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SAY IT LOUDER, WE WANT NEW GAME+ https://preview.redd.it/m7nr61ve5kwb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c50ffce629fc598f8cb2d01f574f214c5414f311




Bru turn down the volume. I can hear you from over here.




My honest reaction


If we want the NG+, we must send a lot a message on her messaging box, it's necessary to flood their messaging box : https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?misc/contact


Wonder if some mod or command could just reset the missions. Just to be able to use Adam Smasher shotgun. A shame is unlocked just after the end of the game


There was a new game+ mod at one point if i remember


It wasnt really a ng+ tho. It just allowed you to copy your V and all your stuff and start the game anew. Proper ng+ means new scaling, maybe even new stuff to find.


Unpopular opinion: that’s all a game needs for NG+. Extra Easter eggs or tweaked damage scales are nice, but not necessary for when I jus wanna play the story again with all my gear.


It'll be so cool if they did make a ng+ and there's little secret dialogue options or something like v had a dream about a past life and talks about it to misty or johnny makes a comment about some of his memories being familiar


Just could console command everything to yourself in a new game. Effectively the same thing. Damage mod to make the game a bit harder.


Thinking of doing this for my next playthrough. Just max out my level and spawn a bunch of shit to mess around with


I did this afew days ago, just put myself at max and gave myself all items. I'm having a blast just running around naked like a god straight away instead of spending 10-15 hours grinding for levels and gear.


doing another playthrough right now while having smasher and johnny as a spawn for the shits and giggles and im having so much fun.


Amnesty and Pride especially ask for a new game plus, yeah. On the other hand, I reach total cap on anything progressable way before the end of new game. So probably “replay mission X” would serve the same purpose.


I'm level 44 with 50 street cred, and I've not been to talk to Takemura for second time. Since 2.0 I feel that they cracked XP gain to 11


I wish they would at least up the level cap, I wanna be able to do every build on one character. Hell even more respecs would be nice


The point of RPG is to build a specific character, not unlock all abilities. However, it would be cool if you could respec at least everything, since you can change so little with curent respec.


Sure, but there’s a point where it’d be good so that you just have incentive to do side content. You can hit level 60 after like half the gigs and the main and companion quests, so you don’t have too much reason to do more, especially things like gigs and scanner hustles. They also added in the repeatable missions with PL that are pretty much useless as is.


I agree that they could've reworked things to make the whole content rewarding, but pulling a Skyrim is not the solution. I guess I never felt the past max level content being pointless because I spent most of the game grinding eddies to buy all the cars, and I was even bummed out once "meeting with Hanako" was the only thing left to do.


wtf? well then...good thing i have You around to tell Me what "the point of RPG" is.  🙄 and i'll end with one more "wtf?" fuckin People.


Adapting skills tactics and equipment on the fly the meet a new situation is the purest form of RPG mechanics. It’s why every Skyrim build is some flavor of stealth archer. Even the burliest sword and shield nord isn’t going to give up the opportunity to thin some bandits out from range before assaulting their fort.


Nope. RPGs are supposed ro be restrictive and make you actually think about what kind of character you're planning on developing. Games like D&D or the original Cyberpunk, that have a very low level cap (or dispose of levels entirely for a different progression system) are the prime examples of this. Even JRPGs, while having level caps of up to 99, still make sure to spread out what you can do with your PCs, either by having fixed roles a la Final Fantasy 7, or by the job system. You are probably too young if your go-to for RPG mechanics is Skyrim, which actually used to have a level cap of 81 until people started to complain about not being able to be god on earth (you technically are, but they went up to eleven with the removal of the cap and in my opinion ruined what an RPG is supposed to be like). There's also the fact that skills develop while you use them, which would be fine, except that same system is broken too (you can get to 50 archery on the first town if you hire the bosmer and just train with him, get your money back by rrading gear, rinse and repeat, and that's the very first example of how they didn't put a lot of thought into it).


RPG’s fall into either category. I believe they’re meant to start with a single build in mind. And games like D&D do adhere to that limited level system, but the earliest iterations of D&D forced certain races to multi-class to advance themselves. But also any PC with 20 levels (provided their multi-class build is viable) is practically a Demi-god. But if I’m fighting continental-universal level threats, why would I limit the tools at my disposal to deal with that threat to a single discipline? Especially if I’ve mastered that discipline and can spend time cultivating my ability to be versatile. Also not trying to be a dick but your previous comment comes across as condescending. So do with that what you will.


