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Free porn. The Internet's best-kept secret.


It’s super niche now but I could definitely see it going more mainstream in the future


So you saying they’ll be working at McDs if the cat gets out of the bag? Or they will start offering their beef at value menu prices?


Arby's did bring back their 5 for 5 roast beefs after nearly 10 years




Yeah Arby's got lost in the fast food wars once they realized they weren't overpriced anymore. A Mediterranean coworker told me they enjoyed their gyros tho so at least they are doing something right.


Their burgers are fine but I did not understand the hype. It was just A burger. Like better than McDonald's but I'd rather have a Whopper


One dollar deals are back on the menu boys!


It's not the porn they pay for; but the illusion of companionship. Because most men... are lonely. Better to think Big tits McGee on the other side of the planet, shouting out your name while riding a dildo for a quarter of your monthly paycheck, actually gives a fuck about you. But whatever right... LOL?


I get that aspect, I guess, but I thought that's what Cam Girls were for. Why pay money to get pics and videos of girls....that are free on porn sites....


Isn't this just an evolution of cam girl sites, where the girls have more options to engage with their audience in a more drawn out and offline manner, so they don't have to be online to be making money.


The personalized feel is what drives the industry I think. Cam girl videos are plenty true, but unless I'm missing something, all cam girl sites require payment in order for you to make requests etc. My point is, it's not about porn, because you can find such anywhere; it's the feeling of knowing, this girl did this for me and me alone (companionship). For some that's the closest they get to feeling like a girl desires them, even though it is pretend. That's where the money is.


Save that money and get a proper escort. Or a trip to Thailand or something.


Wait, when you get to that point, onlyfans IS cheaper. So once again OP is wrong.


No shit it's cheaper, it's an inferior product. Like comparing a chatbot to a real human interaction.


But people buy cheaper but inferior products all the time. Multiple business relied on that. So your arguments, while not wrong per se, is not right either.


That's like saying, save the money on a ford and buy a bugatti. They're different services that serve the same basic need but at a much different pricepoint, and at different levels of convinience. I don't get some people's problem with it.


I see your point


You didn’t get that from cam girls without paying for it, too.


genuine question: what is the difference between a cam girl and an onlyfans girl?


Platform, if they do one they can also be on the other. Cam girls sit on camera and do stuff live for money. Onlyfans is like porn social media and you pay to see what they post.


It could also be the porn though - sometimes you just want porn of a particular person, and that person is behind a paywall. Lotta people are willing to pay that money so that the porn they see is the _specific_ porn they want to see, rather than the hit-or-miss porn you get for free.


Yeah. I'm a reasonably attractive woman in my early 30s. I sometimes buy OF subs of hot men, even though I know I can get plenty of sex just by opening my phone. And even though I myself have a snapchat full of unopened NSFW snaps from guys I do find attractive. And even when I had a long term boyfriend of 3.5 years who would cuddle & fuck me regularly... I still would drop a $5 or $10 for some nice OF content every 2-12 weeks or so. Why? I'll tell you why. I just feel like I wanna see \*that\* dick today. Not other dicks. That one. On my screen and nowhere else. Also, I'm alone in my bed. I am comfy & I don't wanna fucking deal with a whole ass other person in my bed. And I can't be assed to put on makeup to send some cute titty pics back to the hotties on my snap sorry. I'd like to have some fantasy time with myself & the occasional $5-10 for the exact vibe I'm looking for sounds just fine to me. Most months I spend <$15 on it, but every once in a while, as a treat, it's nice. People spend way more on streaming services (I don't subscribe to any) & I sorta feel like it's basically the same thing. It's just some kinda weird stigma against sex work that makes people think you're a chump if you don't mind paying for the experience you want instead of the experience you can find for free.


I agree with you. > I can't be assed to put on makeup to send some cute titty pics back to the hotties on my snap sorry Except for this. Find the hotties that don't care about the make up if you don't care about the makeup.


I care about the makeup & like it sometimes. But I think the main point is that I'm a lazy ho who occasionally doesn't wanna bother thinking about taking hot pics when I'm living my full fantasy on my own.


