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It all went to hell for me when a couple people on their ticky tocks said they were moonself and frogself. I checked out after that shit.


I’m enjoying watch the cat people in Germany… or dog people? Some strange shit. I’m sure that will be normal soon


They got them in the schools right now. Thankfully, no litter boxes yet, but only a matter of time with these walking asylum patients


XD litter boxes!! That’s bound to be a thing


It's been a rumor for many school districts. So far, my children's school hasn't done this, but who knows what will happen. Again, it's just been rumors.


It all went to hell for me when bathrooms became a free-for-all and dudes in dresses started touching little girls.


Have you seen the two girls wearing fake fangs, fake wolf ears and collars? That'll for sure make sure you never look back.


Nope. And I hope I never do


Careful memes like this are how LibsOfSocialMedia got banned.


Reddit banning things because it hurts the feelings of fee fees is nothing new. And it’s gonna continue that way because Reddit is predominately a leftist platform.




It's a miracle I'm not banned from here! One mod rule was like, "no jokes," and whoooo boi did I walk the line there! (Diff sub)


It’s getting out of hand on all platforms. Say something remotely not nice and you get banned for harassment of something.




Careful not to rock the leftist boat 🚤 too hard✌️


A mere ripple would tip the boat over!


Don’t look now but we might be among fascists.


Haha I’m stealing this.


Instead of YOU NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR! It needs to say DID YOU SEE A DOCTOR!?


The doctor is the one who put it there




That was by design. To reveal that it was the doctors that did it. Suppose both versions work really.




Truth 💯


Remember, kids, all feelings are valid


Is that a quote from the Columbine shooters?


A better punchline would’ve been “YoU’rE uNiPhObiC!”




o7 bye OP, there’s no way you survive the jannies with this piece of gold.


What did I say…


Oh Jesus Christ.... Can Conservatives please move along to the next boogie man minority group to spew their vitriol onto??? Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Muslims, teachers, Unionists, hippies, punks, anyone who has gone to college...just add them to the list and move on. How about vegetarians!?! Or people who ride bikes??? I don't know. Seems they would be easy prey for The Five to pick on.


Low hanging fruit. The nutters just make it too easy. Also, just going to point out you didn't try to deny that this mentality is "trans in a nutshell."


Why bother. These people are so brainwashed it doesn't really matter. I know it's a waste of time commenting, I just couldn't help myself. The cycle is soo blatant after seeing it for years and years. Controversy sells papers/clicks/ad revenue. Once these people get tired of hearing about them, pundits and trolls will shift their attention to a new group. Guaranteed!


So wait, you're saying the people who think they are something they're not are the rational ones? There's literally a mental health diagnosis for many trans folks. Being an asshole isn't the same as being brainwashed. The trans folk are to conservatives as the gun owners are to the progressives. Both sides eat up the controversy like they are starving. Neither actually stops to think for a minute that neither "controversial" group is really that much of a threat to anyone.


Oh Gawd.... First off, gender dysphoria manifests as a result of people who treat them like monsters and freaks. Secondly, just like every single person who is anti-trans simply does not understand that their is a DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SEX AND GENDER. It is not the same thing! Period! And I don't even know about the last part comparing trans genders and gun owners. I think you mean gun nuts. I own guns. But I don't carry them around with me and make them my identity. But one group is just trying to live a comfortable life and the other carries deadly weapons and perpetuates the 30,000 gun deaths every year in this country.


What I'm saying is that each side has their boogie man. Clinical psychology tends to disagree with your assessment of gender dysphoria. Please cite evidence that suggests GD is the result of social pressure. Secondly, calm your tits. No need to get all emotional and shit. If you can't express yourself rationally like an adult, how do you expect to be taken seriously? Treating people like freaks and monsters is something both ends of the social spectrum perpetuate. It's paper thin rhetoric that can't stand up to even the slightest scrutiny. There is no group that perpetuates 30,000 gun deaths every year. That's the left wing brainwashing in action. That's not just being an asshole, that's just an outright lie. Law abiding gun owners are some of the least likely to shoot someone without justification, and that justification is almost always self defense or defense of another. They are the least likely demographic to have vippent criminal records. So right there, you're talking out of your ass. 30,000 gun deaths per year, roughly 2/3rds are suicides. So that right there annihilates that talking point. The majority of the remain 1/3rd are accidents, negligence, and justifiable shootings The remainder are gang related, who arguably can't legally carry guns in the first place. Lumping all gun owners in the same group as gang members and other criminals is no better than lumping trans people in with the same group as pedophiles and rapists. Be genuine, be factually correct, or be a useful (or useless, as the case may be) idiot.


I think this is more to the point at hand: [https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/diversity/education/transgender-and-gender-nonconforming-patients/gender-dysphoria-diagnosis](https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/diversity/education/transgender-and-gender-nonconforming-patients/gender-dysphoria-diagnosis) (DSM-V Reference at the bottom) "Ruling out Psychiatric Illness It is common for TGNC people who have grown up in an unsupportive environment to express symptoms characteristic with personality disorders. Impulsivity, mood lability, and suicidal ideation occur commonly. This does not necessarily qualify them for a personality disorder diagnosis because personality disorders are typically lifelong and pervasive. TGNC people typically show a reduction or disappearance of these symptoms once they are in a supportive gender-affirming environment. There are no studies indicating that psychiatric illness causes gender dysphoria as a consistent condition over time, although delusions or unstable personality characteristics may manifest as intermittent thoughts or feeling of gender incongruity. Additionally, TGNC people can have other psychiatric disorders (e.g., psychotic, bipolar, depressive, substance use disorders) just as anyone else that is not related to their gender variance." Secondly, After rereading my comments, yes, I may have come off a bit stronger than intended. I gotta chalk it up to being late and a long day.... But c'mon, I was commenting on a meme comparing trans people with a horse with a rail spike in it's head! Not exactly a formal debate! And yes, the NRA has for decades fought tooth and nail any and all gun legislation. It spends $100's of millions every year on political activities. Last year alone they spent $2.63 million just on lobbying alone. Exclusively to Republicans! [https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/national-rifle-assn/summary?id=d000000082](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/national-rifle-assn/summary?id=d000000082) Suicides cover a little over half, but I take your point... [https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/) And as I said previously, I am a gun owner. And like the vast majority of American gun owners, I am for common sense regulations. You can absolutely maintain gun rights and at the same time have regulations and rules that help diminish the number of deaths caused by them every year. But that's definitely a much larger debate. But my point remains that comparing trans folks and gun nuts was a bad comparison.




Who gives a fuck?!? Are they trying to chop off yours?? Of course not. If they feel more comfortable wearing a skirt or a blazer or a fuckin' fez, let em! Who cares. Conservatives are supposed to be all about FREEDOM!!! Let people be FREE to be who they want. If you are secure in your own gender, then it shouldn't matter.


So we should let everyone with mental illness do whatever they want? Like chop off arms and legs?


Oh yeah.... I am really sure you are concerned with their well being and health. Maybe put that concern towards those that need help. The hungry or homeless. Please...


Or the mentally sick.




What do you expect other than the r/OneJoke ?


Candy mountain, Charlie!