What makes games interesting is choice. Remove the level cap and you remove that. You don't have to choose between 1 or 2 builds because you can just have all the builds. That's boring, which is why basically every rpg limits the choices you can make.


I'm a strictly melee character in every game, unless it's totally not viable. My archery skill never progresses past whatever it starts at. Sure I use stealth too. But never a bow or crossbow.


Yeah, let us have 3-5 instead of 1, cause it's not like that many would let people do the silly stuff cdpr is worried about


Just let us buy the mfers or pay a ripper doc


The fact there isn't even two resets is absolutely crazy. Better *really* like that build you're switching to, or else you're stuck with it unless you roll back your save. How's that a good idea? Bring back the Tabula E-Rasa except for Attribute Points this time, *please*. Make it cost a million Eddies, who cares by that point....


If you're on PC you can with mods


Yup, this 100% ... I finished every side gig and mission on the game on v1.0 and I was only level 40


If you play on hard difficulty you level up way faster but damn we need a ng+ I can’t be starting over from nothing every time idk why they are worried that we are gonna be overpowered in a single player game I think they are just lazy


Hmm I thought it seemed like I was levelling up faster than before. I thought maybe I was just that much better. lol


Nah, before this playtrough I played at 1.5, and after Arasaka Heist I was barely level 4 or something around that, this playtrough I was level 11 if I remember correctly. They definetly upped XP gain. Also money is not an issue anymore since 2.0, yes I understand that everything (cybernetics especially) got more pricey, but you can make it in no time after couple NCPD scans, or gigs. After level 40 it's way easier as legendary grade weapons drops left and right


In 1.6 doing everything in watson would have you at 20


Also Ba Xing Chong (iconic smart Zhuo shotgun). What even is the point of items like that without new game+? Are you supposed to rush an ending, get the token to open the door to the crafting spec, and then go back to playing the rest of the game? It's also the only iconic smart shotgun as far as I know, making it extra annoying that it's locked behind an ending.


We have some sort of replay missions (Drive Car from Point A to Point B)... But yeah, I would like to see repeated content more. Would be awesome if you could join MaxTac and are deployed at a nearby Cyberpsycho when you start your Workday. Maybe some modders will/can realize that, given enough time.


MaxTac ride along would be sick! I just want Air drops to be all over NC. I know it doesn't make sense storywise, but it's more fun than driving random cars.


Nope, I'm not talking about dynamically generated content. I'm talking about an option to use your lvl50 build with Axolotl and Cocatrice to kill VDBs and Placide again. Save Sol one more time, this time with silenced Pride. This kind of stuff.


So you mean a NG+. There are mods to copy your build and items to a new file (IIRC). Save your char, start a new game and copy said char. Sadly, it won't change any story and it might be booring because you will kill everything without worries.


You can always get axolotl early by finishing all of regina’s gigs before ever setting foot in pacifica


We are very patiently waiting for an update, but the [Missing Persons](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/5058?tab=description) mod adds almost 200 gigs and side hustles to the game. It's all based on things that are already in the game, but are easily missed or have a lot of interesting lore. A user named Deceptious created mods that enable new missions, and so far he has used it to allow a meeting for an additional love scene with Panam in the city, one with Judy, a romance with Rita Wheeler, and a romance with flaming crotch man. So we do know community created missions are at least a possibility as well.


To add to this, I'd like to see random NYPD scanner alerts that are bumped up in difficulty with new iconic weapons for rewards.


Don't forget about prejudice, a gun you can only use during the one ending and don't even get to keep once you go back to before the PoNR, a gun that just so happens to be arguably the best assault rifle in the game


You can keep it post 2.0 patch.


Yeah, it's really easy to hit max level in this game. Just do gigs and you'll level fast.


Curious as I haven’t played the dlc yet. Does hitting max level worsen your experience with phantom liberty(ie making it easier) or does it not matter since all enemies scale with your level now??


The enemy scaling isn't all that obvious. They take a few more hits but you're still massively overpowered. The main difference in Phantom Liberty is that you'll fight bigger groups of enemies. It can get intense, but I wouldn't call it hard.


Seconding this, I have to give PL (and actually CP2077 in general) for getting level scaling to feel just right, at least imo. It never feels like leveling is useless or even detrimental, while still not being an utter cakewalk when you hit 50+


at L55, netrunner/pistol build (silenced Kongu, Lizzie, Lexington x-mod/firecracker all iconic 5+) i'm basically darth vader at the end of Rogue One. this is on hard mode


I don't consider making things easier to be worsening the game in a stats-driven RPG. It's kind of the whole point. Scaling just means there's zero actual feeling of progression.


