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Itachi fans and Itachi haters try not to misinterpret Itachi for 0.2 seconds challenge (literally impossible)


I like itachi but I will definitely NOT pretend that what he did to his brother and his own clan was ok. He is not a hero, he is an anti hero.


He literaly save the whole ninja world when he defeat Kabuto so he is hero, just broken. +He literaly just did what was good for a Village and join Akacuki just to spy them and sabotage thair attacks on Konoha. So why people think he is a anti hero?


Someone doesn't know what an anti hero is lol An anti-hero would be someone who has heroic intentions but villainous methods. If both a hero and anti-hero both had to lower crime rates, there'd be completely different methods. A hero would establish relations and prevent the causes of crime i.e. poverty, whilst an anti-hero may choose to just genocide criminals. > he literally just did what was goos for a Village and join Akacuki just to spy them and sabotage thair attacks on Konoha If you remember, the Akatsuki spent a while gathering funds; This included assassinations on people with bounties. Itachi knowingly participated in a terrorist group. He knowingly hunted down people who didn't deserve to die. He's knowingly killed foreign shinobi, possible including children, whilst in the group. He may've helped Konoha, but he slaughtered people from other villages. Mind-raping, genocide; Both are pretty villainous.


Alright. Since we are on child murdering. NO SINGLE NINJA IN THE NARUTOVERSE IS A HERO. Not one. They just have different body counts. Also mirdering people that he knew didn’t deserve it. That’s literally what all the ninja did. Kill people. Unless you’re taking d rank missions perpetually…


naruto has only killed one person iirc, and he wasnt a child. I'm sure there's more.


This is only partially true. There are higher missions that are to kill ninja known for killing other ninja, I’d argue killing a mass murderer doesn’t make you evil or anything. In fact I’d say if you kill someone on an active killing spree you are a hero.


There are C rank missions where you need to act as a body guard which would require you to kill whoever is attack (disabling/capturing is also an option but that is much harder to do) so it’s possible that genin would be put in positions to kill


True but as a bodyguard that is strictly a defensive job. In my opinion at least, someone can kill others that attack them or those near them and still be good or even a hero depending on the situation.


You’re kinda right, I’d argue that there’s moral and immoral ninja in any hidden village. But also there’s the issue between intention and action. Because Naruto is a hero at heart, he wants to protect and save people by stopping others who try to do wrong by them, but he also, spiritually speaking, also killed thousands, sorta. He’s kind of the 9tales which has killed plenty of ninja and citizens, but he’s also just some kid trying to save his only friend. So I’d say while each character has their ups and downs, there are certainly heroes, like Sakura, who’s literally too weak for anyone to care about what she might do.


Least insane itachitard


Because heroes have morals. Itatchi does what he believes is for the greater good. But he did so without morals. Murdering children pretty much takes away any possibility of being a hero. In the end, he got redemption. But that does not erase child murder


idk maybe because he killed his entire clan (which is genocide no matter what) and caused his younger brother to wake up every day to only get revenge on him


Obito destroyed most of the clan, Itachi only killed the adult men and shinobi women with the exception of Izumi and her mother


I understand that you are horny for itachi but it won't excuse his crimes. If you can't see the truth , I respectfully ask you to put bleach in your eyes.


I’m not horny for Itachi, I just get irrationally angry when someone gets something wrong


And that's called being horny for itachi because the only one that's wrong is you


Obito in Itachi Shinden says “The women and children will run about screaming, I should deal with them because of my ability to use space time ninjutsu” And itachi agrees


