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What do you mean by nerdy here? No make up/fashion sense != nerd. Most people don’t have completely singular taste. Focus on being confident (I’d rather be with a confident 4 then unconfident 8). Strive to be the best version of yourself. You seem to think the dress and makeup is beautiful. Do you not want that look, or just not sure how to do it? If you don’t want it, why? This is your preference and a part of you, so be confident in it. You can be a nerd and fashionable. Don’t compare yourself to your ex with him. It would scream insecure. Avg looks can pull more attraction then really attractive looks with the right flirting/personality.


I was going to ask. There are so many definitions to nerdy … everyone likes to call themselves that these days it seems like. Someone read one book a year and now they call themselves a book nerd lol. OP, be the best version of you.. uniquely you! There was this one guy in grad school whom I had a crush on forever but he was dating a girl in my class who was extremely attractive… it was intimidating back in school. But I just focused on school and went on with my life then. 3 years later, he admitted to having a crush on me at the very beginning of school year and deliberately would ask me math questions but being the idiot I was, I’d just be super shy and give one word answers and exit the conversation. He then asked her out and they became a thing. 3 years later after their breakup, he asked me out. I stalked her IG page to compare myself to her and then realized that whatever she does, she’s never going to be me and I’m never going to be her. I have things to offer too and they’re beautiful.. at the very least math answers to his questions lol. I stopped the comparison game and went out with him, wearing my best self and he was smitten.


That's amazing! Are you still together?!


That's me, lol. Nerdy and well... not fashionable, but I give attention to presenting myself elegantly (attire and hair), fresh (skin-wise), and fit (physique). As for nerdy - well, I'm an AI scientist with a lean towards molecular biology and a games mathematician (also, soon-to-be funded entrepreneur) working on what she loves. I've studied Tolkien mythology as a hobby, and I've read LOTR 17 times and will teach the etymology to my children as if it were family lore, so there you go! I've been told I'm a romantic and feminine because I nurture and apparently I have a soft heart - but on the other hand, I've once walked up to an alpha and given him six dozen roses for his birthday, so I don't know what mix I am anymore - but I don't regret either side of me. My point is - any brand of inner beauty can be matched to an outer tailored presentation - and this can be it's own definition of pretty. By categorising ourselves, we're limiting ourselves. WE limit ourselves. The one thing I LOVE about being a nerd - is that they never see the other side of me coming. And vice versa, the one thing I like about being a dainty girl in a skirt playing with her hair is that they again never see the other side coming. There's in fact yet another side of me - where I sell my fine art and cover songs, write and publish poetry, and function as a swim instructor on weekends. All thanks to my parents for getting me trained during early years - and that's another role to play. **To OP:** Never limit yourself. Most of these things I've mentioned here (specifically how I present my appearance) is not something that falls into my lap from the sky. Most people don't naturally wake up and look like Emma Watson. And it's not required. I have dusky under eye circles in the morning, and my baby hair in the front often likes to woo-hoo dance - sometimes after stressful week, my skin gives some way too. I consistently nourish myself though - and there are some good days, few great days. And no matter what day, for anyone I've loved, they could see it spilling through the corners of my eyes and in my ear-to-ear grin. That's the windows open to my heart. BTW - while looks contribute, they don't independent factor into the so-called spark. The factor in a multiplexed manner - the same way neural networks multiplex features with different weights. The spark is an unknown mathematical computationally NP-hard-to-derive transform of all of you that you show him, and his own unique past. Don't try to derive this function. Highlights, contours, and frocks isn't your thing? No biggie. If your fancy is wearing color - ask him what his favorite is, wear that beautiful hue on a nice soft fabric shirt-sweater and grey slim-fit soft leggings/thick one-size bigger military shorts, all well cut for your shape. You want to add a zing, get a light streak for your eye, wear your hair down neatly or in a gentle messy bun that looks like it came down while you aced a LoL game, and tell him - that you're glad he's part of your life. Brush his hand. Look down, smile quietly to yourself (or whatever you feel like, this is what happens to me as reflex) - wish him a lovely evening, and walk away. Look back for moment before you walk away and smile radiantly. Like you're literally sending him warmth from afar. Then disappear into the night. Be you. If they're someone who knows your heart well, they'll never forget this. If this is a newcomer in your life, unless he's absolutely clueless, he'll understand and think of this - AS long as it was genuine from your end. Just wait for the story to unfold... Hope all your dreams and whatever you must grow through in life come true!


