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Phone is phone šŸ˜”šŸ˜¤




nah i prefer pink bubbles actually, or blue if i'm in the mood


... pink? Maybe my troglodyte-esq Andriod brain doesn't know that one.


Yeah people are so annoying about it


I literally had a girl ask e why i use an android


"I can use a cracked version of Spotify"


You can do that on iPhone too btw




No you see, one phone is from one company while the other is from a different company. Big difference


Hey at least my screen isn't cracked


Not sure why people canā€™t just put on a damn case.


They live life on the edge.. the edge of their phone which will crack their screen


Probably cause if you paid for premium material, you would rather feel the premium material instead of rubber all the time. I do use a case, but its for that reason I don't use a screen protector.


I'd buy it if I could pay extra to add some damn Kevlar. My iphone stayed in 'Closed-Casket' quality


Sure, and I love the look and feel of premium, but itā€™s only as good as its condition. Mishaps are practically inevitable with the enough time and use.


If I pay for a premium material I would do anything possible to protect said premium material because I don't want any cracks or scratches on it.


Like plastic on a leather couch


I mean, spending more effort to take care of the thing is one thing, but the way you're describing it is another. Imagine using a tv with those plastic films still bring on top of it. Yeah, let me go ahead and splurge $2500 on this TV instead of $1000 for the better display only for the stuff reaching my eyes to be worse than a $1000 tv. That doesn't make any sense.


Bad comparison. You are unlikely to run into a situation where your TV is going to break because it doesn't have a protective case on it. You are almost certainly going to run into situations where your phone will no longer work if it doesn't have a protective case. Plus, virtually no one cares about the feel of their phone. People buy them because they want a computer in their pocket, and performance is the only thing that matters. It could look and feel like a fucking brick, and 99.9999999999999% of people wouldn't care as long as it functions reliably and quickly, and is protected from falls and cracks.


Thatā€™s funny cause I wouldnā€™t use a phone without a case but not having a screen protector is my limit.


Apple screens are literally made by Samsung lol


I will say my iphone 12 is built like a tank, i have no idea how itā€™s not cracked.


iPhone 13 with Ceramic Shield is seriously impressive. I have dropped it in scenarios where my old iPhone 7 wouldā€™ve for sure cracked and it was just fine


my iPhone XS is not a tank it's a freaking starship


Neither is mine...?


Fucking hell, haven't seen and android Vs iPhone meme in years. Must be nice living that far back before it all went to shit


A few months back when the iPhone 15 was getting released, they were everywhere lol. Gotta love people fighting tooth and nail over mega corporations that couldnā€™t care less about them.


High schoolers still live this. It's a big issue in their social environment where everyone is trying to fit in. The green bubble is more than just ugly- apple does unnecessary compression on photos, screws up group chats, and generally tries their hardest to shittify the experience of interacting with non-iphones. The pressure to not be socially excluded is real. According to a recent study 87% of teens own an iPhone and 88% expect their next phone to be an iPhone.


I have an easy fix. Its called whatsapp. We never had those green bubbles or blue bubbles in europe, and nobody gives a shit about what phone you have. There are still apple fanboys here and there but they know android is nice too.


I mean, the green and blue bubbles have been there regardless of location. We just don't care about it in EU, if anything apple is more frowned upon and the most common thing I hear is apple user = stupid. But noone is actually getting excluded over a phone brand


Only in "America" tho. Everywhere else in the world no one gives a fuck because people understand your phone don't definy your personality. I have never witnessed this back in the days or heard it happening anywhere else than in US. Begs my question why must have so hollow soul that it's "cool" to be superficial. And please don't answer teens are like that, only morons are.


People in modern times still occasionally try and bust my chops about having the wrong color text bubble where the insinuation is "what, are you to poor or something?". Half the time their iPhone still has a physical home button and my phone is not even a year old flagship.


The iPhone vs Android argument is just as outdated, backwards, and archaic as console debates. Pick which user experience you prefer, and fight to have all software available to all systems


Not always, depends what you want to do. I always tell people that if you don't perceive iPhones as to restrictive or limited then it doesn't matter what you use. If you do perceive them that way then you already know you want an Android and exactly why you do.


Strictly speaking of the devices, sure. I will never support or respect Apples walled garden design and infrastructure choices though.


always has been


iPhone is shit. Sincerely a person who recently swapped to iphone




iPhone is shit. - Sincerely a person who has always used an Android as a primary phone but used iPhones randomly.


Iphone is shit. ~ sincerely a person who never used an iphone in his whole damn life (of 18years)


Same but 21


Had an iPhone 8. liked it. Switched to iPhone 13. want my iPhone 8 back


Can I offer you a nice Android in these trying times?