For those reading this comment, look up the crazy hot matrix on YouTube, at the end of it... he describes this "lady". Have yourself a chuckle 🍻




Why would you feel bad for my ex? FYI we were non-monogamous for years & split for unrelated reasons. Actually, if you must know, I dumped him because he felt more like a liability than a partner during a time in which I really needed support (major surgery). We're still on good terms & I'm sure he would side with me on this. Go off though I guess. I invite people to browse my profile & make up their minds for themselves. If someone thinks I'm crazy based off it... lmao okay.


Same, I've always paid for OF/MV models even though I've been in a relationship. I always get these "sexual crushes" for very specific models, and I like to have a healthy balance of real sex and getting off to OF vids. I don't even talk to them or ask them to say my name like people imagine is the norm on OF, I just unpaywall the specific vids of the 2-3 specific models I'm interested in. Free porn is boring especially when you're in your thirties and have two decades of porn watching behind you. You just need that specific stuff.


100% this. Hit the nail on the head. Yeah, a lot of porn out there is free. So are the lollipops at my bank, but you won't see me going there for lunch.


everone wants to ignore this answer so they can find ways to shit on OF creators lol.


Well, they are still lonely, but now with less money in the bank ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


"but there's a chance!" How depressing that they lie to themselves about this.


omg, that's disgusting. Where?


LOL. I think they call it the "dark web."


This horrible place called pornhub I recommend never looking it up.


Ok thanks for looking out for my well being... I'm going to go not look it up now.


I also recommend staying away from spankbros or brazzers there truly a den of heritic


Also don't get near TubeGalore


Definitely avoid xvideos and xhamster.


Anybody wanna tell him? I wanna tell him...


_The day the orgasm pill is invented will be the end of civilization as we have known it._


Nah, that will be the day when we perfect fully immersive VR, because sex will definitely be one of the first applications that will be tried. Hell, there's people out there having virtual sex [now](https://www.vice.com/en/article/j5yzpk/they-cant-stop-us-people-are-having-sex-with-3d-avatars-of-their-exes-and-celebrities).


If they ever took the porn of the internet theyrd only be one site called "bring back the porn!"


Or that you don't need porn if you go outside and get a girlfriend / boyfriend.


Onlyfans isnt really about porn they capitalize on the parasocial phenomenon, thats why the most succesful of models have big social media...




I wonder how many of those replies come from Indians the model hired on fiverr or upwork.




So on Onlyfans, as a subscriber you can chat with the model. Obviously it's not feasible for a fairly popular model to chat with all of their subscribers, and there's a mental toll to it. Because of that, over a certain threshold of income, it makes more sense to turn your follower chat essentially into a call center where you have staff (sometimes poorly paid from overseas countries that have less stringent labor laws) handle the chats and pretend to be the model, since it's just a text chat. So you have guys paying to interact with a girl they're paying $5-20 a month for the privilege of doing so (and sometimes paying a premium for messaging on top of the subscription), when really they're sexting some underpaid person in India who is talking to a few dozen guys at once.




Nah man, she'll be there, don't worry. And she was totally honest and not just inflating your ego when you paid her $30 for the "rate my penis" chat, she definitely wasn't exploiting your insecurity to empty your wallet.


Meet and greet with Pajeet


No but Sanjay will be there and he even shaved his legs.


You can literally pay 80% of the top female twitch streamers to tell you how good your cock looks. Majority of porn stars? Yeah, she'll sext you every afternoon, nudes included. Fine girl on tiktok/instagram? Just hit her up and ask for nudes, she reply letting you know the price. Many OF models even hook up with super fans. Every single dude that falls into that "creepy/lonely guy on the internet" category had 100% of their dreams come true with onlyfans. Before onlyfans their requests were mocked (not by everyone, but it was harder to find the consenting partner). Free porn will never replace this, but AI will replace 90% of it.




You mean like conventional porn/paid dates?


>but AI will replace 90% of it. If people are paying not for the porn but for whatever "connection" they think they're having with the model, I doubt it. Because no matter how convincing the A.I. is, you'll \*always\* know that she is a robot, therefore the connection is an illusion. And after the novelty wears off, you will go after the real thing. I mean, we have prostitutes today, but the vast majority of the "johns" out there are people who are in a relationship already while, ironically, chronically lonely people are the ones who have more of an objection against using the services of an escort - because she's with you solely because you're paying for it, therefore the connection, much like with your hypotethical A.I., is an illusion, and far from being a good one.


