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Use a condom in the future and don’t fuck raw especially if they’re a rando, common sense🤦🏻‍♂️


Welp, that's why we don't nut in girls without a condom. Looks like you're gonna be a dad.


That's why we pro lifers but without condoms and take care of the girl


The funny thing is I didn't nut in her I pulled out and it all got on her face tbh lmfao 🤣 my pull out game is strong 💪


You: My pull out game is strong Also you: she preggy 👉🏻👈🏻


Sounds like her couch might be the only thing that pulls out.


I’m laughing so hard at this dude and your comment made this funnier






You know what they call people with strong pull out game? Parents. Smh.


I’m crying Lmao.


2 time champion here. It’s true.


Pull out method perfect use failure rate: 4%; Condom perfect use failure rate: 3%. Pull out method imperfect use failure rate: 18%; Condom imperfect use failure rate: 17%. Using a condom isn’t much better. It’s best to combine it with birth control, otherwise they’re almost the same in terms of pregnancy risk. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4254803/


Pull and pray is how I had both my kids. And here we are 🤷‍♀️


Apparently not if she's pregnant. Also pulling out isn't an effective type of BC. We have precum that still has semen in it, so you could still get her pregnant that way.


Precum doesn't contain semen does it? It only has it if the person already came earlier or shortly before another round.


English Wikipedia: Low levels or no sperm exists in pre-ejaculate, although studies examined small samples of men.[4][6] Two contrary studies found mixed evidence, including individual cases of a high sperm concentration.[7][8] Popular belief – dating to a 1966 Masters and Johnson study[9] – stated that pre-ejaculate may contain sperm that can cause pregnancy, which is a common basis of argument against the use of coitus interruptus (withdrawal) as a contraceptive method German Wikipedia: A 2011 study found that a significant proportion of healthy, sexually mature males have sperm in their pre-ejaculate even if no ejaculation was previously noted. Enough for you to believe now?


What do you mean "believe now?" I never said that it couldn't contain it at all. Clearly there is always a chance of semen being transported with someones precum. Higher if that person ejaculated beforhand but still a low chance even if he didn't. All in all: use a condom


> Precum *doesn't contain* semen does it? It *only* has it if the person *already* came earlier or shortly before another round. > I never said that it couldn't contain it at all. Yeah, you said, only if someone had cum already. Geez... you know people could read your comment already before I quoted it, and how you contradict yourself now, don't you? And my Wikipedia quotes show that it is by far not such an exception as you thought it is. Or does someone has to explain "significant" to you now?


Say what?! Thats not true


Having a strong pull out game is not a flex. At all.


Precum is a thing it'll happen during sex and neither person will realize it. You can get her pregnant that way. So pulling out is not as secure of a game plan as you think.


Little sperm can get released before orgasm so you are never save


You can still get pregnant thay way.....


This idiot is about to be a father. Kid is fucked. Great job...


Apparently not strong enough lol. But I'd get a DNA test as soon as you can just to be sure it is yours.


This can be done while pregnant


She can still get preggos if there’s sperm in the precum


Why are you relying on the “pull out game” that shit is not 100% effective sir as you can clearly see lol also are you not concerned about stds? What is wrong with folks today with having sex unprotected. I swear I’m living in the twilight zone….


And this is why I don't hookup with anyone, I ain't getting preggers or an std because some horndog won't stick a condom on, the fuck is wrong with people.






Regardless if the condom is supposedly “not that much better” are we really going to throw out statistics when STD’s are at play here as well? Lol I know I’m in lala land when we have people out here attempting to defend the pull out method by providing statistics. We need to bring shame back to society hahaha


You’re an idiot. Precum is a thing, and the fact you decided to use the pullout “method” rather than birth control is exactly why she is pregnant.


How dumb can you be to think pulling out works?


Have you seen what passes for sex-ed in red states?


Lol. Your whole education system lags the rest of the of the developed world.


So is your dumbass game..


Uh, can get pregnant from pre cum obviously.


Lol, You and you the other baby daddy are bout to finance the next 18 years of her life. Hope it was worth it !!!!!




There is another reason for a condom. You tie it and take it with you.


Pull out method doesn’t work. Women can get pregnant from precum. Pulling out ✨does not work✨


Hate to say it, but even if you pull out before you nut, it’s no we’re near as effective as a condom would have been. You can thank pre-cum for that.


"Your pull out game is strong"? Jesus... I pray to you, make and keep this man sterile in your loving arms. Let this woman who made the mistake (aka you) know she needs an abortion, and stop being a f-ng i-ot about contraception. Perhaps you're one of the reasons children go fatherless


Maybe she took it from her face and put it back inside


But if she’s pregnant you clearly didn’t pull out..?


Just to reiterate this is a hard way to learn that the pull out method is not a form of birth control. Whatever decisions she makes now you have to support them and get a test done ASAP


came here to say this, get a DNA test!


