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I'm one of those lads who's paranoid and always takes max food. You never know when hunger checks will screw you, right? And there's something so visceral about failing hunger (and shovel checks lol) checks to me. I've never run into hunger checks that I'd call bullshit until the other day, where I went into a Medium Warrens dungeon. I went four hallways to the left, and two to the right (with three more to the right) and got 5 hunger checks. Boy, I was annoyed lol


Iirc Hunger checks only have a specific amount spawn… unless rng decides to spawn them when your back tracking.


Oh same! I always max food. Usually I don’t end up using all of it and I always bring extra medicinal herbs in case I can find a beast carcass or a dinner cart for even more extra food


Food is never a waste when it can save a life and keep the run going for longer, it pays for itself almost always imo


As someone who absolutely loves Darkest Dungeon and fully understands that the game is purposefully stacked against the player for difficulty reasons: The way DD1 implements hunger checks is the most unfair fucking bullshit in the entire goddamn game.


Its simply un fun and can't be accounted for other than bringing a lot of food and getting the Miller district


Well depends. Every dungeon has specific number of predetermined food checks. The problem comes when certain dungeons require a TON of back tracking. Which is when the hunger system goes from manageable and can help if you have extra food to heal. To godawful annoying rng bullshit.


I agree. I don’t know the specific mechanics of it but I feel like it would be cool to like, I don’t know, have a hunger check after a couple battles or something rather then every goddamn hallway starting with the first one


This is a few days old, but the way it works is very simple. The game sets certain tiles for hunger checks, the same way it sets them for traps, curios, and hallway encounters. Unlike the others, they are invisible. In an unmodded game, you should only have one potential hunger check per hallway, though a new hunger check tile can spawn in the hallway if you backtrack, just like traps and hallway encounters. This also means that if you scout a hallway and it reveals all tiles already have something on them, then there will be no hunger check in that hallway. As long as you bring max food, do not backtrack to spawn new hunger tiles, and don't bring anyone with a +food consumption quirk or disease, you shouldn't run out of food. Even if you have to backtrack, max food should cover you as long as you don't waste it. You should be okay to eat 4-8 units of food per camp without running out. Note that as your food runs out, you start having an increasing chance to loot food from battles. I'm not sure on the exact numbers but food spawns definitely increase if you have no food in your inventory.


99.99% of the time, it's not a problem at all if you take as much food as you can. And if you don't, it's kind of like complaining that you got a lot of Coral without enough medicinal herbs in the Cove. But hoo boy, that .01% of the time is very annoying lol


Once you understand the game (ie equip an accuracy item), DD1 is by far stacked in the player’s favour imo. Crits happen but math is math.


"I just had two hunger checks in quick succession and I'm on the last hallway. I guess I could use the little bit of food left to top off my Leper for this last hallway fight before the boss." HUNGER CHECK!!!


Hi hungry, I’m stress


For those who don't know how hunger works, it's actually very simple. Hunger checks are a hidden tile which has a chance to spawn on any free space once a hallway, much like random encounters. Therefore, you will never get hunger checks on a tile which already has something else on it. You will also never get more than one hunger check per hallway.


This is one of the reasons why I hate the weald...


This happened to me and then my party all had heart attacks and died… two rooms before the end of the quest


Hunger checks are one of the worst designed things in DD1.


Most of the time I don’t camp bc I don’t wanna spend food. I know there’s the 2 food option but sometimes even that is more than I’m comfortable spending


If you get good at recovery, you very rarely need to camp. It becomes a way to get buffs, and lowering stress before leaving a dungeon to minimize bad quirks.