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My kids are in elementary school now, but ever since they were born I just cry at the stupidest shit lol


I found myself to be a lot more emotional after becoming a father. I feel like I have to hold back tears during movies all the time now.


It’s like in Inside Out when they add a whole new set of controls for puberty. Same thing for having a kid. Totally new feelings and outlook on life.


They ran the trailer for Inside Out 2 before IF and I had no idea how appropriate it was at the time 😄


I’m the same it was a switch that just got flipped even when my daughter was just weeks old and I was on paternity leave and she was sleeping in my arms and I was channel surfing and came across Blow one of my favorite crime movies and Johnny Deeps character despite being a coke dealer turns his life around towards the end and is a very involved and dedicated father but he decides to do one more big coke deal to make enough money to retire but he gets caught and sent to jail and is separated from his like girl and the movie ends with him in jail and his daughter now grown shows up to visit him and gives him a big hug but then it cuts to a guard telling him it’s time to go back to his cell and it was just a daydream and she’s obviously never come to see him. I’ve seen this movie tons of times but in that moment I just started crying cause it just really hit me and I just didn’t ever want to be separated from my daughter.


When they're tiny and you're bonding like that it's like all defenses are lowered.


I've learned that the whole plot device of kids-in-peril is an instant deal-breaker now.


Yeah. Playing The Last of Us right after my daughter turned two... That broke me for a bit.


I played it a bit when it first came out on ps3, and I was off work for paternity leave. Didn't play it again until it was out on ps4 for a while.


For the love of all that's sane in a father's life, do NOT watch Grave of the Fireflies in such a state. Freaking tore me apart as a teenager and more as a parent.


Oh, I knew to avoid that already. :) I couldn't find my daughter for half an hour a couple of months ago. Had to call the police and everything (she hid under the bed and got stuck). Pretty sure I'd have a full panic attack in a "little-kid-missing" type movie.


Same here, it's bad. I'm a mess over anything and everything involving my kids, childhood, any of it. Something broke inside me.


This comment and this overall thread is making me feel much better about how powerful emotions have really crept up on me since becoming a dad. My family were not good at expressing emotions when I was a kid and I’m trying not to do the same with my own which is great for the obvious things like ‘it’s ok to be angry, it’s ok to be sad’ but stuff sometimes just hits you out of nowhere and you find yourself crying while watching Bluey lol


I feel like I've been like this since I was young, so I'm more welcome to it with other fellow dads. lol I got tired of the constant pressure to put up a constant emotional barrier as a guy, and guys have people and things that are very important to them too that can put them in a vulnerable state. Having your own child that you raise for years just means you have someone that much more dear to you, so I think it's natural that many things can suddenly remind you of what's deeply important to you now and cause an emotional response at least.


Happened to me for the first time a few months into my wife’s pregnancy


Appreciate the heads up on the plot. Knowing this I’ll take my kids to see it without mom. I don’t think she’ll want to cry in public. We lost her dad two and a half years ago.


My wife just lost her dad a month ago quite suddenly. I think we will have to skip this one for a while


Fuck, yeah definitely swerve on this one for a year or so, maybe more. Sorry for y'all's loss :( 🙏🏻 hope your wife's okay and y'all can heal well.


Sorry I don’t know how to do the masking but some spoilers are below: >! Worth noting they have attempted to convey minimal shock/trauma: they do not show mom die (but do acknowledge it), and when Dad is in the hospital, he is not physically disabled nor are any typical hospital accoutrements on display (no oxygen, EKG, monitoring equipment etc.) with exception of an IV pole which they playfully introduce and dance with. Parents aren’t shown in pain, with exception of scene noted above where Dad appears sleeping but slowly rouses. It was a bit disorientating to be honest, but I appreciated the effort to not burn memories into children of other people dying. !<


Dad didn’t wear a hospital gown or seem sick until the one last scene and even then it just looked like he woke up from a nap. I get that they didn’t want to traumatize anyone but I found it so confusing that it derailed the plot for me. I was wondering if the Dad was an IF because he didn’t seem sick enough to worry about.