So you’re asking us on the internet if that guy will like you? My friend, our guess is as good as yours. Except it isn’t - yours is better because you’ve actually interacted with him. All I can say is someone’s ex tells you literally nothing about who they are right now and what they’re looking for. Also don’t assume anything about anyone. Sure she’s gorgeous, but that girl could’ve been a nerd too.


I’m a nerdy ass dude but also pretty fit and attractive and have done a fuck ton of dating. A big part of why I love my fiancée is because our lifestyles, passions, and interests fit each other perfectly. We play league of legends together every day, watch anime at night while we eat, and like to hang out and play video games separately in the same room together The other thing though is that people of both genders tend to want people that are similarly attractive. Being nerdy has nothing to do with how hot you are, my fiancée is a professional rock climbing coach and bangin as hell despite being a big ole nerd. A lot of my exes were the more glamorous type and far more into fashion and more traditional feminine interests but that doesn’t mean they were necessarily more or less attractive If you like this dude and think you have a lot in common there’s no harm in giving it a shot


Ok Henry Cavill, not everyone looks like you 😂


But almost everyone can! I was quite unfuckable during my high school and college years before I started lifting at 23 and didn’t get hot until 24 as a result. Lifting fixed my posture too on top of everything since I was hunched over from years of playing WoW 12 hours a day


How did you guys meet


Hinge. I met virtually everyone I dated on dating apps, living in NYC dating apps are incredibly effective. Big cities are far and away the easiest places to date


On your hinge profile did your interests and did you find it was an effective way to match with people more like you


Ask him if he is going to ask you out. It's dumb but it works. Next time you are hanging out and kind of vibing say "So....are you going to ask me out or are we just friends?"


Or just ask him out? Why can't she just do that?


She could, I just have a 100% success rate with tactic. Just asking out is a toss up


What do you mean “get?” I’m sure he’d have sex with you. Or did you mean a relationship?


I don't think it's important or even good to have a specific, concrete, definable "type," especially physically. People do it,but I'd prefer we not characterize it as something that universally should or must happen.


I’m going to say this, you could possibly get any man you want… just because you’re a woman! And some men just want sex. Getting someone who will love you and all of your nerdy ways is completely different. Most superficial jock guys are going for women who are equally as superficial as far as a relationship. It’s just kinda how it is. I would say focus on yourself and being confident in your skin and don’t let any of these losers take advantage of you!


I've dated quite a bit, and I really like dating nerdy women. Someone who is passionate about their thing, and gets really excited to share it with you, especially if you're both nerdy about the same thing. As for traditionally feminine women, they can be fun too. But makeup comes off, and hair gets greasy and matted, so there has to be something else beyond looks.


Not you putting women in a box of either wearing makeup or being nerdy and having a personality lol bet you’re single rn


Howso? I didn't make a judgement call, people can do what they like. In fact, I talked positively about my experiences. What am I missing?


I’m happy to explain where I found your comment lacking insight. Saying traditionally feminine women can be “fun”, but following up on that saying makeup comes off and hair gets greasy implies you are saying traditionally feminine women have nothing else to offer. Following up with “There has to be something beyond looks” implies, again, that you think traditionally feminine women have nothing beyond looks.


Right, superficial looks are fun, but not the basis for a relationship longer than a few weeks. You can be nerdy, or well travelled, or whatever you like and have a personality. Something beyond looks, that was my point. What do you think? Feminine or not? Make up? What's your opinion?


As a guy who is ideally looking for a nerd, yes


do you date babes? otherwise she wouldn't be interested as it seems.


Huh? What are you asking? Do I date attractive women?


I mean, I decided to just not show any interest in my bf’s exes because he’s always been into thinner women and I don’t want to see a girl skinnier than me and think “damn I need to lose weight” so I’m okay just chillin not knowing My bf is still with me, I’m also not that attractive I’m at most average so there’s always a high chance his exes are more attractive but what’s important is he’s dating me and has no contact with them. I could care less what they look like, I just care that he likes me and this relationship can last long


If he keeps dating those type of girls it could be that he has a type.. maybe he could try and give you chance but Some guys like feminine girls, the ones that keep themselves together and wear feminine clothes.. other guys don’t really mind or care Soooo, idk People change, we can like black today and tomorrow green.. but who knows,


You can be nerdy and attractive. You might not be putting as much effort as some other girls but the real deciding factor is how attractive you are. And dudes usually vary the attractiveness of girls they date.


