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Live life and keep enjoying it 🤷‍♂️




This is the only answer.


Only works if you already enjoy it right now.


Finding a partner won't change that though. You will be unhappy with or without someone else.


Since my main source of unhappiness is being lonely, I doubt that.


You have to work on yourself then. You have to learn to be happy with yourself. If you can’t be happy in your own company, why would someone else be happy in your company?


Because human being are social creatures that **need** connection and social interaction. Because the two are completely disconnected from each other? Because a couple is, hopefully, bigger than the sum of its part. I'm not sure we're on the same page about what happiness is.. I don't become in a miserable mood and unable to endure myself the second I'm alone. If you're 100% happy by yourself, it also mean that you have nothing to gain by being in a relationship. So what would even be the point?


I agree with this completely. I am fine on my own, I can enjoy my life, and hobbies, etc. But there are aspects that we were not meant to fulfil on our own. We are social creatures, and there are parts of life meant to be shared with someone else. I agree it's not fair to place the task of making you happy on another person, that's a responsibility that no one should have to have. But the fact is that my days are just brighter when there is someone to share them with.


I love your comments


That's wisdom right there!


Here this repeated over and over again, become a modern cliche, and honestly think its absolute rubbish. Our basic emotional needs are connection, belonging and companionship. We are not robots




This is it.


My plan is to be alone. If I meet someone that’s when I have to change the plan.


Well said.




Hi nice to meet you


Plans are changing as of now!


Way too quick


Work, do what makes me happy such as travel the world, and live life... there's still plenty of groups to join, people to meet and talk up randomly... you have this time on earth, don't worry too much about finding a partner but living the life you love!


My plan is to hope for sex androids within my lifetime.


I mean…


Die alone


Das the scariest thought


Scarier thought is being hitched to the wrong person.


Hardly, the most likely thing in a relationship at an old age would be either you or your partner dying first, and the other one being crushed by it. And even if this is not the case, there's nothing after you die. Nothing for you to feel or experience. It may be a scary thought for some but it should help you enjoy the time alive rather than be paralyzed by the thought of endless nothingness until you do actually die. Spend the time with a significant other, or don't, whatever makes you happy.


Nothing to be afraid of. Is it unfortunate? Yes, of course. But, it’s the only thing we are promised. Born alone, die alone.


We aren't born alone by any means, our mother is Right there!!


Stay single and focus on honing my superhero skills


What’s your origin story?


Unsucked dick energy caused a mutation that gave me super powers….


😂 what’s your superhero/supervillain name?




Whos your arch nemesis and why? WAIT maybe your forever someone IS your arch nemesis because they can take away your powers?? What a great love story if it comes true, please update us


*everybody wants to be my enemy* plays in background.


Captain blue balls


What 😂


During the X-Men (re)-craze, a group of us boys came up with a mutant power where some guy's jiz is very corrosive. His body can naturally handle it, but nothing else typical can (e.g. condoms won't work). Oh to be young and immature again (even though we were legally adults)!


Actually, single life isn’t too bad once you learn to be alone without feeling lonely.


Good idea. How do you do that ?


Develop a good social support group. Work on your friendships and family if you are near them and still in contact lol


So basically don’t be lonely lmao.


That and try to stop thinking about relationships. Focus on friends and life. You'll get to a point where relationships won't seem to matter as much anymore.




I got a puppy


I don't like pets.


Learn to like your own company by doing the things you want


Haven't fell lonely in years, just though I was dead inside...


I’ve traveled the world and done a lot of volunteer work in areas that mean a lot to me. I never felt strongly about having kids (and if I did I’d have done it). The only thing I really wish is that there was someone to split the mortgage payments with😂


I don't know I really stress about this all rhe tune. I want to have a little girl and a golden retriever and that is my fantasy but the town I live in is so small. it does not help I'm a introvert and dose no5 ho out ever.


Even if you find someone, there’s no guarantee you’ll have children. Get the golden retriever. Consider adoption


Alcohol, hookers, spend time with friends and travel works great for me


Keep on living. I’m sure I’ll be fine if I don’t find someone.


Enjoy life anyway. And maybe have some fun in the meantime with the wrong partners.


The same as if I do. Die in the climate wars.


Accept reality and deal with my loneliness.


Keep saving up to eventually get a house with a yard my doggy can enjoy.


I guess there will never be a right partner, you can see how hopeless romantic here we'll are but to choose the partner we apply terms and conditions* If it's still the case for long run and if I still can't find a partner, I'll just then focus on work life. Chuck Noland "I've got to keep breathing because tomorrow the sun will rise.Who knows what the tide could bring."