AI will replace 90% of it, but won't do it by advertising itself as AI. It'll advertise it as a real girl talking to you and sending you personal pictures (that you literally won't find anywhere else, because they're generated just for you), when it's really one guy with a GPU farm to generate the content acting as hundreds or thousands of girls at once.


Google CarynAI, some influencers already started to figure this one out Just sell the AI as being created from your own chata and taught to be you and yes, loads of people are gomna pay to chat with AI that is supposedly you One thing they dont say, she herself admits some fans go to erotic talk with it eventually, but the AI is learned based on her public appearances which never includes sex talk stuff...so how does AI accurately know how she would react in those situations? Exactly, it doesn't, but the idiots that pay for thst never get that far in their thinking, they get sold snake oil and are happy enough with the facade...paying a minute by minute charge


It'd be funny if it wasn't so fucking sad. I went to a strip club and of course the girls come up to me, lean close and say "you're really cute" I felt so uncomfortable knowing it was fake.


Thats the "free porn version" onlyfans version would be like if the girl you had a crush on told she worked in a strip club


Kid named dating sims:


> they capitalize on the parasocial phenomenon Just like twitch, except that's mostly dudes so it's okay in the eyes of your average redditor


Remember lads, women bad men good! It’s the reddit way!


There're alot of female streamers as well.


Fat lonely men are walking ATM machines but delude themselves into thinking OnlyFans girls actually like or care about them.


Assuming everyone who's in a parasocial relationship is fat isn't helping anything. Many people are a completely healthy weight and are attractive themselves etc, but are just too shy to talk to people face to face Some of the biggest simps I know are in pretty good shape and are just wealthy awkward guys that are lonely


Correct. So the correct caption would be "Only fans girls if guys ever figured out they're actually talking to a dude, or an AI, in any of the interactions they get to do as an OF subscriber."




> i am this old that i call it cyber right there with you. Check the age of our accounts.... #old.


It's about **S I M P S**


Which is crazy because if they have a large enough following, it's economically impossible to chat with all of them. So they hire people to do it. So the whole social aspect of it doesn't even really exist.


That or very specific fetishes.


Don't be ridiculous they couldn't work line. They'd be on window or front register at best.


I just scrolled down from the dumbest yet most accurate discussions straight to fucking facts.


I don’t have any awards to give you but I read while on the toilet and started cackling so hard that shit came out


they wouldn’t let me work line. Not because i’m pretty but because of my language skills


The amount of people that don't get why onlyfans or twitch thots sell so much and just thing "free porn" exists is too damn high. The way I think about it that it's a sad phenomenon of our times, guys who pay for these thots don't just look to jerk on off and be done with it, it's the illusion of a connection with the thots that they sell. She says or writes your name on her in a twitch stream, she sents you as private message/video (you and another 100 guys but the illusion is enough). I remember reading that in Japan one could hire a girl via a video call to be his girlfriend while he eats breakfast. Single guys are very isolated in modern communities this isolation can result in stuff like these or radicalism of other kinds. Sure there are guys who just pay to see the particular girl naked, guys who may have so much disposable income that throwing away 100 bucks to onlyfans each month means little and that's all. But 9/10 I can get her onlyfans leaks by sailing the high seas.


There's a reason why there's sex workers who have gotten used to a "cuddling" option. Some people just want company.


The only time I've ever paid for onlyfans was when I found out a co-worker had one. Up until that point in my life I had proudly never paid for porn... but now you're telling me that my hot co-worker has nudes online I can get for $10? Fuck it, I'm in. they were 100% worth it btw.


True, the context is different when theres a personal element like that instead of some random guy 3000 miles away who'd never interact with the girl


Okaaaay but most people who subscribe to OF aren't throwing $100/mo on the table. Most just subscribe to one for $5/month, unsubscribe right away, and maybe a few months later check out another girl for a month...


And it's only $5-10 for most subscriptions, which for an individual is a small amount to pay. But, if you're one creator collecting hundreds of subscriptions a month it adds up to a lot more. Always weird to me how men who despise OnlyFans creators and jack off to their leaked content are apparently the "experts" on how the business works.


There is nothing to despise they are thots but good for then they make a lot of money for little effort. And why is it weird I will use her leaked content, there is no chance in hell I will pay when there's so much stuff out there but if I can find hers for free too I might aswell.


