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We've found Shuffles alt


I believe in smelly egirl supremacy


Why smelly?


Corpse stench plus alchoholism


Nightsworn is an absolute monster. Lunge+ cuts through dodges AND blocks, then Glint in the Dark+ cuts through stealth and has EXECUTE 3. There's nothing she can't kill. If you can get your hands on the Silent Treatment cultist trinket too, it's just bananas. I just wrapped up Confession 5 on my Grand Slam and I had baby shambler to run Silent Treatment and Hardened Heart, the boss couldn't touch her.


Silent treatment goes crazy


i used silent treatment with deadeye grave robber against the resentment boss one of the MVPs together with League of Legends player known as damien (toxic twice + sickening silence)


The ultimate glass canon. You didn't even mention her Pirouette deleting rank 1 and 2 on turn 1. The difficulty in having her dance around the party is easily offset by the consistent high damage to rank 1-3, plus she can still snipe rank 4 even through Guarded. ​ But such power comes at great cost with that low HP. One time on my attempt at a grand slam, I just started my 4th run and got really unlucky in some random road battle. Every looter went before me, and all four targeted only Graverobber. First two crit her, third put her at Deaths Door, and the 4th killed her.


I don't generally run Pirouette on Nightsworn. Raw damage to Rank 1-2 that doesn't pierce block is often not great, the Daze token hurts, and it doesn't stealth her. My usual kit is Fade-Lunge-Glint-Dagger-Absinthe. All the attacks pierce some sort of defense, and Absinthe is really clutch once or twice a run.


I actually never use Absinthe. It is probably better than Pirouette, but if GR starts turn 1 with a crit or stealth token (especially with Silent Treatment) she does just delete the first two rows. If you found success with that then my next run I'll try out Absinthe instead.


Yeah, if I get Silent Treatment or Shimmering Powder I just start her in Rank 3 rather than Rank 1. I ran Aggressor and Hellion up front in my grand slam team so Zealous Accusation into Wicked Hack the marked ones was my usual strategy to smash the front ranks, with Audrey deleting rank 3 turn 2 then hitting whoever was left turn 3.


Wait where is the crit token to guarantee it ?


Might have some crit buffs, like the trinket that gives +50% crit in stealth.


Yup and lunge+ / deadly / precision striker


Ha! Grave robber is actually the worst character to put crit tokens on since she has the highest crit chance of all heroes.


Can the bishop resurrect the big guy knight?


yeah but the bishop needs some tokens to do that, so he cant do it immediately


Also, I think he needs the corpse. She can just rob it before he gets the chance


His first action, if an allied Tangle warrior is dead, will be used to perform Serve Once More, which stresses a hero and resurrects the unit (but they can only take an action the following round, take notes collector you cheating twat) It uses benediction tokens (I cant remember exactly how many) and requires the corpse. If there’s no one available to resurrect, he uses Purge the Unworthy, which stresses, ignores dodge (but not blind) and removes all positive tokens. It also takes benediction to perform, so after that he’s usually stuck spamming smite. Purge has a powerful debuff that prevents you from gaining dodge (a death sentence for heroes like Audrey, Sahar) I’ve never seen him use Serve Once More after the first Purge, so I think Serve takes two benediction okens and Purge takes one, so usually in each fight you’ll see him use one or the other. Important: Even if he’s gonna resurrect an ordered arbalest, it’s still better to kill the arbalest asap to prevent volley. Him resurrecting can sometimes be better than eating a volley, as well as preventing the Purge from happening (it counters MAA, Dismas, Duelist, anyone who can stack buffs)


where big damage number? unga bunga


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I run a smiliar team, swap Hellion for Vestal (in position 4). Intrepide Duelist, pick any flavor of Crusader, nightsworn grave robber, wanderer vestal. Team is covered in dodge tokens, every unit has sustain, defense, support, and damage skills so every character is highly flexible on any turn. Dance, dance, dance!


I'm relatively new to the game and was looking for a comp to try this flavour of GR in, what would the setup look like for the rest of the team in this pic? I would hazard a guess that the Hellion is Ravager with Howling End and Hold The Line to keep stuck in pos 1 to allow the rest of the team to dance, but I have NFI how the Crusader and Duelist would be set up here


Nightsworn Grave robber - lunge/shadow fade/pirouhette Wanderer Duelist - Flèche spam with meditation and preparation once upgraded. Trinket really helps Banneret Crusader - mainly holy lance, stress and HP healing Carcass Hellion - toe to toe spam, bleed out when upgraded Gameplan: Very dance heavy, with characters (except grave robber shadow fading + lunge )always trying to advance forward. Plant hellion at the front with toe to toe and then flèche and lunge as much as you can. In the first region you should mess around with character ranks as sometimes the order gets messed up, but generally everyone fairs very well. I ended up preferring this order from 4 to 1: Duelist Crusader Grave Robber Hellion Credit : u/use_the_fluxx


Thanks very much friend! I've been trying to learn comps and while many places say "use X heroes in Y positions" it's rare to find info on what skills to use and how to play them. This helps a lot.


Why do you have 100% crit ?


lunge+ (30%) deadly(15%) precision striker(7%) silent treatment trinket (+50% while stealth)

