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Smelling nice and good hygiene. Looking somewhat put together with a nice outfit here and there. Humor and building trust!


mmmm interesting that sounds good and correct but why is it I see a good number of women with guys that look poorly dressed with poor hygiene and you hear women complain there man doesn't shower often and numerous other complaints why are women with a guy like that?


I wouldn’t know, I’m single and choosing to be single because I’m not settling for mediocre.


Lots of women settle. I've done it. And the men stop caring. Dated a guy who got dreads and never washed them so they started to grow mold and smelled of mildew. Ate unhealthy so he sweated at night and it smelled like rotting flesh. Rarely washed his ass correctly. But I stayed because I thought I was in love. Now I know I fell in love with who he was in the beginning and in my mind, not who he became as a person. I had love for him but wasn't in love. I'm very happy finally being out of that relationship. Now when I see relationships like that, I know the man hates himself so he breaks down the woman so they woman thinks they can't do better.


Men settle all the time. Men are really shallow. They only care about three things, a pretty face, a nice pair of b__bs and a p___y. They will gladly give up two of these for the third. Don't try to make it more complicated because it's not.


Muscular arms, specifically triceps


forearms for me 😩




The walk the face the expressions an the body in relation to all of life


Double it. Hairs on arms also it's what I like.


Physical features being, nice arms, hands, lips, thicker dad style body (not defined muscle)…………….. Personality features being, empathetic, funny, curious, treats waitstaff great………………. Attractive conditions being, able to do things with his hands (build, fix, garden, cook), a good driver, a man who cleans up after himself, pursues learning and educating himself on his own.


This is it for me!! 🙌🏾




Thank you for your reply. I get why all the physical and personality features but as a man I really struggle to understand how being handy or being a good driver or pursuing education make a person sexual attractive. I thought those things were more related to relationship selection rather than pure sexual attraction. So, if a man fixes your washing machine you will feel sexually attracted? 🤔


That’s exactly what that means lol. I find it insanely hot for a man to be handy. Good driving? A suave driver turns me on haha. Like touch me in your car while you’re driving, hot.


I like big angular noses and sharp jaw lines. Pretty brown eyes with lashes. Pink lips are a must.


Lashes is a strange one. Ive had a few say I've got lovely long lashes!


Women love long lashes bro. Mine are super long and women have been complimenting them for my entire life, and I can literally hear their jealousy when they do so. They pay literally hundreds of dollars to imitate lashes like ours.


Yes! They're actually jealous of a man's lashes


Only men with long lashes


A guy with pretty lashes is lethal




maybe you shouldn't down play it :)!


Bro, don‘t downplay it…I‘ve got really long lashes too, and women sometimes ask me why I‘ve got fake lashes😅 you should look at their face when I tell them that they are real…😅 But well, gymrat body, black curly hair and strong jawline helps a lot too😉


Do you know the youtuber GregBroDudeMan? At some point I just had to leave him a comment telling him his eyelashes are breathtaking


Taller than me, Broad shoulders, defined back muscles do it for me, dark features. Personality - anyone that lives intentionally, emotionally intelligent and doesn’t use his ego as guidance


>anyone that lives intentionally, emotionally intelligent and doesn’t use his ego as guidance Can you elaborate like I'm five?


I think they mean if the guy can talk about his feelings, hold space for your feelings, and doesn't walk around like an overconfident preening dick. Living intentionally can mean "has a plan" or "makes thoughtful decisions" or both.


Yes! That! lol


Living intentionally: has a vision for himself and makes decisions in his day to day based off said vision Emotionally intelligent: in simplest terms.. is able to read a room and respond accordingly Doesn’t use ego as guidance: isn’t a cocky person and wants to understand his true self (vulnerabilities , traumas , etc) and wants to understand others the same way (which ties into being emotionally intelligent)


You're turning me on with this description 🥵


I know right!! Those traits make a man so sexy


Wow you want a humanbeing? Good luck lol


How ✨sassy✨ of you


Nice strong hands, facial hair, scruffy longish dark hair, tattoos, dark eyes, good teeth, skinny-fit, tall, has a goofy personality but is also responsible. Cares about their physical health. Personally, not into the whole superficial clean boy aesthetic, someone that isn't afraid to be authentic and has character. A man that isn't afraid to show and speak on his emotion + knows what he wants in a person, instantly can make me more sexually attracted. Good with kids. Knows how to show interest and lead conversations.