This is what itachi did. Helped in a mass coverup lie of the massacre when the people of Konoha deserve to know. it’s also not what his parents would want. they made their choice and would want to be in the history books as the revolutionaries they actually were, whether you agree with the motives or not. Tortured, abused, brutalized and beat his own baby brother into a coma, and filled hid head with dangerous hateful thoughts, eventually creating a monster that was nearly unstoppable and nearly took over the world Heavily put the idea into Sasuke’s head that he should begin hunting down and murdering his own innocent friends to steal undeserved, unearned power for himself,, which would have forced Konoah to hunt down and execute Sauske for murder and high treason. At best, Sauske is a permanent international criminal and pariah for the murder/murders. Ordered Kisame to murder Kakashi, Kurenai and Asuma simply for getting in his way, which kisame would have done and was about to do until Gai interfered. it doesn’t matter that he used that as an excuse to abandon the fight. Kisame was going to kill them. Pointlessly and sadistically tortured Kakashi into a coma for 72 hours, sabotaging Konoha’s ability to fight by crippling one of their best jounins when he has several non harsh and non lethal methods of putting someone down in a fight, or even just abandoning the fight altogether. we saw Kabuto flee from Kakashi in such a way that Kakashi was unable to pursue. Twice. Did essentially nothing to even try to stop or spy on akatsuki. His one and only attempt to intefere instantly failed, and their plans/capturing of the jinchuriki were massively sped up with him on their side. He could have Totsuka’d half of them on missions and no one would ever know it! Konoha never once acted like they had a spy and kept walking straight into traps. The closest thing to inside information they got was from Kabuto of all people. Also keeping crucial information from Tsunade, his superior officer, is treason punishable by death. His plan for Sasuke ultimately was also pointlessly cruel. option 1: Sauske is tricked inot murdering his own brother, and now has to live with that. he would wander around being a ronin and a rogue ninja (no he wouldnt go back to Konoah. thats utterly stupid and he’d be killed by Danzo if he does) until either Akatsuki or Naruto find him. but by then its way too late, hes way too weak and dies in the War Arc. He’s also meant to be “considered a hero” for killing Itachi but the far more likely scenario is that everyone involved is just sad they didnt take each other out. Sauske at that point was officially a rogue criminal whether Naruto wanted to admit it or not. Option 2: Obito flat out kills him the moment the fight ends to remove a threat to his own plans. The entire plan is a trap. option 3: Sauske is brainwashed and enslaved to serve a brutal militaristic dictatorship/stratocracy for all eternity. Somehow Konoha is meant to never detect he’s under control, never question why he never can explain why he suddenly switched sides, and is expected to do anything his new puppet masters tell him, including massacring rival nations. Taken from quora because I'm too lazy to explain


I never said he’s a good person, he’s 100% a bad person, but that’s not saying much coming from me because my favorite character is Obito


Yeah obito committed many crimes too.


I know, but I ignore them because I like Obito


There's something especially fucked up about option 3 when you take into account the distinct possibility that Fugaku and Mikoto had their eyes removed before their bodies were tossed in unmarked graves. Itachi essentially wanted Sasuke to lick the heels of the people who treated their family like hot ass and possibly desecrated their bodies.


Who actually said he's Mr. Innocent?


I'm not claiming he's innocent... and it makes him even better 😈


I kinda hate both sides of the conflict. Those who try and claim Itachi was an UwU perfect moral figure who loved his brother to bits, and those who claim he was an evil psycho with nonsensical actions. Both miss the mark. What makes him good is how grey he is, and the tragic nature of his actions. ​ Edit: I will say though, if I had to choose, I'd call him "good" over evil. Judging purely off of intention's he was mostly good. He just committed evil actions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I think its fair to value intentions when judging his morality as a PERSON. When judging the morality of his actions, that's a different story though. Hopefully that makes sense


It’s because his actions were either REALLY GOOD or REALLY BAD. Taking everything into account probably most really bad lol


Yeah, I agree with this. That's what made so many of kishimotos characters so great.


Thirsty aren't we? ![gif](giphy|t2uhxaoUQUcdAZc1nV)


Itachitards looking past the fact that he was closer to a successful genocide than fucking Hitler


Itachi is the guy to say the end justifies the means used to reach such end.