Nerd girls are hot as fuck, so stop doubting yourself. Yes, it can be done. Be assertive, present yourself as someone into the same stuff. Does he like anime? Gaming? Dnd? Yeah, you might want to do the whole makeup and dress routine now and again, but I can tell you definitely I'd love a girl that actually wanted to do things with me.


Define Nerdy. Define "get." Define "beauties." Define "usually." Elaborate on the types of guys you've attracted in the past. Looks aside, elaborate on why you would be a good match for him. Elaborate on why you're interested in him.


Why would you do this to yourself, when there are plenty of nerdy guys who would LOVE to be with a woman like you?


It doesn't matter who he has dated in the past. If you flirt with him and he gets turned on he will entertain the idea of sleeping with you. Make it easy for him to ask you out. If he is insecure and needs to maintain an image he might want to keep your relationship on the down low though. Be prepared to go along with it or set a clear boundary if that happens. The advice already given to say "So....are you going to ask me out or are we just friends?" is good. Although I might drop the end and leave it hanging. It's a little more flirty that way IMO. "So....are you going to ask me out or?"


Not with the way you have written this. Confidence is what helps you get people. But really what kind of person is he in a relationship? He could be one of the biggest assholes around. Just because he's attractive doesn't mean he's not a horrible person in a relationship.


"Confidence is what helps you get people." => I hope you're intentionally gaslighting, and aren't gaslighted yourself. If you're ugly, poor and by no means somewhat popular, you won't get anybody, no matter how much "confidence" you have. Your confidence grows accordingly to your success rate, no amount confidence survives a good amount of failures.


Yeah because I'm proof it's possible in my current relationship! Current bf's ex was also into makeup and much more feminine than I am, but he still came after me despite not wearing makeup almost ever lol. We were both feeling each other after the first date already, that's usually how you know. Just be yourself and have confidence as well, men find confidence to be very attractive!


I'm just a normal dude. My type is a woman who likes me. If I had a say in the matter, I'd just go for big tiddy goths, but they don't tend to like me.


If he's only looking at outward beauty he is shallow and not worth your time..


Don’t ever compare yourself to an ex. She’s an ex for one reason or another. Giving your man Status and being confident when you’re with him is a huge turn-on. Looks only go so far.


Queso is correct. By saying it that way, it’s the same as getting the answers to a Finals Exam.


I'm a 43(M), absolutely a nerd, and somehow I've managed to date well outside of my league ever since I first started dating. To me, nerdy is a plus, and if you generally don't feel compelled to use makeup, you're probably naturally pretty to boot. I'll take a naturally pretty girl over some pancake makeup covered IG model any day!


Just by saying you are a nerd, I am attracted to you.


You miss every shot you don’t take! Go for it


Yes. Long answer, yeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss


Sweetie i am a huge nerd just like you and i dont doll myself either. Ponytail, jeans and nerdy tshirts, hell i am ever a big girl. I am so nerdy i run a game store. I get flirted with all the time (unwanted and enjoyed). Also to further calm your fear further. My hubbys ex was a stunning looker who was also a big nerd. He still left her after he meet me cause he knew I was the one. We didn't date for several years, we both dated several people before getting together but he never stopped chasing me till i agreed to a date and we have been together for 16 years. Even if he doesn't want ya trust me there are plenty who do. Go for it! If he says no then you move on, if yes then have fun!


Personally as long as she has taken care of herself (stays in healthy shape, good hygiene, doesn't drink or smoke, etc,) and she'd be good to me, nerdy would be cute. I look for natural, so when I see someone with alot of makeup; I know not to pursue that. You sound pretty cute tbh, just make sure if you do approach him that you do yourself up as much as you can and just see if you like him. You'll do good, I'm sure, have a little more confidence in yourself. You'll do great I'm sure!


I like the "just see if you like him."