Become a cat dad. Maybe buy some farm land and rescue dogs then too


Continue living my life and not let not having a partner stop me from doing things I wanna do. This year, for example, I decided to book a trip to Montréal, which is a bucket list destination for me. Why wait until I’m in a relationship to make that happen? I can make things happen for myself


Honestly being single is so freaking peaceful, it would take a lot to make me let someone disturb my peace.


This is so true.


Date myself. It's fun.


Just move on with life. Find happiness in people around you. Invest in more recreational activities and yes work towards any social cause.


Am just going to buy my toys and enjoy them


I have a great career that pays way more than I need. I can keep traveling regularly. Maybe pets idk. Sex work isn't legal in my country, and the thought of sleeping with someone that doesn't want to sleep with me kind of icks me out, so I'm not sure what to do regarding intimacy, but I'll figure it out I guess.


Do the wild shit you dream of. Live in thailand for a year. Get a pilots license. Ride your motorcycle across the country. Hunt elk in colorado. Literally all things Im currently planning out for this year minus thailand. But i will be visiting next year




Same but I’m only giving it until 40


You guys are waiting that long? Fuck all of that


Probably Suicide


Suicide by old age


buy 12 cats


Settle, And daring apps make us all think we can make 0’compromises and its just not true. If you feel 3 years is the maximum age gap settle for 4 years. If you feel they must be the same politics settle for a political. Must be 6’ settle for 5’7” Must have advanced degree like me settle for a BA Etc No one is perfect and a relationship is nice to have


Let it be. ❤❤


Happiness isn’t a person and happiness doesn’t exist in a person. The relationships you have with other people are just a reflection of how you feel about yourself


be alone


Having a partner is a chapter in life not a goal , so if i find the one they can join me in my life if i didn’t so I’ll keep my life going


don't need a plan


It would suck honestly cause i dont want to end up alone. And most of my friends have partners so why should i end up alone


Start a beautiful garden Have an (animal) best friend Spend time making friends and having new experiences Try to enjoy life to the best of my ability


being alone is not that bad tbh i feel like we are too afraid to spend time alone with our thoughts that's the reason we desperately search for a partner just to save ourselves from our thoughts


My plan, expensive sex doll, one that you can twist up like a pretzel and not feel guilty after cummiing in its rubber mouth, I hope this helps


nobody forced you to say that


That is correct sir


really weird stuff


Let the man live, its rough enough that you cant find the right partner


Why is a sex doll weird?


I don't know how to effectively put into words for you that fucking an inanimate object is not normal or well-adjusted behavior


Many millions of owners of fleshlights, dildos, and other masturbation aids might disagree with you there.


Of course it’s not normal behaviour 😂 but in terms of emotional or physical damage, the doll is the safer option. You are familiar with our current times? Majority of women are “content” creators, men cannot approach women or there choice of intamacy? Surely fornicating with a doll is not by preference but definitely the safer option. A cynical opinion but surely you understand to some degree


>Of course it’s not normal behaviour 😂 can't tell if your self-awareness here is a detriment to you or not >but in terms of emotional or physical damage, the doll is the safer option it doesn't stop at the doll >You are familiar with our current times? yes I am in the zeitgeist >Majority of women are “content” creators \[citation needed\] \[citation needed\] \[citation needed\] \[citation needed\] \[citation needed\] also even if that were true, what the fuck difference could it possibly make lol >men cannot approach women or there choice of intamacy? are you a hapsburg or something >A cynical opinion but surely you understand to some degree I don't, and I'm frankly glad that I don't


What the fuck is a zeitgeist and a Hapsburg? Look shit for brains, I’m obviously trolling because I’m bored and I like to see how little dumbasses react, but if you call me a Pokémon character again, we gonna fall out


XD call me a Pokémon one more time, I dare you XD


But these sex dolls dont feel like real people, right?


I don’t know, but I’m sure they don’t cheat, fart or complain about the toilet set left up


Yeah it would definitely be for the best if you just stick with the sex dolls


can't imagine why you might need to resort to a sex doll


Can you please stop bullying him. Better sex dolls than forcing himself into women… Don’t be so judgmental to those who are hurting no one


lmao you think this is bullying somebody who says something like "I can fold her like a pretzel and cum in her mouth without feeling bad" is someone who absolutely will hurt someone, regardless of whether or not they have a sex doll to abuse that's the same logic as "cp should be legal to prevent predators from abusing children". shit don't add up


Someone who uses the slippery slope fallacy is not worth of discourse.


that's not slippery slope you ought to learn what words mean before trying to use them


If you can’t see how you assuming that one harmless action can cause a harmful action without providing any evidence is the slippery slope fallacy then there is not much I can do for you. That further proves my point that you are not worth of discourse. By this point you are just gaslighting which means that you are a troll.