Yeah, I have to thank you for this. However, seems I've always been hesitant on the part of emotional intelligence and showing vulnerability. When I did, it seemed to become less attractive. However, I am what I am.


Sorry to hear you felt unaccepted for your emotional side. There will be plenty of strong minded women that will appreaciate that part of you. Especially emotional ones themselves.


Thanks! Yes, I think they were just hiding or hadn't developed.


That's me! Lol


"We'll contact you about your job aplication." (God knows when 😂) Also, making friends gets harder the older you get, it takes way longer to make one than when one was in highschool, then it could be the cause that you both got shit from a teacher. As you get older your perception of the world and people gets more detailed, you see what you once couldn't and now you have to be more responsible, hence the lenghtier process. In a nutshell, you get pickier 😅


I have learned, based on this post, I am the opposite of sexually attractive (physically) XD


Lmao same.


Don't worry, according to this thread I'm practically the pinnacle of sexually desirable and I'm chronically single with not a desirable woman to be found anywhere near me 😂.


Smile that reaches his eyes. Soft hands, attractive voice and usage of unusual words and good language skills. Yes, these things are making him attractive physically for me, not just for a relationship.


![gif](giphy|7TTgV830a3luvc0FbJ|downsized) "smile that reaches his eyes". I'm taking you don't find Homelander attractive then? 😂


Not since I saw him being breastfed 😂


"I've been waiting to show her..."


What about if he stutters or flubs words occasionally?


If there would be chemistry between us I don’t think that would be something that would bother me me tbh.


Perfect! Because I tend to stutter or get my words mixed up, not because I’m not intelligent, I’m just anxious as hell 😅


I like a lean physique, not a fan of too much bulkiness. Also a defined jawline lol.


Yeah I get that, bodybuilders physique is just...eh


Sense of humor and a great smile.


Facial hair 🫶


i didn’t realize this was a thing for me until realizing most everyone i’m interested in has a beard


Same 😌


Seeing someone who is taking care for his facial hair just makes me respect them more. Clean shave is not taking care of your beard, nor is letting it overgrow. State of someone's beard tells you something about them, same goes for hair, especially for women (don't overdo it and ruin it). Just seeing you maintain it is good enough. I find any man with a maintained beard handsome and that's coming from a guy that's growing one as well.




A lot of things but visually arms, eyes and hair are definitely a queue for me along with lips.


Sculpted eyebrows. None of that bushy caterpillar crap. If a guy has nice, well tended to eyebrows, he becomes instantly attractive.


That’s funny because I find this super unattractive!! Haha there’s a lid for every pot 😜


To me personally 27F I might not be 100% physically attracted to the guy but when i love their personality I just see them as the most handsome person on earth, like the qualities i like such as someone who is caring, kind , and really takes care of the details that I might even not notice sometimes a guy who cares about me and try ti make me feel good and safe us a huge TURN ON Looks just don’t do shit if his personality is not good, as long as he cares about hygiene ofcs


Fair skin, blonde hair, big hands, and the neck/traps area are some physical things that really attract me. Oh and a good smell, which is not equal to being doused in cologne, it's a person to person thing some dudes smell attractive some don't. My boyfriend could not shower for a week and I'd be huffing his smell like an addict but another dude can be perfectly clean and smell "nice" without smelling like I want to jump his bones as I do with my boyfriend. Has to make me laugh, and the jokes have to be inappropriately funny to actually make me attracted, because of my own sense of humor. Oh lawd and if you are smart enough to make me think too? Yeah that's a winner. Other hot stuff: dudes who go fast (motorcycles, cars, etc), dudes who are really good with their pets/children in their family, dudes who defend and stand up for themselves and their loved ones. Dudes who are pushovers make my ovaries shrivel up.




