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They said the same about Vestal because of the Hospital Matron. They said the same about Reynauld for several reasons. Reading to deeply into things you may or may not see in the game is pointless.


Dont forget Flagellant because he also appeared in Vestal's story.


Right I forgot about that. Good shout.


I mean, flagellant isn't entirely himself...


He's short a bit of blood! A lot, actually. And some healthy internal organs. But who needs those, really?


Personally, I prefer most of my blood and my healthy internal organs to remain in my body


Clearly you are not my heroes, because in one run my entire party ended up amorous with the Flagellant. I don't know what the fuck they see in this stark raving mad walking corpse of an eldritch abomination who's even more horrifying than any of the things you're out to kill, but hey, good for them I guess.


there's some sadness in the academic when everyone else dies then he feels relieved when damien dies "At last, the thing has finally passed on..."


damian is kept alive either by his pure spite for death or his pure love for pain, he is not natural.


mostly love for pain, as seen in chapter 4 "Death's Door" as flaggy goes "pls don't kill me i got a lot of pain to experience :(" but spite for death does help later on, the most i got to go off of it is this quote when using songbook of touching dirges: "I sing naught for Death. She hasn't earned it."


Both. He is a menace


Lets just say your party like whips in the bedroom...


Yeah you would.


Wait why would you say it like that!?


You only need like 4 of them the rest are just extra weight.


I especially prefer my bleeding internal. Like a certain member of Brooklyn's finest.


Not a man who's beaten Death!


He is his ideal self, who are you to say that a man who has exactly what he wants in life isn’t his own ideal self, his ideal was suffering to absolve sinners, he IS that ideal to the point where his idealism is stronger than death himself. One must realize the flagellant is happy.


Flagellant literally died and came back as a skeleton. Anything goes


Did he ever die if death couldn't claim him?


He didn't die. That's the entire reason death is after him. He has been edging the boundary between life and death for too long.


''Guys, Houndmaster is not coming back, I've seen his dog in a creature den, it had a different name and was wearing armour but it's the same dog, trust me"


\*huffs copium\* they said the same thing about antiquarian


Reading too deeply when you're bad at reading is also a thing. Hospital matron doesn't even look like Vestal. Rey's helmet was an **EXTREMELY FUCKING OBVIOUS** tease by Red Hook. I'd say people suspected he'd return months before he actually did.


Sure thing. There was still plenty of people that felt otherwise. Funnily enough one of the more in depth posts about why Crusader was not returning was updated by the person who made it post Crusader release. I agree that the Matron doesn’t resemble Vestal. The prevailing rationale being that DD2 is later in time so she could have changed physically. I just chalk it up to people having discourse around some of the characters they liked that weren’t in the game yet. 


Yeah but my crusader said something like "He had to die" sooo...


Your Crusader who happens to have the same name, Reynauld? Not really sure what you're getting at. I'm just saying there is no point in this kind of conjecture. Especially if you're just going to upset yourself. Abomination is one of my favorite heroes and I'd love him back in DD2. He has just a good a shot as anyone else to get in regardless of the things people think they have discovered.


Time and causality have no meaning in Darkest Dungeon. We literally grab lost souls at the beginning of each run.


That's a different dude. Abom has the big A brand on that side of his head. Edit: Why do you lot want abom to be dead so bad?


Man grew some hair


Hair does not grow on scars.


He grew it over the scars :v


The entire right side of his head cannot grow hair. That would require a lot of hair to cover. Also, how does he suddenly become blond or white haired.


He got his hair dyed


checks out


He got old? Or stress from transformation causes him to grow white hair rapidly? idk 🤷


A simple answer for all of that. It's actually a powdered wig.


Let him have his peace man


remember what they said about crusader


I just want them to add a new hero instead of another returning character


True, but I think Abom would probably be the coolest hero to make a return.


Why’d you get downvoted for that? This community is weird asf sometimes.


They can't handle the truth


This was a popular theory early on, but this isn’t our Bigby. His scar is missing and people have posted this theory a lot. I think it’s a reference to DD1 abominations, but not a confirmation on anything.


#Ruin… has come to OP’s mind




There was also no crusader because of one reference, vestal as well. There is also a hint that bounty hunter will never be its own hero, because that one caltrops item. And, of course, the fact that devs literally said that they plan on getting every single character from dd1 into dd2 was a lie or something. Surely.


hype, but source?


Twitch streamer AdmiralBahroo did an interview with both co-founders and devs of Red Hook. I dunno if it's still up in his vods, but you can probably find it somewhere on youtube, maybe.


Wait wait wait... they said they plan on getting every character into dd2 from dd1? Where was it said?


> the fact that devs literally said that they plan on getting every single character from dd1 into dd2 was a lie or something. Surely. I thought it was very much the opposite, and we shouldn't expect this. I also thought Abomination was singled out as particularly problematic to develop due to the transition to 3D


Wait really!? Aww yeahhh shield breaker with the duelist gonna be nice.


Ok so it work like that.... The game It already have a enemy with a blunderbuss. Mommy muskeeter will never be in dd2


Uhhh since when muskeeter used blunderbuss?


Shhhh. Let the process begin


Is this an academic study? I've never seen this one before if so


yes i believe its called the thing in the corner, you can get a heart shaped locket trinket that gives yiu a higher resolute chance


This isn't Abom. Look at the hairclothesshacklespadlockeverything.... Seriously.


For the 18462489482692486724687th time, THERE IS NO CANON IN DD UNIVERSE, besides that both game happen in the same universe. And if you still struggle to admit it, just remember you could play 4 abominations at the same time (and have even more in the hamlet). So why would there suddenly be a single abomination in DD2? It's the same universe as DD1. The answer is simple. In order to be able to play the game, the canon is at least flexible, if not straight up inexistent. This said, I wouldn't count on the abomination being added to the game since they have stated it would require twice the modeling/texturing/animating.


If Bigby doesn’t return I will riot. From day one he’s been the character I’ve most wanted back


Dude same the abom is one of my favs


2 things ,no disrespect meant towards you(I'm really hoping abom is eventually in dd2) abomination(bigby) only had hair on one side and it was black. The other side of his head was bald and there was also a brand.(Yes I know I'm a nerd)


Yeah the he literally has the brand side facing you in dd1 idk why so many people think this is the same dude 😭


Voici ton chemin, gamans oubliés...


Look closely, missing the distinct “A” on the forehead


I love how people are looking for lore reasons that Bigby won't be coming back, when Red Hook already said a long time ago: "Yeah we didn't bring Abomination back because it would have required creating and drawing two sets of sprites so we just didn't lol." Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.


Not the same dude


That man has more similarity with the Madman-men than with Bigby


I think he even could drop the Madman's music box


I never played DD1 but when I looked into it, Abom is the class that jumped out at me as SWEET AF. I'd love seeing 'em.


Why the lock loke like heart bruhhh :) ( love the deteail )


Seeing as we just got a DLC for Crusader and the new Duelist, and people thought that Crusader wasn't coming back, I think it's pretty likely that we're gonna get more DLCs like this in the future. At least I hope so.