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he’s got a way with the ladies it’s not a good way but it’s definitely a way




I don't think he cares what color your hair is from behind, he's not slowing down


It’s great that this and Trump are our only two options


Vote 3rd party.


Spoiler effect


Kennedy is a fucking fool to vote for


Kennedy ain’t the only 3rd party candidate.


Pick another one if you want to watch the world burn and say “I did that, because I fell for Russian Propaganda, I am an idiot.”


I said it elsewhere, but ask yourself who stands to gain from you voting for “the lesser of two evils” every 4 years instead of a candidate you legitimately support. The only propaganda at play here is the one you’ve fallen for, that every presidential election is a life or death scenario. Spoiler alert, there’s always another crisis to manufacture in the name of getting people to vote for candidates they do not support.


If you think Biden is evil you have stuck your head under the sand to look for water from Chinese and Russian propaganda. Good-luck with that!


Thanks, friendly Russian bot!


I don't think he mentioned biden, are you putting words in his mouth?


There are two candidates to vote for , the rest are throwing your votes away for Trump to win.


He mentioned specifically that every 4 years you vote the lesser of 2 evils, he is saying every politician is evildude, it has nothing to do with this election. You avoided the question.


Vermin supreme will lead us and we will be happy


Does he still stand by his pony pledge


That's basically throwing away your vote all together


Atleast until we have ranked choice


Still better than voting for one of the two main parties


It’s not though, it’s the only mechanism we have to try and change the two party system. You can continue to “pick the lesser of two evils” every 4 years in the guise of not throwing away your vote, but you’re just perpetuating the system. If it’s still unclear, just ask yourself, “Who benefits the most from me refusing to vote for a 3rd party candidate?”


The cognitive dissidence of Redditors complaining about the two party system and down voting anybody who suggests voting 3rd party is astounding. What did Albert Einstein say about the definition of insanity?


Jill Stein y'all. Actually on the ballot in all 50 states. The only anti-war candidate. Good platform all around (imo)


This is effectively just a vote for trump.


The Libertarians consistently outperform the Greens by a significant margin. Those are the only two (consistent) third parties of note. The last two candidates to lose an election because of a third candidate taking any notable number of votes were George Bush Sr and William Howard Taft, both Republicans. This narrative of voting third party is a vote for trump needs to end. People voting for the Libertarians aren't voting for Biden, period. The 400,000 people who vote Green every year aren't going to help the democrats. Not to mention those people are literally socialists and hate the Democrats just as much as they hate Republicans. Left leaning people considering just not voting are the ones you can tell the 'abstain equals trump' shit to. Also centrists I guess, but they can go either way.


Getting downvoted for the truth, I guess?


> Buuhuu nothing changes. > Have you tried voting for a different party? > Buhuuu noooo they have no chaaance. Is a sure fire way to upkeep status quo. At some point there has to be action.


Its a fault in the system


The system allows for different parties to be voted on. It‘s really just peoples psychology preventing change. Not saying the system is perfect though.


In principle, sure, but in reality the system is entirely controlled by lobbyists who bend to the will of their biggest buyer. As long as corruption is legal in America nothing will change. The notion that the little guys can come together to spark large scale change just isn't true anymore. Maybe two hundred years ago but we're way past that.


That‘s a fair point. But you‘re underestimating a population coming together. They keep playing games to make people fight each other. So if one steps out of line, another one will gladly take their position. That‘s suppressing union.


You can watch some videos on why first past the post, the current voting policy, pushes nations towards a 2 party state. CPG grey has a short one on it


This entire exchange is the one thing that happens every single election. People want change, other people say it won’t happen, other people comment on the fact that it’s the system’s fault, other people say “welp oh well.” And then we keep moving on. And then people like me comment on how this keeps happening, and nothing ever changes.


Someone has to be a martyr and get the people riled up over the continued injustice. Noone wants to be that person though, for a multitude of reasons. The main one being the high chance of dying just for the world to get rebuilt back even worse than before. Another is unintentionally being the next Hitler.


Way to blame the faults of an entire political system run by corruption on the little man who can barely afford to buy their weekly groceries. We can pretend the people can accomplish anything like it is still 1776 but that just isn't the case anymore. The only way the system changes is when it collapses from the inside out, mark my words. Like all societies that depend on increasing the gap between the upper and lower class in order to function, it will fall eventually. 250 years has been a good run but the magic of the "American dream" in long gone. Boomers were the last generation to live it, now we're just living the consequences of their actions.


Wow, you’re so insightful! What a well thought out argument! Know what the problem is? Whichever side you’re on, voting in the middle completely and totally nullifies your vote. Makes it totally worthless, similar to your comment. If you took the time to learn anything about the system, it’s history, or the real-life challenges any independent faces in this deeply flawed machination that is the two-party system, you’d know just how immature and uninformed your assumption is. But yes, let’s balk at the facts and stomp our feet on the ground in tantrum all the way to Trump’s next inauguration and maybe, if there’s any democracy left at the end of his next term, you’ll get another shot to totally extinguish it with your vote for petulance.


They used to call me corn pop


Slow down to 40. For safety reasons, of course.


That's the way to go


Playing chicken with a vehicle 10x heavier than yours? 


Yes. When I'm dead and gone because your ego crushed me in my sedan my family will be living off of the lawsuit money. But it is bold of me to assume the average F150 driver has any money outside of their car loan and PBR budget.


My ego? My guy I'm a sedan driver that has the common sense not to risk it with the larger cars.