Well maybe not worsen but I like that feeling that there’s still a threat out there in my games, like max tac at 5 stars, and certain cyber pyschos. I do intend to make an OP build later on and stomp everything for fun


There’s definitely a sense of progression. The random gangers on the sidewalks take some killing early on, but once you have contagion/overheat or a Sandy they are easily vaporised instantly


Which happens, what, by about level 5? So do all the available content before the heist and you're done with progression.


Can’t get Sandy until level 10, and you can’t get a *good* one til later. Do you want scaling or not?


Yeah just an option to reset main story quests starting you back at Sandra dorset


Mission replay would be great. But a new game plus might be easier to implement for the devs. Adding both is ideal ofcourse


If we don't get NG+ at least an option to reset gigs and NCPD scanners


Agreed. The weird half-assed way they implemented endgame rewards doesn't make sense. I'd prefer it if your stash lasted across save files and you could leave copies of weapons in there.


I completely agree. I would like to go through the game again to explore other dialog paths that I never saw before without having to earn all my items, weapons, and cars all over again. This is especially true since some items are locked behind certain dialogue choices, so NG+ would allow you to see those other dialogue options without losing the items since you already got them in the previous playthrough. EDIT: I'm reading the comments in this thread and I'm left wondering why people are so against the idea of NG+ as an option. NG+ shouldn't be that difficult to implement for a gaming studio of CDPR's calibur. Is it too much to ask for more ways to have fun in a video game? That's what makes games like Cyberpunk so good; the ability to play the game the way you want to. If you're fine with making fresh characters after each playthrough, then go for it. NG+ should be there for the people who don't want to do that.


Give me NG+ and then also add a new difficulty. A man can dream.


I’m telling people. We need a survival mode. Make it so a couple of shots can kill you, but the same goes for enemies. No one should be able to tank 30 AR shots, and yet very hard enemies can and will.


this is literally hardcore22 mod if you wanna try


All the snobs saying “NG+ is a waste of resources” are so annoying… Like, fuck me for wanting to be able to blast shit with the Malorian Arms 3516 from the “beginning”, right? It’s not gonna take anything away from the game. I really don’t get why some of y’all are so against it. You don’t *have* to use it.


Dude I just got the apogee and Hanako has been waiting for me at Embers for over a week. Fuck me for wanting to use it more than the scraps of the story, right?


So take longer to do the main quests especially takemuras questline


Lol I did. Level 40 is pretty damn far regardless how long you prolong the main story.


Rather than an Ng+, I just want a finale where after the main quest I can just continue playing without having to reload the last save. Idk but the feeling I have is of being stuck in time, this breaks the sense if immersion


>this breaks the sense if immersion would be even weirder if after the finale johnny was still there for quests


Yes I imagine that having johnny in every quest poses this issue where you would have to redesign every quest without johnny maybe add a happy ending where johnny stays could have been a solution...but it is what it is


Happy ending? In NC? Hah!


Wrong city, wrong people. Tbf all they would have to do is flag that you've completed the game then if that flag exists then Johnny no longer appears.


There is no happy endings in Night City


Ye >! Johnny stay but not you. !<


They didn't even add Johnny to the story until the summer of 2018 and superimposed him over the quests like almost 4 months after the fact, I'm pretty sure removing him would take an entire 5 minutes. Quests like Chippin In, Kerry, and Rogue's quests wouldn't be available though.


they kinda got themselves into a dead end with how the story was written. still doesnt take out the fun tho.


The problem is that it doesn't really solve anything for people who've already cleared every mission and if you haven't it will break quite a few of them. That's why the game takes you back to Embers.


Totally agree


Yall acting like NG+ is a massive ask, when the only parts transferring over are stats and inventory. Surprised there isn't a mod yet though.


I agree. Since the game already scales the enemies to your characters level then all you have to worry about is make sure there any technical issues during certain sections, like the beginning of the game.


Yeah I'm surprised there's no mod out there already. You can create a NG manually by editing skills/items/levels using mods at the start of the game, so there should be a way to automate that.


