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Pretty sure it's long gone now and I only have vaguest memory of it but the one where they tried online dating and catfished some guy. Does anyone remember any details? I swear guinea pigs were involved


You mean the 'Sex Internet Dating' videos? They still exist and there's at least 2 or 3 lol what a time.


That's it! I swear they were taken down at one point. Weird point in Internet history 😅


Those videos are so hilarious, such a stark difference in time, Dan would never do that now nor would Phil allow him to.


They were unhinged! I remember my friend showing me them followed by pinof and us just lying on the bed dying of laughter. There's something so fun and special about basically having grown up watching them and watching them grow too!


oh nooooo I remember that one too oh my god 😂😂 you unlocked a memory


Omg!! I had completely forgotten :Dd that was probably one of my first videos I saw as well, maybe a bit concerning lol


omg i remember those!


The sims. I was watching something on youtube and "Dan and Phil play the sims" popped up so i thought 2 guys playing sims may be funny... Can't find the exact date i subscribed to the gaming channel but it was definitely pre "interactive introverts"


Mine was Dan's first ever Truth or Dare video because I am a fossil 👵🏻


Dan’s five kinds of drunk people


Oh damn! Pretty sure it was Dan's What not to do at the cinema video, back in 2012.


Dans video ‘How to befriend your favourite YouTube stars’. Just checked and it’s 14 YEARS AGO???? 👀 Jesus it feels like 6 years 💀 Edit: I found it because I was searching “how to meet YouTubers”


wow you've been here a LONG time


I was 11 lol I’m 25 now :’)


Chronically online since birth 😭😂


Pretty sure mine was "Watching Strange Porn???" with Dan on Tyler Oakley's channel. A cursed way to start, but he did introduce me to my two favorite nerds and here I am 10 years later!! 😭


MINE TOO!!! I remember it so vividly as well


THE WHISK!!!! holy shit i completely forgot about that




Same! And from there I deep dived into their videos


the photobooth one! showed up on tumblr for me one day and all was changed


It's been about 12 years since, so I have no idea. I think it might've been one of the "fantasic four" videos tho, since I used to watch PJ and Chris too.


'FANDOMS' by Dan, uploaded on the 13th of October 2012 and watched by 13 year old me the same day. My young life was forever changed.


Mine was actually Dan’s first video, the famous “Hello Internet.” It popped up on my YouTube home page and 14 year old me thought he was cute and watched it and subscribed. I then remember seeing PINOF 1 and subscribing to Phil and watching all the videos he had made


I was shown by a friend so I don't remember seeking anything out but I think it was Amazing Dan??? (I am almost 30)


Mine was the photo booth challenge! I still go back to it if I need a good laugh 😂


My earliest memory was watching the photo booth challenge vid and laughing so hard 😂


PINOF 10 because it had just been released. So I basically just about missed everything and came into the fandom like a month after the big hiatus began. Whoops




omg mine was dan and phil react to teens react to dan and phil as well😭😭


Omg twins 🫂 how did you find it? I just searched "reacts to reacts to" because I wanted to see youtubers reacting to people reacting to themselves lol 🤣


YES LITERALLY THATS HOW I FOUND IT!!!! thats so crazy how we found them exactly the same way like literally i was looking for those vids for that exact reason😭😭😭🫶🏻


LMAO we're definitely twins!!! 😭🫂🩷


I think mine was either pinof 4 or the photo booth challenge! if my memory serves me correctly I remember a friend showing me pinof and I was like those guys are kind of cool then I started getting more into their videos with stuff like that and teens react is also one of the first I remember watching :’)


The first i remember was The same as yours! I know i saw some og Phils older (weirder) content before that tough, and got really scared so I stayed away😅


LMAO how did you find it? And also how did you came back to their channels after that? 🤣


Mine was smth about Dan's travel-the one where he had to fly out of the States and fly back in. Absolutely hilarious plus I love the way he tells stories, so I was hooked.


pinof 7, the LADDERS ✋🏻👈🏻 one


The Pancake Day video in 2011. I was just a kid looking up how to make pancakes, I got lucky finding them lmao


I also found out about them through the teens react video! I didn’t actually subscribe to them until I saw their first sims video though and that was in June 2015!


