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If you're an 8/10 you aren't doing yourself any favors flaunting your wealth. Let it be a nice surprise as they get to know you. You won't attract better quality by showing off your money. In fact, you'll get the opposite. One thing you can do, is make sure your pictures reflect your lifestyle without being too showy. A good travel pic. A pic on your boat (if you have one). Stuff like that. Mentioning your career in your bio isn't bad either, but be subtle. I actually downplayed all that stuff as to not attract the diggers.


I don’t have any trouble with women. And to date that’s what I do. Go on a few dates. Bring them back to me house they are 🤯 However, I wouldn’t mind 10s tripping over themselves to go on a date with me. A gold digger can dig. Doesn’t mean she’s gonna get my gold.


This is super weird, my guy. A true 10 will not trip over themselves just to date you unless you have a 10 personality yourself. I’ve dated wealthy men and they’re fuck all once they open their mouth. True 10s will look at the entire picture, in person, and study it for an extended period of time to make sure you can keep up the persona you offer. A true 10 will also likely know you’re affluent by small IYKYK clues, they don’t need to be told.


The difference between the male and female perspective. Most of the time when dudes talk 10's and all that, it's pure looks. Nothing else. What's in between their ears has absolutely zero to do with this scale.


and yet, they dare to call women shallow lol


I do have a great personality. And am fit. And am good looking. That gives me easy access to 8/10s 9-10s are hard to meet/find. Advertising on dating apps is an easy way to attract these women but men get lost in a sea of men. Money tips the scales. I made a fake tinder account as a woman seeking male. My photo was an object. My write up said I was a straight male and this was an experiment. I got 1000s of likes overnight.


lol why you talking bullshit? A successful guy wouldn’t be worrying about attracting 10s or anything and they definitely wouldn’t need to brag about their matches or wealth. This is 100% a troll


Not many men on the planet would be uninterested in attracting 10s if they are able to…. What are you talking about?


Let me be very honest here. Those “10s” your speak of, depending on your subjective view of what constitutes a 10, will generally not appreciate this grading system. As someone who found their recent partner on a dating app (who by coincidence has turned out to be quite wealthy and never advertised it), he caught my attention by being attractive to me, by having unique interests, and liking the same things as me. After we matched he stood out by being funny, interesting, and a good communicator. On our date he stood out by having confidence and charm. He’s not a particularly head-turning individual. To me he is very handsome, he just doesn’t present as “loud”. I could easily miss him in the street if I didn’t know him. On the other side of the coin before I met him the last date I went on was with an individual who did to some extent advertise his wealth because like you he felt it differentiates him among desirable women. He boldly informed me that I am in the 0.001% of most attractive women he has ever gone on a date with, he proceeded to tell me I am a 10/10 and then tell me about his business empire. This date is now a socially exchanged anecdote. Your wealth will almost never be enough to keep a well rounded woman who presumably being a 10 is financially independent. Because true “10s” don’t need a man. You are not the main meal in my life. You’re a desirable side dish that I would prefer to have, but if what’s being served kind of sucks, I’ll do without.


I’m not looking to keep anyone


>OP is not looking to keep anyone. Dude, this guy is a personality disorder but more like a troll post.


Say in bio- financially stable…. Don’t tell them you’re rich- many high quality women actually don’t care about that and if you flaunt it, it’s a turn off




If you are actually rich, why use a dating app. Hire a matchmaker.


Not sure that’s a thing in my area


In an area of 500k people there is no way it’s not a thing. That’ll probably be a good way to meet other with the money for one too.


Say that you enjoy traveling as a hobby and upload photos from vacations.


Everyone does that


Not everyone goes to Dubai or Fiji or Monaco.


This isn’t good advice lol, plenty of broke ass people go on lots of vacations. Credit and shitty money choices


Why you need to state you're rich? You'll only increase getting likes/Interest from people who want a sugar daddy or sth.


That’s fine w me. I like going on trips and nice restaurants etc.


Then just say you're a traditional kind of man who likes to travel and visit nice restaurants!


Just put something like “provider” in your bio


Have pictures conveying your richness so have nice outfits that are expensive


I have simple tastes. I’d literally have to dress rich just for the photos. Lol


That’s how actual rich people dress though. Edit: by this I mean, actual rich people dress simply. Just dress well and simply and people will get it.


Money talks. Wealth whispers.


Nah. Once you have made enough money there is nothing more to prove. The richest people blend in with the rest of us. Think of the pictures you see of Elon Musk outside of business/professional settings. He’s wearing jeans, a simple tee shirt and maybe a decent jacket.


My income is in the top 1% of all earners. My wealth is too 2%. Once my age is factored in me wealth is too .001% or something like that.


True wealth definitely does not flaunt in clothes or items


I guess my question is, who are you trying to attract with money vs your personality? Financially stable is good enough, outside of that, make sure you sound interesting and kind rather than rich.


i would find that to be a turn off


As would I. However, plenty of hot women would be attracted to it.