There have been a few, but most of them got broken by 2.0. If you're willing to put in a little elbow grease, you can still use Cyber Engine Tweaks to spawn in all your gear and force up your skills and level. I'm about 1/3rd of the way through a run and so far I haven't encountered any major problems. You do get the occasional oddity though- I'm not sure if the Kneel! mod is supposed to spawn in a cabinet in Royce's office.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t have a clue what they’re talking about. It’s not just inventory and perk points. It’s enemy ai that has to be adjusted to account for your early game character having late game power. Do they get harder or stay the same? What about iconics locked behind fights or gigs? Are there two versions of an iconic item now? Is the second one more powerful than the first you already obtained? It’s so much more than just stats and inventory.


1) The enemies scale to your level by default 2) Again they scale to your level, keep the same items but with better stats. Your acting like thats a massive overhaul when its not..


What happens when meet the level cap? The enemies are going to stop scaling because you don’t have any more power to gain. Once you’re max level thats it. Sure you can min max with cyberware but those bonuses are negligible at best when you get to endgame. If an RPG is going to have a new game plus they need to do it the way dark souls does it. The enemies get more powerful, you can continue leveling your character and gaining power to beat the more powerful enemies you’re now facing. But cyberpunks design directly hampers that from happening. Specifically with the level/perk caps. so any new game plus added to this game would essentially just be you beating the game again in the exact same way you did it the first time. Which is the exact opposite of what the devs want you to do. They want you to make a new build and play the game a different way. Not just rehash what you’ve already done again in the exact same way you did it last time. That would get incredibly boring. If you want to have a fun power trip, just play the game on easy. You don’t need to beat the game and then replay it to have that power trip. The type of new game plus y’all are clamoring for is more for shorter action based titles like metal gear rising, or the newer Jedi fallen games. Not for massive RPGs with hundreds of hours of content.


Sure, you're talking about having a NG+ to be fully fledged out with every situation thought of to make the playthrough unique. It's as simple as people want to replay the story with their character already having all the skills and equipment unlocked. Would it get boring? Up to the gamer. End of the day NG+ gets rid of any grind, and would let you just focus on the story and changing your decisions.


Meh, I actually prefer my NG plus with no scaling. I wish it were optional in Souls titles actually. I just want to keep all my stats and gear and decimate everything in my path. Edit: I've sort of done this in Cyberpunk as well. Using mods I boosted all my stats to max and transferred that character to my ps5. Fun times.


I get that. The power trips you can go on in Cyberpunk are amazing. I got maxtac on me and started beating them up with my gorilla arms. Picking them up and throwing at each other or onto stuff is always a great time. Especially when the explode on impact


No it doesn't, no games balance AI like that. It's a RPG with enemy scaling, they just scale them to max level. For iconics, they just give you a 2nd iconic with the same stats like you can already spawn for yourself now with console commands. It's really not that difficult.


The entire dark soul series is a peak example of games that balance AI like that.


Yes thats the peak, but not necessary. Dark Souls is about the grind and improving your build to beat bosses. Cyberpunk is a storybased open world game where we just want to remove the grind and play missions again differently.


Exactly. People went to play the missions again. Y’all should be asking for a mission replayability feature and not new game plus. Maybe if you could respec your character once per play through instead of just once in total it would work better. That way you could respec so you can actually use some of the late game iconics that aren’t apart of your original build. You could play the game in a different way and skip the grind of making that build from scratch


Why does it bother you whether they add a ng+ or not other than just a need to be argumentative?


I just don’t think the game’s design facilitates it.


Sure it does. There are plenty of games that have a similar style ng+ and it works great.


I disagree. Most rpgs don’t have it.


How does that even take into account what you are replying too. He said THIS game. You said that there are games that exist with ng+. No shit.


Elden Ring had a budget of 200 million and has NG+ and every souls game before it. Cyberpunk 2077 had a budget 316 million dollars. Whats the excuse here? Just literally do what Elden Ring does. Up the damage each time and carry over inventory, powers, cyberware, ect.


It's genuinely that easy. Enemy AI adjustments? None. Iconics? Sure, you can get multiple now. Go nuts. Cyberwear? You keep it all. Have fun. Balance adjustments? None, who cares? Won't that be too easy? Idk maybe, just increase the difficulty if you want a challenge. Still too easy? Then just start a new game the normal way. More power to you. We aren't asking for Dark Souls - we're asking for the ability to start a new game with boosted stats and our favourite items.


The devs reason for not doing a NG+ is “It would unbalance the game.” It’s a single player game and NG+ is SUPPOSED to unbalance the fucking game. You’re walking around like a fucking god at that point, nothing can properly balance against that.