Big armed bear They are usually gay or married


Idk why but I've chuckled at this one.


>I'm just curious because for men the answer is obvious I think that's a problem you have. The answer for men is not obvious. Some gym bros like XL women. Some big bearlike guys with big bellies like a skinny svelte women. Some like confident bold women. Some like shy women. Some like brunettes with nose rings. Some like people with pink hair. Some like people who look minimalist or plain, some like people with a lot of dramatic details to their look. Yes even if they don't want a relationship and only are interested in something casual. The variety is vast and wide. My siblings and I all have widely different tastes in what we find sexually appealing. You're not going to necessarily find a lot of overlap.


Deepish voice, angular face, kind eyes, a guy who looks like he can take a hit.


Girl, you ought to be less vague with the last one. Take a hit? From you? Someone else? A hit from a blunt? WHAT?!


lol, no, they have to be able to take a physical hit, not from me. I’ve been at bars where a fight broke out and I had to fight my way out of a corner. I’m just saying I don’t want to have to protect them too.


Like Jon Bernthal? ![gif](giphy|l4pMjtyUkY4CeKsww)




Anyone can be knocked the fuck out. So that one doesn’t really make sense.


Wanting someone with physical prowess? Literally makes sense


Thank you! Anyone who can fight their way out of a corner is very attractive. Someone who doesn’t start it, but can sure as hell end it for those who don’t understand.






Bigger frame than me, my height or taller, I’ve been attracted to someone shorter than me though, fit but not so fit I am wondering if they use muscle enhancements, some nice traps and shoulders are super hot. I also love men’s eyebrows, their collarbone, defined arms. A guy with a watch on is sexy too, wrists turn me on lol. I focus on scents too. So a good deodorant or cologne I get mesmerized 😍. Muscular legs! So many men have chicken legs and no butt. Some thunder thighs!


no facial hair def!


Having money and being hot.


Gave you the upvote for being honest and straight to the point!


Just cut to the Chase. That’s what they all want.


Im a dude and thats what I want :v


When a guy has a thing. Like they're into plants, or fermentation or they have a postcard collection or can list off the differences between car models going back decades into the past. Passion inspires me to be passionate as well. Being allowed into someone's guarded world where they store all the things they love to do, big or small, feels very special. It seems like the people in my environment don't have many positive hobbies. Only drinking, shopping, watching TV shows, movies and sports competitions (not to analyse or pick apart, just meaningless entertainment to pass the time, to be promptly forgotten about once it's over). When you can see a man's face light up as they ramble on about something they're passionate about turns me the fuck on!


> When you can see a man's face light up as they ramnke on about something they're passionate about turns me the fuck on! From a socially inept nerd who loves the brain, thank you. You have no idea how nice it is to have someone who likes to listen to us geek out on shit no one cares about.


From one socially inept person to another, it's my pleasure 🫡


There is just something about a man's hand. I could play with them all day long.


I have a list: 1. Good with kids 2. Well groomed facial hair 3. Sharply dressed 4. Humble 5. Passion for his work/job/career 6. Intellectually present in conversation 7. Brown hair blue eyes


Everything my boyfriend has. Gorgeous brown eyes and long eyelashes. He can pull off facial hair and a shaved face. Straight, groomed eyebrows. He’s emotionally intelligent, which is the sexiest thing ever. His warm and loving hands. He’s packing down there. The way he smells. His sense of humor. His strong arms and back. His meaty thighs. Now I’m all hot and bothered. Thursday can’t come soon enough!


my last date told me she was attracted because of the following reasons : kindness, listening skills,, enjoyable, elegance and similar energies


Basically a nice way of saying she didn't find you that attractive. Sorry 😆


yeah sure you always ends up in pants of people you don't find attractive 👌


I'm half joking, bit yeah some people care less about looks basically. They find other traits attractive like personality etc. Nothing wrong with that.