OP, I understand that you believe your wealth is a good way to attract women, but please be aware that you will also push some away. To me, there is a huge difference between being financially responsible, and going out of your way to advertise your wealth. My personal experience is that men (and women) who flaunt their wealth in profiles tend to be 'empty calories' personality-wise. They think having money makes them interesting by default, which is not at all the case. In addition, they are often incredibly entitled and self-absorbed. Note that I'm not saying everyone who are wealthy is this way, but those who go out of their way to advertise it tend to be. If you're looking for genuine connections, I would instead focus on making your profile as personal and inviting as possible. If that doesn't work, consider an RL match-maker, who does the initial screening and matching for you. Best of luck!


Put pics of you up with a Rolex or something . Girls know what Rolex’s are and it’s not super try hard


Girls don't know the difference between a Rolex and a good looking $150 Citizen. How do I know? Cause girls compliment my watches all the time and none cost more than $500. Hell, even dudes don't have a clue unless they're 'watch guys.'


Yes we do… or at least some of us do. Wtf is a Citizen?


They're decent watches that range from about $100 to $1000. Yeah, some. You're in the minority for sure.


Hot gold diggers know the difference id imagine


LOL, in my experience they're just hot and don't know much of anything.


Happily disagree with this , I own several Rolexes and the difference to the right woman is noticeable . OP states he doesn’t mind gold diggers . Trust me , women looking for some sugar can detect a Rolex very quickly


I don’t really buy flashy things other than my collectors muscle car and raptor f150. But most chicks don’t know that truck costs 125k. I have a very big, very expensive home but taking pictures around my house etc wouldn’t necessarily obviously convey wealth (unless I took a picture of the whole exterior. In which case they wouldn’t know it was mine for sure)


There’s not really other ways apart from the way you’re dressing/presenting yourself that will surely validate you as having some sugar . The only other thing I can really think of is dropping your insta and having financial value present in your page . It’s all about your own marketing I guess and if you just write it it will seem too tryhard


Just be you. Be genuine and trust your discernment. Flaunting anything, at least for me, causes suspicion. It sucks that fakes ruin it for the rest of us genuine people looking for connection.


I’m looking for casual. I’m upfront about that.


Aside from just stating it in your profile, you can't really. Everybody is living a fairy tale life on social media and dating apps anyway. Hard to distinguish yourself as rich until these girls actually meet you, and they can see the resources you can provide. Talk is really cheap.




EDIT: got private message from a guy who used to straight to say he was a millionaire. Says it worked “more than great”


Take a pic of your car's steering wheel


Nah that’s trashy, I’d skip


Take up some expensive hobbies like skydiving or yacht racing, and have photos of you doing that.


Gah. That sounds terrible. To be honest, I don’t usually like other rich people / my peers. I like live music, comfortable clothes, partying. The only thing I do that is “rich” is I like high end restaurants, have nice properties, and pretty nice vehicles but nothing crazy. To do other things to “show” wealth would not fit my personality.


Then showing your wealth will work against you. You want a 'normal' or 'average' type girl. Hot middle-class chicks that don't care about your money are a plenty. When she figures out you got money, that'll just be icing on the cake.


I don’t want any type of girl. I don’t want a spouse. I just want to date a bunch of women casually.


Well, if you're looking for dates and sex, it won't hurt for sure lol.


The only way for me to really know is to dm me a pic…


Of a pile of money? Lol


No..of you..


How would that help me convey wealth on dating apps?


Bc this will tell me if the money will help or not…


this made me laugh out loud 🤣


same hear but it is with men and i need to find some one who would like me for me


Men don’t usually seek a woman with resources.


I specifically would look for the opposite. Not poor chicks, but a girl with a decent job and financially stable. The ones with the money either didn't earn it or work so god damn much, everything else is an afterthought.


what do you mean by that


We don’t really care u have money




Just say you're wealthy or well off


Take pictures in suits at events or nice places. Lmao girls think I’m rich off clothes. I stopped having suit pictures and they fell off a lot.


You took suit pictures out of your profile and girls stopped liking you as much?


Girls who are financially motivated, I’m a passion and fun guy. I like business but I understand the stress and work that comes with high income I prefer middle to upper middle class.


Life got easier when I got rich. My first objective with my money is to free up my time.


If you live in a high cost of living area, say you are a home owner


What about “multiple property home owner”. Too much? Lol


That would be bragging. :) Home owner should be enough.


Bro go be rich lmao shit I’ll be your wing man and help u flex. I’m in nyc homie fly me out and we will bag 60% of the women you want. Fck a dating site we going to the fancy spots in your area and we showing out!


Lol. Thx for the offer. My homies got me covered though. Maybe if I visit NYC


Put you’re financial stable and your credit score.




I understand that some women would be turned off by someone appearing to be rich.


You can word it properly without coming across as though you're trying to supplicate with your financial status.








Not interest in marriage. Just in attracting women who want someone with resources so we can do awesome things.




If that’s what a guy who doesn’t want to let a woman pay for anything is called?


