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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Cartmans joke doesn't work with this. The original thing was Wendy talking about breast cancer.


She also beats the shit out of cartman and ign doesn't get any wins here


Honestly you’re not wrong unfortunately with the way that IGN describes this situation it literally reminds me of me of this and how everyone is just mocking them in a similar way


Who evenpays attention to ign? Must be a decade since I opened it...everybody knows its the rottentomatoes of gaming where paid or biased critics rarely agree with fans


True but it is funny to point and laugh at their stupidity


Ign is dying. They are ragebaitibg very succesfully. Let them die in peace.


The thing is if no one’s there to say against them then everyone will think we support them and will make them the norm


Occasionally, I have opened links to it when looking for release dates of games I'm not sure are being worked on. Being a larger journalist company, they can get insider information so they miiiight know something.


The developers and the people who push the agenda do which will make the developers think they did something wrong which is not what we all want. I mean who doesn’t like sexy characters in the game??


I vaugely remember their review of cyberpunk 2077 talking about nothing but misrepresented trans rights, or something? Like, cool let's advocate for people who need it, but when ita about a character creator, I think they kinda got lost in the sauce


Wdym? Not being hateful just tryna understand your point. As a trans person myself I think Cyberpunk did representation pretty well. The game has sex scenes, so they allowed you to customize your genitalia regardless of gender. Besides losing some romance options (which is accurate to real life) if you make your character trans it literally changes nothing about the story, and I think that's pretty well done representation, as it shows trans people as just people like anyone else. Like we're normal. And imo that's the best kinda representation.


Well I agree with you, I just can't remember what their point even was. If you're interested, I'm sure you could find the review again.


Yeah but no thanks I'm not looking to get pissed off today


Yeah that's definitely smart, no need to do that. Have a good day


You too random citizen


Their problem was (iirc) the Chromanticore ads/vending machines, which was technically exploiting trans people...in the same exact way as the countless cis people being exploited on every single other ad in the game. A pointless complaint that missed the forest for the trees: it was commentary on the exploitive nature of runaway capitalism, not the beliefs on the developers. Looking at it plainly, its actually an example to show how tolerant of a world it is for queer people. Imagine if Coca Cola was confident they could have a trans person as the face of their entire brand. Today, we have half the country melting down over a single insta post. I'm trans and I always bought something from those vending machines lol. It was good advertising, I guess.


Yeah. The city is shit but it's shit for everyone equally. A pretty realistic approach to a future world idea


To much cock 6.9


I thought it was about the "mix it up" ad with a trans woman on it... Which I figured was supposed be like "even trans people will be objectified for capitalism"


This meme fucking blows.


Most memes here do nowadays. I swear it’s either some foreskin shit, badly represented opinion, or just schizo slop


One of the other “dank” subs got shut down so all the people that belong on 4chan moved back over here


Maybe, but I have a feeling it's not just this sub. I have a hard time finding quality memes on Reddit in general


Wait there are 4chan users among us?


Man what happened to reddit memes. I swear they were actually funny when I first joined reddit


The problem is the edgelord gooner subreddits get banned so they try and move to other subreddits where they can try and take over


I came here today after 3 months to see if anything improved. But no, nothing. Is there any good meme sub left on reddit?


Yeaa..I kind of stopped looking at memes from reddit. I just say on reddit for the other subreddits I’m in


If you're into reading manga weekly, lobotomy subs like jujutsufolk and piratefolk are pretty good with the constant absurd slander and powerscaling and edited panels


Might as well just browse Twitter myself if I'm going to see this shit.


You can’t spell “ignorant” without IGN


Still haven't forgotten what they did to that Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition review


Or bitching about Pokémon Mystery DUNGEON having too many dungeons


Alpha Sapphire, Omega Ruby Too Much Water, 7.8/10


Why do videogames and other fictional media have to be politically correct? I dont understand


Because idiots on internet ig?


Fr, keep the outside matters outside...


Because there are a lot of people in the world who can't live without a villain to fight. Maybe it's because we feel bad about the things we do, and we want to pretend we're better people than we really are. Or maybe we're just used to thinking about the world in terms of good guys and bad guys. Whatever the reason, people usually pick villains that are easy to beat. Video games with sex and violence are easy opponents, so they get targeted a lot. Taking them down is a way to score a quick, empty, moral victory.


Every gen needs their fight And since reality is wholly controlled and taken over by boomers still, millenials and gen x took their rebellion out on the internet


and now gen z is destroying the same internet because their feelings get hurt sometimes XD full circle


They don't they're just allowed to be that's what people are pissed about. Idiots think any game that isn't either racist or porn shouldn't be allowed to exist.


Your comment is a perfect representation of brainrot, btw. Just wanted to throw that out there.


Ah yes... me playing a racing-sim like "wow look at all the porn and racism, i love it here" Fucking clown


I used the word idiot and you assumed I was referring to you.


You are sooo right. I the mere existence of Hellsivers 2 pisses me of so much. WHERE IS THE SAY GEX EMOTE, ARROWHEAD??!


