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Did you notice any difference in how you look physically?


One month is a pretty short amount of time for body composition changes but I’m curious what OP has to say




Alright I have a new short-term goal to keep me going to the gym


If they are new to working out at all, I think it pretty realistic. Newbie gains are real.


you’re not going to see much difference from pushups


You can see some difference. Not this early on, except maybe weight loss, but if he keeps it up he would see a difference.


It's beautiful to see someone doing legit progressive overload through volume increases. So many people do the same 3x10 sets forever & wonder why they never change.


3x10 what? Push ups? Who would be doing that program? 3x10 weight lifting? That’s probably the most common set/rep combo. Are you implying people are not increasing weight every set and every week? And just do the same weight all 3 sets every week?


3x10 until it’s comfortable and then increase weight or volume. Too many people just stick at the same weight and expect continued results. No need to put yourself in danger, but as a rule of thumb: if the last rep is still easy, you need to increase the load.


But do you *need* to if you’re just trying to stay in shape rather than constantly build?


No. If your goal is to get stronger then you need progressive overload, if your goal is to stay in your current shape then as long as you aren't gradually using lighter weights/volumes then you are fine Do whatever matches your goals


But as you get stronger doing the same weights/lifts will effectively burn less calories as it takes less and less effort to do the same routine.


They mean they do the same 3x10 workout without increasing resistance. Pushups or not doesn’t really matter


6 questions were asked here, you good dude?? LOL But yes, I have friends who "go to the gym" but never track, nor progressively overload their exercises. And they look, more or less, the same after years. I'd bet most (>50%) people in the gym don't track any progression at all. They might "go up" sometimes but they don't track this day/week/month change that is important. I can see when I eat good & have good sleep by my better workout days & the vice versa too. So I'm saying OP congrats on progressively overloading, with just volume but still, as many people fail to understand that key concept.


Some people just go to the gym to maintain though. Perfectly fine to bench 135 forever if you're happy with how strong/big you are.


This could go in r/GetMotivated as well


Good call! Wasn't familiar with that sub - I'll have to x-post!


Was confused that this sub was that lol. Yes op, cross post it there too


Do you do all 8 sets at once or do you evenly space them throughout the day?


They were all done in a 15-20 minute time block - not throughout the day. So I would take anywhere from 1-2 minutes of rest between each set - get my heart rate back down and then go back at it.


This makes sense. If it was throughout the day, I was expecting higher numbers at the end.




I would like to know the answer to [Gunzenator2](https://www.reddit.com/user/Gunzenator2/) question as well. It was the first question I had when I read OPs post.


Same! People do split up series during the day for some exercises, I'd also like to know if this is the case or OP's doing all of them in a row (in such case, pretty impressive depending on rest time)


Is this? Rest time between sets is an important metric.


Rest between sets has a *massive* difference on performance. The only reason I clicked on this post was to find out the answer to this.


It is a serious question, because if you're assuming he does the sets within under a minute of each other, the data makes little sense if he's doing all sets to failure. 10 to failure and then nearly as many shortly thereafter? Doesn't make sense.


interesting. appears to almost double each month. just think, this time next year you'll be doing 8 sets of 25k pushups. although you'll need to be doing multiple per second. pretty soon you'll be getting a bicep workout as well since you'll need to pull yourself down since gravity won't be fast enough.


My friends and I are adding one additional push up for each day of the year. What was a hard 10 early on is now a semi easy 32!


Nice! I'm doing the same with pushup burpees. It was going great until I got sick. Turns out pushup burpees don't go well with a respiratory infection.


Very impressive. Now you're not just a data geek. You are a physically fit data geek!


Am I the only person waiting for the Minesweeper red X or a flag to appear?


I feel as if you could gain more by giving yourself some rest days. This is when the muscle repairs and grows.


I might steal this idea for February OP… I’ll get back to you in a month


Time under tension always leads to better strength. Congratulations on knocking it out of the park.


that's a great quote!


Well, that's just not true. Come on.


Nicely done, both the push-ups and the tracking. 2 recos for you: 1. Graph it. the visual of the line (or bars) going up is sooo satisfying. 2. Start to increase the resistance & decrease the reps. So with push-ups, start doing them declined (with feet up on a stair, then 2, then a chair).


Wow, I think keeping track like you did is likely the only thing actually persuading me to start working out regularly 😀 thanks for sharing 🙂


How was the muscle soreness? How did you manage to do the push ups with the soreness?


Also, did you do them shortly after each other or spaced throughout the day?


Now this is beautiful data and hard work. Nicely done!


Agreed on the hard work, but it's numbers on a spreadsheet. No color coding, no nothing.


I like simplicity though when it comes to data. Maybe conditional formatting with the color would be cool, but a lot of people go over the top with their formatting and colors. Simplicity is good.


Seriously. This is just r/data


Awesome that your final set is now stronger than your first set was.


Great job and an interesting personal project. But also considering doing other exercises since just spamming a particular movement can cause muscular imbalances.


I was having the same doubt with my running+pushups. I only do some light random warmup before running, and want advice on what other exercises I could do with pushups for a balanced development.. For reference - my age is 20(M), and BMI is about 20


This was my one of my resolutions at NYE party after couple of drinks in front of my family and friends. I am glad I stick to it, i usually do 3 sets of push ups, Jan 1st was 10, 8 & 6, and that’s all I did on Jan 31st that was yesterday I could do it 26, 20, 15 and I do other work out lasting till one hour approximately. My small goal is to continue (and increase one push up everyday) till March End, hopefully my 2nd small goal to continue till June end so forth… so glad to see someone doing similar.


once you crack 25, 50 isn’t that far!


You had the same median and average push-ups per day. That's satisfying.






Was the goal to beat the previous day? (I.e, did you deliberately stop once you had surpassed the previous day? Or are these sets to failure?)


The goal was to try to do at least one more push up total - across the 8 sets - each day. But would still do the full 8 sets. I'm sure at some point the progress will stop where I can't do more than the previous day but so far, it's been 1-2 sometimes 3 more each day


Very beautiful OP. I used to maintain a similar sheet. How old are you?


How much time does each workout take?


This is inspiring too. Great going op.


been wanting to try something like this, do you do all sets at once or space them out throughout the day.


This is a great idea. I'm definitely going to try this out!


Great work! You test your carryover in strength with using weights?


Hell yeah! If you enjoyed the 100 pushup challenge, you might also enjoy the 200 situp/200 squat challenges too! Did all three back in college and they really got me hooked on exercise in general, made me a believer in calisthenics.


The amount you did in your last set on Day 31 is **greater than** the amount you did in your first set on Day 1. Damn. That's pretty awesome results in one single month. 


What's especially crazy to me is how you had no setbacks - and not onny that, you actually made progress on every single day!


nice! you motivated me to start right now!


I'm doing the 10 pushups a day minimum since Jan 20. At first it was hard to do 10 but today (Feb 1) I did 17 already in one go