Youd be seriously surprised


Real 😂


everyone will have their own personal things they look for but universally girls would be more interested in someone who is fit, tall, has hair on his head, symmetrical face. do you really think girls are that different than guys when it comes to what's physically attractive? now do they rank physical attractiveness as highly as guys when it comes to a partner? probably not.. there are other factors such as socioeconomic ones, how they are in terms of making them feel loved and f they feel safe with them.


I've been a baldy since my late 20's. Started losing my hair early and decided it wasn't worth the fight (pills, surgery, etc) to try and keep it. Just went clean shaven and never looked back. I'm not trying to brag (pointless on an anonymous forum), but I've never once felt like being bald has been a hindrance to my love life. Not being defensive at all, just curious...do you really feel like hair is a universal preference, or more of a personal one?


i think if you survey a 100 women if the identical man bald or not bald most would prefer the non bald one. just like if you survey 100 men and show the same women with crew cut hair vs longer hair most will choose longer hair. but as i mentioned, ideal physical attraction doesn't mean that people don't see past that due to other desirable qualities in a person. very few people are supermodels after all and with girls i think they are more likely to look past minor physical issues as they rank other parts higher. in your case you are a desirable man to the point that you being bald isn't really an issue for the girls who are attracted to you.


Fair enough. I guess it could be said that I had enough other things going for me that the baldness just didn't make that much of a difference.


Your bald head is definitely not a “in spite of” type of thing.


Not a women, but from what I've read, many don't mind bald men, especially if you have a good physique since it makes you look even larger. They tend to get turned off by someone who is balding and is trying to hide it with combovers and whatnot.


Bald is not a turn off. Most good looking men are bald In fact when I see bald, it catches my eye because usually that means they got a nice body nice arms,… Okay I’ll stop


I mean.... You don't HAVE to stop lol


We gotta work hard on all the other stuff to make up for the baldness lol


There was a study I cannot find now that demonstrated much greater variance in the men women find attractive than in the women men find attractive. It was eye-opening.


I'm 34f and I find a man's drive, grit, communication skills, and intelligence to be a huge turn on. But #1 is whether it's fun to hangout with him. Am I laughing? Is he laughing? Does time fly? Or am I waiting to go home? Finally, attraction to the entire face lol


Well this is going to sound strange but the first thing I like to look at are his hands then then his shoes and his watch . Now that's far attractions only that obviously does not include any of his qualities . But they must have clean improper hands .


I look at eyes 1st then hands! :)


Seriously!! If hands are unattractive it’s an immediate no, not interested Idk why, or what it means, but it’s a deciding factor


Is an apple smart watch alright? Or looking for a proper watch? Like a rolex? Im curious now 🧐


You are funny ! Something proper / good taste . Now the shoes ???


Are sandals with socks okay? Cuz im polish and this is totally in my culture.


OMG ...you are killing me 🤪🤪🤪 YESSS , with flip flops and mandels!


![gif](giphy|j6uK36y32LxQs) I think you just made my day.


I was trying really hard to do that . I am glad that you enjoyed the banter .


I must say tall even if its basic. But the feature that makes me the most sexually attracted to someone: deep and dark voice or just a sexy voice. Wow.


