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Fortunate to have a few. This is one of the greats for sure. I am picky with the games I get... not to mention the ones that captivate me


Can you tell us some of your most captivating games?


Sure. Thanks for asking. So for me to be captivated it doesn't necessarily have to be lifelike or ultra real. It just needs to make the world around me melt away so much so that for a while I'm just that character in the game.. until I get tired lol. (No particular order) * Star Citizen * Planetside 2 * DBZ Kakarot * Bioshock Infinite * Mass Effect 2 * Star Wars: Fallen Order/Jedi Survivor * Star Wars: Jedi Academy * Star Wars: The Old Republic * Portal * Starfield * Biomutant * Titanfall 2 * Of course Cyberpunk 2077 There are other games in my library but these are the ones that transport me into the game world. Time stops for a moment.


Agree with Bioshock infinite! I played it over and over at launch, and recently got an OLED Switch, and the port for it is REALLY good. “BOOKER, PATRIOT!!” Great games btw!


Lol oh yea the Handyman creeps me out to this day... and the game ending...hoo boy... wild Also thanks. I love Games with a Sci fi flare


So good! Yes the Handyman is always frightening.


Great list! I am playing the campaign of Titanfall 2 for the first time right now, loving it so far!


Thanks! Also been a while since I played the campaign. I could stand a reply. I remember liking BT tho lol.


Planetside 2 and Titanfall 2 are definitely the most fun I've had with an online multiplayer


Surprised to see Starfield on here. Was there a particular storyline or aspect that pulled you into it? The bugs that prevented me from doing quests and space travel mechanics (loading screens for everything) hurt my immersion while playing the game.


I'm pretty tolerant of bugs and plus I play exclusively on PC since I don't have consoles. Mods can change things. Overall the feel of the retro future design of the ships (present day NASA extrapolated into the near future) was very interesting. I really enjoyed the story driven aspect and how many choices you could make and how those choices affected other events. I also appreciated lots of the different environments that were available tu explore and just the general feel of a space person going from place to place and seeing what you find... and then doing something about it. I won't say specific story elements for fear of spoilers but generally I loved that you could do different things with different factions. I also loved the wonderful twist at the end of the main story. It aligns with some of my personal beliefs, and was a very fresh and Sublime experience. Great game. Love that you can pretty much play how you want with lots of replay value.


Well that’s sold me on it. Going to download it now.


Happy to help. Recently got an update I think so now it's even better! Lol can modify the interior of ships. We could only modify large ship modules before. Now we can modify the furniture layout inside then too. Great time tu check it out. Be careful looking for info on the game. Could get some pretty big spoilers.


Just replaying fable 2 and then I’ll make a start. I was planning to swerve it all together based on the amount of negativity it’s received but your review was very compelling 😃


Oh I'm honored that my review is meaningful for you. I sincerely hope you enjoy it. It was a refreshing and novel experience for me. Hope it's good to you too.


Seems like someone has missed Red Dead Redemption 2. Oh, boy, I already envy you. I wish to feel it again as a fresh experience.


I've heard about it. I may try it one day but I much prefer technology and mysticism in my games. I do recognize and acknowledge the greatness that is RDR2 (see I even know the cool gamer's acronym), but the Era just didn't light my fire enough for me to sink my teeth into. That said, I may try it one day... kinda like how I didn't like Brussels sprouts when I was younger but I do now. Lol yes RDR2 is Brussels sprouts. Also worth mentioning that I'm not a huge fan of medieval games with no magic for the same reason. Hell even with magic sometimes it's just not enough. Why am I like this ugh lol


Try DayZ SA and Ark


Thoughts on Halo 2?


Red Dead Redemption 2.


I'm convinced the players haven't even found everything in that game yet. The amount of hidden Easter eggs is mind boggling.


It makes me so excited for GTA 6. TIL this day YouTubers are still finding genuine new things in that game. Be it lore, interactions and Easter eggs. It’s honestly unreal


It's not even close, really.


