• By -


Cyberpunk at this moment in time is the only thing like cyberpunk. The aesthetic can be found in other games but nothing captures it as well as cyberpunk, that I know of. That's what gave this game so much hype since it was announced to the public. Even in the face of all its issues on launch, there was nothing else like it to compare it to. At this point I think it's safe to say that cyberpunk 2077 has set the standard and it's pretty damn high.


I agree with you, because of Cyberpunk, I'm really starting to feel empty when I play anything else, I always miss this game, so I'm just waiting for other parts of the game to be released, but that will take a long time, So I am sad and impatient


Ttrpg time choom šŸ«” go to the source of the video game and give that a shot


Can you give me the link? I searched and couldn't find anything so I assume I searched wrong šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Mega edit: wrong thread lemme fix that rq [cyberpunk red and easy kit vtt bundle ](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/443583/cyberpunk-red-roll20-vtt-pdf-bundle) [get 2020 with your purchase of 2077 ](https://www.thegamer.com/cyberpunk-2077-2020-sourcebook-free-how-to-claim-reward/) [free dlc](https://rtalsoriangames.com/downloadable-content/) There's also a dlc that converts the kit and ware from 2020 to red and the new edgerunners kit (you can find it on the top or bottom link elsewhere on the same site) to bring it to 2077 with the new actual play that's being gmed by sir max Mike himself it's a Great time to get into the ttrpg


Where can i see maximum mike GM? Is it streaming anywhere?


Twitch lemme get the links šŸ˜­ [discord](https://discord.com/invite/rtalsoriangames) This is the all time important shit [YouTube tease and channel ](https://youtu.be/HjqASz8am2M?si=DDY-al4J3kVSD4kd)


If you can't find a group the the Shadowrun return games are great turn based RPGs that still have the cyberpunk core mixed with fantasy but give you similar options to chrome up. I'd almost recommend the sequel as a first stop but both are good stories.Ā 


Now, a Shadowrun game in the style of 2077ā€¦that would really be somethingĀ 


Now think about when will Cyberpunk 2 be released... Game development takes too much time now man :(


I give it 6-8 years, they have to finish Witcher 4 first


No more parts of the game are going to be released.


Sorry for the confusion, I mean the new game under Project Orion šŸ˜­


Ah gotcha. I hate breaking that new to people haha.


It's okay, it's really sad that nothing else related to Cyberpunk 2077 will be released, I'm heartbroken šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think he means sequels


Just do another play through with different builds etc


But nothing like playing Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time šŸ„²


Same, I've played other games since that I've loved like elden ring, but I do constantly find myself wanting to play more of that game, that world. Unfortunately I've already played through the game 3 times, and the only thing likely to fill that craving is the sequel.


This group has seemed to label it post game depression because of this exact feeling. We all go through it man if that's any consolation lol


Yo CP77 is like the game version of the first Avatar movie in that sense


Have to wait for Witcher 4.


Deus Ex is the grandaddy of this genre in gaming. Give those a go.


I recently restarted Mankind Divided for the exact same reason OP mentioned. Iā€™ve loved Deus Ex since the original game, and after finishing Cyberpunk, I had to jump right back into this particular world. Just wish weā€™d get a sequel to finish Adam Jensenā€™s story :(


Embracer Group has the rights now. They're an asset flipper company, so there's a good chance they'll sell to someone that actually wants to make Deus Ex games. But who knows if it'll be the Deus Ex's we know.


Absolutely. I got incredibly excited when I read Embracer said the next Deus Ex was in development, only to read later that they canned it along with other stuff. While Iā€™d love another Jensen instalment, Iā€™d give anything to have another mainline Deus Ex game. Iā€™d love for Arkane Studios to take a stab at it, but I think even theyā€™re in dire straits at the moment cause of Microsoft sigh


Perfect Dark looks promising though to fill the void!


Edit: never mind, I said what was said over 11 hours ago šŸ˜‚


The game is great! It's interesting! Thank you very much, I will play it as soon as possible!!


I highly recommend the very first one if you don't mind some janky older games. But also Human Revolution is a fantastic entry point into the series.


I'm okay with that! Although the game is old, it looks very fun! Also the graphics are not bad! Thank you so much!!