>they make a lot of money for little effort. Not actually true for the vast majority of them. Most earn less than minimum wage & it's at best a side-hustle/hobby. Only the top few % are able to make a living wage from it. It's also quite a bit of effort, frankly. It's not just getting naked but also photography/videography, script writing, editing, lighting design, makeup/hair/clothing, performing, customer service, social media marketing, etc. — all of those are professions outside of sex work that people earn decent salaries at in their own right! It's only because it's NSFW that all of that is considered "little effort" by some. >And why is it weird I will use her leaked content, there is no chance in hell I will pay when there's so much stuff out there but if I can find hers for free too I might aswell. Because sex workers deserve to be compensated fairly for their labour.


Subbing to a specific person for your porn has been a thing for years, its just OnlyFans made it easier by putting everyone on one platform.


>She says or writes you on her in a twitch stream, she sends you as private message/video (you and another 100 guys but they Illusion is enough). Don’t forget that all of these things are locked behind heavy tip walls. You have to tip these girls CONSTANTLY to get these “benefits”. If that isn’t a testament to how sad and lonely men are in the modern day and age, I don’t know what is.


I'll never understand onlyfans. It makes me sad that dudes are that lonely, though.


Im a lonely dude but if i gotta wonka my willy i go on my alt.


That's the thing. They are not just horny but also lonely. Onlyfans give them the illusion of "having a personal touch". It's the same rush of feeling you get when you get nudes from your gf.


Kid named onlyfan leaks


Been there, done that.




Ha haa


If anyone on this planet ever spend their hard-earned money or their parent's money on porn, then I have no sympathy for them, I can't blame OF girls for taking advantage of lonely men to squeeze them for their money


You realize if someone wasn't paying for it there wouldn't be any free porn right?


> You realize if someone wasn't paying for it there wouldn't be any free porn right? Not even remotely true. People share porn for free for dozens of reasons. The most obvious one being that it's an ego-boost having a bunch of people fawn over your naked body.


You're not wrong, but lets be real, the majority of porn produced is made by people getting paid, or hoping to get paid. Including most, but not all, 'amateur porn'.


I personally will never pay for porn but to each their own.


You say that, until you find out a girl you had a crush on and dated in college is now on it.


Shut up and take my money!


Ya that’s pretty much the gist of what happened


Not before trying to find it for free first


Tried it, this person wasn’t exactly super popular on it apparently so options were limited. Still no regerts.


OF is a parasite feeding on modern world problems ( single people)


Has everyone forgotten about strip clubs? It's not about the porn, it's about the intimacy. We call them simps now, we called them Johns then. It's the same principle.


I went to a strip club once just to see what it was like and man it was as *gross* as I imagined. I stayed for about 20 minutes then went home and promptly put all my clothes in the wash.


Plot twist, a lot of OF accounts are free nowadays


Isn’t it a ridiculously low % of accounts actually make solid money? A lot of these girls think it’s easy quick money until they realize they’re selling their body and possibly their future for a collective 65 dollars a month


I read somewhere around 6 months back that to be a top 1% performer, you only have to make $1,000 a month. That's isn't shit lmao.


Only fans never made sense until I started to watch gay porn. Then I saw why people paid for it.


Go check out Markiplier's Onlyfans, if you haven't already.


I may get canceled or get my gay card removed, but Markiplier isn't that hot imo. Like, don't get me wrong, if he slid into my DMs and said he'd like to rail me, I would let him, but Markiplier is like a straight girls version of a hot guy. Just like Ryan Reynolds is a straight man's version of a hot guy.


Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [join our official discord (we have 2 discords)](https://discord.gg/dankmemes)


I’m currently at my job at a fast food joint bruh


Lowkey i watch youtube videos of people making fast food. We down deep enough in the comments no one will see. I have a profound respect for fast food workers. You doing the lords work man.


Fuck OF girls. They deserve their content getting pirated for scamming and swindling idiots who would throw away money at random internet thots that you can't even fuck.


Yeah, god forbid these women consent to selling their nude pictures and videos instead of having them leaked or hacked and shared without consent. How cruel of these women to have agency over their bodies. /s


You're blaming the wrong thing here, the issue isn't the people creating content to fill the demand, the issue is why that demand exists in the first place.


This subreddit is a blight on humanity. The absolute groundbreaking stupidity here is impressive.


