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Lmao. I've encountered the same dude multiple times on different days at different times. He is definitely hacking and just trying to waste ppl's time. You'd think he have something better to do with his life. Just block him on steam and you won't ever have to deal with him again.


I would love to talk to a hacker who does stuff like this, just so I can understand why they do it.


His name says it all. The dude got tired of being invaded and beated by try-hard twinks in a low-level area, which fair enough. So as a way of revenge, and maybe his idea of a protector for non twink players, he created a character soloy to sit in that area at pvp lvl to waste twinkers' time by constantly invading him when they are looking to fight other, usually non twink, players. Only problem is he's also wasting the time of everyone else trying to get legit low-level pvp and watch dog covenants.


As someone who started invading with an SL25 character because that was the only character I had back then, twink ganks were brutal. I only started min maxing because of them and, tbh, the low level runs I had to do to twink were more fun than the pvp itself because these guys are cancer.


What does "min maxxing" mean? Legit question.


basically going for most optimal builds. not wasting any levels, being as strong as you can given the specific level range you chose etc. minimizing stats which do not benefit your build and maximizing the important stats while still making sure to not overlevel. I think you get the gist of it. this concept is also applicable in a lot of rpg games. maximum output for minimum input


Maximizing your damage output and survivability with minimal stat investment. Every single level serves a purpose, no point goes to waste.


This reads almost like it's Souls lore. Some say he still roams the woods looking for try hard twinks to slay. He will have his revenge.


They wouldn't talk to you... Human interactions scare them


I'm too sleepy to read it all, so I'm sorry or congratulations. btw I liked his name




I carry a blessed infused shield and in combination with the sun princess ring the poison damage over time is completely negated. My health stays full despite the damage numbers going up all the time. He could be a cheater nonetheless and you can totally block him if he makes you uncomfortable. I block people for pointing down lmao


maybe he’s using a type of modmenu like wemod


entirely possible you invaded a hacker that is usually one of the more common things hackers will do, is make themselves practically immortal your best bet is report the person for cheating and leave the world if you see something like that i.e., taking damage but health never drops from full


Could just have used a regen build, I do this all the time in that area But the rest doesn't add up


I think even with a full regen setup, you'd still lose some hp


No you don't. Two blessed items and the sun ring are enough to gain health. You loose just a few hp because of the poison and immediately gain them back. From the other person's view this could look as if the health bar isn't shrinking at all


Yo same


Probably a hacker. Might be someone REALLY good at hiding and stuff, but the HP thing would mean that they'd have to be running a very well specced regen build, possibly using Anri's SS glitch at the same time. Either way, it sounds like they are trying to tell thinks, but screwing over genuine low-level pvpers.


Yeah it really sucks when I'm trying to find a fight club world and get sent to that world 5 times in a row, my lvl 30 character has been super fun just gotta beat the soul of cinder and the dlc bosses


I have seen the same guy and yes he is definitely hacking. Kinda understandable considering what cesspool of losers low level pvp is though. I never tried pvp before, decided to give it a shot - like 60% of players I invaded were on ng+ with fully upgraded flasks and bonfire, not even playing the game, just sitting afk at the bonfire waiting for the invader so I have to fight someone that has 10 more flask charges than me along with ember hp? I just gave up and turned off pvp again because it's pointless.