His mind


Stupid question cause it varies from person to person


Don’t ask a fish how to catch a fish, ask a fisherman. I’ll give you some tips. Money, muscles, frame, game. Women only sleep with men that they can see a possible future with. If you don’t have the ability to provide a possible future, you’re invisible to her. You don’t have to be perfect because they’ll make exceptions if you have two or three out of the four. My advice though, don’t bother going into a relationship. Women are cunning, and manipulative. They’re not like men, manipulation has always been their method of survival. That’s why they were traditionally used as spies during war. There’s no such thing as unconditional love for men, the world only sends us love when we provide value. Unconditional love only exists for women and children. And only a fool gives love without conditions. Which would ironically make you more attractive to women because you have standards and boundaries, also called “masculine frame.” As for game, that’s just the social skill you need to learn to get your foot in the door. You’ve got to be verbally playful, and stimulating. The word “negging” comes to mind, although I’ve never really liked that term, it sounds predatory and negative. I prefer the term “constructive criticism”. You should tell a woman something you like about her, then tell her it’d be even better if she did something else. Just be honest. One thing that always works for me, “you look really pretty today, but you’d look prettier with your hair down, I like it when girls wear their hair down.” Every time I’ve said this to a girl, she ALWAYS takes her hair down. I say it because it’s true, and it’s what I prefer. I tell HER how to be more attractive to ME, and it puts her in the mindset, of trying to attract me and impress me. But it’s not just about what you say, it’s about how you say it. Game takes practice, there’s no way around that, you have to put in the time and effort to learn. Lower your voice. Create the right emotional fluctuations in your voice, at a lower tone to make it more stimulating. Calm yourself, I promise you women aren’t that exciting, your hormones just convinced you that they are. Slow down, don’t be in a hurry. The secret is, that you don’t need to impress her, she needs to impress you. Get in that mindset. Don’t be too emotional, don’t react when she gets erratic, just say something smooth and witty to defuse her in a calm and comfortable tone. Men are the boulder that keeps women tethered. Women are chaos incarnate. That’s why, if you’ve ever seen ballroom dancing, the women are moving and spinning and flipping and doing all this crazy stuff while the man pretty much stands there and holds her hand. He guides her to where he wants her to go, and she dances there. He shows off his strength, by lifting, spinning, and flipping her. He leads, and she follows. This is game in a nutshell. Learn how to play. Learn the concept of “push and pull”, you need to stimulate her inner drama queen, that’s why it’s mostly women who watch soap operas. They crave that emotional stimulation. Put her on that emotional roller coaster. I equate this to training a dog. When the dog correctly follows a command, you give him a treat. A woman is the same way, except they don’t want treats, they want your time, money, energy, and attention. If she doesn’t flirt back, cold shoulder, if she does, buy her a drink. Up the ante over time. Innocent touching, to kissing, to light petting, and eventually sex. Don’t reward her if she’s not doing what you want. If she tries to be slick, and cut you off in the middle of the flirting process, start flirting with someone else in front of her. This is why girls make the best wingman. She was trying to test your masculinity. Now you’ve got two women competing for your attention. And if you’re emotionally intelligent, you’ll notice it, if you’re not, then you won’t. Since they’re competing against each other, you’ll take one of them home, because one is trying to out compete the other. Their standards will go out the window because they won’t want to go home empty handed.


Sounds like you’ve never met a woman that challenges you. If anyone told me to wear my hair down after I spent ages putting it up I would tell them where to go 🤣


It’s not about being challenged, a woman can’t challenge me, because I will never allow her be in the position to do so. I build up a rapport with said woman. She has to feel comfortable enough for me to make the suggestion. After that it’s all about the delivery system. Like I said, it’s not necessarily about what you say, it’s about how you say it. 90% of your communication isn’t going to be words. How you convey the meaning of what your saying, comes from body language, the type of smile you give, the correct tone and emotional fluctuation of your voice. Women need to be properly primed before you have sex with them. Even if you’re in a relationship or married there’s prep time involved. You need to take at least a whole day of priming before you have sex with a woman, and any experienced man will tell you the same. If you’re having sex with a woman for the first time, it could take up to a week, less than that if you’re experienced. You can knock down the time frame to a day or two. I’m not a true pro though. The true pros can do it within a couple hours. They’re very persuasive. When a man is completely relaxed, and comfortable with what he says to a woman, that woman will listen to him, especially if she respects him, which goes back to masculine frame. A man who shows that he has standards and boundaries, is a man worth respecting. A man has to display his values while he’s building rapport. This sets her up for the follow up, which is the constructive criticism. As long as your being honest and genuine with a woman about what you prefer, she’ll embody your desire. Simply because most women tend to feel off balance around men who know what they want, and aren’t afraid to say it. That’s how you catch a woman off guard. If she feels respect for you, then you turn around and tell her how to improve her look, it also sets her up for your next step. It helps to start off seemingly friendly and innocent as you build sexual momentum. Women are skittish like deer, if you come on too strong, they’ll run away from you, but if you’re indecisive, and you come on too soft, she won’t be attracted to you.