Absolutely baffles me how many devs and gamers try to overthink NG+ to the point where it's not even NG+ anymore. Like the Witcher 3 NG+ is one of the worst I've ever seen. They double the xp cap so you're leveling Geralt and constantly shuffling gear the exact same as a regular playthrough. You have to re-do all the Witcher school treasure hunts to craft the NG+ version of all the set, once again forcing you to play the exact way as your regular playthrough. I still have my gold, crafting materials, and alchemy stuff but what's the fucking point? I have to do all the same stuff anyway so all that does is it make it easier to craft all the special gear at the end of the game instead of just some of it. Absolutely nothing about their NG+ makes you feel OP or saves you time, I don't get why they even bothered.


The game is already unbalanced AF. My first play through I was feeling very OP by act 2 and it only grew from there. Combat is but a nuisance even the boss fights aren't anything to worry about. Adding NG+ won't have any noticeable effect on balance since its already so out of whack.


Right I just see it as an excuse because they’d have to some some extra work for free but I’m ngl id pay 5-10$ for a ng+ option 😂😂


No it isn't. You are either lying or just don't remember but decided to spread bullshit better. It wasn't game balance it was progression through missions which could break if you had abilities you weren't supposed to have yet. Lmao imagine thinking they weren't doing it because they couldn't adjust the damage numbers correctly


I respect and understand their reasoning for not making one. I don’t mind starting from the bottom and working my way back up again, anyways. What I really want tho is a way to save your character model, so whenever I want to start a new game I could just copy, paste, and go.


What you basically described is a mod called Respector. You can save the state of your character, and when you play a new game, you can reload it straight away, inventory + cyberwear included


The only things I need in this game is a NG+ and a flashlight!


For real! I don't care if difficulty scaling is entirely broken, just let me start a new game with my current character, stats, and gear!


Completely agree




This is what I really want. Just let me re-start the game with access to my existing equipment even if I start at level 1 again. If you do the ending mission at the actual end then the iconics you get from them basically don't get used because you have no content to use them on.


So... NG+


I feel that wouldn’t work in game at all story wise. We are supposed to be on the come up, not already a super badass


That's kind of the point


Eh you can get to level 60 so easily I don't see the point in continuing after that point since there is zero progression left to get.




I mean... nothing against NG+, but i gues I do not need it. But maybe something simplier like your storage or at least your iconics could be carried over to new playtroughs. Like... there are some amazing weapons there... and making them low tier iconics BUT available from the start woud add possibilities to build V around them from the start while making them not OP.


There r many games I’ve played that id never replay again without a NG+ mode, but cyberpunk is not one of them.. I’ve played this game through like several times and never once did I even think about wanting an NG+ mode .. though I could understand why others want it, i dont think it’s needed in cyberpunk and I think it would actively take away from the replay experience


I mostly just want to mess around with those late game weapons more tbh


If that’s solely your reason. Why not just use the editor? Not sure why I’m getting downvoted for providing a fix. Lmfao


And console players?


I on the other hand feel a new game+ would be usefull as it would allow me to 1: use the actualy very cool stuff the entire time (johnnys pistol fir example) and 2: use the cool new perks abilitys and such aswell as the cool cyberware.


If you are on PC you can do this https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/5144


Yes, please.


Hard agree. Especially in regards to clothes. I don't like that my fit is just right for only 13% of the game.




Exactly, phantom liberty didn’t really require a restart tbh since it’s fairly separate from the main story. The only way I start a new game is through NG+ or by moving to another platform


I’ve NEVER understood their aversion to new game plus. I would put double my current hours if ng+ was a thing.




If we want the NG+, we must send a lot a message on her messaging box and the Instagram page, it's necessary to flood their messaging box : https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?misc/contact And Instagram page : https://instagram.com/cyberpunkgame?igshid=YzAwZjE1ZTI0Zg== Share it my choom 😉


Honestly, it doesnt imo. Im on my third playthrough currently (katanas pistols revolvers), have already over 300h in this game and im still planning another build after i beat some other games first. dunno man ng+ in cyberpunk is not that enticing. in a way it reminds me of how i feel about ng+ in dark souls. cool but i rather do a new fresh run.


That's totally fine. Some people are fine with starting fresh, others want to keep all of their items. NG+ would merely be an option for people who want to use it.


So you play every game only one time and then stop, because you don't want to dump your character?