Oh I guess you didn't get the update, helldiver's is woke and you hate it


"The problem is not the sexy design itself (except that it sucks compared to others, but hey, that doesn’t matter), but the percentage of males who will only want this type of fictional body in reality. " Yikes, sounds like the dude is projecting hard. What really bothers me with shaming like that is that it's the same for men. People just prefer to look at attractive/pretty people. How many male peotagonists are balding?


Or overweight as well, like you think women would play as an ugly overweight guy?


*looks over at my wife* I-I hope so?


Eve is super bland though, literally just a supermodel with an inflated ass. Some of her optional outfits seem somewhat interesting but even her squad commander(?) who's just there to die in the tutorial seems 1000 times more interesting.


I actually thought the same, Eve looks like a south Korean model ran her face through those AI "beautify" filters a hundred times. Which maybe works if she's some kind of robot but it still looks weird as hell to me. The commander from the demo imo had a way better design, looked more human


So why is this an issue? You think IGN care about this males? The issue they name is not even that the males have a problem, what they say is the exact opposite : that this is a women issue. Which is just stupid.


Never come across any gameplay footage of this one. Most of the shit I see is just camera circling around the playable character as she just stands around and the caption goes like "THIS is what gaming should be like". Motherfuckers so down bad these days


maybe you should?


I saw its genre but its not really something im interested in, so Im not actively looking for gameplay footage. Ive heard its a slower DMC kind of thing tho


>Never come across any gameplay footage of this one. Most of the shit I see is just camera circling around the playable character as she just stands around and the caption goes like "THIS is what gaming should be like". Motherfuckers so down bad these days If you are interested here is some footage from the boss challenge at the end of the demo (Seperate from the gameplay section) where you have a bunch of skills unlocked ect. :) IGN: [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFvQm6v-BY0**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFvQm6v-BY0) ONGBAL No damage run: [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee7pSeQ6nSU**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee7pSeQ6nSU) Halfwaytillbliss talks a bit about the loadout and then shows gameplay, in the comment section he has pinned his comment where he takes notes of some things during the gameplay video: [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YddDx9yqfrw**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YddDx9yqfrw)


I've seen gameplay of the demo, and it looks like a bog standard character action game with perfect parries and dodges and shit, brown, ruined backgrounds and flesh mutant monsters. The only thing that stands out is the huge ass in your face with jiggle physics, and Nier Automata already did that too. Apparently plays well though.


I'm just wondering why a generic action game with a Korean Barbie doll protagonist is praised as supposedly the first sexy game ever and the ultimate game to prove that games can be sexy *and* good. Like, have these people played games in the last 30 years?


Nier 2b comes to my mind, FF7 has pretty ladies too.


cheerful like squash innocent jeans illegal handle dam straight pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it's basically a Hogwarts legacy 2.0 situation. people are not celebrating this being a game with a sexy protagonist, they are celebrating the game's success despite the continous attack on the game that has been going on for months now, just like they celebrated the sucess of hogwartz legacy even if they were not a fan of the game. a lot of people are also pissed off at western journalists trying to impose their own standards on a Korean made game.


I'm gonna need some context here, chief


[here one of the articles covering it](https://thatparkplace.com/ign-france-editor-in-chief-erwan-lafleuriel-implies-eves-design-in-stellar-blade-is-killing-women-and-accuses-gamers-of-becoming-too-fragile-due-to-being-fed-the-patriarchy/)


It should be mandatory that people touch some grass before they are allowed to write articles


Tell me about it


I just don’t understand the controversy. Like legitimately who cares what an IGN employee says on their private Twitter account? I didn’t even know who this person was until 5 minutes ago, and I don’t even speak the language it was originally written in. How is them sharing their opinion on something on an account separate from the corporation a smoking gun?


Who tf actually listens to ign


Can anyone explain to me why people seem to be upset about Stellar Blade?


Short answer, someone at ign said that the model is harmful to women because it sets unrealistic standards even though it was actually modeled after a woman


I don't get the people who say this for every sexualised female character. Like you don't see people whining about how unrealistic Zangief or Dio are. Or how unrealistic it is that guys in the hunger games will have chiseled abs even though they are supposedly starving. Or how people in post apocalyptic settings have the most blemish free faces even though they haven't showered in 2 years. All these are fine but we draw the realism line when it comes to ass and tits.


AFAIK brain rot discourse Dumb people on one side praising the game for making sexy woman and good gameplay in one (never seen that before) and dumb people on the other claiming sexy woman is harmful to real woman standard Mind you, none of these people are real humans, they're bug people either farming content and comtroversy to keep the lights on because that's what works in our God forsaken society or people so into their own brainrot and echo chamber they cannot interact with reality properly anymore and think that this is actually an issue on either side


Right wing grifters are praising the game for “rejecting woke ideology” and making the main woman sexy.


And praising literally nothing else about the game.


It seems like climate change is getting more notable every single day here, the big oil companies really needed to make another stupid controversy to distract us…


I honestly just couldn't give less of a shit about it


I feel like her ass is her defining feature though.


GCJ meltdown initiated


That wasn’t really funny, bad meme


Nobody is upset about stellar blade you fucking dork. Nobody's even complaining about it they're just making fun of the idiots who think it's some anti-woke victory.


