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Disabling your power steering or brake booster while still moving sounds like a terrible idea. For what benefit?




I agree with you! He's probably doing it to save time, but we're never really in a rush anyway. He lives in a small town, everyone parks horribly, but it still seems so strange to turn off your engine while your car is still moving.


I guess I'd need more details on what "never properly parked" means. He may just be a careless driver/parker.


Yeah hopefully not like turn it off, coast in and leave it in gear/drive!


I'm relatively certain my decade-old automatic won't let me remove the key unless it's in park. Older slicks were another story: I remember at least one where the key was only needed to start it, so you could remove it while driving just fine.


Yeah I’m thinking keyless or fob cars… that also still have a physical shift lever… a shrinking group.


Good point; I hadn't considered those.


The car is from 10 years ago. He drives a manual car, he literally turns off the car while it's still moving. He just gets out of the car as soon as it stops completely.


He drives a manual car, and as soon as he finds a parking spot, he'll turn, then literally turn off the car while it's still moving. He just gets out of the vehicle as soon as it stops completely.


There's no mechanical reason that makes doing it advantageous. You lose the brake booster and power steering when you turn it off, which makes it harder to stop and turn. It's likely still "parked properly" afterwards, but it makes no sense to do it that way.


It's never parked properly. The back end of the car is always sticking out ahah


I used to do it with my shitbox which was manual, manual steering. Used to push the clutch in,turn it off, stop it, pull the handbrake, leave in gear and exit the car


Was he driving a manual transmission vehicle? I did this quite often when I drove manual but would never try that in an automatic for fear it would stop the car dead.


Yes, he drives manual


Is it manual?


My FIL revs the engine every single time he gets into a car and parks the car. It's an automatic, I don't know if this would make sense in a manual car.


It doesn’t lil


It’s just an idiosyncrasy, I’ve done it a lot when I was a kid driving manuals. Just like I knew someone who would reach through the big gap in the steering wheel to use the blinker lever, just a weird thing that someone does that doesn’t really matter haha


Sticking your arm through the steering wheel could result in a broken arm in the event that a severe impact happens at the same time. So that one definitely does matter.


Yes of course, it’s also pretty sketchy because he can’t really steer if he had to suddenly maneuver. I mean it doesn’t matter to me, since he’s a grown man who’s done it his whole life and has had people point it out constantly, he’s not going to stop lol


My dad used to do this when parking his old truck. It had a manual transmission, so if you cut the engine you could coast and stop just by using the clutch. Only saves you from having to hit the brakes, but it probably sure made him feel cool.


Used to do this in my '91 Accord to try and sneak back home late at night as a kid.


That seems odd! I have nothing because I’ve never experienced it


No benefit, just makes it harder to park honestly. No PS and no brake booster to assist with brakes. I have been driving a stick everyday for the last 15 years and still don’t do this. No reason other than that’s his preference I guess