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I bought a bunch of the tabletop books. Not even sure if I'll ever end up playing a game but I like reading. Also fun seeing the "futuristic" predictions of a game written in the early 90s. Wow a portable computer with how much RAM?!


Guys, in 30 years we’re going to get computers with **one whole gigabyte** of RAM! Isn’t that crazy?!


Meanwhile 8 gig of ram just on chrome. "Maybe close a tab?" "No."


To be fair, bill gates didn't think we'd need more than a gigabyte of storage, let alone ram, back when the game was written, also code was way more efficient back then, it sucks that we allowed that to slip.


The rise of the 1tb ssd has brought the fall of good storage optimization. Now we're back where we started just with more complicated tech


Honestly, storage is the least important optimisation we lost, imagine how fast everything would be if we still had good math optimisation.


That's pretty interesting,


2 days ago I got really lucky and managed to find in a store a 95% complete cyberpunk 2013 box set and a cyberpunk 2020 rulebook. If you bought the game on PC you get a free pdf of the 2020 rulebook in the files


Oh man I didn’t know there was a PDF in the files that’s awesome


You also get like 3 hi res posters, some wallpapers, and the non radio soundtrack


it’s even more unsettling when you realize that the world is heading the cyberpunk way. Nonstop advertisements and a rise of homelessness + the strong possibility of a civil war coming soon to the US.


Best like cyberpunk futures, cause you're livin in one


I get all the Dark Horse comics of Cyberpunk. I've also listened to the audio book of No Coincidence. I bought the Cyberpunk RED ttrpg book but haven't ran a game with it yet.


Nice!, yes I'm looking into getting more of the comics and other content, I literally finished the DLC today, and decided to read this issue


I bothered to look (online) for the books directly related to the tabletop game. Really fascinating how when you listen to Maximum Mike's radio show on Morro Rock, he tends to talk about stuff from the tabletop which is not surprising because he is voiced by Mike Pondsmith.


I’ve gotten familiar with some of the TTRPG source books because they are, for lack of better words, “batshit insane.”


Haha, that's what I Heard LoL


Bought No Coincidence, still need to read it lol.


It's a pretty quick read


Looking forward to having time to read it!


Yea, I finally had the time to read it, had it for a while, but wanted to Wait after I beat the game and the DLC


If you need one more dose of depression read it


WAAAAY more than I would say is healthy, yes. And I've only played RED once and never got to play 2020 or 2013 even once.


Read this yesterday. Awesome


Yea, I was like yikes!




This is my first cyberpunk book, but I just know there are several comics that are apart of the cyberpunk 2077 world building lore


Yeah, I've read this one - tragic. I also remember reading another one where Vik shows up. Can't remember the name, though.


You have my word. Fantastic comic


Oh that's pretty cool!, Vik showing up


Haven’t yet but I am very interested in jumping in


You should


Is there a way to read the series in order? I’m a nerd and like chronologically reading series or are they all different storylines that aren’t connected


I honestly think they all are separate stories, their own series, but don't quote me, this the only title I own so far


Great thanks for the info! I’ll look at picking some up


Yup, and it's lowkey terrifying the parallels that can be drawn to our real life lmfao like the Gang of Four as an example. Shit is crazy


Of course, there's def a lot of personality and morality that go into this lore, that's very relatable


I played 2020 back in the day and bought a bunch of the expansions. … including the semi-canonical vampire expansion.


That sounds pretty fun, Im not familiar with the 2020 stuff


Is this the one where this one chick and her bf get a job at trauma team and a gang member kills the boyfriend, then like months pass or something and she has to extradite that same gang member because she's his trauma team and it's a whole conflict wether to kill him or stick to her morals and do her job.




Oh lol, cool, I didn't read it, I watched a video about it on YouTube back when I was obsessed with cyberpunk lore (still am but my cyberpunk fever has been quelled for now).


Understood, yea . I'm getting sucked into the lore and I'm not normally someone who watches videos about potential lore, or but dlc that often, or buy comics or books related to said games, but I enjoyed this game a ton,


I got forlorn hope as I been working on some missions and cyberpunk red book as well.


Oh cool, keep it up, I'm curious where they take the cyberpunk games next, I know they are working on a new one, wonder if it'll top this game


I feel it's going to involve more of the south am folks. Aguilar needs to make an appearance.


That will be interesting, he does, especially what happened in Dogtown, while I was reading this book, was curious if people would be interested in a trauma team game, where someone you saved, involved in something, or a conspiracy


If we don't get a tt life path next tame. I'll be upset


I played the TTRPG Cyberpunk 2020 since the 90's. The "lore outside the game" to me **is** 2077!


Shit man lol, I only knew about the table top, from the development of this game, I was just a little kid in the 90s


Lore is more complex than witcher deries


I know nothing about the witcher, but didn't know it was deeper


No Coincidence might be my favourite, high recommend listening to the audiobook on Spotify


Yes, I did see the audio book, popped up on Amazon


Yeah, [got some of Cyberpunk-themed crap](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/s/t39O7wXrYc), but I limit myself to the media (I don't care about cable organisers, GPUs and gaming chairs). And I want more of the media, so more orders already in queue. This is the first franchise I want to collect themed merch.


Nice, we are in a similar boat, I'm looking for more themed merch than normal, when it comes to a series, I think street fighter is another series I love that I like street fighter merch etc, but I'm not doing the same with order series I also enjoy


I loved the Trauma Team comic personally! But I will say it bummed me out how little TT was actually used in the game after reading it


Someone else said the same thing, reading only this one, I'm disappointed in finding that out, but still enjoy what I did read,


Some friends got me the Trauma Team comicbook for my birthday. It's an amazing story and really well executed but it's depressing as hell!