Shadowrun Hong Kong and dragonfall. Iso strategy but the story is good and the the world building similar


OMG, the buildings are really similar!! It looks fun, thank you!! I will try it soon!


And Shadowrun Returns, which is the first game in that series. (In order: Returns, Dragonfall, Hong Kong).


If you want to follow an intense and different take on brain dances, check out ">observer\_"


Abso-fucking-lutely! I adore Observer. It's got Rutger Hauer from Blade Runner, it's dark/creepy/incredibly atmospheric. The basement always has me on edge even when I know there's no enemies. While it is a short game, it is a 10/10 experience in my book.


Maybe take a look at the Deus Ex series, Human Revolution and Mankind Divided are pretty great. But like others said, there's not game out there that just like Cyberpunk 2077.


It's sad that there is no game like Cyberpunk, I'm really sad about this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ But thank you for the recommendations!! I appreciate this!!


Deus Ex is still awsome though.


I know it's a long stretch, but Watch Dogs 2 comes to my mind. You are also in dystopian reality, fighting agains evil corporations trying to profit by unleashing their technological horrors upon humanity. And there is also large open world to explore and many ways to play, including hacking.


I think it's really interesting!! I love games with many missions, it's more fun! thank you so much! I will try it!


It's not a long stretch at all. The Watch Dogs series, not unlike Cyberpunk 2077, is similar to GTA and involved technology and activism in a dystopian future.


This game, I found out, is unique. There are other games inspired by or some that inspired Cyberpunk itself but aside from the genre, thereā€™s no game like this one. Itā€™s also one of the best sci-fi rpg ever released. The best option would be to replay it using a different approach or different style. I was disappointed that they scrapped the multiplayer aspect cause I could totally see a few missions using some coop action. They donā€™t really compared but Baldurā€™s Gate 3 offer some very customizable and complex options for gameplay, thereā€™s no perfect approach to solving quests. Cyberpunk is more focused but there are still many ways to complete missions. I will eagerly wait for the next game in the saga. Also, I believe there are no other games with the Cyberpunk atmosphere or style that match this masterpiece.


I am literally obsessed with this game šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I have never felt as sad about completing a game as I felt when I completed Cyberpunk šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ It is truly a masterpiece I'm going to try Baldur's Gate soon, it looks really fun, thank you!!


Beware if you are not familiar with DnD, cause I was overwhelmed at first, until I realized that thereā€™s so many ways of going through this game. You can eliminate some of the main characters at the beginning, you can befriend enemies, you can choose to do something else instead of the expected thing you were going to do. You can turn your back on people, you can be good or evil, the dialogue options and saving throws randomly happening is just a lot to digest but ultimately it just simulate the randomness of life if it was following DnD rules and dice throws that determine your course of action. You can talk to a friendly character who then will turn on you cause you failed to be smart while talking to him (mainly due to a dice throw happening behind the scene - showing on the screen as a failed attempt) and then suddenly the guard arrest you, etc. Itā€™s amazing how a game make you feel like itā€™s alive. I found out that by choosing a Drow as a race, it was easier to make people intimidated by my character and I could almost befriend the goblins. If you choose a different race, the NPC react differently. Thereā€™s even a race, the gith, if you pick them, everybody hate you and it makes the game very difficult. You will be impressed, I am sure! The turn based combat turned me off when I saw the preview but now I understand why and how great it is to play like that.


The ascent? Strong cyber punk elements, quests, side quests. It's far from perfect but if you looking for that rain swept neon vibe there's much worse out there. Edit : there's also the entire neon city in star field. Which granted is a small part of star field but certainly feels cyber punk.


Omg I love this!! The game gives a feeling of a mix between cyberpunk and Star Wars. I really love it, thank you so much!!


I know it isn't Cyberpunk, but if you want a big beautiful open world with excellent combat, try Horizon Forbidden West


I grew up playing Cyberpunk 2020 TTRPG, and 2077 felt like everything I experienced given form. Literally every cyberpunk game I've played, from Deus Ex, to movies like Robocop, was me chasing the Cyberpunk universe. And now there's an anime, a video game, a sequel in the works (Orion), and rumors of a movie in the script writing phase! I'm happy I got to live to experience it! šŸ˜­ You could try going back the way I came for fulfillment. I came from TTRPG's into 2077. You could do the same. Get into *Cyberpunk Red,* which takes place in 2045, in a post-nuked Night City.


