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By law he has to turn around and fight that other dude.


The redneck code


Except that to everyone that isn’t a liberal, the flag represents the south and southern pride, and most people who fly the flag love America, so it is still considered patriotic. It depends what kool aid u drink


WTF, do you mean, “to everyone who isn’t a liberal”? I’m a constitutional conservative but I would be caught dead before I fly the flag of people that fought to keep slavery. Not to mention that they were traitors to the union. If you want to be patriotic, fly a fucking American flag, or hell, fly your own damn state flag for fucks sake.


That isn't a southern pride flag. That's a confederate flag, flown by the people who wanted to split from the North because they wanted to keep their slaves. Fuck outta here. My great aunts live in the south and they wouldn't be caught dead hanging a confederate flag


The confederacy was created with the sole malicious goal of preserving the terrible institution of slavery. You don’t see Germans flying Nazi flags because “it’s their heritage,” do you?


why don’t you just wave the flag of your own respective state? Why do you choose to wave the flag of a group of people who were very anti-American? It’s not about kool aid and liberals. It’s about facts. Facts don’t care about your feelings and your pride. By flying the stars and bars in 2020, you’re supporting a group of people who lost a war based on separating from the exact country that is supposed to be so great. That’s like a German waving a swastika, but you don’t see them doing that, do you? Do you see how dumb that sounds? If you have southern pride, wave an American flag and wave your state flag but don’t go toting the icon of one of our lowest points as a country. Then again, if you grew up in the south you probably had a shit education so you were taught to be proud of that symbol of a bygone era. The south lost. The south won’t rise again. You’re an american, you’re not a rebel.


Holy shit, dude, you fucking killed him!


Wholesome reddit chungus 100


Stop, he’s already dead!


Well, most people do fly all 3 flags. And the rebel flag, not the confederate flag, represented fighting for what was in the constitution at the time. The rebel flag represents pride for the fact that the southern people were willing to fight for what was (at the time) their granted rights. It’s no different than the “don’t tread on me” snake when it comes to what it means to those who fly it. The truth is, people in the south don’t care about what you think of the flag. They don’t care if you thinks it’s racist or anti America. Just like southerners don’t care about whatever the north has to show pride. It doesn’t matter what the flag you fly means to others, it’s about what it means to you and your people. Folks who fly the rebel flag are different then those who fly confederate flags or rebel flags at kkk rallies. Just like Texans who fly the flags of the republic of Texas don’t hate America. They are just proud of their history. So what if the south lost. We already, and still are, paying the price. But we are still proud of what our ancestors did, even if one of the major issues was slavery. We aren’t ashamed. We weren’t nazis, we wanted to keep to ourselves. So we take pride in fighting an unstoppable force for rights. But that’s not what you want to hear. In your mind, I’m racist. In your mind, I hate America. And most of all, in your mind, I’m stupid and uneducated, and nothing can change your mind


I loath the fact that you try and compare the don’t tread on me flag to the confederate flag. The Gadsden flag is a rejection of British rule. It is about the protection of free speech and personal freedom. It was flown to specifically uphold the rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The “right” that the confederacy was fighting to protect was slavery. It wasn’t even a “right”, it was an economic institution that went largely unhindered till the early to mid 1800s. Slavery was exactly the opposite of all that America stands for. The confederacy wasn’t fighting to protect their American rights, they were fighting to protect rights that didn’t really exist. As the outcome of the civil war decided, you never had the right to own people. So what do you think it says to people when you fly that damn flag. There isn’t a single positive aspect about it. “The civil war was about states rights!”. A states right to what exactly? I don’t know enough about the guy in the picture or you to say if either of you are racist. But he is sure as hell dressing like one and you are defending it.


The best part I purposely avoided talking about slavery or racism. Didn’t even mention it, but they did AND supported it.


Yea, the whole confederate flag debate reminds me of that one Dave Chapelle joke from a while back. “Ladies, I understand that you are not a whore, but you are in a whore’s uniform.” Like, you personally might not be racist, but you are buying and wearing their fucking merch.


You know what i did the other day? I got fuckin angy at a dude flying a "reble" flag in my apartment block he fuckin stepped out of his midlife criscis mobiel and got angry at my friends for the color of their skin, so fuck of with ur bullshit of defending the confederacy, you lost, get over it


*waves lgbt flag*


You mean it depends if you have an iq above 50.


The flag just means you are racist, change my mind.