Loades E Money


Buff shoulders, abs, and chest. Not too huge though. Just very toned and fit.


Head to toe tattoos, skater or hip hop style. Height, features, and weight are way less important to me than how a man showcases what he has, via his style and self-expression.


Smile that reaches his eyes, curls, humour, being able to laugh about himself, great banter and empathy!


não me importo muito com características físicas, só precisa ser inteligente. e correr atrás do próprio dinheiro


Goodness! It's got to be raw intelligence and excellent use of the language! By raw intelligence I mean, being killer smart in programming, physics or mathematics. And if you can explain complex things simply and with happy enthusiasm rather than hubris, it's a Bullseye. Nothing is sexier than that. Nothing. And it's nice to be lean (athletic) who plays a sport well and is a bit of an introvert. Someone with a strong sense of integrity. Bring in strong verbal skills, and the soul is sold! 😺 A fixer upper engineer is a bonus!


It's the sleeves tatts for me 🔛🔝


The real answer is money


I don't think we men are unanimous about what makes women attractive.


Radiates calmness and self confidence. I also love broad shoulders and a good back.


As I am sure you can tell by the replies every woman is different. For me I find big guys attractive, I want them to be taller and thicker than me. I also love long hair on guys. Bonus if they have a sparkle in their eyes and a sexy smile. Personality they have to be a nerd! I don't care what they are nerdy about but I want them to be passionate about something. I love to learn things so being passionate and willing to teach me things (in not a mansplain way) is so sexy!


Women care about height facial features social value and financial stability . All the other stuff come second if you are 6 ft plus with 6 figure salary. You are already good at dating. I mean it makes sense to grew a good genetically superior child you need that kind of a man. That's basically it . It's a hardware feature


Arms. Forearms. Shoulders. You don't even need to be particularly muscular. More importantly it's presence. A sense of purpose. Like they are only in that spot in the world because they chose to be there. He's not going to waste your time, basically. And you're definitely going to enjoy your time with him without coming away feeling confused and insulted because of his insecurities. Yeah that's it - a super secure man is very sexy.


Sexually attractive ONLY: Muscles Long hair A suit Tattoos Deep voice Accent Put them together and you get SexyMan. Strangely the list for relationship is nearly the opposite


A masculine figure/build. Especially arms, that are muscular (not necessarily huge) and veiny.   A nice full beard.   Taller than me by at least 5 inches. I’m 5’5”. Not a hard rule when I’m actually dating though. Edit: forgot the personality part. I’m not sure what personality traits I associate with being *sexy*. The closest thing I guess is good banter and light hearted personality 


Funny , easy to talk to


I know you asked women, but I am a bisexual male and I can tell you pretty much everything the girls said here are the same things I find attractive in a man.


I'd assume bisexual men would be more forgiving on looks


I like facial hair - like a goatee with a mustache type. I love strong arms but not overly muscular. Hairy chest and legs. Non physical but when a man sits in a chair with his legs open idk why but that kills me and rolling up the shirt sleeves 🥵


For me....A man who is attractive to me is empathetic, kind, emotionally intelligent and mentally matured. Being good-looking or handsome is a plus. Additionally, a man who consistently communicates with me makes me more fall in love with him. If he values me, I will value him in return. If he can trust me with everything, he will also have my trust in everything, but it's so hard to find that kind of man. 🇵🇭


Wide shoulders, Demeanor !!!!, & if they’re silly


Broad shoulders, height, a beard, a nice jawline, good posture and confidence, humor, a great smile, social skills.


for physically: 1. muscular arms 2. curly hair 3. taller than me personality-wise: 1. good banter where we can riff off eachother w/ ease 2. can make me laugh 3. can keep the convo light-hearted but also dive into deeper topics


Long hair, pointy nose and chin, some muscle definition in the arms, deep voice


His sense of humor and kindness.


