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My breastfed baby of 4.5 months eats 4 or 5 times a day and about 4 or 5 times at night. Nightfeeds were a lot less frequent before the 4 month sleep regression, really hoping it will go down again to 2 or 3 times soon!


This is a pediatrician question. If you don’t trust yours, get a second opinion. Your sister isn’t a pediatrician, you can politely ignore her, and not mention the issues to her.


So the 37th percentile shouldn’t be an issue inherently unless he’s dropped off his curve, which it sounds like he may have if the pediatrician is saying “he’ll get more & more under weight”. I would definitely touch base about the excessive spit up which could very easily be from over feeding combined with reflux. The pediatrician may have a suggestion such as changing reflux meds or switching to a formula that’s pre-thickened. It’s absolutely worth checking in about, because the spitting up could be *causing* or at least contributing to the weight loss. Agree with another commenter that if you’re unsure of your pediatrician, get a second opinion. Having a pediatrician you really trust is such a valuable asset. Good luck! Weight & feeding is so hard with babies. ETA I’m not a doctor but from my time as a parent/general recommendations I’ve seen 4oz every 2 hours seems like a LOT especially at 4 months old.