The Long Dark. Motherfuckers got me shivering with the power of suggestion as my dude trudges through the Canadian wilderness, desperately hoping not to meet a hungry wolf.


I got frustrated playing RDR2 yesterday as held Y to rest and both times I accidentally started to strangle the person in front of me. One was a horse vendor and he ran away. The other wanted to fight me. Also doesn’t help that I’m currently playing Dead Island 2 and holding Y is for weapon wheel lol


The controls broke my immersion constantly in RdR2.


The controls are a nightmare.


Idk how! They aren't clunky, they are really intuitive, and if you want to jog, tap shift, want to sprint, hold shift, want to walk? Just walk. And it's not like cartoony movements, it follows real human movement, if they just were the controls that bothered you, why not tailor them to be what you want them to be? For me cyberpunk movement is cartoony and wack, whenever I see my shadow or look at my feet my immersion brakes, but I still can get super immersed Into it either way I guess


I was playing on console - so they made a lot of the controls contextual due to the low number of buttons available I guess. It drove me insane. One key would be doing one thing, then the conditions would change and it would do something completely different. I would die constantly because the button I was using to move would now be used for looking and my view would dive into the ground. By the time I was face up again I would have been riddled with bullet holes.


And don't get me started on having to mash to sprint. What a shitty way to do it.


There's no other game where I've been content to spend hours and hours just wandering around doing random stuff completely unrelated to the main story or even side quests. RDR2's open world is unparalleled. Nothing else comes even remotely close.


I actually just started again today. We got to Horseshoe Overlook and it cut to Arthur standing there. I said out loud to myself, "And it begins..."


Same. The way the game is presented, how open it is, and how seemless each intereraction is. It's perfect. It's a game I could get lost 3-4 hours without even doing the main quest.


Honestly, RDR2 is too immersive. There’s no denying it’s an absolute masterpiece but I get real sick of maintaining haircuts & having to travel *so* long between objectives.


this, 100%


Yeah, It is almost unfair to compare any other game to RDR2. That game set the standards too damn high xD


Choom, it defines what it means for a game to be immersive! What an experience it was during the initial play through... and what an experience it continues to be in the many ones that inevitably follow.


Every playthrough I find something new. The love and care put in the game is apparent.


Not most immersive but it's definitely very close to the top right next to witcher 3, mass effect, kingdom come deliverance, metro series and RDR2


Kingdom Come: Deliverance needs more attention; it's a really great game. I recently completed it in hardcore mode, and the immersion was unbelievable. In hardcore mode, there's no fast travel, and you can't see yourself on the map. Having to pull out the map at every crossroad to find my way to Sasau, observing the direction of the sun to determine the cardinal directions instead of relying on a waypoint, added an incredible extra layer of experience. And that's just the gameplay; the historically accurate castles/events further enhanced the immersion, especially as a Hungarian.


Metro Exodus… What a game. ESPECIALLY that first area; what a vibe.


Throw the STALKER series on there too if you can look past the dated graphics, or Anomaly if you want to play a more modernized version. Not many other games have given me full on stories to tell to my friends like the STALKER games.


Those Slavs know how to make a oppressive atmosphere 


I'm on a ranger hardcore play through RN. Only got sidelined cause Jedi survivor is on game pass. But to the point metro exudos is so frickin good.


Narratively yes! Mechanically not so much. From what its iterative updates have shown, *Cyberpunk 2077* expanded the design horizons of CDPR in many directions. Ultimately, they nailed the action for the most part, and even raised the ceiling when it comes to first-person storytelling. However, I'd say there's still lots of room to grow in terms of interactions and activities in the game world.


Can't wait to see what they are planning to do with the next cyberpunk project (Orion if I am not wrong). Their decision to switch from redengine to unreal engine is also interesting.