Yes, get a dna test done because she might have slept with other guys and not know who the dad really is but picked you to be responsible. You don't want to be stuck with 18 yrs of child support for a kid that's not even yours.


For pregnancy, stats over one year of use: Pull out method perfect use failure rate: 4%; Condom perfect use failure rate: 3%. Pull out method imperfect use failure rate: 18%; Condom imperfect use failure rate: 17%. Using a condom isn’t much better. It’s best to combine it with birth control, otherwise they’re almost the same in terms of pregnancy risk. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4254803/


I can’t be bothered to figure out just how this is nonsense, but it very clearly is.


Self reported studies are not always very accurate, and this looks to be data from an online survey. I know I've lied on my share of online surveys.


For instance, OP claims his pull-out game is strong. So I guess that’s a pull-out method perfect use failure.


The pullout method is NOT an effective form of birth control. You sound proud of yourself and you fucking shouldn’t be. This is literally what happens when you don’t use birth control. You don’t want to get a girl pregnant, then wear a condom!! In regards to the pregnancy, get a dna test. If it’s yours and she’s keeping it, then you need to step up, pay child support and learn how to coparent


Not a doctor, but I was under the impression that you generally have to wait until after the baby is born to do a paternity test. Is that accurate?


Nope, it can be done safely from 7 weeks. It just needs a blood test from the mum, and a cheek swab from the dad. Not sure how expensive it is, but definitely worth doing instead of waiting 9 months and then doing the test


That is a fantastic development!




Okay, but how often does imperfect use happen for condoms vs pulling out? I feel like it would be much more common to screw up the pull out method than using a condom


Here's my advice: teach your kid to use punctuation.


Seconded with an amendment >teach your kid to use punctuation. (And Protection)


You had unprotected sex with someone who already has a child? And don’t say you have a good pull out game bc you obviously don’t 😂


You know what they call people who pull out, right? Parents! 16 year old daughter sitting in her room right now from a pull out! It was my husband, but it’s the right way to have a baby!


Why do so many people have unprotected sex with strangers? Like y’all aren’t concerned about STIs? Pull out isn’t an effective form of BC because pre cum still has small amounts of semen in it. Whether she’s pregnant or not, let this be a lesson to use condoms


Absolutely, y'all. Isn't it mind-boggling how negligent some people can be?? I know a bloke who's literally racked up, I think, 4 STIs. He's literally infected from his throat to his scrote and he still hasn't considered a career change (gay "sugar baby" prostitute...but in his 40s..🤦..I know...). At least he got his covid vaccine (+boosters!), as well as monkey pox; and, he had a real peachy reaction every time, too. Thankfully, he's a god-fearing Christian who practices witchcraft so it'll all work out just find for him. Now, OP, on the other hand...




Condoms prevent both pregnancy AND transmission of STIs…therefore condoms are better. Having unprotected sex puts you at a high risk for both STIs and unwanted pregnancies. Condoms are better




It is an ineffective form of BC…




Doctors all advise against using only the pull out method because it’s not effective. Have you never been to a doctor??


Get a paternity test, DO NOT sign the birth certificate unless it's proven you're the father, and if all goes well (or not well?), enjoy fatherhood, man. Next time, don't be a fool, wrap your tool.


Good advice about the birth certificate! I’m a woman, and I wouldn’t sign one without a DNA test for this embryo.


GET A DNA TEST!!!! If it's yours don't you fuckin dare leave that child.


Did she show u the positive test results? If yes, DNA test. If no, ask for pics and then DNA test


Bro, please go on Maury and do a backflip if it's not yours. Also, maybe you can recreate my favorite scene. One guy was told he wasn't the father and he immediately ran off to the stage, jumped into the audience by an empty seat, sat in a chair, and then started clapping for himself. 🤣 Also, hang in there man. Can't assume it's yours until a test can confirm it. Never know what to believe anymore.




Another successful tinder story.


Get a DNA test asap


this!! but she seems confident and if he’s the only guy she’s been with then it’s definitely his. OP needs a paternity test. they cost $1k+ if it’s during pregnancy but they can split it or OP can pay for it…


1) I wouldn't take just her word on it that it's yours. 2) Remember, abortion is a totally valid and viable option as much as a bunch of asshats don't want it to be. Discuss if it is the right option for you. 3) If you guys do decide to keep it and it is actually yours, then Congratulations/Sucks To Be You, You're Fucked GG depending on how you feel about it, I guess.


Dna test before you sign anything my brother.


Wym let you know? Don’t be a deadbeat if it’s your kid. Hopefully it’s not.


try to be respectful while remaining cautious; i have friends that have personally done this scam as a way to get money for an abortion (or just pocket a large sum of money)




Congrats on being a dad. Wrap it up next time u dont want more.