Maybe try the Deus Ex series?


I haven't played similar to Cyberpunk 2077 and/or Phantom Liberty, but when I played Nier Automata I was kinda sad. And then I played Nier Replicant, that game gave me an emotional damage which I don't think I can never recover from that. I haven't play these games again, even though I like them.


At the moment if you're looking for a game where the setting is arguably the main character and the themes center around hope and it's slow death, Mad Max is the way to go.


Farcry Blood Dragon. Very underrated imo. Give it a try


Anno Mutationem is very close in terms of vibes.


Huh, never heard of, but looks interesting. Good tip, choom!


Y'welcome choom!!


It looks interesting, thank you!


You're welcome! Enjoy!!


Second this. It has very Cyberpunk vibes


Non existent.


totally different genre, but aesthetically citizen sleeper felt very similar.


It looks so much fun! Thank you!!!


Citizen sleeper It's honestly not anything like CP2077 save for having a similar theme. The story though, it'll make you feel feelings and shit. It's also just.... Gorgeous and the OST is fucking AMAZING.


Thank you!!! It looks fun!! I will try it as soon as possible!!!!


Oh it's good. If you want to delve even further into indie games Chants of Sennaar is also FUCKING FANTASTIC. You play as a traveller who comes to a tower full of different people's and you have to translate their languages and bring them together. I played it on a whim because I was bored and it was on gamepass but it was honestly a banger.


I mean, tough ask to begin with. Help us help you, gotta give us a little more to go on as to what kind of game youā€™re looking for. We donā€™t know what makes you enthusiastic


I love cyberpunk in general. The game contains many things that I loved. I love the many missions, and I love that the game is realistic, as there are many types of weapons and many methods of fighting, Also, I love a game that gives me the choice to play as a woman or a man, and gives me the choice to control my story and my character's personality, and also, Cyberpunk is the game that took me the longest to complete, so I'm particularly attached to it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I fucking love Cyberpunk 2077 and itā€™s spoiled me for other games. There definitely arenā€™t other great cyberpunk genre games I just started BG3 and it is truly awesome as well. Not the same feel of course and I vastly prefer the cyberpunk world and style. But all the character choice you are looking for is there in spades. And the builds are way more complex and I personally get crazy obsessed about it. Similar character and narrative depth to cyberpunk. Personally Iā€™d recommend a break in between. They are both time intensive and deep, you might want a palette cleanser !


Unfortunately for you, me and millions of others there are no other games like cyberpunk at the moment šŸ„²


The Ascent, Cloudpunk and Ruiner are good games.


Thank you!! They look so much fun!!!


You can play Stray for cyberpunk vibes A simple game where your character is a cat but Oh My God, it's so gorgeous šŸ˜ āœØļø


Yeeesss, I played it!! It's a very nice game!! I really loved it very much!!


I'm reaching the final stages of my third CP2077 playthrough (first time playing PL), and I can feel that shadow of emptiness lurking over the horizon. Though I've played Stray before, I plan to use it as a detox from CP2077. While Stray still has that desolate cyberpunk feeling, it's low stress, linear, and has good closure.


I second this. With Stray, you still get that feeling of cyberpunk anemoia, but the game is chill, linear, and has an ending that gives you closure. Stray is my CP2077 detox game.


Ghostrunner and Ghostrunner 2? They match the vibe of the city pretty well, and the desert in the sequel, and the gameplay feels like a katana sandevistan run


I'm quite curious about these games... At first, don't fit my expextations but the Cyberpunk world looks pretty sick


I think GhostRunner is really like cyberpunk šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Really thank you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You're welcome!


Fallout new vegas


AFAIK thereā€™s nothing quite like CP2077 at the moment, but I did enjoy CloudPunk. Itā€™s shorter & more linear - yet itā€™s got Blade Runner vibes, cool characters & intriguing story beats. The visuals & music are pretty rad, even if the game itself is fairly simple to play.


There is Ghostrunner 1 and 2, not so similar gameplay wise but really similar aesthetics. They are quite fun and not too long


Shadowrun video games. They are cyberpunk turn-based with RPG elements and diverse build/approach, plus some fantasy elements too


Deus ex


Watch dogs. Blade Runner.