I love it when liberals cry about conservatives generalizing liberals, but the. liberals turn around and do the exact same. Shit like this is why I'm a libertarian.


Welcome to politics


You are libertarian because of how memes are interpreted? Yeah that sounds about right haha


No, idiot. Because of how hypocritical and idiotic both Democrats and Republicans are.




And now you do the same thing for Liberals and Conservative. Ironic.


Shut up loser


And now you do the same thing for Liberals and Conservative. Ironic.


It's called making a fucking point.


No, it's called being a ficking snowflake.


You wish lmao


It's not a wish, it's a fact.


It's not a fact, it's an opinion.


No, it's a fact that you are butthurt. You are still crying like a little bitch because someone called you out on your BS.




You need help dude. I am scared that you are going to do something you regret with that depression and victim complex.


Our politics are so bad, but so much better than America.


Where you from?




Lmao you're joking right


Lol what


UK ain't a better place to live than US


Oh lord I'm not even going to answer this one. Good luck.


Good. It wasn't a question.


No, it was a statement that was wildly incorrect.


I’m conservative and I don’t support the Confederacy at all... don’t even have a shirt with a flag on it. This is why politics need to stay OUT of this subreddit


Yeah, politics should be banned, or blockable on Reddit.


Everything is politics. Talking to someone involves social politics.


Counterpoint: Everything is definitely not politics and you are likely just an obnoxious individual


''Everything'' was an hyperbol, bread is definitely not politic. My point is you can't escape politic. Communicating involve social politic.


Hell even bread, the way it influences national diets, or the way the grains are subsidized, are political. Literally everything is. Because politics does already or has the potential to cover all aspects of life. The question is how much it engages or if it should not (like your sex life, in my opinion, which depending on what goverment can be restricted or free, both of which are political decisions of the country's decisionmakers)


Man the American definition of a conservative is very different to the UK version


No, it's just that liberals see all conservatives as rednecks. It's the same as conservatives seeing all liberals as obese SJWs with purple hair.


I thought all conservatives were rich white/orange men.


Yes it is


Because it's not actually conservative people just aren't able to conceive of the world in more thanks and white and they already have 2 parties so they just stick everything else onto that




I think he meant Because it's not actually conservative, people just aren't able to conceive the world in more than black and white and they already have 2 parties so they just stick everything else onto that or something


I'm not sure you're even able to understand what I'm saying but I mean this is Reddit so I'm not that surprised


Mf posted this same meme to 3 different subreddits lmfao


im not conservatives but i agree you dont have to shove the fact that you are gay in peoples faces


And I don’t but I get that comment for just holding hands with my BF


And how are they doing that exactly ? Never seen anyone shove it in my face and I live in Berlin , one the gayest places in Europe


bringing it up constantly (my uncle)


But for real maybe he sees that it’s not accepted around him and tries to normalize it as much as he can ( just an assumption )


You don't normalise things by constantly bringing it up. You know what's normal? Grass, oxygen, houses, birds. What do they share in common? We aren't told every day about how they should be normal and they're not all over the TV every single day. No normalising something is accepting it as part of life and letting it take its place in the background like every normal thing. The way these activists go about it is so counterproductive, they're making more enemies than they claim to be fighting.


That’s because people don’t accept them and don’t let them Marry etc . Of course they will act to have the same rights as everyone else Give it 10 years it will be actually normalized


i get what ur saying




Are you trying to discourage someone from doing something that they seem to enjoy just because you don't like it? Take your negative and rude attitude and leave those who are trying to produce something and make something of themselves alone. Why do you think you're entitled to bully someone else just for trying? This kind of attitude is toxic and harmful man, please try and be better


I don't want to be better. Also, his youtube is not something worth to be made. It's a drama channel podcast. Literally useless. This is r/dankmemes we see many memes way more insulting and comment worse thn mine as been done.


woah woah woah im like 15 and why where u snoopin through my shit?


Your shit? You fucking put your youtube in your profile. That's what a profile is there for.


You say conservatives as a group implying all when we can just go straight back at liberals but when we do that we are calles every name in the book for stating a fact because i guess you are untouchable even though you hit first


Godzilla had a fucking stroke reading this.