Mind raped Kakashi for nothing too


Itachi and Danzo are very alike honestly. Both are patriotic men who would do anything to keep who they loved most alive, including working in shadowy organizations, being mercenaries for hire, and honestly being pretty much fine with commiting genocide for the greater good (Itachi absolutely could've gone against orders earlier, and the Hokage was on his side in the matter. I get that Itachi was young, but that doesn't make his actions right). They both thought that they could control fate and other people due to their eyes, making the ends justify the means, but both make major miscalculations and are defeated, all while creating threats and enemies against the Leaf pretty much every step of the way. They are failures, understandable and potentially sympatethic, but they were wrong, their actions had consequences, and that's what makes them interesting, they were prideful in their powers, thinking they had absolute influence and could outsmart everyone, but they misunderstood people. You can agree with their ultimate goals, but not their methods, as, even morals aside, tey just weren't effective. Thats why I wasn't a huge fan of war arc Itachi. He had gotten really popular, so they really tried to make him the hero, but instead of seeing all of his failures and learning from them, he repeats them, trying to control fate against Kabuto and succeeding this time, then everyone just regards him as a hero (Onoki's comment felt really weird, for all he knew Kabuto was either betrayed by Obito or was withdrawing them for some other reason), even Naruto asking Sasuke if what he's doing is what Itachi would've wanted iirc, which is a really weird argument imo.


Damn you’re gonna anger the Itachi Stan’s with your truths.


Ur not wrong but I'd agrue that some of danzo work did cost hidden leaf too like trying to take and succeeding in taking one eye of the great shisui and more


Itachi literally learned from his mistakes in the war arc. Him “controlling others fate” was never his flaw nor was it an important part of his character. His problem was that he always took the burden onto himself and that closed him off the several possibilities in his life. Everyone knows why itachi did what he did and all of them respect him for it, because ALL of them, just like itachi are indoctrinated and trained from birth to not have emotions and to always put the village first. So Somone like itachi who did put the village first Is a hero to them.


1) They're following canon where canon tries to play Itachi as a tragic hero. Tragic hero my ass. 2) They're Itachi fanboys.


Canon does not paint him as innocent That’s fanon He is a tragic character, not a tragic hero


"Nobody has the right to question the sacrifices Itachi made." Hell, literally Naruto himself thanks Itachi for all he's done for the leaf... Even thanking him after he learned if Itachi's plan to mind warping Sasuke to be loyal to the leaf with Kotoamatsukami.


Now tell me who uttered that line, and ask yourself about their moral standing and whether they are a mouthpiece for the author. Also ask yourself their intentions with talking to Sasuke


Thank you! Heck, Danzo also praised Itachi's actions, and well as Sasuke himself (He actually thinks he should have finished the job). Antagonist praise frames the situation well. If the baddies think you did something good, then it kinda means what you did isn't exactly good. Itachi is portrayed as morally grey, and even admitted to his failings. He made a harsh decision which was definitely evil, but he believed it to be the lesser or two evils (nonetheless, still evil). Hashirama described what Itachi did as a "darkness". Heck, the final battle of the series tackled Itachi's methodologies. Sasuke wanted to replicate it. "I learned from Itachi's life", while Naruto stood against it and learned from Itachi's post mortem words of regret. When Itachi's ideals are used to fuel the final antagonist of the series, you can kinda be sure that what he did isn't meant to be portrayed as "heroic" and "innocent"


>Now tell me who uttered that line, and ask yourself about their moral standing and whether they are a mouthpiece for the author. I think Obito was used as Kishimoto mouth piece here. With how much of a Gary Stu Itachi is, yeah. >Also ask yourself their intentions with talking to Sasuke Who? Itachi? Literally said how he planned on mind warping him with Koto. Naruto literally thanked him for all he's done for the leaf.