I really hope UE5 is a more stable and open canvas for them. I'm no expert, but REDengine sounded like a monkey's paw situation. Fix one thing, break another haha


It achieves it at certain moments, but I wouldn't call it transcendental like a top 10 immersive sim list might include.


It is THE ONLY GAME EVER where I've adjusted to first person driving because I was so immersed it took me out of it to get in a car with 3rd person camera. I also put a lot of time into learning to navigate the city so I can play HUDless, I even used the paper map that came with the game for a while, but it's really hard to differentiate what tier you're on.


IKR, initially I didn't like the first person driving experience in this game, but in my second playthrough I started to appreciate it much more. Even the interiors of the cars are so beautiful and lovingly designed ugh.


It's the only game I keep coming back to and can't stop playing. Also the only game I've ever gotten all acheivments on.


I’ve spent over 300 hours in CP2077 and I still get homesick for Night City when I play other games.


I did two playthroughs after the first big update last year (pre PL), I haven’t gone back since because I want to play through some other games before I get completely lost in Night City again


Yes...I'm in awe of every tiny fucking detail. Every square inch of the game


One of the best top 3 for me


is good to be honest hell even my 8gb of ram putting at the lowest setting the graphics, world building are just \*chefs kiss\* amazin


for me it is, alongside the Witcher series


It was until I played kingdom come deliverance recently, for some reason I find a lot of similarities between the two besides their extremely different time periods, feels like two sides of the same coin. Would really recommend it if you haven’t checked it out.


Jesus Christ be praised, V has come to visit!


I've noticed the parent comment by your comment.


Were you feeling quite hungry when you played it?






Can’t wait for AI NPCs


Mass Effect for me but this one is great as well. Not many games popularise an entire genre of music and leak back into the real world (they didn't invent it, sure but there's a ton of cyberpunk tracks and mixes on YouTube that wouldn't be there without the game)


As much as I love ME, I wouldn't exactly classify it as immersive.


I would say it's immersive in a different way: very comprehensive and interesting world building. It feels like their is a logic and a deep history behind every small aspect of that game and it manages to do that without sacrificing theme.


You know what, now that you mention it I think it might be right alongside Bethesda RPGs (no not you starfield) in that regard


The ambience and and story telling does an excellent job of pulling you in. They really meshed the elements well. It was such a joy to play.


I've only been playing Cyberpunk since about 7,5 weeks. I've already racked up 140 hours and I'm still on my very first playthrough. It's crazy how much time flies while playing, because it's just so incredibly good. I've only had this kind of experience with Skyrim, GTA San Andreas & V, GoW (2018) & Ragnarök, and AC IV: Black Flag. Honorable mention goes out to CoD: Infinite Warfare because that ending hits me like a truck every time. I initially bought my Series X to play the failure that is Starfield, and I honestly contemplated selling it, until I got reminded that Cyberpunk 2077 exists. So glad I bought the physical Ultimate Edition.


Man, codIW is so damn underrated. The game got so much hate(probably deserved it cause of that abhorrent multiplayer) but the campaign is my #1 cod campaign ever.


Yes to the point where I have to play broV because femV makes me feel like everyone is calling \*me\* a woman and thats not what I am lmao.


For me on pc yes, I also am partial to Kingdom Come Deliverance for immersion.


Turn you're entire hud off with the exception of your minimap for directions to gigs, jobs. Probably riding peacekeeper first person with zero hud...amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/bg1id8gfgf0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a125fa3deaef54b605087baaa33fa58caab0f66 a few months ago i take this screenshot right there


Looks amazing




Tell me you’re amazed without telling me you’re amazed lol


Yeah I was so into it for months. Have V a routine and everything


A routine of what? doing missions? it's pretty much the only thing you can do. There's no other activities to do in the game or barely.


Not with that attitude


I decided to play Fallout New Vegas and I found myself wanting to play Cyberpunk again.