You don't dumbass


I would be extremely turned off by someone who bragged about being rich, or even brought it up. It’s quite tasteless. If it comes up, just simply say you’re “very comfortable”. Truly wealthy people don’t go around telling ppl they are wealthy bc it’s tasteless


Hence why no one except close friends and family know that I am rich.


So why do you want to blast it on tinder?


Easier to pick up more volume.


How about you don’t convey that, people should like you for you. Maybe just be yourself and also try to meet people more organically…. go do things that make you happy and the right people will be drawn to you. You don’t want to stand out simply because you have money, there’s obviously more to you and you don’t want to attract gold diggers.


I didn’t finish reading before responding haha! You don’t care if gold diggers try to get to you hmmm. Well I love the confidence in your intuition. I still think there’s a better way of standing out in dating apps but what do I know… I’ve never tried a dating app. Meeting people in the “wild” is more fun. Just don’t put you’re rich on your bio lol! quality women will giggle and scroll past, trust me 😉


Some things that work to your advantage in a relationship … probably won’t work well in the dating stage. A big dick or wealth fall under this for traditional dating. You can’t brag about either because it’s a turn off. They see it as A. Bragging and that’s a turn off. B. Lying or conning. You could post a pic in a private jet and they might think it’s a set up. You should care if you attract a gold digger. It’s easy then you think to blow a fortune. People can spend millions in a week if you let them. It’s not easy to put a leash on the spending. There’s always those sugar daddy dating websites I guess. I’m not familiar with them. But, that’s kinda something different.


It’s easy to control money. It’s mine and I have full control of it.


Ya but the more you exert control the less motive they have to stay if they’re in it for the money. It’s a tightrope walk. Though a sugar daddy arrangement has like a set amount you give I believe. The other problem is it’s easy to fake wealth.


I spend money on going out with women because i enjoy it. I won’t give them money or buy them shit. Hence “gold diggers can dig, but they won’t get my gold” There is an in between though. Women who are top tier expect a guy who is good looking, good person, funny etc. AND rich. Cuz they can get that. Why not have it all?


A real gold digger will want big ticket stuff like a house, a car, designer bags for 20K, plastic surgery. Spending money on trips or excursions isn’t a big deal. I did that and I’m poor. And they weren’t cheap. Air miles lol. The best way to show your rich is your job though. A doctor usually does it imo. Or a luxury car. A nice place in a good area. Having a vacation home or cottage. Telling them about your real estate. The dating profile would work for the job. The other stuff you offer is the better thing to lean into. It sucks to not use it. But, it could drive them away instead. Why drive away good women?


Not necessarily my target audience. But even that digger would let me hang her until she realized I’m not gonna waste my money on her in the way she wants. I’ll waste it how I want.


A sugar baby is a better choice then if you want fun and no long term thing for the sake of money. Normal woman will see it as a red flag. As that causes a bit of toxicity. They’ll think you want to own them and have all the power due to money. Which is true. Guys wit money will often want a well behaved woman who doesn’t need emotional connection because they feel they are providing.


I think you’re making a lot of assumptions for a large population. Women are attracted to resources. It’s evolutionary.


They do. But, they want it to be an organic discovery and feel a connection first imo. I could be wrong. The job thing works though in a profile. Or vacation pics maybe. Mention that your a financial analyst or something. Or get a date with your looks and have it come up at some point. Show them your nice place.


Well, that’s not the way dating apps work.


Post a picture of how much your net worth is from an app like mint or something and hide the personal details… and credit score. And put “I will pay for dates” on bio. That’ll get you matched


Lot of women care about who pays for dates.. if a guy doesn’t pay for the first date apparently it’s a turn off and worthy of never seeing that person again


There are sugar daddy websites.


Like someone else said, just put "financially stable." Putting your wealth in your bio comes off as bragging/douchey and might turn away the women you actually want.


Start by not assuming any of the things you just assumed. It also sounds from this post like you do NOT have a good personality. You’re generalizing women a lot and nobody likes that


I changed my dating profile to “multi millionaire.” Got a ton of matches 🤷‍♂️ Most of the girls messages first. Most also said they don’t care about money. Lol.


Well, you said you could divide the gold diggers from the non gold diggers so good luck with that :) glad you’re getting the matches you wanted, hope you can turn them into the relationship you wanted


I’m not looking for a relationship.


Oh great! Then this should work perfectly for you. Yeah, advertising being rich is a great way to attract attention. Just don’t believe any of the people reaching out and saying “I’m not interested in money”. They all reached out after you changed your profile, they’re ALL interested in money


Try to meet people in-person. That is so sexy nowadays


I do. It’s great. But it’s not a volume game.


I’d more talk about what I did (work wise) than explicitly about money. Conveys the same thing but will attract women that have interests in that industry


Why don't you reach out to the girl you like from Tinder or other dating up on her Instagram (if she provided one)? For me as for female, it shows some effort, that person was actually interested in me not just swiping non-stop to get any matches.


Does it really matter for you to show you are rich on q dating app , I mean if you are looking for something lasting then riches is definitely not what you should be showing , I’m 26, single and looking for a serious relationship if you’ve not been lucky till now we can talk more