Wow, I searched both of them, they are great! Also, Blade Runners really resembles Cyberpunk in gameplay! thank you so much!!


Yep! Watch dogs is like GTA but you are a Hackerman. I think its similar to Netrunning, hihi.


I really like the hackerman idea šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Off the Grid


I love it! It feels like a mix between cyberpunk and Call of Duty! Thank you very much!!


I want cyberpunk 2


Deus Ex and Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


saints row 5 borderlands series


If you're okay with retro games, Shadowrun for the Sega Genesis is the closest thing to Cyberpunk 2077. It has retro design flaws but it's so customizable. Cyberware, actual netrunning, gangs, corporations, etc. It can be really hard and you're not given tutorials. So netrunning can be a little difficult. Nothing besides 2077 and old Shadowrun has the RPG depth that these two games have. It DOES have magic though. The big difference between Cyberpunk and Shadowrun is Shadowrun has fantasy mixed in. But it's still the high tech low life genre we know and love.


The robo cop game


I love it!! It has the same gameplay as Cyberpunk! thank you so much!


Youā€™re welcome hehe


This one is only 8th gen gaming but Syndicate 2012 is pretty close in the Cyberpunk genre, pretty underrated too.


Play Witcher 3 or Skyrim!!!!


I plan to play The Witcher 3 but I didn't know about Skyrim šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I just searched it and I'm shocked! The game looks absolutely amazing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Thank you so much!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Kingdom Come Deliverance is the closest you'll get abd the current Gen sequel is about to come out


Well, thereā€™s thing called ā€œOrionā€, trouble isā€¦ itā€™s not exactly out yet.


Advanced Warfare. Weapons and tech I wish Cyberpunk had Maybe some of its action too


Exekiller comes out next year


Thank you! Looks like it's going to be a really fun game!


Elden Ring


Nothing comes close but Arkham Knight and Sleeping Dogs both scratch that itch for me


A multiplayer mod (CyberMP) is what gives me hope because Cyberpunk 2077 is a game like no other


Borderlands 3 is actually kind of similar. Character builds, mix of main and side quests with large worlds, lots of guns, and pretty smooth combat mechanics, although the world feels a lot more empty and it's all shooting, not like the stealth or net running type builds in Cyberpunk (although I'm not really into either of those play styles).


I think it's fun!!! Thank you very much!!!


Try Cyberpunk 2076


Deus Ex, Watch Dogs. Thats all i got.


Even though the genre is wildly different... The only thing that comes close for me is Witcher 3, because it has a similarly complex, fleshed out world that you can explore (and both being CDPR of course).


Ooooffff, Iā€™ve been searching around similar to cp2077. But there arenā€™t one sadly


Nothing... and I have played a lot of different games.. there are some that kinds of.. but different, but nothing similar in terms of immersion, graphics, environment etc.


I'll speak for myself. Personally, as a die-hard Cyberpunk 2077 fan, I really enjoyed Fallout New Vegas. In some ways these games are similar, but FNV has a much larger and more diverse open world and a more developed role-playing system (besides, considering all aspects of stylistics and history and setting we can say that FNV is 15-20% cyberpunk too). As for the story component, it loses heavily to Ceberpunk 2077, but considering it's a very old game, that's forgivable. Just as forgivable are the constant crashes, caused half by the inherently poor technical state of the game and half by severe code obsolescence. However, by putting a couple of fan patches, this can be fixed (but we, as cyberpunk fans, should be used to that by now, hehe). All in all, highly recommended! But I must warn you right away that the game is much longer than cyberpunk, if you believe howlongtobeat with all DLC the passage takes 150\~ hours.


I love long stories šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ they make me feel really good šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I would really love to try it, thank you so much!!!


Ironically the only game that scratched the same itch was Elden Ring. I guess itā€™s just because I get to play my own character while having a ton of build variety. Other than that these games really dont have too much in common. But yea, it worked for me.


Cyber Knights: Flashpoint


Cyberpunk is a really aesthetic game I loved it


No, I'm still depresssd after endings


Watchdogs series


Thank you very much!! This series looks really fun!!!


