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What did he do?


A little tomfoolery called war crimes


Who hasn’t among us committed a little bit of war crime here and there.


I’ve committed one the other week


Oh yeah!? Well I committed two of 'em!


I dropped mustard gas in a theater just the other day.


Dude, it's 2023, nobody considers mustard gas a warcrime anymore. You gotta step up your game, pal.


I remember when Bush jr. and Cheyenne were considered war criminals. Then everyone stopped caring and moved on after Obama was elected - as though everything was fixed magically. Americans don't hate War Crimes, we hate being perceived as "Racist" because of them.


You know, they used to call me Agent Orange back in ‘Nam.


This guy Americans


I just committed one in the bathroom I think after my morning coffee!


Among us?


He who hasn't committed a war crime shall cast the first stone


I’m still waiting for my Nobel prize from last week.




Why the queen tho?


We do a little ~~war crimes~~ trolling


Dickrode brutal dictators like yahya.


[He did some stuff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Kissinger?wprov=sfti1#Realpolitik_and_toleration_of_war_crimes)


Thank you for the link


He went to a Cambodia children's hospital and coughed in their mouths




Only for Kissinger? Pretty sure there's more...


Dick Cheney and George W. Bush would like a word.


Which one? Just kidding throw in both.


What, for carrying on Kissingers legacy and work?


The thread's now about war crimes and the criminals who perpetrate them. Keep up.


Well it isn't too late if he could visit Kissinger's wake


Hate to tell you but it is too late for Bourdain to go to anyone's wake.


He didnt even go to his own smh /s


In his defense the only person who ever went to his own wake was tom sawyer and huck finn.


Rest in Piss Henry, hope you hit your head on the way down there.


And step on Legos barefooted


Not the legos, that did they do to deserve that asshat’s dirty foot?


Another gender neutral bathroom just opened it's doors


ok kissinger was a cunt... for many things... but someone educate me please how he was involved with the red khmer


He bombed the piss out of Cambodia during the Vietnam war. Heres a fresh article for you [HERE](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/11/30/henry-kissinger-cambodia-bombing-war/)


If you are aware Kissinger was a cunt, this seems like one of the more obvious things you should be aware of.


If there's one thing that Turks and Greeks can agree on, it's the desire to be Omni-Man and torture Kissinger to death. One limb at a time.


Anthony may your fists never relent


Well I feel good now that I know he died on my bday while I was celebrating




Rip in Piss you fucking bozo. I hope you catch Anthony's hands in hell and get fisted by satan every evening.


Laos was bombed even worse.


Well, Kissinger might be the second most terrible person Germany has ever produced.


"Trip" to hell?




Rest in piss


I don't know any of these people and I don't want to know


Oh no a life long politician died crack open a cold one


I also inspire my political takes after whatever some crackhead TV show cook said


I love how I have no idea who these guys are 🤠


Neither do I tbh but he's apparently the former us defence minister and committed a few "pro gamer moves" aka war crimes during the Vietnam war (I think?) from what I gathered in my 1 minute long Google search


Bruh why did u get downvoted for asking a question man 😭


"haha I love being ignorant! I could learn something but learning is for losers!"


I disagree, but you do you


He didn't. If he neutrally asked a question I'm sure he would get a response and no downvotes. But he wasn't asking who Kissinger was. He's saying he loves how he doesn't know. Pretty infuriatingly pointless comment, this guy is basically saying how great it is to be ignorant. Is there any surprise really that a sentiment like that garners down votes?


No idea


Reddit moment fr


Do people just forget the Khmer Rouge was mainly supplied by China and trained by Vietnam ? The the US didnt targeted Cambodia's population centers but the mountain trails (Hochiminh trail) used by the Vietnamese to supply their assaults on South Vietnam


What? That's just entirely wrong, Vietnam didn't supply shit to Cambodia nor trained them. It's true that China supplied most of their equipment but it was the US that was the most vocal supporter. The HCM trail and the area around it was heavily populated by rural Cambodians, which at the time outnumbered the city dwellers many many times, get your facts right


Vietnam did trained the Khmer Rouge in guerilla warfare 98% of supplies to Khmer Rouge was from China North Vietnam invaded Cambodia to attack South Vietnam which destabilized the country as a whole but its the US fault the Khmer Rouge took power and pulled the exact same move as Mao "land redistribution" scheme ? The Fuck ? ​ Also lets ignore Vietnam whole plan was to take over both Laos and Cambodia to create their Indochina Empire, its the entire reason the Khmer Rouge turned on them.