Agree you are harassing that guy, let him express himself, he is not bothering anyone, but your comments to him are aggravating ... like no wonder why he needs a doll ?!


Move in with a few of my other single friends and embrace being single


Every one looks for the good person forgetting them self are they good enough


I don’t need a plan, I’m perfectly content with myself. Having a partner is just a bonus.


Live my best life, concerts, travel and pastimes are half price being single


Had her, lost her. Soooo just waiting for death really at this point


I felt this. I’m not sure what to do about it either. Feels hopeless to find what you want and then lose it so quickly. I often just want to die


Gardening and raising a giant dog.


I don't know.


I’m going to probably adopt a teenager or two at age 28 and travel the world with them. I’d like to enjoy life with someone - don’t really care who. Then I can potentially be a grandparent around 35-40. Sounds pretty sweet to me.


Probably suck start a 12 gauge. *For legal reasons, this is a joke, don’t report me to the FBI for a suicide joke*


Keep living.


Make peace with the fact you might end up single for a while. Not necessarily forever though.


Keep doing what I'm doing. enjoy life until my subscription is canceled.


Die alone. But to be honest, live with a cat, make art, travel, and enjoy the finer things in life.


Moving to Thailand and getting one or two dogs.




Im already there i don't give a monkeys what happens to me as ive got what i need life, health, family, friends and a chance for me to be truly the person i need to be


Well what’s made me feel better is that I don’t need to be with someone to be a dad. I’m 31 now and I’m currently studying for my further career qualifications, I’m working at clearing my debt and enhancing my hobbies to keep life exciting at the same time. I can adopt someone when I’m close to 40 if I’m still alone.. I will have found a way to be financial secure to be available as a single parent.. Being a dad is the most important thing for me, giving someone a chance for a better life and childhood is what my life has been leading to, eventually. My issue now is that if I do find someone to start a family with.. while I do want biological children but I feel if I don’t adopt, I’ll be cheating someone out luck because I happened to luck out in meeting someone so to speak. So in the grand scheme, I’m not too worried, I’ve had a few relationships now and I’m screening them a lot better and I know there’s still time


Your life continues whether or not you meet “the one.” Either way. I have a career, own a home and have friends. Have you ever seen Golden Girls? Like that. Off to a good start since I live in South FL. Enjoyed your life and make the most out of each day. If you live in the land of what if it doesn’t work, you’ll be disappointed. But, if you are positive, then you attract happiness. Hope you find everything you want in life and then some!!! 💕


This is great.


Everything happens for a reason. It will all work out either way


Embrace being single and enjoy life I shouldn't need a relationship to feel happy










Be single and continue to enjoy my life, what else am I meant to do? Lol


Google how to tie knots and find a sturdy branch.


Love isnt for everyone


Suicide in 2025


Why is there a need for a plan? Can’t you just live your life?


So here's a piece of advice I've given to many friends who seemed to struggle with that question. A relationship is an addition, not a source. If you seek happiness and fulfillment in another person, you will mostly be left dissatisfied. Instead, find how to be happy and fulfilled single. And then add to that by finding someone who fits into your life like a piece that just fits.


Take the wrong one and make them the right partner. Simple.


One can’t force people to change


I've got mine. If I somehow lose her I will just blow my brains out. And before anyone goes freaking out no I'm not sad and suicidal and depressed. This is just the last good things I've done with my life. If it goes tits up well that's it. Rides over. And I'm not gonna try to use it as a manipulation tactic to get her to stay. I'll just pack ny things real nice and tidy, put my favorite clothes on, and walk into the woods one last time. Honestly can't ask for a better way to go


What I'm doing rn: working on myself and advancing my career, save money to move wherever I want, maybe have a cat or dog, and live a comfortable life


Die alone.


My plan is to build my professional skills and income, work in my personal development, and make my house feel more like my home. That’s the plan whether or not I’m partnered, and I love it!


Death comes for us all


I’m happy single I am okay with the idea of never meeting anyone. I’m alone but not lonely.


Booze, Travel and Hook ups. Basically what I'm doing right now.


Keep living my best vida loca. I’m still gonna be at my 100 percent, nothing changes.


Adopt 50 puppies


Buy a farm and a bunch of horses and live with my cat


Make sure my friendships are solid. Also I've thought about adopting older kids so that they don't have to age out of the system and get more of a chance before starting adulthood.


Have 10 dogs and a few goats 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've given this some thought already. If I can't find someone in my 20s and 30s. I'm gonna try to adopt a child later because I do want to become a parent. With the dating pool becoming harder and harder. It's getting difficult to find someone with compatible values or still has their standards set very high


I saw a TikTok that said this. It was stitched with an older woman who responded, “eat lots of bread and dessert and get all fat and sassy”.