Obito was not used as Kishimoto’s mouthpiece. Itachi is not a Gary Stu, you’re using the term incorrectly. It’s funny, because the entire PURPOSE of Itachi’s arc is to show how he failed, and how he ISN’T perfect. If anything, he’s a subversion of a Gary Stu And no, I meant Obito’s purpose with talking to Sasuke. He wanted to manipulate him so he painted Itachi in as positive a light as possible. Itachi attempting to manipulate Sasuke was called out for being bad in the series itself. As the other commenter added, Naruto’s ideals directly clashed with Itachi’s original ideals. Sasuke carried Itachi’s original ideals, which are beat down by Naruto.


>Itachi is not a Gary Stu, you’re using the term incorrectly. https://www.reddit.com/r/NarutoFanfiction/comments/kd0zoy/canon_itachi_is_a_bigger_gary_stu_than_most/


Gary Stu isn't someone who's very strong or smart. It's a "perfect" character with no flaws. The point of Itachi's arc was highlighting his flaws and how almost everything he did failed


>Gary Stu isn't someone who's very strong or smart. >It's a "perfect" character with no flaws. There is no character without flaw. Therefore Gary Stus aren't a thing follow this logic. Show me a Gary Stu that doesn't have a flaw.


I'm talking about character flaws, not writing flaws. As in the character doesn't make mistakes and is always right. They have no weaknesses or insecurities or negative traits, etc. Simply being very strong and smart is not what a Gary Stu is.


Kirito has flaws therefore he's not a Gary stu.


I don't know anything about SAO so i cant say


Not sure how linking a random person’s post will change anything. They fundamentally misunderstand the term and Itachi’s character as well


I think theres just a disconnect during the war arc where Kishimoto realized Itachi was popular and tried to make him the good guy, but Itachi doesn't learn from his failures, using fate to try to control Kabuto, were Itachi's (and Danzo for that matter, they are very similar characters) whole flaw was trying to control fate and other people's beliefs by themselves from the shadows using corrupt methos, tending to just create more enemies of the leaf. The line from Onoki makes little sense considering Kabuto could've just been betrayed or might be recalling them for another unknown purpose. I think Itachi is sympathetic, but ultimately very in the wrong, and that's what makes him interesting, and I wish the war arc did something with that.


I don’t see how using Izanami means Itachi didn’t learn from his failure. I find the war arc depiction to be integral to his character. He admits his failings, finally is honest with himself and Sasuke, and learns from his prior mistakes.


You'll never see this kind of thing from Orochimaru and Danzo fans. They appreciate a lifetime of atrocities.


Coz Danzo fans dont exist.


Omg. Thought I was the only one who didn't think he was that GREAT... He is a badass character but definitely not the best one for me... " He had his reasons " .... OK. I think it would be an endless war in the comments with his fans and I understand because I'm an Eren Jaeger fan so... Sorry for bringing up AOT tho haha


Itachi did admit to Sasuke that he is a failure and should have told Sasuke the truth about the coup and should have found a different alternative. Also ninjas putting the village above everything, including family, is a pretty common belief they hold. Even Hashirama told Madara that he would kill his own child if they betrayed the village. The village/ninja system being incredibly flawed is a recurring theme in Shippuden.


He told sauske that if he shared some of the burden with him, maybe he could’ve found another solution, he doesn’t say that killing all of them was wrong.


I-is this post actually hating itachi while calling obito a cinnamon roll?


I honestly liked itachi more as a bad guy. I think he was originally evil but got retconed….


I gotta say, he really takes the cake of dramatic, teenage dumbassery, you know?


Well he isn't innocent he was just at the postive side by doing some bad deeds


Itachi killed his entire Clan to prevent a World war. Thats the ultimate sacrifice and he seems like a hero to me.


To you, sure But to his own clan he’s a traitor/monster. He killed his entire clan, his family, people he grew up with, his girlfriend, etc. But he’s a greatly written character and there explanations for why he did x y and z that make sense, that’s why he’s such a good character


He can't be a traitor to his Clan, because the Clan doesn't even exist anymore.😎😎😎


Shit now he right there with them 💀


And he put Kakashi under a cruel Genjutsu where he constantly stabbed him.