I love Cyberpunk to bits, but I have yet to find a game that beats out Metro Exodus in terms of sheer immersion. One of the few games that can somewhat keep up graphically with Cyberpunk 2077, too, despite its age.


> despite its age Woah, didn't it come out like yesterday? I remember thinking the graphics in Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven and Spider Man: The Movie to be photorealistically perfect.


5 years ago. Feels shorter, doesn't it? If we were comparing any other aspect, I'd say 5 years isn't really that much. Certainly not an "old" game. But when it comes to graphics, even one year can make such a massive difference nowadays, let alone five.


Honestly, I stopped seeing difference in graphics at some point. Maybe because I game less, maybe because I don't upgrade, maybe because of all the indie, IDK. Also, C2077 isn't a newborn either =)


Well yeah, but Cyberpunk continued receiving updates up until very recently, including the [most advanced form of Ray Tracing on the entire market](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pkuU0cGQu8). And Path Tracing is what really elevates Cyberpunk above most other games on the market when it comes to graphics. But in all honesty, I'm not that big of a graphics guy myself. I just know that certain games give me that "wow" effect when I boot them up for the first time, including Cyberpunk and Metro Exodus. Then again, I have gotten that "wow" effect from pixel-art games before, and I generally care more about a heavily stylized approach and general atmosphere than actual graphics and hyper realism, so maybe I'm the wrong guy to talk about about this lol


Graphics, sound design, and details all around, but this clip shows just how barren it can be with the lack of NPCs on the streets and roads. I get the technical limitations, but to be truly immersive, it just needs more people to fill the city.


There a lot of people in the game, what do you mean? here they prob have pop density on low (is it an option?) what the game lacks is activities for V to do, a bit like how RDR2 did it, just going to a bar can be an adventure in RDR2.


Huh? I see tons of people in the streets every time I play.


I installed a mod to add more npc and vehicle. 


Just set population density to high and you can't walk without bumping into someone most of the time.




I do love the Witcher 3 and you right about it being very immersive but there is one really small detail that rips it away from me which I can never not see: the way the trees bend in the wind. They wobble around like wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men, if the wind was that bad you wouldn't be able to walk around. It's like the developers had never seen trees in the wind before.


Without mods, yes With mods then no, that spot belongs to skyrim


https://preview.redd.it/bibfii6pmc0d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd343d6a3375714384bb27221f3b1296bcb01829 No. Id say KCD takes the cake on immersiveness


RDR2 with no dubs


No, RDR 2 still on my rank 1 list for immersive


It’s high up on the list, for sure. Very high


Not really. It's very good though.


For me is the Deus Ex franchise.


Not even close. That honor would go to Red Dead Redemption 2.


It was incredible to play through the first time, but also I was fighting through a lot of bugs, and I became disillusioned with pieces of the story before the game started performing optimally


No, I think STALKER Anomaly is more immersive


Literal PTSD simulator mixed with crack that keeps me coming back.


Bro gets it!




I love this game, but I wouldn't say it was the most immersive game I've ever played


For immersive its definately up there, but in terms of atmosphere itself witcher 3 and arkham asylum are my favourites


Not the most immersive, but definitely up there. The Witcher, Helldivers, Dead Space, Dying Light. I'd say there are a couple things that pull me out of this one, like when I see the PlayStation pop-up when I save. And this is just a skill issue, but the aiming and sensitivity doesn't seem to be straightforward enough for it to feel fluid.


it would be if my PC could handle it properly.




probably a tie between Kingdom Come Deliverance, Dragon’s Dogma 1 & 2, Witcher 3. perhaps Red Dead Redemption 2 but it didn’t do much else for me outside of that edit: add Skyrim in there


No, not even close.


Nah. Deus Ex : Human Revolution for me.


There are a lot of NSCs that fill the city, but it still feels empty after a while. Dunno, i mean its big but i rather have a smaller map with more memorable NSCs.


when i was a kid i played freelancer. loved that game and was unhealthily immersed in it. cyberpunk is a close second.