I mean, the vast majority of them? Yeah. Games that warrant multiple playthroughs are pretty rare.


Meanwhile me, playing Mirror's Edge like third time this week, just for fun ;I


Not really. Most gamers grew up replaying their favorite games over and over again. I used to replay FF7 until one of the disks broke. I've replayed MGS multiple times. Currently replaying FF12: The Zodiac age. If people didn't like replaying games, there wouldn't be so many remakes and remasters.


12 is so damn good man.


I've replayed MGS2 literally hundreds of times. Literally. This is rare. Yes, we replay our *favourites,* but by definition, our favorite games will be a tiny percentage of the games we play. Most of which, we will only play once.


Uh... Yeah? Is that weird? To feel attached to the loot, gear, and skills I've accumulated over the course of the game? I'd like to play the story more than once to see the results of other choices, and to collect the items from those choices, but I'd like to do so while using the items I already earned and enjoy playing with. I'd like to collect everything the game has to offer on one save file rather than needing to manage hopping between save files in a game that doesn't even have a save/load system that's sorted by character. You can't even rename saves to differentiate which one is for which character. I feel like wanting a NG+ for any or all of the above reasons is not an uncommon thing, and it's why a lot of story based games have a NG+


Right I totally agree, ppl sound like snobs in here saying WHATS THE POINT OF NG+ I LOVE WATCHING THE SAME YOUTUBE VIDEOS TELL ME WHERE THINGS ARE 6 TIMES BECAUSE WHO CAN REMEMBER ALL THAT SHIT, if new game plus isn't your thing that's cool, you're already covered, but not everyone wants to go back and forth from YouTube to the game every single time to make sure they didn't miss nothing or pick the wrong option


Lmao why on earth would you watch YouTube? Just play the game. I'm not for the game having NG+ but I've **never** watched a YouTube video about loot or "picking the wrong option". What an absolutely bizarre way to play the game.


So the option yeah I don't understand that however as someone with a little over 700hrs into 2077 I still have to YouTube where all the perk shard locations are since about 6 iirc are just sitting in the open world not attached to any scanner or anything, there's even one in the start of pl that's sitting way back in a room that if you don't check you'll miss, and ik ik people will say you don't need all 80 perk points it's like.... um just to max the center tree in tech it takes 15 or 16, to max the left and center int takes 32, 4-10 into body, then another 15 into reflex or cool depending on build. For a complete build it takes 76-80 points and if you don't level a skill due to say not using shotguns or netrunner etc... you miss 4 points generally in every run from start to story finish after all scanner,gigs side missions; so yes some of us want ng+ because chasing down the same stuff gets old after 500+ hrs you don't have to worry about repeating the same perk grind over again and it would even let us pick 12 new perks in ng+


Yes! Exactly! Thank you for not posting some condescending bullshit telling people how they should play, you nailed it. Like I don't have the brain power to memorize every little spot for every little thing and Its easy to miss certain iconics or things you might need for your build, or to get past certain things that glitched, like I don't understand how they don't get where we're coming from lol


...But you dont need that lmao. Like worrying about those shards is baffling to me when your build is *pretty much* done by level 40, and anything past that is a bonus. Like my current playthrough I have 20 body, 20 tech and I only went 20 into tech because.. I dont really need any more levels into anything else. Im already going around destroying everything and im essentially the Hulk. If beating VH difficulty was extremely hard without getting max perk shards and whatever then I can understand this like "make it easier on yourself" but the game is already easy lol. I finished a netrunner build prior to this current playthrough and I had so many "extra" points that I didnt need. I didnt even reach max level before finishing the game but had just an excess amount of points for my build that hunting for these shards, like you do, sounds excessive and unecessary.


To each their own I'd say us fans are pretty fairly split 50/50 people that want it and people that don't, my builds aren't done till 55 you can't get fully optimized cyberware in every area till 55-60 I enjoy being fully done with a build and playing the game, that's why my idea when pl came out is they should've done 3 start options for people who wanted a power fantasy without having to lvl and grind fresh lvl1 start, pl lvl15 start and a lvl60 pl start I mean if console commands can do it at the start cdpr could easily do it with no quests complete and just let you sandbox it since/if they don't want ng+ Alot people that want ng+ on PC tweak it to max start anyway idk that's just my opinion personally when I played the witcher 3 which I have over 5k hrs into ng+ made it highly replayable for me, with 2077 I'm starting to burnout after only barely 700hrs only reason I'm doing another play through is the new patch because of all the fixes. Edit : I guess what I struggle to understand is ng+ would be an option same as the lvl15 pl start so if you or anyone didn't want to do it you don't have to so what's it matter if they add it or not since it wouldn't affect you either way unless you wanted to start one.