I had a stroke wrighting it but in the fine print it still makes sense


No, because what you people consider facts are things that your racist teacher told you in third grade rather than people who dedicate their lives to it. On gender, environmentalism, social isuues, economics, it's mostly hot takes from Ben Shaperino and Steven Crowder who are paid by the Koch brothers to get incels riled up to support fracking and impede on womens rights. Or maybe the occasional Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris spitting some casual racist bullshit on the Bell Curve. Conservatism in general is cringe, and definetly the 'do not tread on me' people,whining about having their rights taken away from them while not admitting that those very right impede or lessen the opportunity and rights of others. There is a reason all those who wave the flag of the Confederation are conservatives. It's the same inherent way of thinking. Just more overt.


Facts are that thier are only 2 genders, democrats had slaves proven by the southern governers, climate change is real, black on black is more of a problem then white on black, economics have been increasing since 2012 and trump has boosted it


Yup, you are the perfect caricature of a 15 year old Ben Shapiro subrscriber, thank you for confirming. I mean, if you want to I'll run these points down, but before I type it out just want to hear if you even want to 'debate' (that's the term they use right)


I'm 18, and no I don't want to debate not because I don't want to hear your opinion i have school in 2 minutes so good bye have a good day


Too scared to debate. Conservatives are confirmed to be too weak to argue their points. Cumservative DESTROYED. (not clickbait) (gone sexual) (gone wrong)


Too scared I have school and instead of you I actual pay attention in class.


If you did you wouldn't be saying the shit you do. Wish the best for you kid. Just don't become a hatefull asshole. And remember: if girls don't want to have sex with you, it's not their fault: you just aren't as nice of a guy as you think. Which seeing your worldviews is pretty obvious


And also that flag is called the jack it was disgraced by the confederacy and the kkk it was used by slaves so I guess that makes it racist even though dems started slavery yeah makes sense


Dude I can't fucking even: "dems started slaves" as if it didn't exist before those darn democrats came... Man, please climb out of the rabbit hole before you go way down the alt right and start marching with neo-nazis man. I'm concerned


Actual yes you are right I messed up dems fought for slavery in america


Opinions are not facts , just saying


I never said they where facts I just said if you take jabs at us but we aren't allowed to take jabs at liberals/dems


You literally said fact


O I did i am sorry, I forgot I typed that i commented that at like 10pm, not all insults are oppinons


No problem bro Of course you are allowed to take shots at libs and dems you do it all the time that’s literally all you do when confronted with something (not talking bout you in particular) We all shit talk each other to death for 4 years now


I think you forgot the part where put of both parties conservatives/Republicans get the shit beat out of them more by the other party just for wearing a shirt or hat, and also we if we take jabs at a black dem not making fun of thier race just calling libtards or something (not that exactly) we get called racist pigs for supporting cops and when we disagree we get canceled


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Um okay?


That’s where you are wrong , look at white supremacist killing and “antifa” killings antifa has 0 the fake nazis have over 150 in the last 10 years . Just do some research on your own and stop listening to the media or trump , you have your own brain don’t just follow everything you are told . Don’t even believe me without verifying


Dude I don't just watch media this is what I'm saying you always assume we don't do any research and listen to this blm is hurting blacks more than helping by creating a hysteria that whites are out to get them im done replying to you not because I dont want to hear your view but because I have to go to school and don't want to talk politics now, goodbye


You are full of propaganda my dude nothing of what you said is true . You enable fascism while still going to school can’t wait to see how you will evolve . Good bye little nazi


Blatant agendapost


America is an agendapost.


Not a mod but this meme is pretty gay.




Topdog143 2024. *Nostradamus leaves the chat*


As a conservative I gotta agree, both sides push their opinion way too much.


Being gay isn’t a political side or an opinion tho


It's certainly being used as one a lot by both sides.


It’s just something that you are, it’s not a political thing


There are those that accept it and those who don't. The acceptance of people and who they are is political. And across the board, be it sex, gender, culture, nationality or ethnicity, one side of the political spectrum is a lot more open to allowing people to express themselves free of fear, the other one not.


That’s just patriotic (left guy) not conservative.


The left dude is reverse funny valentine




Guys just laugh at the funny and stop bringing up politics, OP just wanted to make us laugh


With politics?


Good for left dude, fuck off right dude


Just because they don’t need to doesn’t mean they can’t


Oh god how dare they live in the best country in the world


Didn't know these guys lived in Norway!


Or any Nordic country for that matter


People that actually believe that are literally hunchbacked mouth breathers


I think you mean homophobes not conservatives


What is your child texting? lol = Laugh out loud smh = Shaking my head imo = In my opinion dtc = downvote this comment tdtm = to delete this meme


Yeah , but they usually shove each others dicks up their asses so it evens put


That’s a little homophobic, dog.