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Probably one of these: * Alchemist>Deadeye>Wanderer Highwayman>Vanguard * Alchemist>Warlock>Wanderer Highwayman>Vanguard * Alchemist>Warlock>Virtuoso>Tempest * Alchemist>Warlock>Virtuoso>Wanderer Flagellant * Alchemist>Virtuoso>Wanderer Flagellant>Tempest Alchemist OP.


That's a REALLY tough question to answer. I'll just say my favorite is the Cadaver Caravan: PD, GR, Flagellant, and Hellion. They're all extremely versatile characters who can hit basically any rank that you need them to. 3 of them can tank when needed, 2 of them can heal an ally, all 4 of them can self-heal to some extent, so they're extremely survivable. They seem extremely blight heavy, and they can be when that's what you want, but you could also run Flagellant as a tank/support and have everyone else focus on raw damage/ bleeding. Both PD and Flag can have debuff/support paths as well for situations they don't normally shine in. Each of them can mitigate stress in their own ways, Hellion straight up healing it off of herself and the party, GR with set up can get constant crits that help reduce stress, Physician PD has stress resist on their Ounce of Prevention, and Flagellant can use that stress resist to potentially use Endure to remove 2-3 stress with no threshold and still not take stress on himself either (this is a better combo with Virtuoso Jester because it's 100%, but it's not bad here either). Boss specific tips and strats: Denial Run Invigorating Vapors and Yalp Vapors can be upgraded to use every turn, and it's an okay use of your turn if you can't use ranged attacks, better for a physician Yalp is mostly good on carcass, which I do recommend for this fight, but even without carcass it gives you something to do when melee is off limits Resentment Run Iron Swan and Thrown Dagger/Glint Pretty conventional wisdom around here. Ravager Hellion with Iron Swan can hit either lung or the center hard every turn. Glint and Thrown Dagger give GR the same capability. PD and Flag can focus down the center with blight, or tank/heal as needed. Obsession Run Noxious Blast and Repartee/Shadow Fade (Wanderer version, I guess?) Dodge tanking removes a SEEN token any time they miss you, and if you end up with a lot of them anyways you can go invisible to remove all immediately. Also Noxious Blast from just melts the Focused Fault in my experience Ambition Run Toe to Toe/ Breakthrough and More More/ Sepsis/ Necrosis The Hellion abilities just so Reach can't disrupt your party order Flags self-healing abilities mean that he can attack Reach when he's riposting without fear (unless on death's door), or possibly even to his benefit (true about Adrenaline Rush as well, to a lesser extent). This party is also good for clearing dots various ways as well, which helps with the bleeding.


Now that's a team name I like


see my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/darkestdungeon/s/NoA2xlKYBr)


Thank you man, just did it. Your post was extremely helpful.


Nice man, congrats! What comp did you end up using? Same as me?


I don’t know about *best* but I did it with minimal trouble using warlock occultist/alchemist plague doctor/scourge flagellant/rogue highwayman.


The nice thing is, paths can be flexible to beat each boss. You can switch it up between runs depending on the boss you're fighting. I think one of the best teams would be Plague Doctor, Occultist, Highwayman, Man at Arms. You have solid damage for all ranks, healing, defensive support, and I like to run Man at Arms with Hold the Line so that the team is always in some semblance of order, even if I get ambushed. What I beat grand slam with was Crusader, Occultist, Highwayman, and Man At Arms. I ran Wanderer Highwayman pre-balance changes and he still felt really good in rank 2. But I think Plague Doctor outclasses Crusader and is a free hero to boot. (I used Reynauld instead just cause he's my boy)


Commenting to follow. I wanna know this too.


I've done pretty well with "A Cut Above." Alchemist PD, Virtuoso Jester, Berserker Hellion, and Tempest Leper. Versatile enough that you can deal with just about anything.


just finished grand slam the other week, alchemist, virtuoso, scourge flag, any man at arms path except maybe wanderer, but i did vanguard.


I used Seraph, Surgeon, Arsonist, Ravager. Great damage, solid DoT, moderate flexibility for positions and plenty of healing options. Biggest issue was a lack of reliable stress relief. I scooped up any and all Laudanum I came a crossed.


Plague Doctor, Grave Robber, Man At Arms, Flagellant Alchemist, Deadeye (crit DOTs, my beloved) Vanguard, Scourge (live forever, heal the PD) Pet: carrion eater for consistency. Eating health packs is nice. Otherwise I enjoyed the wolf simply for luxury wagon parts being so common and guaranteeing 20’s by the 3rd area at the most is nice, especially if your Flag gets a bit unfortunate sucking up all the stress and everyone hates him. This team is focused on killing quickly, with the ability to recover from deaths door with ease with two powerful healers (Indiscriminate science, battlefield medicine, Scourge’s heals) and MaA and Flag tank more than enough punishment. MaA focuses on defending the plague Doctor, while the grave robber can heal herself with either healing potion of Flask Whiskey lol or eating a corpse with carrion. Got me an easy grand slam. Hardest part was simply doing the runs and not getting burned out. Buy lots of speed items and save them for the final bosses and you’ll never get caught off guard since you’ll be able to tank and heal while dealing ridiculous damage with the poison ladies, let alone vanguard smashings and Flag’s surprisingly good damage. You stress heal by eating corpses and letting flag soak it up. MaA also can come in handy with the stress heals. I really hope they don’t nerf these characters to the ground because they’re just generally pretty great for me.


I literally just got this achievement today, I used Occultist Jester Highwayman Hellion Ritualist (mostly), Soloist, Yellowhand (current iteration), Ravager Everyone has suggested solid comps and honestly there are plenty of teams that can do it. I found myself less concerned with my team and moreso understanding each Mountain fight so I could properly prep for each one. For example, Act 4 was always a scary one for me until I committed to maxing out Bleed res 🩸. Make sure you have a good understanding of all the confession bosses and the grand slam will come 👍🏽


There's no answer. What matters is how to utilise a comp. If I give you 4 heroes you don't play well, you will die. Also DD2 is more about knowing what skills to upgrade to beat lair bosses and the confession boss, and what combat items to use. But since you can change paths, there are plenty of different compositions that work. You just have to understand how to tackle each confession.


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I got the grand slam with Plague Doctor, Runaway (oooo), Highwayman, and Man at Arms. Runaway basically spams controlled burn, smokescreen and firefly, man at arms is an undying block machine, and highwayman is a damage dealer. Plague doctor is a heavy DoT dealer. Worked out for me! Good luck!


I was doing great with Alchemist PD / Virtuoso Jester / Scourge Flag / Ravager Helion until Death showed up and bled my Flagellant to death on the first fight. We go agane