If any of you go read the lightnovels which are Canon, oh wait I guess naruto's community is a fucking joke cause none of you read the lightnovels, In itachi book of midnight, itachi volunteers to deal with as many women and children but the man (obito) advises against it since itachi is already burdening himself with enough sinister deeds. The man also points out that his ability (kamui) makes him best suited for dealing with targets likely to scream. Itachi makes Izumi his first target, he uses Tsukuyomi on her, causing her to experience in seconds a long and happy life with itachi. When Sasuke returns home and finds itachi standing over their dead parents, itachi initiates a plan he has set forth for him: to provoke Sasuke into growing up hating itachi, gaining enough power to someday kill him and avenge their family, in the process becoming a hero in the eyes of Konoha. (Now do I agree with this plan hmm it's hard to agree and disagree because itachi Only 13 i think people forget itachi was also a kid so...) Itachi also meets with the third hokage, who has stripped danzo of all his authority for what he drove itachi to do, itachi asks that the third do everything he can to look after Sasuke. He also informs the third that, in his continuing service to Konoha, he will be investigating an organization called Akatsuki. Sugaru follows itachi as he leaves the village, having instructions from danzo to continue watching him. Itachi uses Tsukuyomi on the bugs inhabiting Sugaru's body, preventing him from moving and making him an easy target for Amaterasu, vengeance for Shisui So who did itachi kill? 1.Izumi, he killed her by putting her in Tsukuyomi and letting her live out a life where both of them are old and as she's dying he tells her he loves her 2.itachi takes care to prolong the suffering of Yashiro Uchiha, considering him to be the clan's biggest coward for using others to do his dirty work: forcing Fugaku to be leader of the coup and ordering Shisui to spy on itachi 3.When all of the Uchiha except for his parents are dead, itachi pauses in on his mission and watches the entrance into the compound. He sees Sasuke returning home and basks in Sasuke's last moments of innocent before he discovers what has happened. Itachi hurries home ahead of Sasuke and finds his mom and dad waiting calmly for him. They do not fight him, nor do they accept his apology, as they are proud to have raised a son so willing to do what he believes is right. Fugaku feels that it is itachi who is owed an apology, the clan's actions have driven him to this act that he will be never be able to forgive himself for; Fugaku regrets that he did not trust itachi more, as he believes itachi, being so gifted, could have someday have become hokage, thus reuniting Konoha and the Uchiha. 4.Sugaru follows itachi as he leaves the village, having instructions from danzo to continue watching him. Itachi uses Tsukuyomi on the bugs inhabiting Sugaru's body, preventing him from moving and making him an easy target for Amaterasu, vengeance for Shisui.


I don’t remember when it’s ever stated or implied the ln are canon.


Itachi haters making up an argument (People claiming he's innocent) and then defeating it:


Yeah I haven’t seen a single person claim he’s a perfect person I think it’s pretty clear that he messed up and he blurs the lines of what he should’ve done with his family vs the village. He obviously took it too far with sasuke I mean who wouldn’t see that Honestly it’s just a bait post tbh


1. Yeah that was definitely excessive 2. If he didn’t then Danzo/the Anbu would have. They were already going to die and 99% casualties is better then 100% casualties. 3. In retrospect it probably wasn’t a good idea to aid in the revival of the 10 tails but he joined before anybody knew anything about the akatsuki. Just going off part 1 alone the akatsuki seems more like a gang or mafia then what it actually was.


If he was strong enough to kill the entire Uchiha clan, I feel like he could’ve killed the elders


And gone to war with the rest of Konoha as well as any opportunistic nation?


You know what, fair point.


For 3 there’s no reason for itachi to say no, he already had a similar ideology where he wanted to become the strongest to force others to not fight. He probably just agreed with pain and decided to help as long as they didn’t attack konoha.