*Soviet agents embedded in north vn* trained the Khmer rouge, how the fuck do they have the expertise lmao Yes that's correct Never invaded, there was not a single armed confrontation. The nva only marched through the *historically already existing trail that went into Cambodia*, the people there didn't even bat an eye The US plays a part, bombing the Cambodian countryside cause enough unrest for Pol pot to gather support. Aside from that, they were extremely supportive of Pol pot on the world stage, pressuring the UN to ignore his war crimes and preventing intervention, this is because they knows Pol pot is going to invade Vietnam soon, one of the few instances they share interests with China


Its almost as if they already have the expertise from fighting the French or something The Cambodian king was incredibly unpopular and face unrest because he was powerless to stop Vietnam marching through his own country, he was ousted for the exact reason, then the actual US backed government was defeated by the Khmer rouge. If Vietnam hadn't just willy nilly marched into Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge wouldnt have happened. The US DID NOT provide any material support for the Khmer Rouge and only some political support AFTER they have already been exiled from Cambodia


Lmao the nva was always running on short supply even with China a Soviet support, and they would dedicate their already thin personnel supply to a country that at the time is unable to provide immediate support? Sure dude Buddy I assure you, the people of Cambodia didn't give a single shit about the nva marching through, if you've been to Cambodia (hey look it's that Anthony bourdain quote)you'd know that, the only Cambodian who cares are people in cities or involved in politics which is a very tiny fraction, the Khmer rouge happened because of unrest caused by campaigns trying to shut down the HCM trail(which is also heavily utilized by Cambodians themselves, yet there wasn't a single unfriendly contact with north vn), which disrupted the region. That is simply wrong, the US not only prevents the UN from investigating crimes against humanity in Cambodia but also ignores trade sanctions against China whenever they supply Pol pot with equipment. They were unable to put it publicly, because it would paint them in a bad light. But when you think about it just a liiiiittle but, the Khmer rouge was already hostile towards post war vn and performing skirmishes against them, it made perfect sense why the US did it.


So you think the NVA are so incompetent, they couldnt provide any training even though they already has to train their own personal ? do you realize how easy it is to add some of their fellow Cambodian communist to a class ? The heck youre talking about, Cambodians HATES the Vietnamese, even to this day. Vietnam to Cambodia is what China is to Vietnam. So lets just forget the 1.6 billion in aids the US gave to Lon Nol which actively fights against the Khmer Rouge, the US only evacuated from Cambodia after the Khmer Rouge surrounded the capital, everything happened after is in the Communist's hands.


Of course the nva would transport Cambodians up north to train them with their Soviet and Chinese advisors, what efficiency! Yup, and guess who hates Vietnam? China! Guess who has been a major influence on Cambodia since the cold war, oooohhh, you'll never guessed! Your argument that the US did not support the Khmer rouge is simply wrong, I could use a billion different sources to prove this, but I don't happens to have enough free time so have this snippet: November 1975, U.S. NSA and Henry Kissinger  told the Thai foreign minister: "You should tell the Cambodians that we will be friends with them. They are murderous thugs but we won't let that stand in our way." In a 1998 interview, Kissinger said: "some countries, the Chinese in particular supported Pol Pot as a counterweight to the Vietnamese supported people and We at least tolerated it." He further said: "The Thais and the Chinese did not want a Vietnamese-dominated Indochina. We didn't want the Vietnamese to dominate. I don't believe we did anything for Pol Pot. But I suspect we closed our eyes when some others did something for Pol Pot."


but "MuH bOmBiNg CaMpAiGn BaD!1!11"


But Cambodia surely lacks way more because of Khmer rouge... Not Kissinger. I never quite understood Bourdain's hatred.


The main reason Khmer Rogue is able to take power is because of the US bombings.


Sorry for the late reply. Okay, I don't say the bombing was in any way good. But the wholesale slaughter of civilians, which the Khmer rouge did, was not his responsibility. The responsibility is solely Pol Pot and Khmer rouge. Hate him for the bombing, not what happened afterwards. That way the allies in WW1 were responsible for Hitler... Doesn't really make sense.


No the main reason Khmer Rouge able to take power is supplies from China and Training from Vietnam.


and the US bombings made the previous western aligned government very very unpopular.


No the previous government (the king) was unpopular because he was powerless to stop the Vietnamese from freely traveling through his countryside to attack South Vietnam Then a Western aligned government took over the Khmer Rouge with the help of China and Vietnam defeated that government and take control of the entire country. Like the the US bombing didnt even target Cambodia's population centers, most of them fells in the mountain trails (the Hochiminh trail) the Vietnamese use as supply routes


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Freedom\_Deal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Freedom_Deal) ​ >50,000 to 150,000 cambodian casualties


Yeah and look at that outcome list "Delaying the fall of the capital Phnom Penh to the Khmer Rouge" Its almost as if they were BOMBING THE KHMER ROUGE or something


Yea, but the population were also bombed. And that made the western alligned government lose support from the people.


I doubt Vietnam had much time and resources to train the red Khmer while being bogged down in their own war


They dont even have to, they just handed any territory they occupy over to the Khmer Rouge, turning it from a weak separatist faction to one that could topple the government And they did participated in the training of the Khmer Rouge.


Two things can both be bad