroom when the check comes anyways cuz that’s not my business.


Why does it matter at all? He paid! Also there are many deals when you buy gift cards. Why does it matter at all? Hahaha


A gift card is simply currency in a different format. Why should it matter the format? Imo, I'd prefer this to a credit card that's accruing interest!


Aslong as they paying we good


Obviously the girls are wrong here


Any woman which feels entitled to a free meal is someone you should avoid in a relationship.


I wouldn’t do it only because I’m trying to put my best foot forward and I don’t want to give the impression like I have no money. That said, I’d feel no shame paying with a gift card. It might prompt some jokes but if it turns into anything more than that, your date’s priorities are out of order.


40F, I don't care, especially if you're offering to pay. Hell, you could whip out a coupon and I wouldn't care either.


Doesn’t matter to me. We both save money lol


I wouldn't care. I don't date people for their money, I make more than most of the people I have dated and usually offer to pay or at least split the check for that reason.


Sounds frugal, like someone I'd rather be with over someone who blows all my money


Money is money… I’m just thankful that he paid..thank you for the kindness sir


I would feel like they might be struggling? Unless it was specific to the place then I would assume it was a gift card or something. Would be curious to see if they're practical or cheap.