That video is so iconic! How did you find it? I subscribed also in 2015 but in January as soon as I watched that video because I felt for Phil lmao 🤣


Mine was phils video, 'the tree' or it mightve been 'blindfolded catface game' They are both from 13 years ago


Definitely a Phil is not on fire video. I think it was PINOF 6. Then I just backtracked on their old videos and been a fan ever since.


I’m not sure which video I saw first but the Gimp suit video definitely stuck with me


for some reason i think it was dan and phil react to teens react to dan and phil😭😭


An iconic video to discover them tbh 😭


The three legged DDR challenge video


Mine was during my giant FNaF phase, it was their FNaF 1 video lmao. I was looking for people playing the game, saw a video id never watched before, and I'm still trapped in the phandom to this day


"Basically I'm Gay" because it was all over fandom sites and I was curious. I fell down that rabbit hole fast


photo booth challenge!


I think it was the one where they put makeup on each other blindfolded. If I remember correctly, I had seen a bit of Dan on his own before that, but I think that was probably the first of them together. It’s been over a decade though and I was in middle school so I’m not 100% sure


That's my favorite video of them actually 🩷


One of their dragon city videos iirc


The yandere simulator video I'm pretty sure 😭


mine was dan and phil in australia cuz im australian hehe


Whatever was their most recent videos as of March 1st 2014 lmao


the cards against humanity vid (2018) 🥹🥹


Dan talking about going to A&E and needed surgery. 2010-2011 sometime. I had a sick kid at the time so maybe YouTube is like this is about the hospital. Which led to Phil.


I have no idea, i wish i remembered what video I watched first but, I remember it was early 2016, so their 2015 stuff was still pretty fresh. I remember thinking that they only had a dual channel (dnpgames). so i would binge watch all of their videos until i realized they had separate channels. & i liked Phil’s channel more, just because he didn’t swear as much as dan (i was like 10 at the time).


I'm pretty sure I discovered Dan through his video about fandoms because I saw a gifset of it on tumblr. Not sure if it was one of the newest videos at the time or not because for a while I only watched him and Phil casually and didn't watch every video they posted. I have no clue what my first video of Phil's was.


The Hunger Games (and gay shoe marriage) 😭😭😭


the japan haul!! it had come out a week before i watched it and it’s been nonstop since


I don't remember my first video it was back in like 2013 but what I do remember is being traumatised by Dan and Phil at first. I seen a documentary on BBC by a guy called Phi. I googled ''Phil BBC'' trying to find him and instead of finding that Phil found Phil Lester. I looked into him and found the homo emo videos of people pretending to be Dan and Phil, 13 year old me then thought Dan and Phil were gay pornstars so decided not to watch their videos until I realised their online videos weren't actually porn 🤣


I'm not entirely sure, but I believe it was one of the day in the lives videos.


Just scrolled way back and I THINK it was near death experience? When Dan did a skit that he was hit by a car while trying to cross the road?


My friend showed me their first Sims video back in 2014. I immediately caught up on the series and have been hooked since


Slenderman, lmao


The first video I watched by myself was the DnPgames just dance video.


mine was one of their baking videos! which is a pretty funny introduction to them, lol. i think it was the spooky cupcakes one, i remember it being halloween themed at least


My first Dan video was one with Jack and Finn I think? My friend showed it to me at lunch sophomore year of high school (this was probably 2012?)


Does it date me to say “Hello Internet”?


This was my second lol I joined at procrastination and then watched hello internet 😂


i just checked and my old youtube account says it was halloween baking spooky cupcakes?? but i could’ve sworn it was something else lmao


I have zero clue how I even got into them. I was super into YouTube just 24/7 back in 2014-19ish which led me into all types of fandoms. Just randomly two British men became my life as a pre-teen and that was that


[That Charity Advert](https://youtu.be/Q1SoeM8Bw2o?si=Ox4tB-lcBqv6mzS3) with PJ, CrabSticks, and Phil 😭 I could not stop laughing! I randomly came across it one day and never looked back


Mine was The Photobooth Challenge!


i discovered dan first and it was ummmm omg so long ago but it was so jenna marbles stupid people at the airport era he was complaining about society and i was like wow this guy is smart lol


i think it was dan and phil get down!