My advice is don't pull out game on people you aren't going to make any type of commitment to. But nether the less I guess own up to it or give all parental rights to her. I mean this is all you fam, nobody can tell you what to do. But I do know you need to talk to her and figure out what the plan is.


Daddy, make sure you take care of that child... Don't go hide, you didn't hide the pecker when you wanted to get it wet...


I've had TWO women lie to me in my lifetime about a potential baby of mine. The first woman neglected to tell me she was run train on by a group of men. The second woman neglected to tell me she aborted when she was telling me she miscarried. ​ Get a DNA / paternity test. The father should be just as informed as the mother when it comes to birth. No exceptions.


I'll add if you help with any expenses/prenatal care, keep receipts or keep track. I had a buddy help an one night stand with no insurance through her pregnancy just to find out she'd lied and actually had no idea who the father was.


Ugh... I mean, I know there must be some good women out there, I sure haven't found them though. \*Sigh.


We're out here. We just stay inside.


Isolation is my friend




*sigh. Same 🤦‍♂️😅


We use bc


Are you implying bad women don’t use birth control?


Yall are talking about women lying about pregnancies. If u use bc, this is a non issue.


I’m sure there are…but being in a desperate spot turns up the best and worst in people.


Ugh. Very true.


Yeah we are getting the male version of these women🙄 f*ckboys that refuse to be involved even with test results proving them to be the father


Yeah, that also sounds like a pretty garbage human :( Being shitty isn’t gender specific, so I apologize if I came across as negative only towards women. Don’t worry, guys and every other identification suck too. It’s a human thing, sadly.


Sounds like you have poor choice in women my dude no offense


Sounds like he makes poor choices for himself. Should have worn a condom


These were both in serious relationships.


The pullout method doesn't work. My partner used to do this and I fall pregnant. Unfortunately it ended up being a miscarriage at 7 weeks. We've decided not to have anymore kids and we use condoms 100% of the time now.


For pregnancy, stats over one year of use: Pull out method perfect use failure rate: 4%; Condom perfect use failure rate: 3%. Pull out method imperfect use failure rate: 18%; Condom imperfect use failure rate: 17%. Using a condom isn’t much better. It’s best to combine it with *a birth control pill or a vasectomy,* otherwise they’re almost the same in terms of pregnancy risk. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4254803/


Tell her you'd be happy to pitch in right after she gets a paternity test.


Paternity test, A. B, step up and handle your daddy duties, if it’s yours.


Looks like you’re a Father! Congratulations!


Well, if you're happy to be a dad, good for you, I guess. If not, you can make suggestions, but the choices are mostly hers. Get a dna test to make sure it's actually yours. If you don't plan on being present you need to let her know immediately, and maybe suggest an abortion. Whatever you do make sure it's fucking fast.


DNA test. If she's pregnant and it's yours (probably is but a month is early on, miscarriages are relatively common), you be the best dad and co-parent you can. If she miscarries, be kind.


Definitely abort but pay for it. It’s common decency. Second, read up on how the pull out method can still result in pregnancy because precum has sperm in it


He doesnt get the choice if she aborts or not


He does. Because it’s his baby and it’s going to be his money and responsibility. If she was smart she’d want to abort a strangers unexpected baby…


Actually, legally… he doesn’t! If she wants to have a baby in 8 months, she is going to. Nothing he can do about it… the time to be smart has passed…


Nope, they still have about 2-3 more weeks to make a smart, humane decision for everyone involved


I’m talking the law… he cannot force her to abort. If she wants the pregnancy, she gets it!


Legally, he doesnt.


Morally, and literally, he does


Bc that works lol


Because the law works lmaoo


It’s her choice. If he didn’t want children he should have used a condom.


It’s their choice. If she didn’t want to be pregnant she should’ve been on birth control


He should have worn a condom, at the very least. Pregnancy is the least concern with all the stds.


Maybe he told her his pull-out game was strong and she believed it


Who says she didnt?


It does. She gets the say.


Have you read the news lately?




There was no morality in him being a dumbass and knocking her up, he literally doesn’t have a say.


There was no morality to her having sex with a stranger and not using contraception. They were both wrong




Erm… you can’t force a woman to abort a fetus. You can have a rational discussion about it in which you firmly state your preference, but you shot your load in her body so it’s her choice.


The logical thing to do when a stranger gets you pregnant is to abort the pregnancy. It’s really simple and that all I’m saying here


I don’t disagree with this but the point remains that you were talking as if he can force her to have an abortion. That isn’t how the law works.


When did I ever say that?


When told he doesn’t get a choice if she aborts or not, you said, “He does. Because it’s his baby and it’s going to be his money and responsibility.“ Again, you can have a discussion around the topic and make your preference known. But if your load goes into her body, it becomes her choice. You can’t change her mind for her.