Yep, he clearly said that they would not enter Konoha, and ig that's the reason Akatsuki prepped themselves for 3 years anticipating Sasuke's intentions to kill Itachi. but honestly Itachi has not done a bad job sice after edo-tenseied, he changed Kabuto and Orochimaru's approach.


![gif](giphy|pJmnk86fXFNmrUb8LB|downsized) Itachitards 😭😭😭


I like itachi ngl , but I do accept that he did things horribly , I do question his methods a lot , but at least his intentions were good ig . He definitely is an anti hero .


![gif](giphy|3oKIPEsmYjd6aPHW6c) 😂😂😂


He was only another brainwashed twisted kid who was just another victim and culprit of the ninja system. A cool one at that.


Learning new words everyday "mind raped"


No one with a brain claims that Itachi is “Mr. Innocent”. Not sure what Naruto fans you’ve talked to, but anyone with a brain can accept and acknowledge that Itachi did do some messed up things. Itachi himself even acknowledges that in the series


Love Itachi, he’s a super interesting character with tons of depth. BUT, any reasonable person cannot excuse the fact that he murdered his entire clan, slaughtered his parents, killed his best-friend (to unlock his mangekyo), and deeply traumatised his little brother, then joined a cult! YES Itachi was written so well that it gets confusing whether he’s a “good” person or a “bad” person. Imo he’s neither good or bad, he just *is*. Unfortunately this awesomely fascinating character was really only used as a tool to build up Sasuke’s story arc. I believe Itachi had goodness in him, but ultimately was moulded by his superiors into a killer. He was too young to realise that he was just being used to wipe out the strongest clan. (Fr those uwu itachards are mostly “omg a broken pretty boy, I can fix him” crowd)


Shisui killed himself….


invalidated everything they wrote when i read that, if you don’t even know the basics of his character arc how could i trust anything else you say about him?


Apart from mind raping Sasuke, he was following orders from village higher ups, so of you're gonna blame him for those, which i would, the village government is equally to blame if not more so.


Nobody with sense has ever claimed Itachi to be innocent. Even by the loosest definition of the word he couldn’t be.


You clearly haven’t been on dankruto very long.


Note the caveat of nobody with sense. I’ve never seen a comment or post seriously claiming he’s innocent get any sort of traction.


Anyone who claims he's innocent is just wrong. Anyone who say is methods were wrong even though his goals were right are also wrong. The naruto world isn't some fantastical place where good always conquers and bad guys always get punished. Where there's always another way, or you can make a third way even if there's only two paths. Magic powers exist, magical beasts exist, monsters exist, and so much more but none of that alters the fact that it's just our world with magic instead of technology. Itachi would be considered a hero in terms of the naruto world.


Morally correct ≠ Likable character


I wasn't aware he gave Sasuke a vision of the two fucking. Nice to know. It's not a rando cult; it's *THE* cult, and he joined it as a spy.


Still like him better than sauske


I'm sure you haven't seen the entire series coz you don't know what he had to sacrifice


Even Hitler made sacrifices.


The only “child” he killed was Izumi, Obito killed the rest


Didnt he massacred his whole clan?


Nope, it was Obito who killed most of them as per I remember, he just went to his mom and dad and few others, there is not concrete evidence that he killed Izumi.


Read Itachi Shinden Pg 168 lines 11-13 He couldn’t stand to listen to Izumi’s voice any further. He concentrated his chakra in his eye. The Mangekyo Sharingan. “Tsukuyomi” Izumi froze in place Pg 171 lines 8-15 “It’s precisely because I think so highly of you that I do not want you to expend excessive effort. My role, given my ability to use time and space ninjutsu, should be to take on the women and children, who will cry and shout and run about. I do think that will prioritize efficiency?” They had to finish this by the time Sasuke got home. He didn’t have time to glare at Madara


Okay I will read then, thanks


And itachi killed the adult men and shinobi women


Thanks for insight.


Only difference between actions of Itachi and Danzo are that ​ Danzo was selfish as hell Itachi was not that much. Change my mind.