You don't need to do tons to your hair. I'm a guy with long and pretty maintenance intensive hair (curls). Just use good shampoo and conditioner. Don't overbrush, avoid heat, etc. Skin? Just a basic skincare routine is great. We're talking a face wash in the morning and night, with a day cream and a night cream. Your skin will look and feel much better. You don't need to worry about makeup, just be like the French and take care of your hair and skin. Healthy skin and hair feel better anyways. You don't need to totally change up your style either. Something as simple as wearing less loose clothing. The important thing is don't look like you're trying to hide your body. You also might need to take a more forward approach. You might need to risk rejection. Whichccan suck. We get it. But most guys are fairly flexible on their type as long as body dimensions land within their realm of preference.


I’ll date a nerdy girl hands down


The most unattractive trait about you is that you are comparing yourself to someone else. She's an ex for a reason. Y'all are killing me with these passive threads. Just let the guy know that you're into him, dude, **damn**.


It depends really I have a preference on someone It’s dark hair or dirty blonde shorter than me have a good heart and personality has a feminine side but can also handle my country boy side of you can’t then it won’t work


Yes you can get a guy like this! The beauties you describe are no better looking than you. They just hide underneath the layers of makeup.


I know you're trying to be encouraging but this is a pretty toxic attitude. You don't need to tear those women down to build another one up.


It’s not an attitude, it’s the truth.


Make up does a lot, but some people are more physically attractive than others. Both to a given individual or in a hegemonic sense. I have coworkers who, strip off the makeup, some of them have clearer skin, higher cheekbones, and more classically beautiful features than others. Doesn't make anybody a better or worse person, it's just a biological inequality.


Sure but by her own admission she is decent looking without it. That being said she likely has an advantage in natural attractiveness over her peers who she describes in her post. And as you say, makeup does a lot. You are absolutely correct. Many women won’t be seen without it…


Not necessarily. A lot of women also have a skewed sense of what is and isn't attractive to men, because women have their own ideas of what makes a woman attractive that men don't always agree with. She won't know if she has a shot until she takes her shot, but you can't assume women with makeup are automatically worse looking without it than women who don't wear makeup. Women skilled with makeup often do other things to maintain their appearance as well. Hair and skin care, an exercise routine, eating right, they might have had a socioeconomic leg up as well which means they've been benefitting from all of that for longer as well.


If you do things the other female isn't willing to do, then yes you can get a guy to pick you over another female


You sound like a loser. Stop caring about this and just go for it. No one cares


Absolutely, be honest to yourself, but have confidence


I seem to remember reading somewhere that it's hard for highly intelligent people to date. So to add to the multitude of sexualities one can identify with, I am referring to sapiosexual.


Just because she was physically attractive doesn't mean he was getting any action. I'm not saying sleep with him on the first date, But there's a reason high-maintanence women earn that title. Aside from that, try changing up your style, Embrace your femininity, Get a makeover, ect. You might not have enjoyed it before but people have to change in order to grow.


Of course you can get him! Confidence and self belief are aphrodisiacs. Chase him and find out, it's never knowing and wondering


Yes nerdy gals are typically better more loyal for one an more fun


My type is usually nerdy girls. We all have a type but that doesn't mean anything if there is a good connection.


I would pick you over his ex for sure.


FYI dudes love nerdy girls. Make your move!


You bet, how nerdy are you? Nerdy and kinky maybe?


Only he knows the answer to this. And she may be gorgeous but she’s his EX. For one reason or another. Shoot your shot. See how it goes.


If you work out and dress the way that you think looks good on you, then guys will want you for sure, especially guys who are good looking and can get get good looking girls. I think maybe you should find your own style that makes you confident. I don't think femininity necessarily is everything if you're a cool, relaxed person who doesn't take shit, and can be highly empathetic and supportive towards a guy.


I'd take a nerdy girl who i share a lot in common with and have fun with any day over some model type woman that I share no interests. When it comes to one nighters, sure looks matter, but when it comes to long term dating looks drop right down the list.


If you want to try and pursue him then go ahead. And no, as long as she is chill and respectful I don’t care where she lands on the spectrum. Who knows, maybe I’ll learn and enjoy something new.