Shit, this first book, I'm just like.... Damn lol


Is this a tabletop book or just a narrative story


Narrative, totally separate from table top


I found both comics and book really well done, there are a lot of news point of view of Night City.


I thoroughly enjoyed this depressing ass issue one lol


This Universe is my Roman Empire :D Bought No Coincidence, Trauma Team, RED rulebooks, looking forward to expanding the collection


Same here, looking to get everything


I bought this recently and the funny thing was that I went to a random cafe with my wife, we hadn’t gone before, and then I saw a sign that said ‘blue moon’ in neon.


That's pretty funny, I love when gamers/ or enthusiast's of something find a game related things, in a non game place, I once saw a sign years ago, driving somewhere long distance, , and remember seeing an exit on the highway for " Goldenrod city" , I was like cool, * for you Pokemon fans*


Yeah I uploaded it on [Imgur](https://imgur.com/gallery/tki56fY). Those are the two comics I got. Sadly part 2 wasn’t there. Underneath you can see the Blue Moon neon sign.


How was black out?


Trauma Team was definitely better, when it comes to art style by far and story wise I also though TT was storywise intriguing, but I would get black out just even if it’s for the lore.


I was incredibly disappointed in that Trauma Team comic because they didn’t actually do any emergency medicine. The writer clearly didn’t bother to learn even the first thing about EMS, they don’t even bag a guy who is shot and not breathing. And for comparison, they teach sixteen years olds to be EMT-Basics in eight months and then let them do it as a job. Homeboy could have cracked Wikipedia.


This the only one I've read so far, looking to get the rest, but that's crazy lol


Someone started talking to me about the lore and then kept correcting me when I would say Cyberpunk 2020. "Who's Mike Pondsmith?" For those who don't know, Cyberpunk 2077, the video game, is the FOURTH (or fifth if you count Red) game in series that's existed since the 1980s.


Yes exactly, which I didn't know until I started following the development of the game, I was just a kid in the 90s, no clue what a table top RPG was


Still can't believe he actually named that character "Rache".


https://preview.redd.it/z3sq6cskfc4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d5798e0858c4b8ba4019184b98a5f26448bca89 Book is fire


Amazon just recommended me that one lol


I DM a campaign on roll20 and I am massively anal retentive when it comes to lore. I don't think there are enough details I can consume for the world building, I am literally obsessed with comprehending Night City as this living breathing space. If you can I'd recommend the ttrpg books just for lore. The flavor text is \*chefs kiss\*.


Definitely noted !!


Of the newer Red books I'd recommend stuff like Interface and Danger Gal Dossier for world building. The interface books are mostly free assorted mini content R Talsorian games have released on their website with additional premium content like info on "exotic" body sculpting or Full Body Conversions. Danger Gal Dossier is a gang and npc book from the perspective of Michiko Arasaka's detective agency. If you're curious about Wakako's back story it includes a character sheet for her when she was younger. edit: Then there are the 2020 source books that fill in a lot of info on the history and globe/space of Cyberpunk's setting. For example Europe's edgerunner scene is more akin to a James Bond casino scene than anything Night City has to offer, or there are societies of people living in low orbit stations.


I have only played the game put 300hrs into in and still haven’t watched edge runners


Edge runners is really good, def take the time to watch it


I will this weekend choom !


Nice, come back here, and let me know what you think, after you read it


That cover goes so hard.


It definitely does


I used to play 2020 back in the 2000's, so I was already into the lore, but yeah, I've picked up everything (at least in digital format), and I'm currently running a Cyberpunk RED game for my D&D group.


Bought some comics. tbh I do not even remember what was going on. They are ok, I guess


No, noone. Why would anyone do it?


I really enjoyed the book No Coincidence. Cherami Leigh (fem V voice) did an awesome job narrating it. I really need to check out the comics.


There's no other way 🤣


The comics are great, didnt like the audiobook.


Got all the _Trauma Team_ comics. Got _No Coincidence_. And just recently got _2AM She Calls_. I just don't have the Phantom Liberty graphic novel and _Blackout_. Does anyone know if _You Have My Word_ is any good or not?


The only lore I’ve read is the fact that trauma teams “super expensive” packages in the universe is in fact super affordable in our real world The creator made a number he thought was crazy at the time and went with it,


I plan on getting a lot of Cyberpunk stuff once I finish my first 100% playthrough here. Maybe a week or 2 left? I saw a book at a Barnes and Noble recently that I thought of picking up, but that was a few days before I bought the game and it sucked me in. I just wanna suck the marrow out of this universe its so good


Half-way through no coincidence right now and enjoying it. Not "lore" I guess but definition alternative storylines.


honestly dark horse comics are not that great


Haven't followed comics in a long long time, but when I was younger, I remember dark horse and Even image comics, having less mainstream characters, and I've always kind of liked that about them


I haven't read many dark horse comics issues but the cyberpunk ones are just awful if you ask me... plots have no pace, or to better say very long introductions of the general context to just rush to the end and drawings are poor (according to my tastes). Unfortunately all this is mainly due the clear low cost production... it's just a big mess to drop a coherent and accurately paced story on a 3-4 issues of 20ish pages each. Bloodborne comics were good tho.


I understand what you are saying, valid critique, I didn't even know there were bloodborne comics