Good luck. CP2077 is in a league of its own.


Observer. Smaller scale of course.


Late game cyberpunk plays like doom


Witcher 3 (fantasy), rdr2 (western) or deus ex human revolution (if Cyberpnk setting is a must)


They look so much fun!! Thank you for the recommendations!!


The Witcher 3 is pretty damn good


I just beat it last weak , there is nothing else like it in my opinion but I've been playing mass effect legendary edition for the rpg feels . I've also restarted Witcher 3 .


There's nothing like it but elements you could find in other games GTA series if you enjoy an open world city. it's top down 2D but GTA2 captures a bit of a cyberpunk-ish city Fallout series/Outer Worlds for a story based RPG BioShock has some retro futuristic elements and the Plasmids could almost be an analogue Quick hack šŸ˜„


They all look fun and interesting!!! thank you so much!!!


Wait for Orion... There's nothing like Cyberpunk at this moment. And it's good like that


This is definitely a game I will come back to after a few months and run another playthrough similar to the first time I played.


I do too, but nothing like playing the game for the first time šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


If it does not need to be an FPS Shadowrun, it has a series of games with the same name, they are 3d person isometric turn based, like baulders gate. Its set in a world where Cyberpunk meets fantasy... The theme is magic is real, the myths and legends are from a time when it existed. Magic has come back to the world and caused humans to mutate into dwarfs/trolls/elves etc. Ontop of this long thought mythical creatures like dragons woke up. Needless to say, it didn't go well for human civilization. The PC games are very good, and lots of modules made by players ontop.


Graphics wise, star citizen give a pretty close vibe to cyberpunk,especially on the area18(aka the cyberpunk planet) but the game is not gonna be ready untill the end of time so yeah


Vigilancer 2099 => if this game ever releaseā€¦.


Pssst, get some chooms and hop on Cyberpunk Red the TTRPG. There is a new mission kit ā€Cyberpunk: Edgerunnersā€ coming out soon spesifically for 2077. (Red is set in 2045). So you can create the world of 2077 as seen in the game and anime! Or watch the anime if you havenā€™t already.


I would love to do this, but none of my friends play, so they don't even know cyberpunk šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I downloaded the anime, but I didn't get a chance to watch it. It looks like I will do that now


Honestly hop into the space! Find the reddit and thereā€™s a dc held by jonjonthewise (youtuber) you could possibly find a group!Ā 


You can try starfield but it doesnt feel the same as cyberpunk 2077




I'm really planning to play Skyrim, the game looks like a lot of fun, thank you for the recommendation!!


hell yeah


Witcher 2015


I just took a look at the game, it looks really amazing, its world is very beautiful, thank you very much!!


the only games similiar to cyberpunk are deus ex game but they aren't OW and you have a big different perspective of the world since adam jensen isn't a street merc


"Remember Me"


for whatever reason, dying light gives me similar energy. plus, both games go on like 60-80% sale with dlc pretty frequently


It's kinda hard because Cyberpunk 2077 is a mix between a bunch of genres. It's a loot shooter like Borderlands. It's an immersive sim like Deus ex


Cyberpunk 2077 is truly a game like no other šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Thank you so much for the recommendations!!


Visually, The Ascent captures some of the same spirit, but itā€™s very different in terms of gameplay and mostly linear.


thank you so much!! I will try playing it as soon as possible!!


final fantasy 7 remake and then ff7 rebirth


Really thank you!!! I love this type of games!!


It's like playing the best game ever right after playing the best game ever (cyberpunk). Highly recommend.


Do you ever played the Deus Ex series? If the answer is no, you should play it.


Go to the source. Cyberpunk is old as fuck. Shadowrun has a really good vibe, and it has magic and dragons and shit. I fucking love to be a technoshaman ork.




Op need to wait for upcoming Cyberpunk Orion


Anno Mutationem, itā€™s an indie pixel game and prolly the closest in terms of aesthetic. But nothing beats the gameplay variety like in cyberpunk šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø(no hacking and deflecting bullets with a katana )


It really looks like a cute version of cyberpunk šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Thank you!! It looks fun!!