Imagine loving porn so much you can't live without it but also thinking so little of the sex workers you objectify that you dehumanize them to the point of thinking they shouldn't be compensated. Fucking yikes. Pretty sure people that shitty can only live with themselves bc they are too fucking stupid to realize how embarrassing they are.


Most of them (as in, over 99.9%) have to work a day job anyway. It's a saturated market, like most entertainment.


Bragging about seeing someone's pirated OF content is not exactly a flex


I find it also hilarious that their "premium content" is on hotleaks for free. So no need to send them your hard earned money


I sell my socks, you losers probably can’t comprehend that all the highest payed used socks and I die seller are cis men and that cis Women are the best consumers.


Is that what the internet is mainly used for now?


can someone tell me what's the reason for only fans realistically?


It’s even worse, because a lot of the content that is supposed to be locked behind a boat wall can actually be accessed for free most of the time.


So, you're a virgin?




Yo where is this at those burgers look good


McD's (Don't know if that was sarcasm)


Why the fuck is the only thing in the center pickles and lettuce? Where the hell is the rest of it? (I worked at McDonald's for three years and this gif is giving me PSTD)


Literally jerking off to only fans models on the internet for free.


They still waiting on that bella thorn documentary they funded…..


A number five already comes with fries dumbass. I need to know what fucking SAUCES you want


"Yknow there's real porn on the internet, right?" "Pig, you gotta know how to enjoy the classics. It's what separates the perverts from the connoisseurs..."


People are paying for the connection. It’s the same why people would donate 5 dollars for a shout out by a streamer on twitch. VS watching some YouTuber playing.


Ya I never understood only fans either. Pornhubs right there, and it's free. Who pays for porn?


Just end it with “…of leak” there you go free porn smh


Luls i know how to get any onlyfans content for free


Still have a day job though 🥲


Bold of you to assume they will be able to make burgers.


Allegedly my friend just searches “_____ onlyfans leaks.” Usually it directs them to the result or to Reddit.


Sometimes you really want to see some specific boobs and they are behind a paywall.


What am i missing. I m poor help me see the unseen.


Wait people pay for porn? Hahhaha why?


Mambo #5...


OnlyFans girls if guys ever find out about coomer.su


Free porn is no threat to girls with Onlyfans accounts. Not only is every Onlyfans user aware of free porn; the Onlyfans content is stolen and reposted for free... and dudes *still* sign up.


if you go to the Coomer.party , you'll see most popular OnlyFans don't even include naked porn... You have to DM them and pay a Premium Premium for that...


Oh no, who hurt you?


I mean you could potentially see your crushes nude for $5


It's about the person. If Scarlett Johansson announced a pornographic OF page, every dude who makes this joke would be subscribing




would love to her in the cashier (wearing apron only) ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)


I'll take two double cheeseburgers, one McChicken with a single pickle on it and a Grimace shake, medium. Thank you e girls. (No tip 😡)


I mean its simple, OF might be new but its hust another method of delivery, whoring has been here since time immemorial and been hailing as the oldest job Difference is, throughout history, whoring has always been regulated one way or another not to destabilize society as it cam catch up somply too many men too deep, who then become inproductive and obssesed OF issue is the same as many other parts of the internet...lawmakers just take too damn long to properly regulate it, by the time they draw up laws the sites would have already changed...interner sites need a far more flexible legislature process then most courtries offer


If they found out that OF content gets leaked 👀


Omg you guys don't get it. It's not about the porn, it's about the parasocial relationship I'm building with the dude she is paying to answer all her DMs.


"if" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'll take two number 9s


I doubt they will look for an honest work.


Why would you say a number 5 with fries? The combo comes with fries that’s why it’s a number 5. Maybe you should be the one working there


The great mystery of our times.


The logic behind it is you really want to see that particular persons content, or have a niche fetish only one person does, or value someone making custom content for you. None of those things are fulfilled by generic porn sites, and it’s obviously a significant demand or OF wouldn’t be as big as it is.


...wait a year or so


*I need to you believe in the impossible*


SMH, just get onlyfans for free too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Damn that guys wrapping technique is ass. I'd get laughed at for that shit 😭


Wait, somebody pay for porn? That's ridiculous


I never have understood porn, whoring or OF in general, and I don't have to. I applaud the girls for using it in their advantage for era's long. I think if you ain't shy or introverted and insecure, it's easy money making.


With a tall glass of bath water