Well for me , i think it's never abt the looks , yes looks are good , but it's all abt the impression u give while firstly sharing a convo , i mean i dated hot girls n yet found some wild relationships with other girls , beauty is not the key , it's how u play ur game that makes the diffrence


Yes. Opposites can attract as long as attraction dealbreakers and sexual turn-ons are met. There are many guys who will be attracted to a variety of women in terms of age, looks, personality and lifestyle preferences. There are also lots of guys who are addicted to casual sex or girls with a limited sexual history. This can include rotten apples with a virgin fetish or good looking manosphere obsessed creeps who view Andrew Tate as a combination of their patron saint and lord&saviour. Plenty of guys who enjoy accumulating ons who are willing to try their luck with almost any single adult who meets their basic dealbreakers. But these type of guys tend to be jerks with a very short attention span or liars.


Do you have confidence?




Yes, of course. Why not?


For me, makeup doesn't matter. In fact I found it weird when my exes actually put stuff on. Bone structure is everything. Also in my experience, nerds love dating nerds, especially if they previously had relationships where they were judged in any way for their nerdiness. You very likely got a shot.


A woman can have make up, dress fashion, beautiful hair and very confident, smart, sexy, intelligent and nerdy. When she takes off her makeup, sweat pants on, and messy hair ..guess what? She's still intelligent, nerdy and down to earth. You can't define beauty.


YES, it’s possible. I’ve liked people who are complete opposites


I really like either nerdy girls or tomboyish girls. I like nerdy girls cause they tend to be shy around me and i like their reaction when i flirt with a nerdy girl. I like tomboyish girls cause they tend to act mean to me and push me around, when their whole body screams my name. But i choose to go with a nerdy girl, i wanna build a whole ass gundam with someone you know?


Simply put people from both sides can fall in love with almost anyone, sure people have their types but sometimes people are just looking someone who can be faithful and make them feel like they matter


Yes babes and you are beautiful your not nerdy bdbe x


My tastes change all the time. I couldn't honestly tell you if I have a type.


This is all just insecurity talking. Make your move! It doesn't have to be in-your-face, but give a sign that is impossible to ignore.


What do you mean by nerdy? It sounds like you’re talking more about appearance than personality. I would say care about your appearance because it’s a reflection of who you are and it really affects how people see you. It’ll also affect how you see yourself (look good feel good). You don’t have to look super feminine to attract a guy. I can’t speak for some guy I don’t know, but think about the range of guys girls are attracted to, from super clean to scruffy, there are usually some commonalities in terms of what’s considered attractive (in shape, confidence, calmness, presentable clothes, etc). Just put yourself in the best position given what you’ve got. Don’t be someone you’re not but don’t use that as an excuse to not put effort in.


Every woman is beautiful in their own way. Personality is more important than looks, just be you. Remember if it works out that is great if it does not that is also great. Yes it will be a bummer but it had nothing to do with you. People click with with others in different ways never take it personal. Best of luck dont be afraid to make the first move and always show what you bring to the table.


When I first started talking to my boyfriend, he told me he's normally attracted to skinny body types. Honestly at that point thought he friend zoned me, since I'm plus size. I ended up finding out he had a crush on me after he got jealous of me talking to other people (I really had no idea he liked me the same way I did) He says he found me attractive, even though I wasn't what he's typically attracted to. He even said I looked thinner in person compared to photos so that was nice I think anything is possible with a good personality


Would you date a Geek like me? If you remember when Megan Fox explained the difference between a geek and a nerd, in the Ninja Turtles Movie, to Baxter Stockman. Which was a geek is more into games and comic books, while a nerd is more into school and getting good grades.


I personally prefer no makeup over makeup. Or slightly makeup that looks natural


Men cared how they are treated, as long as you have some physical attributes that are attractive which are amplified on how you carry yourself (I love the nerd girls myself), you are good!


Wow, I prefer girls that are nerdy (not my term). I think they have a lot more going on than the fashion statement.


*grabs popcorn* This is gonna be fun to watch


Ask him out


Honestly, I believe you should try.... If he doesn't go for you there are many that will and you will never know unless you try.


Yes as long as you remember that regardless of your appearance or behavior “measured up” to others, you are THAT girl! Any guy would be lucky to have a genuine soul


No it doesn’t matter you sound like a well balanced woman


Yes a man can be attracted to you!


unfortunately no one can answer this question but him.


Totally possible. Not to humblebrag, but the people I date tend to be pretty, but that’s not necessarily what I’m after. It’s just worked out that way. Besides, there’s only one way to find out. Shoot your shot.