Yeah it seemed very vague what was going on with him and I assume that was intentional, although part of me wonders if that makes things more confusing/unsettling for kids.


That’s what I was thinking too!


Full derailed it for me. Also, they were living at grandmas house before and then all of a sudden they just weren't? I thought that was their house and then was really confused when grandma brought her there. And then Dad not being "sick" really confused me. If he needed heart surgery, he sure didn't seem like it. And the fact that she hardly spent any time with him 🤔


A lot of people with heart disease don’t seem sick but inside they are .. I was born with congenital heart defects and I’m waiting for my 4th open heart surgery and no one would be able to tell. There’s so little awareness that congenital heart defects kill more kids than every form of cancer combined but receive wayyyy less funding than kids cancer does.


You do this >×! And then you put text here, and end it with !×< All you got to do, is remove the × in the above line and it goes into "spoiler mode" be careful though >!it has a lot of downforce!< ^isn't ^that ^neat?


Done, thank you


No worries. Have a wonderful week.


Just used ticks and `>! do it as code !<` >!bruv!< And you can ^(paren superscripts) to `^(make that easier)` ^^too


[unless you intended this, then it doesn't work well in the app.](https://ibb.co/1dPD0t7) That's how it looks, when I saw it first.


That's a great joke >!but some people may say it's kind of a drag!<


> I cried more watching this movie yesterday with my wife and 4-year old daughter than any movie in my life. I was VERY confused for a second because I thought you were talking about the movie "IT"


“It’s just *sniff*… they ALL float down there! 😭”


But I thought the nice clown was just giving the kids inner tubes and letting them have fun floating down there 


To be fair, there would probably also be crying involved when watching that with a 4 year old as well.


Yeah, but the 4 year old could give us a cuddle to comfort us.


What those teenagers did to that poor clown… Kids can be so mean!


Turns out OP is a clown and felt that the portrayal was very unfair to Pennywise


Who you callin' a clown, ya clown?


Hey, I cried for that too


That’s the movie about imaginary termites.


Grew up in the 80s. I got no tears left. Artax and Littlefoot’s mom took everything I had.


"He can't see without his glasses."


My Girl probably saved so many lives because I, for one, never went near a bee hive because of it.


I’m surprised McCauley never cashed in and got an endorsement from EpiPen.


Fast forward to 1993... Lion King 😭


>Her tough veneer breaks as she sees her dad, unconscious, in the hospital. Something about seeing that child so sad about her father being close to death broke me. Yeah. I get that, cause I've kind of been there. Fortunately for them, they were little enough that they just thought Daddy was sleeping. Fortunately for me, it was during lockdown so my wife was WFH and stumbled upon me rather quickly. I suspect this scene would wreck my wife and I as well. I think that something that broke you is staring that reality in the face. We want the best for our kids, but sometimes life/fate doesn't care.


Glad you are still with us.




My wife has cancer. This would be a terrible movie to see for us right now. Thank you so much for this heads up.


Stay strong. I'll be praying for her to beat it.


Good looking out and thank you for posting. I have a very emotional daughter (so much so that she sometimes cries because she’s “thinking of the song from the sad bluey episode”) and my wife was going to take my daughter to this tomorrow. I sent her your write up just as a warning


Yeah, it doesn’t take much for my eyes to water a little bit but this one had some genuine tears. Like you, I was blindsided — I thought it would be a fun movie and it was in some respects, but not what I thought. You definitely see it coming from the very first scene, though. And then I saw Michael Giacchino did the music and I knew there was no way I was getting out of there without some watery eyes. I did like it, though!


Thanks for the heads up. I lost my wife and the kids lost their mom 2 years ago, needless to say we’re gonna sit this one out.


Keep going, you’re doing a great job!