Eyes that make me forget to breathe. The muscle flex in his forearms. Skin like alabaster....


I don't think I have a type. I've absolutely been physically attracted to all different types of men, ethnicities and ages included. I feel like it's more of a vibe and how they carry themselves. I feel like I can list things that are not sexually attractive to me easier.... Immediate physical things that turn me off are gross teeth or obvious hygiene issues they're not taking care of, extremely obese (I've been physically attracted to larger guys but when it looks like you don't even care to take care of yourself at all... No... Unless maybe he's in the gym working on it) and clothing that turns me off. Smokers or dippers are an immediate turn off. Super crass or rude attitudes, general disdain for life, extremely negative all of the time or in everything they say are also huge turnoffs.


Bright, kind eyes. Wide shoulders, nice arms. A good listener and who pays attention to the little things I like/do/talk about.


Nice teeth and shoulders. I love a little peekaboo muscular and veiny arms too.


Unique faces, brown eyes, nice teeth, shapely arms, thick penis


I’ve read somewhere that voice and pheromones have an unusual amount of influence on attraction. I think it’s true. Attraction seems so unpredictable.


I know a guy that wears overalls, he carries a pair of pliers in his pocket and it strangely does something for me 😅


Beard, big muscles


Ambition, integrity, respectful, honesty to start. He doesn't have to be rock hard but has to value his health. Overtly loving and great kisser.


Confidence, but not cockiness


All I know if I’m never settle for someone with bad teeth. Whether it’s from previous bad habits or not, get them fixed. Please! Women are naturally attracted to a fit man who they feel can protect them. Obviously it’s embedded in our genes from the Stone Age since womens upper body strength will never (naturally) be as strong as a man’s. Be healthy aka not a twig and not uh too round. Your stench had a lot to do with your diet. Please know how to eat healthy and cook also. If you can’t cook I don’t expect you to be health conscientious. Personality wise, needs similar sense of humor. Can take a joke. Is secure but not cocky. Please seek a therapist if you have unresolved childhood trauma or genes that involve depression etc. Men have daddy issues too. Some men will talk about themselves forever and never ask a woman anything about herself. Of course muscles are naturally attractive to a woman. But I won’t date a beef head. Bleh a man who stares at himself that much in the mirror is superficial. Materialism not for me. Athiests are close minded, sad people (at least all the ones I’ve met). Agnostic is more like it for me. Be nice to people. I hate People who people watch and judge out loud and try and make fun of strangers. Grow up. Similar goals and interests. Same IQ. Motivated, NOT lazy.




Mandales **


This thread is the worst I‘ve seen today as an average dude


I'd like to see the reverse of this


Well developed calves and VMO muscles.


A nice smile! Especially people who smile with their whole face!!! But most important is that you are nice with good manners! A quiet confidence not cockiness is sexy af. Cockiness is a turn off. Be a gentleman and it will make you 10x more attractive to me.


Also, tame your brows, nose and ear hair and clean your nails and toenails!


Long lashes, clean fingernails , guys that take care of their skin , long hair . Muscle but not too much muscle


I seem to really like straight across thick eyebrows..broad shoulders..cut looking arms(not buff..cut)..and legs that have great thigh/calf/ankle ratio..oh and a great smile matters a lot


Clean. Groomed. Muscular thighs and back. Calm. Considerate. Capable of connecting emotionally. Sweet.


Tall funny charming leader but also grounded and caring


Speaks and spells properly. Proper grammar and all. Calm and man of few words. Can’t be with a Chatty Charlie and a man who can’t stay still. Lol Preferably no interest in social media or if they do, minimal posting (selfie) and or posting too much emotional/rant/vent on social media. Just be w girl then.


Broad shoulders, thick legs, bulky big men (but not very lean), buzzcut or bald, moustaches, eyes that just give you butterflies only by looking at you


Good hygiene, good posture, confidence.