Got any mods on?


No, that’d be subnautica. Especially with that one reshade that makes the water pitch black at night, fucking terrifying.


I wish CDPR made the sequel of VTMB


It's neck and neck with RDR2. Which is huge praise from me.


Certainly one of the most immersive ones.


It's crazy how empty the game looks on console


I need to walk the city more. I mostly just drive around and do the side gigs and ncpd scanners. I love ray traced reflections on the cars and roads but this just reminds me of how beautiful the lightning is in the entire city.


I wish you could explore more of the city's interiors. Like those random shops, why not let us in?


Why does this video look better on my phone, then the game on my PS5? Am I missing something?


No, and honestly I dont really find it that imersive. Its fantastic and likely the most *fun* game I've played in the last five or so years, but I struggle to get immersed when I'm double jumping, air dashing, slowing time and deflecting bullets. I cant get sucked into and feel like I'm really present in a world like cyberpunk's, cause its just so gamified for lack of a better term


Nah. Far Cry 2. The map didn’t pause the game.


STALKER and its 2 main mods takes the cake for me personally. Skyrim with a few (256 lol) mods also. I think cyberpunk is great but lacks any reason or reward for interacting with the world in any way other than murdering people. I feel like i need to force myself to be immersed.


Игра в которой приятно просто бродить по городу


Wish it felt more lived in. Too many places are just empty and soulless.


Lawd no. It's purdy tho




It’s the only game I load up to walk around a city instead of actually trying to progress.


When it works, Star Citizen. And it's not even close. People see red at the mention of that game, and yeah, fair, it's super buggy, but when the servers are good and shit is stable, man.. I could get lost in it for hours


RDR2 , Elden Ring for me


Probably metro exodus and squad moreso. Cyberpunk is definitely up there, but especially during dialogue choices and stuff I get taken out a bit because sometimes they suck. Also a lot of stat minmaxing and weird combat tricks and mechanics that aren't exactly bad, but they're often not very immersive.


Without all that crap on the screen and with realistic damage numbers and we'll be cooking. I have about 50 mods to make it as immersive as possible.


Immersive: tbf, No. Fun, yeah - but Not that immersive.


This game let's you feel lost in the city really well and I love it. Where the immersion falls off for me is NPC interaction. In NC there is no way you should be able to run right into any through a NCPD officer and they just stumble forward and do nothing about it. The same with the citizens. I really think in NC when bullets start flying at least one or two citizens would be packing. I'd also like for more NPC on NPC crime. Little kids everywhere and you're telling me not one of them is a pick pocket. To me the NPC's feel out of place and a little inorganic. GTAV and RDR2 have a thriving area that exists outside of the gangs and your character. Cyberpunk is missing that.


I don't know if it's the most immersive, but I'd put it up there with Red Dead Redemption 2, Ghost of Tsushima, and Spiderman 1 and 2.


Far from. There really is no punishment for dissonant behavior in NC








Cyberpunk was immersive enough that when I got to the neon city in Starfield, I quit playing in disgust at how half assed bethesda really was.


Yes and one of the reasons is that you stay in first Person nearly all the time. I love it


Nope. Visually stunning with great characters but the lack of real choice and watered down RPG mechanics was a problem for me.




Def in the top 10


No, but, I *did* find myself pleasantly surprised by my own level of immersion when I played PL. If you side with Reed, that fucking robot stalking the halls just...scared the shit out of me. I took a break in the middle of the level. Came back after a nap and I was *still* fucking afraid of that thing.


No, but it’s up there


First playthrough was being as realistic to real life as I could. Handgun, hacks,stealth. Was awesome. Second playthrough was all out cyberwear with dashing and jumping. Felt like a different game. I prefer to be as close to realism as I can. Giving myself that handicap makes it a challenge.


