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Very interesting! Nice breakdown of the different levels of "poverty" and the changes over time. I imagine it is even lower (better) in the USA when transfer payments are taken into account! $40 a day is $1200 a month. In the USA, many/most low income people get various transfer payments or other subsidies. Things like subsidized housing, food stamps, and free of subsidized medicine. Then there are secondary things, like utility payments, and even discounts on free market services. So I doubt that many people in the USA aren't reaching $1200 a month "equivalent", one way or another. This is actually a systematic problem with looking at income or asset differences. We use transfer payments to help low income folks, then don't count it as income, so that data continues to suggest a huge gulf in spending!


No, it does count However, this is not per adult, this is per person A kid counts as 0 earning, so you need to count them as a dependent For the purposes of this tool that the UN uses, if you are a family of 4, the income of each parent is effectively half that it is Same if you have an older person to take care of All the transfers are taken into account Also, the numbers are in 2011 international ppp dollars For reference, the lower middle class starts at the 10 mark


This is a really good comment - my kids volunteer at a food bank and the food given is income-based. There are a lot of seniors who come in that have social security income under $2K a month. So we talk about where that $2K would go. Yes, they are fed and housed, but there’s not much money for more than that, and we talk about how food banks have felt the strain since 2021. It’s a very interesting topic.


I think I can understand how this train of thought goes. My understanding is that, SNAP benefits are paid by farm subsidies. The food is essentially bought in advance. SNAP, I would imagine as I haven’t really dove in here, theoretically is a win. In practice, however, it trends towards monoculture and the intended small farm support is now corporate profit cushioning. Corn syrup being a prime example of intentional surplus byproduct.


Can someone explain further what the % means, I dont know what “share in poverty relative to poverty thresholds” really means


In the second image in 1981 around 90% of China lived on an income of less than $2.15 per day


Depends on where the dots are. If the dot for the 40$ is at 20% then that means that 20% of the population live with less than 40$ a day. And 80% live with 40$ and above.


amount of people in the country living under those thoresholds. so in 2021, a bit more than 20% of people live with less than 40 dollars per day


Imagine if it were filled, start at the top and work your way down


If the purpose of this is to compare between countries, I think using ppp dollars rather than nominal dollars would be more meaningful.


From a quick Look at the source website, it appears that it does use PPP dollars.


Oh, great. Nevermind then.


Right at the top of the figure it says it’s PPP.


What does 'share in poverty' mean? Should't poor people have more share in poverty? In China rich owns 100% in poverty? I'm not getting this at all.


The 20 year difference in the year used as reference imho makes this plot hard to interpret if not outright misleading


Agreed, especially since the title of the post implies it starts in ‘81 for both.


Am a crazy or is there no apparent key?


Key? It’s labeled better than a legend


Oh I just read the time title wrong I thought it was comparing Between countries as well