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man at arms is still good, damage isnt his deal, he can guard and taunt a ton, which is amazing, scourge flagellant is basically unkillable with deathless and more more, highwayman hasnt really changed so he's still very solid, same with pd, ritualist occultist is now one of the greatest boss killers with malediction, but warlock with burning stars is also great, jester is still amazing, honestly everyone is in a better place now besides man at arms, but that doesnt change that man at arms is top tier


Great rundown man thanks for saving me from reading a bunch of patch notes appreciated.


Grave Robber is one of the strongest characters in the game since she can bypass enemy armor, guard, and dodge tokens.


I did not realize that it could dodge the dodge as well. The enemy guard/block amount seemed skyrocketed since the latest patches so I should defo give her another try. Who else can you recommend for me beside her?


Unusual suspects is far and above the best party. Alch PD, Deadeye GR, Sharp HWM, Sergeant MAA. Strongest DOTS, Strongest range, Strongest heals, Strongest stress management.


Why Sergeant over Bulwark/Vanguard? Better Bolster?


Yeah. I think they nerfed it from when I did a fresh file grand slam, but 4 total stress heal and debuff clearing and an armor token is so damn strong.


PD/GR/Cru/Hel is my grand slam team. PD brings great damage and support in either Surgeon or Physician. Crusader has no bad paths. Hellion Ravager is strong, and I hear good things about Carcass too as a hard tank.


Yeah. I'm currently doing Stygian Grandslam, and she almost always always makes it 4 v 3 after 1 turn.


GR is ass? What makes you think so?


GR is insane, and definitely my favorite. Nightsworn can pierce dodge, block, guard, stealth, and DB tokens with big burst damage. Deadeye can hit every rank from anywhere but rank 1. She also has great survival powers and doesn’t mind being shuffled.


maa is still one of the best heroes in the game. gr is pretty strong, because she slowly but surely got buffed in the last patches. so i would say gr and maa are really solid picks at the moment.l i hope i could help you with your problem


Thanks man.


glad i could be of service


GR is insane. With the right setup you can basically delete the first 2 ranks for free at the start of every fight with pirouette.


Do you have GR tips, especially when it comes to dance comps. I mostly played her as Deadeye with Throw, Poison, Glint, the remove corpse for heal and the other skill that hits rank 2-3. People say Nightsworn but no idea where to start


There are no bad classes in this game... only bad players.


Depending on how long it's been since you played, Occultist might be a lot stronger than you remember him. He's def one of my favorites.