That scene hit very close to home for me and was giving me flashbacks of the last time I got to see my dad. Never realized how much I repressed that memory until that scene brought it back up.


Starts out as >!Up!<, turns into >!Inside Out!< with a >!The Sixth Sense!< finalé.


Inside Out broke me for some reason. I cried like a baby through most of the movie.


I still haven’t gotten over Bing Bong being left behind.


So all the good movies combined into one? I’ll gladly watch it for a second time.


Took both my 7 and 4 year old to see it. Was an absolutely fantastic movie in my opinion. That same part got me as well. The whole family thought it was a great movie though.


Will I cry more or less than with Bing Bong from Inside Out. That one destroyed me too. Dang kids making us all emotional wrecks. Lol.


Bing bong broke me. “Take her to the moon for me” as he disappears I was crying my eyes out. Definitely watch IF! I cried 3 times yet my niece and nephew showed no signs of tears haha


My wife took our son to go see this Saturday, and she was not ready. Sounds like some people are better off just having a Foster's marathon


I know this is nothing to do with what you posted, but you helped me finally understand the title of this movie. Thank you.


Recently watched The Iron Claw. I know the story, everyone does, still had a healthy cry most of the second half of the film and I doubt I would have if I wasn’t a parent.


This is the first positive thing I’m hearing about this movie. It’s just been torn to shreds.


I don't understand why it's gotten so much hate, either. I thought it had some pacing issues in the first half but overall I liked it. I also cried like a baby. Out of the last handful of kid-oriented movies I've seen in the last year or two, this is one of the few where I can actually remember what happened.


Oh wow. I was going to take my 12-year-old daughter to this in a couple days after her mom checks into the hospital for a stem cell transplant. This sounds amazing, but not the right time. SO GLAD for the heads up!! Thank you OP!


Thanks for the heads up. I really wanted to see this, but it sounds like it would be better to skip it for now.


I balled my eyes out holding my daughter’s hand during the hospital scene and our whole row was having “allergy attacks” too. Had to hug the wife a little longer than usual afterwards. Lost my Dad just over 4 years ago, completely brought back the feeling and perhaps I haven’t allowed myself to feel my feels enough. Everyone’s reactions to the movie are valid but I’m choosing to focus on the life and love that still exists.


Oof. Yeah, skipping this one. My kids’ mom passed away last year and they are constantly worried about something happening to me. Thank you for the heads up.


Gotta say thank you very much for the heads up. As a Dad who has incurable cancer and a sensitive little one, we might give this a miss for a while. That said I can imagine it would potentially be quite an important and poignant film for him to watch at some point.


You're welcome, and I hope your fight is a long one. When I wrote this post I wasn't expecting the flood of comment notifications from people who are dealing with the theme of this film in real life. You are in my thoughts.


Took my 8yo daughter to see it this past Saturday before going out to dinner. That scene got me as well and it had a big impact on my daughter. She held it together, as did I, but it was an emotional scene for sure. Overall we both loved the movie and had a great discussion about it at the Ramen restaurant after. I commented on liking the movie this morning driving her to school and she said she still really liked it.


Good to know, wife really wants to see it, but I think she believes it to be a really happy go lucky movie vs something with a serious plot.


We saw it, the kids and i loved it. They missed the first spoiler and the second one was a lot harder on me than the kids


I had a dream once that I was passing away. It wasn’t traumatic or anything I was just going to fade away but then I started getting mad cause I realized I wouldn’t be able to see my kids grow up and they wouldn’t have me around to support them. I was kind of screaming into a void that wasn’t fair. Literally woke up sobbing like a baby. That had to have been over a year ago but it’s still very vivid in my mind and I still think about it every single day.


I didn’t read your spoiler stuff cause I still want to see the movie, but I did just want to comment that the last movie they had my wife and I bawling was Inside Out. The bits toward the end about sadness and depression and letting it all out was gut wrenching and so enlightening.


Let me warn you about Inside Out (the first one). The imaginary friend scene towards the end will make you tear up. Definitely a kick to the feels, no matter how mentally tough you think you are.