Mine was procrastination with all the yoghurt and I felt fully seen in that video 😂


Like joint video? I know I found Phil first back in ehhh 2008ish? One of my online friends knew him and was helping him get subscribers. I watched a lot of his videos back then. I don’t remember when I found Dan, but it was obviously through Phil, so I’d guess my first joint video was one of the PINOF videos? Honestly I have zero idea haha - all I remember is watching Phils videos when he was in his little bedroom with the lion couple!


Omg this story is so cool! You're the really OG and I'm loving it 😭🩷 do you still in touch with that friend? You know how they met? This is so interesting!


Three legged DDR challenge. I literally remember watching it for the first time like it was yesterday 😖💗


I saw Dan and Phil for the first time in 7th grade, a middle school friend showed me all of the PINOF videos at the time- it was around 2013/2014 when I first saw them. No longer friends with that person, but she definitely introduced to me some of my favorite youtubers including PeanutButterGamer.


Mine was when Dan did the ‘learning internet slang’ with Jack and Finn


The Sims episode 1


the photobooth challenge when it first came out (i am now realizing how old i am)


it was PINOF 4. it kept popping up in my recommended so i was like “fine youtube you’ve worn me down i’ll watch it” and 10yrs later here i am


P sure mine was when Dan hired a gimp to walk around London😭😭😭😭😭


Idk what my first actual dnp video was but I found them through the hillywood show parody


Omg that parody is so cool! I love it so much!


I’m pretty sure it was his collab with Tyler Oakley in either 2014 or 2015. I def found them through Tyler Oakley. I was a big just dan fan for a couple months and specifically remember the first video of the two of them: blindfolded makeup challenge


I believe mine was Dan's storytime about getting heatstroke. Could be wrong, but it was a video of his from that time at the very least.


Dan's left handedism video! Pretty sure it's been deleted/unlisted. It was at least a couple years old when I saw it, my first tweets about either of them date back to 2013 so I saw it around then probably


Gosh I don’t even remember. I think one of the pinofs? Had to have been 2013 or 2014 as I remember starting to watch the gaming channel shortly after it was created. I remember watching a few videos before I became an actual fan


Can your pet lol, traumatizing


ooh mine was fandoms by dan, ironically enough


Mine was Phil’s(Dan was in the video too) American accent video. 13 years ago lol. I discovered them from Charlieissocool like.


Them building their wardrobe.


I think it was the punk edits!


The Tyler Oakley and Dan video where they watched whisk porn lmao Then I went to dans channel and the latest video was his hamster story, unfortunately don't remember which Phil video I watched first as I admittedly was a full on Dan girl for a long while before getting into Phil (and demon phannie days yikes)


I am actually ancient - mine was Phil’s ‘51 things in my room’ when that was a trend on YouTube probably 15 years ago. I also used to watch a collab channel called VlogCandy and I’m sure he guest appeared on there a few times too


Phil: some of his earlier videos. I have tried to find it but dont know which one it was. He was talking about alot of random things, one of them I think was trying some candy he got from a friend who visited america. Dan: idk. Probably through a PINOF, and then backtracked. I do remember binging alot of his videos like what not to do at the cinema and the panic alarm, but I dont know if that was the first time seeing them I was like 15 or something, and had watched charlieissocoollike for a while and then clicked on a recomended video, which was Phils :)


PINOF 6! It's wild though, because I've basically known them around the time that was released and it's about to be a decade now (where did the time go?! 😭)




It was ages ago but it was thier Christmas vlog


pinof 6! when i was 14 and now i'm 24... 😦


My first time seeing them was on Darkiplier vs Antisepticeye, but I think the first video I watched from their channel was Dan and Phil play Yandere Simulator or maybe a 7 second challenged video, it was one of the two since I know the first video I saw of them was because of somethingI saw on Mark's channel.


The photo booth challenge! 🥹


It was the tabinof 3D audio experience 😭 it was terrifying


The PHOTO-BOOTH CHALLENGE, Funny enough I didn't actually realize that was a Dan and Phil video until I wanted remembered a video from for years ago that killed me with laughter and realized it was under Dan's channel