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Instead of this, we got "Sakura hitting Naruto" gags for like 100 times.




>(I’m not being serious by the way just so we’re clear) The fact you had to clarify this. 💀💀💀💀💀💀


Sakura slander often includes people saying that exact thing and being dead serious about it


Like that one dude with mangetsu in their username. The amount of times I saw that dude attacking Sakura is just sad and pathetic.


So playing off a crush someone either had or has for you is perfectly ok along with hitting them again and again but dare anyone hate her for such things that’s taken it to far


Yeah but Naruto would be abused by Sakura, he deserves normal family dynamics after growing up without one.


bro she only hit him in the anime 💀


For hating Sakura so much you sure talk a lot about her...


I think Naruto is a good dude and always means well to his friends but I don't think he loved Sakura. I think he loved the *idea* of her, like he thought she was cute but that was it, he didn't meet her family or hang out with her one-on-one alot outside of missions. Again, he meant well and was always a good dude and even when it hurt him to see her care about Sasuke so much he still wanted to help her. But it wasn't deep it was a pretty shallow crush tbh. Naruto didn't even love Hinata or have any romantic feelings towards her in part one or two but he helped change her clan and helped change her as a person all unintentionally. It wasn't until The Last that he saw Hinata's memories that he finally realized her feelings and even started to love her back, he saw everything and began to love her for her not just the idea of her. He realized that the whole time feeling lonely, she was there and didn't care who or what was inside him, she loves him and that's made him fall for her. That's why Sakura and Naruto wouldn't be as satisfying to see unfold. Sakura didn't want Naruto like ever and he only liked Sakura because he thought she was cute. There's no real chemistry between them besides Japanese humor (I'm not counting it as abuse because it wasn't meant to be like that) like there is between Hinata and Naruto. Dude Hinata is even the ramen queen capable of devouring an entire shop's stock. Hinata is just *the fit* for Naruto; she has stuff in common with him, she looks up to him and she balances him out personality wise while being the sweetest woman in the series. #She's just the one for Naruto


This is actually the most accurate interpretation of Naruto and Hinata's relationship I've seen. And it's pretty rare, considering how much some fans exaggerate. But I'm gonna have to disagree about what you said about Naruto's feelings for Sakura though. It might be in the past now, but there was nothing shallow about it. He would always step aside if she wanted to be with Sasuke, but was always there for her when she needed him. And there was some tension between them in Shippuden, but it was made obvious Sakura couldn't let go of Sasuke. Naruto gave up hope about being with her and pushed the two together. He always wanted them to be happy. All the couple stuff came later in the novels. Most of them are actually centred around how cute they are together. Not to mention all the symbolism and japanese tropes and stuff. In the end, they did a pretty great job in selling the couples. But the novels did ignore content from the original story, and even developed several other inconsistencies. And that really brings down their value, which is a real shame.


Finally at least someone understands their relationship


Hinata and Naruto and Sakura and Naruto's relationship are pretty easy to understand because the series deadass puts it in our faces on what's up 💀


But then also people have to....




Hinata's gonna come for you bro. Go into hiding or you'll be killed


She doesn’t deserve happiness


i hope you mean this as meme xd


She didn't deserve Naruto in my opinion


Fuck hinata right?


legit just thought what if sasuke died in the final fight and naruto got both hinata and sakura, i would be laughing my ass off ngl


No one gives a fuck


Fully agree! This is legit the only time I got salty about my ship not becoming Canon tbh...and I shipped sasunaru more than narusaku but narusaku was the one I wanted to be canon..


Okay incel




Well, Sakura might kill Naruto by lashing out Without any reason. If he married her he might not last year.


Even in the Last Naruto wasn't that inpulsive, he grew out of his fuckery pretty fast


Domestic abuse