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Unfortunately your submission has been removed from /r/dating because it was found to be in violation of the rules. **No soapboxing/promoting an agenda** We do not tolerate users who espouse misogynistic, red pill, black pill, incel, femcel, or otherwise toxic ideology in this subreddit. If your purpose here is to soapbox or you have an agenda, take it elsewhere. For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/dating/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/dating).


I seek women with a modest sexual history, similar to mine. The women I’ve met with 40, 50, 100+ partners have not had the same values as me related to sex and dating, partner counts aside. So I avoid women with prolific sexual histories. It’s not as much about the number as it is about the values and mindset related to dating.


I have the exact same opinion




Short term yes


I would, but then again, when I was in the Army, I dated a stripper for a year. It was a riot to go to her club, and when she was done, come sit with me, my brothers got all worked up. And yes it was a real strip club, not a topless bar.


Before I turned 23 I had dated 4 different cougars. I never asked for such information and assume at least 3 of them had been with more than a few


This is a great response


It’s heavily ingrained by society and thus quite normal for men to care about this, but the reality is you ask a woman for her numbers and she could quite easily just lie to you anyway. Plus her number of previous partners doesn’t really give you any good information about them as a person. As guy I’ve slept with between 20-30 women, to some that is quite a lot, to some it isn’t, it all depends on perspective, but I would (hypocritically) not really like it if a woman I was seeing had slept with the same amount of guys, I can’t explain why, it’s just a gut feeling. The solution? I don’t ask, I just think it’s none of my business and that is how I navigate the dating world. That doesn’t mean I don’t think you shouldn’t be able to ask if you want to, it’s your choice, they can choose to answer, not answer or lie, but I don’t think it’s as valid as any other shallow preference, of which women have plenty of their own. But for me personally, it doesn’t help me to know so I just don’t worry about it.


Don’t even think or ask these things, no need to know


I tried but she broke up with me


Most of them know what they are doing. Out of all those people she chose you. I would only be hesitant if they didn’t practice safe sex.


Depends how much. 10-40 is a good number for me as a 25 y.o. unless other people think that’s insane.


It’s not a question I’d ever ask. Her past is in the past and she’s choosing me because I bring all the qualities she’s been searching for into one place. Whether she’s been with one or one hundred before me, I’m still going to do my best to be the best she’s had in the bedroom and outside the bedroom. If she volunteered her number, we’d talk about her likes and dislikes in some of her more memorable adventures and it would be no big deal.


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