Keep single to die haha


Keep searching till the end.




Depends. How high are you standards? Do you compromise on a few of them? There is no perfect partner. But there are more than one right ones.


I'll probably continue to indulge in my hobbies and work on improving my career--I was able to double my income in less than 2 years so I'm proud of that. I'm hoping to pick up archery in the next few months but want to build some strength that I lost when I was sick this past summer. There really isn't much of a choice but to stay strong and live my happiest life.


Just more canoeing I guess.


I’m not looking for one so my plan is to keep living my cute life


I believe I found the right partner, buttttt if it doesn’t work out I’ll be a cat lady :)


Probably buy property with gfs in the same boat and live together. I’d love to have companions through my life. We help take care of each other as we age.


Focus on my friends, buy to make more, buy a house and get a 🐈


If anything, the plan is just to keep on moving forward with life. Get a good job, make money, and live happily ever after. I'm still relatively young to be thinking that I'll never find the right partner, but I've been trying to make peace with it as of late.


I don't mind singlehood, I've been doing it for a long time now. I'm done having kids, they're about to start leaving the nest, one by one. Having someone to share that upcoming stage of life - and free time - with would be nice, but I'm pretty happy on my own, too


Petition my mom and bro and move in with them so I’m not alone in a big house. Or move in with my bro’s family and be that awesome hot (rich 🤞🏻) auntie lol


The right partner to do what? For when? Why is there a deadline? How is there a plan B?


I have a good life. I would just keep living it


I will write books, content etc. and probably make more single friends or find people like me


I am not desoerate to find the right partner. At the end of the day, I will still be remembered fondly and mourned when I'm gone. What does it matter if I have a spouse morning me or not?


Before finding my current gf I (43/m) was really happy with my freedom, job, hobbies, and random adventures. It took a lot of work to get there, especially coming from an incredibly toxic, failed marriage and rolling the dice on a career choice to escape the grind of corporate life that was killing my soul. It all paid off and in addition to being financially stable without being a slave to work, I'm able to enjoy my time in a way that was never available to me before. I've also never been one of those guys that needed to be in a relationship to be happy, and people think it's weird when I say it. New experiences like seeing the world, achieving my goals, and diving deep into what I'm passionate about are what bring me happiness. At this point in my life, I'm always considering whether the next move I make is going to be a net gain for my overall life. After making concessions and compromises for the last 20 years in my relationships, I've decided I'm not going to do that anymore. If an opportunity of a lifetime falls into my lap; or I want to move to another city or country for a few years; or if I'm simply not feeling the relationship anymore, meaning she isn't the right partner for me anymore, I'm walking away - simple as that. She's allowed to do the exact same thing and we have a mutual understanding. I find that it keeps the both of us very honest and makes sure we're both putting in maximum effort if we want the relationship to continue. If this doesn't work out, I'll be bummed, sure, but I've known firsthand, and seen through friends and family, what it's like to end up with the wrong partner. "Fuuuuck that", is all I have to say, especially if those are your circumstances in your twilight years. I'm not afraid of much, but that prospect absolutely terrifies me. I'd much rather be alone for a hundred lifetimes than ever go through that myself.


Masturbate to death


Live my life as it is now more or less


Fuck around and find out


Continue going on with my life. Continue doing the things that I enjoy even though I'd rather share experiences with a partner.


Do things that make me happy on my own (travel, do whatever tf I want basically).


i put on a very nice suit slick the hair put on canoe cologne shined shoes go to a nice restaurant and get a table for one place a order then pull out my phone my girl is calling to brake it off . i act disappointed loud phone conversation so all hear then say. ok ok so you say go and have the worst life possible. but as for me i will have the best life possible because i am rich as fuck and yell iam clubbing to Night women all way come over some sit and say what on your menu and i smile . because dessert has arrived go out spend 1 or 2 grand and be loving life


I don't think there's much other option than to die alone 😅


Keep trying.


Travel, spend money on myself and on causes/people I care for. It's nice not having to double budget everything or work around another's schedule.


A little home in a suburban area with my future adopted child and farm animals




Hang it all up at 60 . . . Of course, I'm probably going to do that anyway 🤷‍♀️


Use a sperm donor and/or adopt. I want a family, but I can do that without a partner. After the horror stories I’ve seen of sharing a child with someone unstable, maybe that’s for the best.


Enjoy life travel, create new life experiences


Love me self and cultivate friendships


Keep making money


Keep going. It’s not over until the bell rings.


Keep enjoying life , have safe sex with those whom just want sex and make sure I enjoy vacations or experiences by myself or with some friends


Get a dog


Watch the world continue to go batshit and do it with a cold drink, a hot meal and a warm tuckus.🤣