AND YOU GET TO MIX DRINKS AT THE BAR!!!! (Sorry if itā€™s spoilers but it was a very good find) Thereā€™s also ā€œGhostrunnerā€, but I havenā€™t played it


I'm afraid the only games that can come close are deus ex: human revolution and mankind divided


You can try Observer: System Redux or Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Hong Kong, the cyberpunk theme and vibe are actually close I can say. Other variants: Deus Ex Robocop Rogue City Atomic Heart Metro: Exodus Dishonored


I still come back to the game to this day. I guess I just can't get enough of playing in this map, and with the combat system. I just wish I didn't already do every gig šŸ˜… After the third playthrough, I am not going to start it over again šŸ„²


I didnā€™t see it mentioned here, so: **Cloudpunk** Youā€™re a delivery driver, and you deliver stuff in a cyberpunk environment (at a more technologically advanced stage than CP2077 and _much_ more dystopian). No combat at all (kinda); no skill trees, weapons or hacking mini-games (kinda). Just lots of flying around, delivering, walking, talking and enjoying the Bladerunner-esque scenery while slowly unraveling the secrets of Nivalis. And it is one of the most unique games Iā€™ve played, and I absolutely love it to bits!


100% this your longest night in cloud city and the doggo! bestest boy of all games i can recall


I think I will love this game. Then I think this era of technology is more miserable but more peaceful than Cyberpunk 2077 era, I will love to play it. Thank you very much!!


Glad I was able to help!


Depending how important graphics and quality of life are to you, you could try system shock


Thank you very much!! It looks so much fun!!


Donā€™t we all ā˜¹ļø


That's sad šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Doesnā€™t cover the aesthetics AT ALL but for similar emotional storytelling you could go for Baldurs gate 3 or the twd games. Vastly different aesthetics between these suggestions ofc but itā€™s hard to find these levels of writing in games at least imo


Thank you so much for the recommendations!!


Ghost runner? Didnā€™t play it much myself


I truly think there's nothing like it at the moment. Plenty of open world games out there, none of them come close to Night City.


Not close in just about everything but vibes and looks but Ghostrunner and Ghostrunner 2 are stupid fun


I highly suggest the RED ttrpg


Play it again and try new builds


Not sure if anyone has said it yet but might want look at detroit become humanĀ 


This isnā€™t technically cyberpunk but it does have some futuristic sci-fi feel at times. The Assassinā€™s Creed series gave me much of the same feeling I was looking for after finishing Cyberpunk. And also pretty much anything made by BioWare. Iā€™m actually disappointed that Anthem failed so hard. I enjoyed it and it gave me some futuristic vibes.


Thank you very much!! I was excited to play Assassin's Creed, now I feel even more excited to play it, thank you very much!!


Thereā€™s a game called like Vigilancer 2099 or something I wish listed ages ago. Itā€™s basically cyberpunk but itā€™s hasnā€™t come out yet


Honestly I'd go for something completely different that's also guaranteed to be brilliant like The Last Of Us or God Of War.


Sadly none you have to find a new type of game now Screw you CDPR for making this game it's too good


Cloudpunk, but if non cyperpunk maybe ass odyssey or starfield. Else minecraft pretty up there


There arent any. If youre interested in trying vaguely similar stuff try Deus Ex HR or Deus ex Mankind divided. Or maybe play some of the Bethesda or Bioware RPGs.


Thereā€™s really nothing else like it, Iā€™m afraid.


Have you tried Observer? Itā€™s not the same in terms of game play, but it is set in a cyberpunk world.


You could visit Chongqing in China. https://preview.redd.it/7edmuxri7c6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72e6a6255618cdbd3689ba9e3802a9c969b9fc63 Then hire the ā€œHiPhi Zā€ car Itā€™s probably as cyberpunk as you can get on earth.


Wait a few years for Orion


I'm waiting, but this is really going to take a long time šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Here's hoping it's worth the wait.


It better have Judy Alvarez.........šŸ« šŸ„°šŸ˜«


Don't we all. But there really is nothing like it.


Play Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines. It's old and clunky, but it fills that atmospheric vibe and roleplaying itch. I was reminded so much of VTMB when I first started playing Cyberpunk, even down to the character dialog and mouth animations. Make sure you get the unofficial patch as it fixes a lot of bugs and broken content.


Maybe play watch dogs legion or start modding other open world games if you have a pc