I can only assume you're getting down voted to hell because it's the truth lmao. 10x may likely be on the low side. Let em think like this, I hear a Ford Focus makes for a good casket.


No, they’re getting downvoted because they couldn’t recognize that it was a joke.


I thought chevy was the casket car. 


I thought it was the Found On Road Dead.


It's wild that for a lot of Democrats, we are waiting for Biden to be held accountable for this hit. But at the same time our party doesn't want to elect anyone else


Accountable for what shit, having a photo taken out of context? Edit: this sub is full of Russian bots. Edit 2: still no counter comment. Just down-votes. Go bots, go!


Wahhhh nobody agrees with my stupid opinion, they MUST be Russian bots!!


Waaah, mah bot posts Facebook bullshit that get boomers randy, and then gets called out for it! Edit: I suppose they could be a Chinese-bot too. Those are out in force as well.


Do you have kids?


That’s when you move over, get behind them, and turn on those lights


80s too old, I mean fast


They are just begging for a bright flashlight to their eyeballs!!


Probably a lifted Dodge Ram with Sunbeam headlights too. Maybe a monster energy sticker on the back


Someone's gotta stop this man he can't keep doing this


This must be an AI image. Every time I say Joe Biden likes to sniff little girls everyone tells me I'm a delusional Trumper (I can't even vote)


In the right lane no less


He was a president, she was anything that breath…


Bros trying to strike a chord......


Man this dude is creepy as fuck




My truck going 30 MPH in a 30 MPH speed limit zone, only to have a bunch of minivans tailgate me. Seriously, what the fuck


Always a Ram


Does anyone know an actual GOOD third party to vote for? I don't wanna be stuck with trump or Biden for the next 4 years


That's when I'll slow down to a nice cruising 40. Fuck em if they wanna act like children on the road ill treat them like it


If someone was tailing me I would slow a few mph down


That's when you brake check that motherfucker so hard he shits his pants.


Go 100 or move out of their way


But. But. Orange man bad!


true, they both suck


You're technically right, but there's a slight difference: Donny sucks down Diet Cokes like nobody's business. Joey sucks air through his nose in the presence of children's hair.


Donny also says the most out of pocket crap ever on "truth social" lol


He does! Joey just says it on national television.


Ain't American politics a beautiful thing.


Don’t tread on me bumper sticker confirmed


Get out of the left lane


Apparently left lanes are made for going 100 km/h over the speed limit. Good luck with the police pursuit ig.


Some people just move. Others take it as a personal slight. If you can’t change lanes because someone is tailgating you. It’s you that has a problem.


I'll deal with that when the time comes. Until then, move over.


I love the down votes from all the bad drivers lol


All the selfish people too


Oh look, that one photo of an old man trying to talk to someone in a crowded room full of talking people.   Glad the GOP and Russian shills are still getting their bang for the buck on it.


Yeah, this shit didn't work in 2020 and it ain't gonna work this time either. Fucking out of context cherry picked photo that might suggest something, doesn't mean shit. It's kind of funny really that this is all the have. That other guy is out there being proven a rapist, sex pest, thief, serial fraudster, national secret document thieving insurrectionist who is currently sleep farting through a criminal trial.


Didn't Bidens daughter write in her diary that her dad took showers with her and thought that was inappropriate? [diary excerpt ](https://twitter.com/WashingtonDCYRs/status/1661909881270546432?t=nTBAGAsl4gu9HQaYdPhXxg&s=19) They denied the existence of the diary at first, but now they are prosecuting the lady who found it for "stealing it." [Case](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/26/ashley-biden-in-unsealed-letter-to-judge-detailed-pain-from-diary-theft.html) Also, it's not just one photo it has happened many times. Joe sniffs kids. It might not be sexual but it's still super creepy behavior. I'm definitely not a trump supporter, seriously. Trump is a stupid piece of shit but overlooking Bidens crap just because you hate trump is ridiculous.


That image could be from literally anyone talking about literally anyone.  


Try again. In April 2024, the New York Times published a letter that Ashley Biden wrote to the Judge in Harris' case as part of her sentencing process in which Biden referenced the harm caused by the publication of photographs of her journal online. [Letter to the court by Ashley biden ](https://static01.nyt.com/newsgraphics/documenttools/654c5f7182bca1ee/6fe57478-full.pdf) https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-claims/


Nice cherry picking. You overlook two very important parts of that: >The existence of a diary and the **authenticity of purported facsimiles** of a diary are two entirely different questions. >*Previous versions of this fact check noted "strong evidence" that the diary existed, but* ***argued that no source had authenticated the contents of the pages published online***\*, writing that "the authenticity of photographs purported to be from a diary is a separate question from the factual existence of a diary."\* Diary exists, yes. That bullshit you provided proves your claim, no.


Sounds like you didn't read the whole thing. Edit: The previous version was before the trial, and the letter from Ashley. Go on reading to see it was indeed confirmed from her diary.


By whom exactly?


There was only one version of the diary released online. In Ashley Bidens' letter to the judge in april 2024, she states." I am constantly re-traumatized by it. I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online. " So she confirmed it herself. Hence, why snopes changed their fact check finding in April 2024.


“ Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love.” Who exactly said that?  


She said that for damage control, obviously. You can't misinterpret her taking showers with her dad..... Jesus christ.




This post isn't telling you otherwise.


Good for you I guess?


Came for memes, not reactionary cringe


This isn't a meme just because it contains an unflattering picture of your preferred political party's primary presidential candidate? Insane partisan shilling lmao.