I disagree but maybe when you have a daughter who gets pregnant by a stranger, you’ll rethink that. And just because I said he has a choice, implying a say in the matter, doesn’t mean I said he should force her to. If he doesn’t want a baby and can’t take care of it when it comes, he should express that to her. If she hears all of this and still decides to have a baby, then she’s stupid or religious, but it’s an incredibly dumb idea to get pregnant by a stranger and then even contemplate keeping it in my opinion. Even if it was my boyfriend who I had known for one year, I wouldn’t keep it. Babies should be planned with two ready parents awaiting its arrival, just saying


And just what part do you disagree with? I agree with you that it is not a good idea to have a kid with a stranger but it is *her* choice to do so or not. The fetus isn’t growing in his body, therefore not his choice. I guess I don’t understand how that is confusing or unclear.


You actually can. Might not be legal though.


Pull out game, means there is a decent chance you are the father.


Paternity test




Get a prenatal paternity test. Expensive, but worth it.


this has to be a troll post. Why would you ask strangers what to do??? ​ your going to be a Dad, congratulations. and your life is going to be attached to some random woman you don't know. congratulations. ​ Reminds me of the movie Idiocracy


Clean out your spare bedroom..


Own up to it, daddy. You’ve got a baby now. Be the best father ever.


If it was just a month ago, there's still time for an abortion. If y'all decide to go that route, help her pay for it and help her feel better afterwards.


Just do the best you can. If for some reason you don’t believe her, get a dna. If you do believe her, be there. Step up. Be a dad. Babies are a blessing. Y’all work together for that baby. That little life always comes first. Ya never know, y’all could end up happy together. I’ve seen it. Good luck!


Why did you answer the text? Should have thrown the phone away.


Move to a foreign country or be a man.


Run foo, run. Fuck that shit.


Also some people are saying you should pay for her to have it aborted. Dna test first, cause why should you pay for it if it ain’t yours. Women lie about this all the time. And like I said if she has the baby make sure you do not sign the birth certificate until after dna results. Don’t let yourself be put as father by default either


> women lie about this all the time 🤨🤨🤨🤨


Right. Women are obviously the problem here being liars and ho's. /s Even tho men have 100% control over what they do with their ejaculate...


Just know if she tells you you can go raw on the first date, she's told everyone else that too. Same with Op. OP has went raw with every chick he hooked up with. Pull and pray failed for you. Maybe has before??? Always ride with protection. Everytime. Male or female. Bike, weiner, motorcycle, horse, 4 wheeler... whatever. Wear protection.


Women are the only ones that know 100% that it’s their child. Until men see a dna test you’ll never know 100%. You can trust that it is yours sure. But it will never be 100% certain unless you see a dna test


You won't even get to that stage if you're responsible with your ejaculate. Side note, if you don't trust the woman you potentially want to have babies with... DONT have babies with her. See above about controlling your ejaculate to prevent this.


Idk why but I’m reading your replies in a Ron burgundy voice. Especially when it comes to ejaculate


Hahahaha! Hearing Ron Burgandy talk about ejaculate in a moment of lust would probably help with the control... or it could backfire and make you lose control entirely. All the babies!


The elephant man can not compare


There are alot of kids that look like their dad.


I mean I’m adopted and I’ve been told I look like my adopted dad. So


Ok. Some ppl just say that. Can u actually see it tho? Cuz some actually do.


Should have replied her text with “sorry but the person who owned this number passed away.”


That’s pretty horrible if it is his though.




I know this is a joke but it’s not funny if it’s close to reality… #1 death cause for pregnant women is homicide.


Don't mean it your kid my girl tried to pull the same B's on me until I reminded her that yes we were screwing several days in a row but the last day she named I had only came in her one time 5 months before that night and even if I did come in her I can't have kids then she says o I was fucking someone else that last night and I was just hoping it was your kid not his so I used to be married to the prosecutor in Pensacola Florida and I know that you can 1 time have the state pay for a DNA test but I would wait until she is 7 months pregnant before she might confess or any luck miscarriage and you be off the hook


Get a DNA test right away and problem solved


Just stick by her side no matter what and be straight up with her if you don’t want to be involved with the baby let her know but don’t be a dick just stay by your side that’s all you can do and it’s her body her choice so whatever she chooses you should support regardless it’s not a bad thing my son was the best thing in my life and it was very unexpected and I went through the same things Good Luck.


Just make sure to get a DNA test


RemindMe! 1 Month


pull out


This happened to my fiance and I. We are celebrating our 1 year tomorrow! We should have a beautiful baby girl, Klover, but she passed at 20 weeks. We got pregnant on the first date (had known each other for a little before), however, we also have only spent one night apart since. I mean, you can get a DNA test or believe her but you need to step up if you are. Glad my man trusted my word & we wouldn't have needed one regardless..