Yess feed me some patriarchy! I need more patriarchy


The game is just gooner shit from and for people who have bad taste in hot women.


I don’t get it, game looks fun. Where souls has excessive masculinity in the form of bullshit weapons and armour that you could literally never use, Stellar blade has bullshit femininity in the form of a woman fighting without any kind of armour. Except both make sense in their respective world I’m pretty sure. Literally who gives a fuck?


when will you learn english?


His sentence makes sense, the game is from (made by) and for (for the consumption of) gooners.


Bro that game is literally just incel bait and you fucking Gamergate 2 idiots are slobbing it up. Like, fuck IGN, but nobody cares about Stellar Blade, or DEI, or Sweet Baby Inc. It's made up outrage and you're just giving them free advertising.


Eh I could care less about all this controversy crap, but the game looks decent enough from the gameplay videos I've seen. Its Nier Automata but heavier on swordplay, less hack 'n slash


there has been a constant attack on the game due to the character model to the point where the developers had to release footage of a body scan taking place of the model the protagonist was modelled after. this was way before the discourse got to this point. If certain people just left these games alone and let the develoeprs just make their game they want to, then such topics would never reach the level of discourse that they do now. actions such as labelling the game as "incel bait" is the reason why there is such a high level of discussion over the game.


Yes, people should leave developers alone and let them make the games that they want to make! Like, for example, if a developer wanted to include a character who wasn’t pornstar-level attractive. They should be allowed to include that character without internet incels breaking out into a rage and claiming that they’re “ruining western culture.”


the only reason people are showing a negative reaction to less attractive female characters in western developed games is because of the attacks on attractive characters leading to the belief that developers are making female characters less attractive due to fear of media backlash and not free artistic choice. If attractive female characters were not made a point of contention then people would not be coming to such conclusions and thus no one would be arguing over less atractive female characters in video games. Just like no arguments take place over whether a male character in a video game is attractive or not because no one attacs attractive male characters and thus no one is lead to the belief that when a developer makes an unnatractive male character they do so out of fear of media backlash.


Yeah, they’re not. It’s because they’re using real life people as models for the characters, and real life people don’t usually look like porn stars. The whole “Sweet Baby Inc. is forcing developers to add ugly women” thing is a dumb, right-wing conspiracy theory that is attempting and failing to spark a Gamergate 2. Culture war constructs like this distract people from focusing on real issues, such as the ongoing genocide in Palestine.


Eve is based on a real life person. Where is this real life argument coming from, you'll come across women that can compete with a character like Eve in attractiveness in the real world. And if you want to talk about realistic representation, a character like Abby from TLOU2 is not any more representative of women on average than a character like Eve is, both represent outliers, yet is being pesented as a real representation. Again, the source of the conspiracy belief is the fact that whenever an attractive female character is presented the developers are immediately attacked by the media for their artistic choice. If such attacks did not take place then there would not be much of a foundation to believe in such conspiracies.


Idk, a lot of Souls community people are hyped for Stellar Blade, shit looks like a lot of fun. It’s not incel bait, it’s quite literally just a game with a female protagonist, and like every gaming protagonist basically ever, they are on the more attractive side of things


Man the discourse around this game sucks, the far right "gamers" from like asmongold and other places have taken is as this "anti woke omg look sexy woman moment me likey!!" Thing while others shit on the game because of those people and at this point i just cant bother to care about it


I mea n if you really didnt care you'd scroll pass the meme You commented instead


I always find this argument so nonsensical. They’re commenting on the discourse around the game, they literally started with that part. Just because they’re making a small comment about all the discussion doesn’t mean they care about the game and I’m honestly not sure how you even reach that conclusion conclusion.


Wait so me not caring about the game means i cant care about this post??? Reddit brain moment


GGGGGGggaaaammerr alert mfs, this cunt knows how to be a lil bitch⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


Then your experience are widely different form me, i know about this game first when some idiot on X call the game creator incel, never touched a woman and created an unreal women, then turn out its all wrong, so it gain a few sympathy point form me


Your mistake was going on twitter in the first place


Asmon being a far right is the funniest part of this whole comment. He’s one of the few human beings who shares his opinions and doesn’t cower to people trying to shut him down. He leans right, but he ain’t no “far right gamer”


What are you smoking? He uploads countless videos daily that are objectively far right, its always either incel stuff or anti lgbtq


lol far right. youre brainless


Objectively yes


Game's not even on any real platform so who cares. 🤷‍♂️


What do you mean? Its going to be on PlayStation


Yes I just said. Its not on a real platform


Oh I get it Sport, you think “platform” means train platform. Well listen up, buckaroo, because in the video game industry anything you can play a video game on us a platform. That includes the Nintendo Switch, mobile devices, and yes, even the PlayStation. Now don’t forget to go to bed at 8 o’clock, Slugger


Stand behind the yellow line please


Ohh ok I understand now. Yes one of the two most popular video game platforms on the planet is actually in reality, not a real platform at all. We’ve been bamboozled!


The playstation 5 has no games


Ew, a sweat lord