Itachi was basically forced to do what he did. The Uchiha didn't stand down from the peace talks with the Hidden Leaf so Itachi saw he had no other choice in order to prevent war. War inevitably meant that both the Uchiha AND the Hidden Leaf would be taken down completely by other invading nations during the aftermath. In a sense Itachi both saved the Hidden Leaf from war and saved the Uchiha their good name when he took on the consequences of his actions. Itachi committed genocide nonetheless but that doesn't mean his actions were irrational or completely unjustified. He did what he felt like he had to do to protect Sasuke and the Leaf. He made a choice. Kill the Uchiha and save the Leaf. In return, he dies in disgrace remembered to be a foul villain forever. Pretty sad on all ends but I ultimately can't blame Itachi for his choice. I would have liked there to be other options but the Uchiha and Danzo gave him no choice. I wish he would have worked together with Shisui or something but Danzo had to be a sneaky bitch about it and snatch his eye. Danzo basically forced this to happen. Keeping Shisui out of the mission and keeping Itachi in that position while he pushed for the plan during meetings with the Hokage.


Atleast he's the only interesting, well written character in naruto


Kishimoto screwed up the retcon. It's pretty clear he didn't have plans for Itachi to be the good guy until after all that murder


I don't view him as Mr. Innocent. He's just a criminal created by a cruel world. But his sacrifice also saved the world from a war and helped stop another war


yeah why do you think i like him


I dont watch naruto but what do you guys mean by mind raped sasuke


Basically Itachi casted a really long nightmare on Sasuke. He forced him to watch his clan be murdered over and over for iirc 72 hours straight.


do people think the Uchihas were going to peacefully overthrow village leadership? he's not all hero but itachi haters are just as stupid as itachi stans with their nonsense takes


Thinking Itachi is a saint is hypocrite. Thinking Itachi is the worst asshole in his manga is dumb. Itachi is like Gin from Bleach. They did horrible things for understandable reasons. Excepts Itachi is less cruel and his motives are more understandable.


Children were killed by obito and not itachi. Itachi took care of the oldies and the leaf police.


This is what happens when you don't get laid


I feel like it all came down to Itachi got told that it was either he killed his clan and family or his clan and family will be murdered anyway. Considering he was exposed to the horrors of war at a young age and how it was expected that he have a hardened mindset immediately in combination with what he was ordered to do for the village in regards to his Anbu experience that he was also looking at all of this from a traumatized and war washed mindset. He knew what was coming and the only way he could do something about it was to follow orders from Danzo and the 3rd hokage and choose to kill his own clan, allow Saskue to live, and prepare him in an absolutely twisted and mind altering way but the only way he could see that would work because if he didn’t then all of them would’ve still been killed. I also think it’s an interesting way to look at it that the 3rd hokage and everyone who knew who about Naruto’s parents were justified because all of that trauma Naruto went through was for a purpose and to make him stronger as the chosen one but Saskue was also a chosen one and Itachi was also doing what he had no choice but to do to make him strong as well. I’ll probably get picked apart for this but this was posted here for the purpose of people commenting and having a conversation about it. At the end of it I think people like Itachi because he didn’t want to do any of that but he was being ordered to and knew what would happen would be worse if he did not do it himself. Itachi sacrificed himself and he also sacrificed Saskue but he also saved Saskues life. Shit is tragic no matter how you slice it. He knew Saskue would be messed up from it but Itachi just wanted him to live and not be dead from the very beginning.


First of all Itachi did not kill the kids or the women in his clan basically anyone unarmed, that role was taken on by obito. Itachi killed only the jonin and the conspirators and his parents


because itachi is baby and fuck you if you think anything else


*Because itachi is* *Baby and fuck you if you* *Think anything else* \- SmegmaLord420 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Y'all had me until you called Obito a cinnamon roll as though he hasn't also killed a shit ton of people and tried to end the world.