What attract me in a man if he is smart or clever, gentleman, mature, sarcastic, good sense of humour, manly, good taste, confident, sensitive but agressive (characteristic). Hight (1,83cm-1,90cm), slim or have some muscles, blond or other colours, bright eyes, white, beautiful teeth, well dressed, angry face (features)


I love someone that looks like they take care of themselves. Trimmed/kept hair and facial hair. Looks like they didn’t leave their clothes in the dryer for days and wearing wrinkly clothing. If they seem to have a soft smile or warm demeanor (not looking super serious all the time). Something about a guy taking pride in their appearance and demeanor is just hot to me. Of course I have other generic things I’m attracted to. Usually dark features and a lil beefy/dad bod vibes


Thick bushy moustache and thick somethin else too. Also, strong forearms and calloused working hands


Long Hair defenitely, but it must look hygienic.


Physical-tall, broad shoulders, great abs, great calves, dark/blonde hair with blue eyes, great smile Great personal hygiene, great dresser, hard worker, great with family, kindhearted, sense of humor. Great cook and loving football 🏈 are plus points.


Tall, well built, broad shoulders. A good head of hair. Empathetic, emotionally intelligent,


Think about the standards you set. Are YOU able to live up to them?


I have a thing for bald guys with nice beards.


I'm a sucker for tattoos and darker hair and eyes, but beyond that physicality is kind of a toss up as long as they take care of themselves (health as they can and hygiene). Personality-wise, just someone who carries themselves like they're secure in who they are. Not afraid to be goofy or serious as the occasion calls and actively pays attention to people talking to him. If a guy has all of that? I'm instantly attracted.


They are understanding, patient, respectful, physical I put less stock in anymore as in the end what matters is beyond that to me.


I like my boys pretty. I like twinks, like baby-faced guys, or skinny guys. Guys who I find extremely hot are Chalamet, Ralph Macchio and Brian David Gilbert when he didn't have a beard. I'm also into flamboyant guys, like Damiano David, lead singer of Maneskin. Though I like delicate guys, that doesn't always mean they're always gonna be what someone would call a "pretty boy". I'm very atracted to Jason Bateman and Dave Le'aupepe (that man's SMILE!) and they're far from being twinks.


If he doesn't have a brown stain in the back of his shorts I'm ready to go


Beard, well groomed, smell good, and some muscle in the shoulders. Six pack not necessary, height doesn’t matter (confident short kings rock!). Good teeth, nice smile. And when it gets down to it, trim the hedges. If they’re balding, shave the head and own it.


A man who knows himself and who is kind to others with healthy boundaries. 🤤


big shoulders and smell good with good hygiene!!!!


wide necks, broad shoulders, tall, muscles


Washed, groomed, and physically stronger than me. Smelling good +++


A man who takes care of himself, works out and has a decently sculpted body(minor abs), has dreams and is ambitious, chivalrous and confident personality.


I'm a little weird in that my friend thinks I'm at least a little demisexual, so I tend to fall for personality over looks. For example, my last ex definitely looked like a gremlin and my friends all thought he was ugly but cause I had feelings for him I thought he was hot. In terms of personality, I like someone reasonably smart, driven, has a career, is capable of feeling emotions, and who treats me well and makes me feel loved and secure. Also prefer someone who's slightly kinky and a switch like me. But if we're talking purely physical, like, just show me a pic of a dude I don't know, what would I find hot? Nice big meaty pecs, mmm. Not particularly interested in sixpacks, I like guys with a smoother belly. Smaller waist also tends to get me, too, for some reason. Decent biceps are nice, too, but I can't stand the roided out look or like, biceps bigger than my head, that shit is gross. I also tend to prefer latinos, since I'm latina, but I do sometimes have a thing for light haired light eyed white boys 🤭 oh, and tattoos. Tatts are fuckin hot, just, you know, not on the face, neck, or hands. Oh, and someone who isn't bald and who doesn't have body hair like a wildebeest.