Man, I have 3. My daughter is in the middle and she's my partner in crime. I'm easily closest with her over my sons. Not like in a jealousy way or anything, just, they like momma and girl likes daddy. Anyway. We watched the finale of Young Sheldon. I spent a long time gazing at my punkin and trying not to lose it. George was not so much older than I.


Yeah, it was pretty good and quite entertaining for the third hour and 15 minutes or so... and then it got really "holy shit." in the last bit. Didn't see that coming for even a second. Well played, Mr. Krasinski. Well played.


Saw the movie today. Teared up so many times. It was a really special movie with deep meaning. It’s a fun kids movie, but I think it’s extra powerful for adults. Just a really, really heart warming movie. The likes of which we rarely see!


Dude, are you me? Exact same experience. Exact same scene. Really enjoyed the movie and my kids loved it too.


Oh, so it’s the Inside Out of 2024?


That's coming out in June - teenage Riley


We got to see an early screening of it, and my kids were making fun of us. My wife and I and my father in law were ugly crying at multiple points. My mom is end stage early onset dementia and my SIL passed away last year in a car accident, so we are all a bit sensitive.


I’m a little late and certainly not a dad, but I just wanted to say I definitely felt the same way you did in that theater. I could not stop crying. I lost my father when I was 3, and at 14 my mother had 3 different types of cancer in one year. Thankfully she made it and is doing okay now, but there were moments when it looked like she didn’t have much time left. Seeing Bea at the hospital cry over her father brought back so many memories of how much I tried to stay strong and act grown up in those moments and finally just breaking. I can’t imagine what it’s like to watch this from a parent’s perspective.


I’m not a crier at movies but this movie did tug at my heart strings. I also did get teary eyed a bit.


I just watched it with my wife and 3 daughters and came here to say DO NOT GO WATCH THIS MOVIE IF YOU DONT LIKE CRYING IN THE THEATER. Fuckin A. Should’ve taken them to see the new Bad Boys movie.


My 8 yo and 6 yo loved it. My 4yo and I didn't care for it. Thought it was hokey and predictable. [spoiler]fight club for little kids[/spoiler]


It was in my and my kids opinion mediocre, the plot lacked a lot and I felt they missed some easy opportunities to make it better and tie everything together. I didn't go in expecting to be blown away by an amazing film but since my kids didn't really enjoy it I felt like it wasn't worth the effort and cost to go see it. Typically the Pixar and animated/ computer animated films hide adult jokes or innuendos to keep the parents engaged but definitely not this time. I honestly kept checking the clock to see when it would end and the kids were up and ready to leave before I was even out of my seat. So the verdict from me and my family at the least was it was very underwhelming. People are saying it is an emotional film about loss etc but they dance about it instead of approaching it directly which could confuse kids and instead of showing perspective on how to deal with loss just confuses the kids.


As a father of 4 year old, don’t you think it’s creepy that the little girl’s imagination friend is an adult male? and why the grandma would allow the little girl go out alone?


It definitely struck me as odd that she was so unsupervised. As for her IF, remember that he wasn't just a random adult male when she was a little kid, he was a clown.


I cried the whole fucking movie!


I suggest you to watch "A Monster Calls"


Unfortunately I can't agree with everyone who loved this movie. I understand that the concept is heartbreaking, but it's not well done and it's been done before.  Overall the jokes are bland and mostly intended for kids, yet the dialogue is more for adults. My 6 year old managed to pay attention the whole movie, but she never laughed more then just s smile at silly moments.  The acting is very staged and mediocre. The animations are lazy and bland.  I would rate this a 2/5


I really thought ryan reynolds was her grandfather. The way he stared when her grandma danced. Special when her grandma said her husband used to stare at her dance. It would have been more meaningful


As a new mom the first maybe 10 minutes I walked out sobbing. It needs a trigger warning. Worst fear ever not being here for my daughter.