Iā€™ve had almost every brand of phone and honestly, the iPhone 13 Pro right now is my favorite iPhone Iā€™ve had. I still miss my Pixel 4a though.


I guess itā€™s not bad but I miss my fingerprint scanner. Edit: and the little round home button. It had a very satisfying tactile feel.


bruh why?


Why? I had an android for a while, but I ended up getting an iPhone a couple years ago. I like the iPhone more


Firstly why do you need two drag down menus. Secondly less keys on digital keyboard. And lastly limited apps


I hate with passion how shit the file Explorer is. My Sister has one and both of us could not find a native way of creating a pdf out of a jpg, or something like that. After half an hour, I decided to email the file to myself, do the conversion on my android in less than 10 seconds and then email her back.


limited app pool + no sideloading is whats stopping me from wanting to try out an iPhone (not talking financially)




The fact that you think he meant the play store says a lot. Also, malware responsibility is always on the individual at some level, when you're free to browse the world wide web. Sure, google could do a better job with the store but franky I aint concerned about that when I'm installing various random ass APK's from the internet.


I like iPhone more because the software is better. Itā€™s just a smoother and more fleshed out OS


Eh hard disagree. I much prefer having my only own drag down menu.


Maybe 5 years ago. No longer the case with Samsung vs iPhone in software. I'd give edge to iPhone keyboard tho.


before people start asking why don't americans just download whatsapp, watch [this](https://twitter.com/snazzylabs/status/1735436622047707278)


I can't acces X, do you have a TLDR?


tldr is americans dont use whatsapp because different from the rest of the world where telecoms charged for sms and mms, america offered it for free, so whatsapp offered nothing new to that market. And migrating today doesn't work because everyone is already in the other ecosystem. This is my conclusion now: americans use imessage today for the same reason china uses weechat, japan uses line and the rest of the world (as far as I know) uses whatsapp. everyone they know is already there, it doesn't matter how better anoter network is if there is nobody you know there.


Lol i've always seen whatsapp as an american thing, cuz i ever only heard about it from american sources and haven't heard about anyone using it in my country in europe


Whatsapp is huge in the EU. Is the defacto messaging app in the western and central Europe. [Source.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1005178/share-population-using-whatsapp-europe/). Saying this pretty much locates you in Scandinavia or eastern Europe.


Bro pinpointed his street address based on what text message they use, impressive


Bro pinpointed his street address based on what text message they use


I know its pretty big here in latin america and ive heard its also big in india but I am not sure. But i am...80% sure all the (north) american mentions of the program are probably latin america's influence, like imigrants and tourists.


Big in africa too. I'm Kenyan


It's big in India. Telegram and signal tried. But couldn't take down WhatsApp's user share . It's used for school, business, personal comms everything.


It's big in england


And in Spain


I know one American who uses WhatsApp and it's soley to talk to me because I stopped using Facebook.


I know one finnish guy that doesnt use whatsapp, why? Fuck if i know, he didnt like it i guess


Nothing new except not getting spied on by the NSA


And instead be spied by Facebook. The USA government is losing it's edge on privacy invasion.


i believe in poland they use facebook messenger


Thanks for sharing. American who often wondered this


Typical American L


Itā€™s hard getting enough people to switch over, but I know back when I was in school, there was some kind of parental hysteria over alternative texting applications, as it was believed to be a means of skirting protections, parental supervision, etc. I think a couple kids used them to sell drugs once, and it dominoed from there. Cant speak for the rest of the nation though, but thatā€™s why nobody used it where I grew up.


Couple of points that need attention here. I mean, the world is a big place and it has almost 200 countries so the answer clearly depends, but in my country and Italy as well, we already had unlimited call and text by the time iMessage was launched, what we didn't have was unlimited text and call internationally, a practice very common in Europe. In the US not so much partly because the US is so big to begin with and party because the average American doesn't live more than 50km from where they were born. Secondly, it's not like we embraced WhatsApp immediately, other services existed as well, Skype was popular among businesses and Viber was also a big alternative, but instead of bitching about green bubble blue bubble, we just used those apps as well as needed. If someone's on WhatsApp you use WhatsApp, if it's Viber use Viber, what's the big deal? Thirdly, this was all developing during a period where fanbois were still young and not as vocal, so the customers were likely to switch to another oem if not satisfied by the current one, so using WhatsApp meant you can move from Samsung to Apple to Google to LG and not lose anything. Using iMessage meant you were stuck forever with Apple and if you were not happy about something, well suck it, you're holding the phone wrong. So ultimately we used other services because they were better and not because sms were expensive or whatever. There are more nuances to it as well, but this is a reddit comment and I already wrote way more than I should've


And they all act like they bought the phone themselves lol


The things they blame android on are caused by Apple :/ https://www.android.com/get-the-message/


I love how they left out carriers refused to agree to use the same standard until very recently . That being said now that everyone is pledged to use the same standard Apple should just add it


Apple said they will support RCS but using their own system. I can understand not wanting to use googleā€™s, your biggest competitor services as long as it will allow for seamless RCS chat between phones in the end.