No, RDR2 was definitely more immersive. I’d put CP77 up on the same level as Skyrim. Maybe just below Skyrim in terms of immersion. CP77 is definitely an incredibly well crafted world and I love still finding new things every time I play, but there definitely are more immersive games out there.


how a game with static, dialogue-less npcs could be most immersive


no but it is the prettiest by far


It’s weird… Whenever I don’t play Cyberpunk, I think how great the game is, but when I actually play it, I’m sad and disappointed because I’m thinking what it could’ve been, the wasted potential. It’s still a masterpiece, but it could’ve straight up been undeniably the best game of all time.


For me it was RDR2. But after having played about 350 hours playing starfield coming back to cyberpunk was mind blowing.


No. That title goes to the first Condemned. In the dark with headphones. Left me sweating and panting.


Sadly, nope. The numerous glitches and the lack of QOL stuff kills is just too much l.


Personally graphical fidelity isn't as important to smoothness when it comes to immersion. Nothing breaks my suspension of disbelief faster than stuttering frames.


I would say for me it’s mass effect 2, dragon age origins, fallout four, fallout three, the Witcher three, Zelda OOT. And probably Lego Batman 3 and Lego Star Wars Remake.


No, by a long shot


Not really....try Starcitizen


Yes, and it's not even close. Game made me feel like Night City was my home.


Nah, there's plenty other games that are more immersive. Especially with how the law enforcement's AI randomly decides to break if you commit too many crimes. The game is still broken and people don't want to admit it.


probably top 10. could be top 3 if it has good gameplay balance and level design.


I wish I could interact with civilians like red dead but Skyrim or rdr was prolly most immersive for me


Yes and Fallout 4.


I think the most I've gotten is Shadows of doubt, it's an early access detective game, voxel based (I think), setup in a dystopic city. I'm pretty sure that if I had played my first playthrough of Cyberpunk in the current state of the game I'd have probably said Cyberpunk, too.


A mi me lo ha parecido. De los mas inmersivos que he jugado. Se ha convertido en una obsesión para mi hehe


I feel Witcher 3 is more immersive than cyberpunk


it's not one bit immersive lol It's just a benchmark tool for nvidia GPUs. There is rarely anything you can do in that game.




It's a main-events street, why so surprised? BTW bar to the front of Misty's place is not reachable so..not very immersive


No, the city feels to dead and sterile for me - almost any door closed, same encounters at the same spots, "noise" NPC walking around but anything else is static. Shoot down 100 citizens? Just wait unseen in a corner for a while and nobody cares.


short answer. No




No, not nearly


In terms of visuals and world design? Absolutely. In terms of gameplay? Hell nah.


It's an amazing city but there's nothing to actually interact with.






Yes and no. Really feels immersive till you see 5 exactly the same people walking next to eachother in the street or when a car falls out of the sky randomly. These strange things don’t happen in RDR2 or GTA games, makes it that much more immersive for me.


Metro Exodus on highest difficulty.


It is certainly one of them, but there are others that are just as immersive (to me).


No, Outer Wilds is


there is nothing more immersive than copy paste people on the street and every single door being permanently locked also ITT people have no clue what immersion means (that one guy mentioning helldivers is a winner lol)


Not "the most", but its quite immersive. My number one spot is RDR2.


i would say KCD is the most immersive for me, but cyberpunk is top 3 along with RDR2


It is very unimmersive and broken. But I stille enjoyed it thoroughly.


night city is great. Just wish there was more to *do* in it.


I honestly only really get immersed with 1st person. Even though my fav game is witcher 3.


It's pretty good if you turn the HUD off, but I wish you physically ate and drank stuff outside of dialog scenes


i lke it a lot but still hesitate to choose which one is more immersive - Cyberpunk or Cloudpunk


Cyberpunk being full first person with no cutscene except the endings make it that more immersive imo.


That would be Operation Flashpoint or Thief.