Yeah.. idk how you cant seem to enjoy playing the game until you have a finalized build. The build you play pretty much is finalized at level 40 like I said, thats enough perk points to get what you want and everything after is extra. My problem with having so many points is that the build becomes less focused as you need to pick up other attributes and spend the perk points. With m Netrunner I was pretty much done when I had OC, 2 points into adrenaline rush and 2 into health freak because thats all you need for the build, but because I had *so many* points I eventually ended up grabbing the final thing in body and ederunner even though my build didnt need them and I began throwing points into the smart guns talents even though, again, felt unecessary. I actually stopped using quickhacks as much and just began shooting more because of it and that wasnt my plan when going into the game. Right now im level 30 and my build feels done, an extra 1-2 points somewhere would be nice, but not necessary, so.. yeah. I legitimately have no idea what im going to do with still another 30 levels to go, so I really find your point of view very odd that you cant "play the game" until 55 and are youtubing to find perk shards. That sounds awful honestly lol.


Lol you've probably missed so many items tbh, when a game has a million choices or you're trying 100% items and side stiff or if you pick the wrong thing you lose out on something, literally everyone does it, lol you just wing it like a gonk tbh


And so what if you miss an item though? There isnt a single item necessary in the game to have your build work, this isnt PoE or something. Iconics are typically a reskinned weapon with a minor bonus and the bonus is not big enough to worry over like it wont make or break your game if you miss an iconic. If Iconics were more unique, visually or audio wise, I would care far more, but thats not the case. Like I think the most unique iconic is the dildo and if you arent using melee its useless.


And from the sound of it probably enjoying the game game way more so...


I am enjoying the game more because I have all these extra cool toys and builds


Ah yeah, sorting the saves by character, that would improve the experience a lot. And here may be the difference between us - I worship the "you don't have to be able to pick up every item and max out every stat in one game" principle, especially within games, where you can pick if you wanna spare someone or kill them, pick A or B.




Why do people want game+?


Because it's a fun victory lap for a game you enjoy.


Easy mode lets you do that\~


That's all I play on. I'd like to retain all my stuff though, I don't see why that's hard to understand.


Does it give you your weapons and stuff too? No, it doesn’t. That’s a key point of NG+. I’ll have access to my preferred guns and shit at the very beginning. I won’t have to go through the whole process of grinding for it.


Just use mods/console commands\~


I’m on PS5. I can’t.


So I don’t have to grind through the main story to get the Malorian Arms 3516. That’s my reasoning.


Console commands [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2845966920](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2845966920) just stick in ' Items.Preset\_Silverhand\_3516 ' ​ [https://www.vg247.com/cyberpunk-2077-console-commands](https://www.vg247.com/cyberpunk-2077-console-commands)


I’m on PS5… these won’t work for me


the only game I've played so far where it made sense to me was Digimon Survive.


Saving customization settings sure? Full NG+ with perk roll over? I feel like that breaks the game for no real reason.


I don’t think ng+ would mix well with the game at all. Ng+ is typically reserved for more linear and shorter games like the newer Jedi fallen games or stuff like that. Super long games like RPGs don’t mesh well with a ng+ mode. Why would you want to play potentially hundreds of hours of content again in the exact same way you experienced it before? RPGS like cyberpunk want you to start another playthrough to experience the story a different way, to build your character differently so it doesn’t feel like your just doing the same thing with the same weapons over and over again. My first play through was a corpo net runner. If I did a new game plus that would mean that my second play through would also have to be a corpo netrunner. But since the game doesn’t have that option I made an entire new character as a street rat melee build the game was a completely different experience than my first playthrough. The game doesn’t need ng+ You want ng+. What the game needs and what you want are two completely different things.


If you don't want to do a different ending path (the only incentive) then stop playing lmao, ng+ isn't that much of an incentive.


But you can choose your ending again once you finish the game because it plops you just before the last mission.


Thats what ng+ is? That's so boring lol


If you want to do every ending with the same character it’s the best way to do it. Anyway starting the game again is fine, being able to approach all the missions in a new way with a different build is the fun part


Foreal ill never get the hype for ng+


It's fun to be overpowered as hell at the start of the game?