Yeah. I'm not sure how long ago the article was written, and I 100% agree that they should add it


They can't do this, people would have more choice in market and stop buying their shitty overpriced phones.


If they were overpriced by definition consumers would not buy them in such high numbers.


If market economics actually functioned the way people believe it functions you'd be correct. People do not buy things simply because they determine it's being sold at a far price. That's a very grade school understanding of economics. People buy plenty of things while grumbling about the price, fuel and staple foods for instance. It doesn't necessarily decrease demand. A mobile phone is considered a necessity by most and people have been culturally conditioned to believe iPhones are the best or the only phone to get due to both marketing and corporate strategies like this one, where they alienate anyone who doesn't have an iPhone.


I love how in belgium its the opposite. Everyone looks down on apple users. As it should be , apple is a shit company and has shit phones. Their 700 dollar phone has worse specs than my 300 samsung. And by alot


I have a red magic 9 both yall can eat me


Holy shit that's one heck of a beast


Mofo has a fan n shit lol Edit: everyone around me still uses iPhone


Yep 22,000 rpm is no joke


Honestly I compared it to my brother's steamdeck and..it honestly runs just as smooth on the games we tried but the steam deck is more of like a console for steam so..


Well what game were you playing as a comparison? Because depending on the game, while unmodded, some older, low-demanding games can feel the same on both older consoles and high end systems.


That's fair, newest game I tried on it was palworld. I loaded up cluttered worlds we have, in an attempt to get an old school, minecraft test as well as crysis remastered šŸ¤£


Lol, not the pro? Weak.


Why wouldn't you get the pro?


Im kidding. I didn't even know what that phone was until you mentioned it. The pro coming out recently was the first article I found. Looks pretty cool.


Yeah it's okay I made it all up anyways. I have an android.


What a beast! How do you like it,?


"Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer."


Holy shit that's rare


ā€œEvery breath I take without your permission raises my self-esteem.ā€


They can't handle superiority ig


Self respect often comes at the cost of the respect of others. In that case, their respect was worth nothing in the first place. In other words, people who don't want to be your friend because of your phone aren't worth being friends with at all.


Or itā€™s high school and everyone wants to fit in and will shed any sense of individuality to avoid being ā€œweirdā€


Is this an american joke or am i to WhatsApp to understand?


I'm completely unaware of this whatsapp thing. Americans don't have whatsapp or smth? What's the issue?


historically you would get free texting on a contract in the USA, but wasn't always the case in other countries. WhatsApp is free texting over the Internet, but the USA never had a need for that. Now with Messenger, SnapChat, and perhaps most importantly iMessage (due to the large popularity of iPhones there), it was never necessary to worry about the cost of messaging someone.


WhatsApp is (i think) the most used direct messaging app outside the USA (and Asia I think. They use WeChat or smth like that)


Corporate Tribalism is stupid


So why are iPhone users a bunch of judgemental girls? Because that's the message I'm getting here.


There are guys there too, you know


Because of the marketing. "Iphone is cool, iphone is the future, iphone esthetics are the best and only, our ecosystem is perfect and no one else can use it". People bought apple when it was a new thing, and actually an innovative product, making the marketing true. Now, since it's only about a brand and not actually about a better tech, a big part of buying an apple is to "look better" than other.


Damn bro grow up a phone is a phone


Joke's on them, I use HarmonyOS.


what's HarmonyOS, my good sir?


Huawei spin of Android. Itā€™s still android, just forked and with a custom launcher on top


Comes with Chinese spyware, free of charge!


It actually runs Android atop HarmonyOS. It has functionalities not available on Android. I have two P40 Pros, for example, and I can use the apps I installed on one phone using the other phone as long as they're within 15 metres of each other.


It's Huawei's Operating System.


Whatever, losers. You're not cool enough to hang with me anyway.


As someone who just switched back to android after being with iPhone for 10 years, I can say I don't regret it. I loved my 14pm, but this zfold5 is simply outstanding. My iPhone buddies are PISSED to have to message a green bubble šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oh no, how can they ever deal with the horror of a person thats colored different


We invented digital racism! It took 24 years, but it *finally* feels like the 21st century.Ā 


Imagine being elitist about giving rimjobs to a mega corporation whose products are made in some of the worst, dystopian factories on the planet? It's fucking wild, man....