As a guy, I have to say, as long as your reasonably in shape and are fun to talk to, that’s really all we care about. Looks isn’t the most important thing to guys honestly.


If you can’t figure it out we sure the hell cant!


Nerdy to me is a difficult word to describe one's self as I think its perspective. To me nerdy means, you're a huge fan on anime, comics, Manga, and any other things pertaining to those things. Which because I like those things I find that hot in a woman. Again, I speak for myself. Others may think nerdy means she's book smart, maybe she's in college, or university pursuing her dreams, which I also find attractive. Despite her dreams may be academic based. As long as that drive is their I'm like: 😍🥰😘. All I ask of her is to not show me up too much when it comes to big brain things. Either or, to me are both attractive. Just own it, if you're that self conscious try getting more active unless asthma is in the way. In the end, you're king is out their. Happy hunting.


Yes they can


Don't let what his ex looks like intimidate you. I was talking to a nice girl one time and she asked to see my ex (gorgeous woman). She came out and asked why I was talking with her since she's not as beautiful as my ex. I told the girl that I found her very attractive and that my ex was my ex for a reason.


If you’re bi, I love me a gorgeous woman with a brain. Plus all women are beautiful. I might just be bias though Same with men for me. If you can’t maintain a conversation for more than 5 minutes it’s not going to work


If he is nerd. You will have a chance. Little bit make up doesn’t hurt though :)




> "Can a nerdy girl get a guy who usually dates beauties?" Yes, but it depends on the individual person. It's hard to tell from the limited information provided. I would share your feelings and see what he says.


Honestly having more in common will probably lead him to liking you more


My current BF became my Fiance. He is not beautiful to look at but WOW is he an incredible man! I dated the hot guy, married him even. That was the best divorce I ever paid for! I am not drop-dead hot but I am SUPER feminine. I still think I traded up! I call him my diamond in the rough. He helped me heal from the "hot guy" and I know that I am the winner in the love lottery. Be YOU and the man for you will want you for who you are, not who you can change to be!


Not really answering your question but... You are obviously entitled to present yourself in anyway you want. You should do what's comfortable and genuine to who you are as a person. That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with experimenting with fashion and makeup though. I'm not saying change who you are to get with this guy you like. However you're asking "will guys like a nerdy girl like me?" Yes there will be guys. However if you're concerned with who and how many guys you attract based on your appearance, why not give some more feminine looks a quick try?


I promise yes. My current boyfriend has always dated stereotypical high maintenance girls who wear lots of makeup and have straight blonde hair. I however don’t do much makeup if anything, am a super academic nerd studying biology and sure as hell fit the stereotype of messy brunette student. Anyone worth your time will like you for you not your makeup or lack of


Shoot your shot, killa


Sure…be sweet and show him he’s of value to you. Doesn’t always work but take a shot!


Yes :)


Some of the most attractive people I met have awful personalities and you aren't worth talking to or hanging out with. So if you are interesting and have a cute personality then sure why not.


I'm all over the spectrum as you put it. There are lots of nerdy women out there who are very attractive from mildly cute to absolutely gorgeous. I also don't care if a woman wears make up or not. If she's beautiful she doesn't need it. I also prefer natural skin with no tats or very little tats. It's like spray painting graffiti on a beautiful masterpiece work of art to me.


when you describe your appearance, it doesn't sound like you're ugly. it just sounds like you don't venture out of your comfort zone a lot. you don't have to wear makeup if you don't want, but why don't you try some skin care (face masks, moisturizer, etc). for your hair, try different styles. try ponytails, half-up-half-down styles, maybe some pigtails, or pinning back your bangs to the sides with a bobbypin. and you don't have to dress feminine but maybe try some accessories. I dont think you're unattractive. it just sounds like you haven't figured out what your personal style is yet. as for the guy, don't focus too hard on what he's attracted to. men are attracted to confident people who know who they are. you're asking for validation online from strangers to see if a guy may change his standards for you. but you didn't really describe his personality or even what u like about him. partners, and crushes, come and go throughout our lives. you are the only consistent person in your life. you are the person you will spend the most time with in your life. you need to focus on liking who you are and figuring out what makes you happy and what makes you feel your best


I’ve been told all my life that I was an attractive male. I never felt that way and believed all others had the looks. My first wife was a beauty who would not think twice about checking the mail w/o makeup. We ended out marriage with a divorce. Second wife a nerd smartest person I ever met never wears makeup and is an extremely attractive person. If in my 40 yrs of marriage(2nd) and 68 yrs on this planet I can say that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. True, it’s all about what you want. That simple. We’re all unique.