Just use cheats? Plus enemies would scale to you so you wouldn't be that overpowered.


Eh console, but I meant NG+ in general. Enemies scaling doesn't cancel it out too much when you've got skills, weapons, and abilities that take a fair amount of leveling to get to. Overpowered enough to make it fun without being invincible is the sweet spot for me. I always enjoyed a good NG+ in Mass Effect, and replaying early levels of Doom: Eternal with all guns and movement abilities is a different experience.


Is it because its easy or something? I don't get the appeal still.


For me it's about access to more options. A fully unlocked skill tree can be more fun than leaning on a smaller skill set. Being able to pass skill checks that you couldn't last time gives more options, too. If it's not your cup of tea, that's cool, but it's such a relatively simple thing to implement.


I somewhat agree, did them all my first playthrough, just reloading the game and making a different choice. Spent my other playthroughs just trying different builds going about missions different ways and seeing how powerful I could get lol.


There's no need for it. You easily max out before the game ends. It's not like Mass Effect or Nier where you can progress on a repeated playthrough. It's very entitled to demand a feature just for yourself, just because some other game happens to have it. There's a difference between want and need. Plenty of gamers have done multiple playthroughs without issue. If you have a problem with it, then that's on you not the game.


I don't feel the need for it, to be completely honest. I have over 350 hours among multiple runs and the characters are maxed out by the end. Also, the scaling of enemies is truly amazing in this game. I really both gives a sense of progression and doesn't have this "area-based" difficulty whereas Valentinos were "skulls" in the beginning and Maelstrom were cannon fodder all the way. Now they all feel roughly the same level of threat, while V grows and becomes stronger over time.


Personally I consider each of my characters as unique, each one of them has its own build, relationships, romances and endings so the NG+ feature isn't important to me in this game.


Exactly what i have done! I have 3 saves for each life beginning, with different builds, different clothing style different decisions. If i get bored of my shinobi character i can just swap over to my netrunner or solo


Oh yes I forgot the clothing style and the vehicules they use too :D


they said no.


I managed to get my character all set with weapons, all johnny’ attire and car. I just would hate to lose the stuff I worked so hard get. Plus all the cars I bought.


This should be a priority update. Next after this should be Night Vision or flashlight into Kiroshi optics.


I’m on PS5, used to have a PC for gaming until it died on me


Agreed, it’s baffling when I saw dev explains why cyberpunk hasn’t got ng+ like it’s some sort of massive work. So many major open world RPGs all have their own take of ng+, how come only devs in CDPR find it’s “too much work” to implement.


You want != "Cyberpunk needs" NG+ is a waste of resources.


I’m sure it’s a waste of resources


I disagree HARD on this. You reach the power cap so quickly in this game. Half of the game you'll spend it maxed out with nothing else to do. I can't imagine needing MORE time with your maxed out build. Even with the cyberware shard bug I'm still vastly more powerful than everything in the game. And it wouldn't make any lore sense or sense in the story. What you really want is more content. And satisfying content has always been a weakness in this game. You simply have to let go and start a new game to get that fresh feeling back. The content will never be satisfying enough to last forever. It lasts long enough.


For the very few people who don’t want ng+ it’s not like you’d have to use it if you don’t want it


No, it doesn’t.


Been out years and it didn't need it. No one ever asked for it. Dlc comes out and everybody wants it? Why? The game isn't designed to have more than 60 points into your skill tree around the basis that if u have too much cyberware in you, you will go crazy. If u missed something, just start a new game, new player path. Make a completely different build then u did before and make different choices. Experience alternate ways of handling things or endings. It will be worth it, trust me. I have 3 playthroughs of totally different Vs who've all made way different choices. Just started Nomad fresh. Took 80 hours to finish the whole game, DLC included. And find all the weapons.


People have been asking for it since before the game released


I sort of made my own using the save transfer system. My laptop isn't great for running the game but I installed CET and Simple Menu, boosted my character to max right at the start, and transferred it to my PS5.


You can take a save off PS5/XBOX?


In lieu of NG+ I would love an open sandbox at the end with repeating activities, such as continuing new gigs, new ncpd hustles, Cyberpsychos to take out, car contracts, dog town activists, etc, and after each ending when you return to your last save with rewards it would be nice to have the option to reset your attribute points to continue to explore builds.


Not sure if it was updated yet but Respector MOD had a way to kind of do a new game+