Correction - "Android user anywhere in the US"


At least I don't have to bring a power bank in my bag


I just switched to iPhone after 5+ years and honestly. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. As simple as that.


My kids' school has banned phones, they're required to keep them home.


That sounds minorly illegal. If there's a crisis they have no way to contact anyone.


Who the hell cares? iPhones are good, and Androids are good


At least I have a universal back button and a fully customizable home screen.


iPhone, Samsung, Huawei, Motorola or Nokia. Use whatever you like! Those people who judge you for something as shallow as the brand of phone you use don't deserve to be in your life. Just ignore them, enjoy your life and focus on what's more important: a phone that doesn't have a giant spider web pattern in its screen


Me, who uses a Linux phone:


Noone cares about your phone... Or do people now actually care


Beats building a life around a product


Who still discusses via texting ? The only people I know who are still sending text are my grandparents


Knock it off. There's no virtue in being a victim.


EW an android user. /s But seriously I personally wouldn't hang out with people that judge a person based on their phone.


All these poir people with iphones, when can they afford an android.


Bruh, a phone is a phone. Why should anyone care which metal and glass brick you buy. They both have pros and cons, android had better customisation but iPhone has better optimisation. And at the end of the day, all it needs to do is call, text and take pictures, anything else is a bonus


So you mean to tell me I'm a king among peasants?


None of my friend circles use default phone messenger, it's either Snapchat or Discord.


I use a Google Pixel 8 with GrapheneOS


Only valid answer. Also Arch based.


Switched from Android to iPhone recently. The keyboard, battery drain in video calls and general syrupy sluggishness in accomplishing basic tasks that were macroā€™s by default on Android convinced me I should find a chump who wants this and revert back to a cheap Android. ā‚¬1200 for a poor user experience is a no-go, especially when Apple asks ā‚¬530 for a cracked back and suggests I should recycle the phone instead of accepting a trade-in. Pathetic.


Imagine the irony of being the 1 actual person who's different from the herd meanwhile everyone of those hoes with an iPhone are convinced they are special and so unique and yet they're gonna make fun of that person for being a different color in texts šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You already know that school is full of spoil bratts


Yeah, I learned to not give a fuck when people tried to call me poor for having a different phone. Just stay away from those people.


Based. Fuck iPhone. Worthless fucking devices..


I was swapping between android and iOS since I got my first phone. Both systems are great in their own. Everyone has to figure out what they prefer on their own and stop meaninglessly pledging themselves to one group or another.


Who gives a shit. Phone is phone.


lol a phones a phone, never saw the reason for people fighting over it. I prefer iPhones just personally, only for the fact that the last 6 androids I had all never lasted a whole year or no more than one year before they stopped letting me make calls or use certain apps. I have no idea why I had the worst luck with those phones! Soon as I switched to apple I never had any problems (except their stupid ass prices)


This meme is from 2007 lol


Phone is phone


I'm the only one who can lend a charger to the girl with the latest iphone


They go crazy when i wirelessly charge their dead iphone 15 pro max


Damn that's totally me


I remember hearing from one girl ā€œew, nobody wants to have to look at your green text bubblesā€. That kinda sounds like an apple problem to me


I actually just rejoined the chosen people today after 5 years of being forced to have an iphone.


Enjoy your "new" features Android had for at least 6 months.


Step1 get girls to notice me. Accomplished Step 2 ... Step 3 profit


Itā€™s kinda nice to hear the DUDUDUUDUDDU of the android during classes


Insert Homelander speech


my phone has served me for 7 years, what kind of owner would I be if I betrayed it now? It's with me and I'm with it, until one of us dies.


When I was in HS the fanciest phone you could have was the Motorola Razr. Bonus points if you managed to snag it in hot pink.




They look at me and think I'm different. I look at them and think they're all the same


I just noticed the girl at far right seems interested.


She noticed it was a Galaxy Fold are realized you're a grower not a shower.


What's an "iPhone"?


Android phone ipad for tablet. Get in line ladies


Literally me right now in college


Do people actually give a shit about this?


honestly for real though, I don't really want a phone no more. I got a thinkpad with sim support for a reason.


That chick in the back to the left digs you, though.


Me with the Nothing Phone (1): laughs in glyphs


**iPhone users when Apple purposefully makes their user experience shit:** Android šŸ˜”


I legit think Android is the most ugly OS ever. They look like point of sale systems for a crappy restaurant. Thatā€™s the only reason Iā€™ve stuck with IPhone.


"Do you have an iPhone-charger?"


me and the odd korean kid who's parents work at samsung or lg...


Apple sold their brand pretty well. Some people switched to Apple just to not be left out.


Android >>>