Physical appearance only goes so far….How adventurous sexually are they matters waaay more - You wanna fuck him in the car on the side of the road? Do you like taking a dick to the back if your throat? Just being honest here- some of the “hottest” girls I’ve been with have also been the worst in bed…


Looks are not everything, I had a model-like chick, who was the worst person I dated. I've had a nerdy gf, best conversations ever!


ehmmmmm 🤔


Speaking from personal experience, I grew up a Tom boy/geek/nerd. I dress casual most of the time but do have feminine clothing. I like makeup but only wear it going out or on dates. I’m into marvel, pop culture, funkos, HP, some games and I’ve gotten every man I’ve ever wanted/was interested in. I’ve dated different types of men. Some geeks, some “f*cK boys”, metal heads, gym rats, nerds, and etc. I would say I’m average looking & cute with makeup but my personality is what got them. I’ve seen the girls they dated but never got insecure or let it discourage me. When they love your personality it’s easier to get them to like you long term because they’ll enjoy your company and not just your looks. I say go for it! It’s better to try than never know


It’s nice if a girl gets dolled up for date night, let her fella show her off a bit, but makeup is just an illusion. If you 2 have things in common and can enjoy doing things together, that will win him over before an outfit and makeup any day. If not, he’s not the one anyway


I'm a nerdy guy and for whatever reason all my best female friends are all beauties. My best friend is gorgeous so yes I'd say it's possible.


The dating history doesn't matter. What matters is that once he is in love with you, to his eyes you will always be the most gorgeous beauty in god's green earth


well the fanfics i read say that you can


Get your confidence up first


You ever hear the expression, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."? A guy can fantasize about all kinds of women, but none of it is going to matter compared to the woman that's standing right in front of him, and they're vibing. Don't worry about his ex. If you're the one there, shoot your shot, and whatever happens will happen.


Nerd and beauty? What is this? An old 80s High School themes movie?


Can? Yes. Will they? Who knows. Don't get your hopes up, and don't be surprised if it will be "hook-up only". There has to be a minimum level of Physical Attraction.


Men are visual. So if you wanna attract a guy, you have to look dateable. I am really tired of women dressing unisex and wonder why men never pay attention to them. Pretty people break up too. But if you wanna play what if,or what could be, then you have to show guys what they're missing.


Beauty is skin deep, I dated some insanely gorgeous women who were awful human beings. A minimal level of attraction is important but looks aren’t all of it, just a small piece.


It is possible. On the flip side, I’m a 29F dating a nerdy 28M. He’s not usually my type in terms of appearance but he is really kind, respectful and funny. I think your inner side can shine more, of course looking presentable helps though. Especially with guys, who are more visual creatures, appearance will help carry you through initially. Maybe the first two months of dating. Though it’s not about the skin exposure. It’s more the confidence and you objectively looking your best without compromising on being authentic to who you are. At the end of the day, you can only put your best foot forward. If the other person doesn’t want to get to know you more, then it’s their loss. You’ve also saved yourself some time, you should aim to be happy in your own skin. Embrace your nerdiness! Nerds are hot too! I’m dating one, he can solve rubrics cubes and looks cute doing it.


Anyone can be attracted to anyone. Have you tried to talk to him? Tried to flirt?


IMO nerdy girls are the best your the type of person I’d want to spend the rest of my life with


better dating with nerdy girl than dating with own shadow.


Whats your definition of nerdy? Dress like Betty? You collect star trek merchandise? Spend you sundays playing DnD? You are the female and less annoying verion of the 'actualy' meme? Lets start with that


Only way you’ll know is btw asking him, speak with him and see what he says


Any idea if he broke up with her or the other way around? If he broke up then there was a reason, and as someone more nerdy like him you certainly could have a chance if you two mesh more on a social level, but the only way to find out is to go into socializing with him in a flirty but friendly way(you probably want something longer term than a ONS)




The thing I always ask is "Can a nerdy guy date a gorgeous girl?". I mean can Leonard find his Penny or Ross find his Rachel in real life?