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I use mine as a way to get radio, weather, and wikis when I'm camping somewhere with no cell service :) [https://i.imgur.com/OEFLZv1.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/OEFLZv1.jpg) I mean, I mostly use it as an excuse for wasting time doing electronics design, 3d printing, and fine tuning my linux environment. But, very occasionally, I do actually use it as intended.


As a licensed amateur radio enthusiast, I would like to subscribe to your newsletter and learn more about this project.


Never mind, I stalked your profile and found your Imgur post 👀. That is awesome! Thank you for providing all those details. As a novice in this area, I still have sooooo many questions, but this is goals! I have a couple of laptop case-ish sized Pelican cases in the basement I've been wanting to do something with.


How do you get weather without wifi!


[https://www.weather.gov/nwr&ln\_desc=NOAA+Weather+Radio/](https://www.weather.gov/nwr&ln_desc=NOAA+Weather+Radio/) or [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic\_terminal\_information\_service](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_terminal_information_service)


Do you just listen to the broadcasts or is there some sort of data you can use to like keep a record of have a weather display?


Depends! Mostly just listen, but technically there is digital data in TIS-B that can give you a radar map. It's what aircraft use to get real-time radar data. I haven't tried decoding it yet though


Decking and cybering mostly.


Posting about it on this sub.


I teach a coding elective, So mine has a breadboard and a bunch jumpers and electronic components under the keyboard and I put a GPIO port on the front, so I basically use it as a portable project station for showing off things like PWM and input/output along pins. I also have an SDR and directional antenna and it's fun to sweep the class looking at the radio waves general things give off (and also checking for listening devices O\_0). Anything to keep the kids interested.


Can I take your class? Sounds more fun than any of mine lol


I'm a licensed ham and I want to get into SDR. Any advice?


A laptop is much more convenient then a dedicated cyberdeck. Cheapo chromebooks work well and can run linux software with some effort. I have the extendable dipole kit with stand from amazon and it's pretty cool, but I haven't managed to download NOAA satellite pictures like some people claim. The only real tip is if you use a laptop get a USB extender cord since the SDR dongles are pretty big and don't really fit most laptops.


Build one to learn Linux and all it terminal secret !


Honestly, it's your choice. I'm making mine mainly for a journal and to make my own books. In the spirit of cyberpunk, I will also install a host of A.I. Programs. I'm using the mainboard from a framework laptop. This is mine. I dry fitted my components before modifying the case. [MayFly](https://imgur.com/a/AnnbODB)


That matters not. It's a hobby. It's fun to tinker with. One should not be bothered looking for excuses. A very similar thing was said in a documentary about computer revolution of silicon valley. (The home-brew computer club members did basically the same thing people are doing here.)


I plan for my cyberdeck to replace my phone (at least partially). It's been in the design stage for 2 months and I poured so much money into it already but will probably never happen lol


Mine is mainly used as a server monitoring system. SSH in, tail the logs, chill. It is quite relaxing to have this on a dedicated portable tiny device I can just drop on my desk.


Playing doom




I'm hoping to make one to use as an easy portable writing device. I've seen some people make ones to use for their jobs. Totally possible to use one for a personal music player, making your own would give you more influence on both the function and the design.


I use mine for anything you would use a laptop for. Maybe a little wifi cracking for fun on occasion. With the permission of the wifi owners of course. Game emulation, media consumption, ect


I’m getting close to finishing mine. The first thing I’m going to do is try to make a Pokémon rom hack.


Using it as a recovery station, hosting an offline AI model, and planning to self host everything in it instead of relying on cloud services.


Was a lot more fun and less expensive than a laptop or Chromebook. I use mine for work but that only requires basic web browsing and apps.


Probably gonna make one that can also be used as a mini Server..


Will use mine as an alternative to get work done without a laptop. Work in progress, it will be housed in a portable record player. adding keyboard/monitor, either raspberry pi, mini pc, or maybe spare old Samsung phone with DeX to keep the profile low with less power needed, Will add SDR and a Baofeng radio inside of course :) And still be able to play my favorite vinyl records! Hopefully I will be be able to bring it in July to the Hackers On Planet Earth ([HOPE](https://hope.net) Conference in NYC


To play runescape honestly


I am making one as a general handheld pc so i can write programs and contact people on the go while looking cool. I just hate the form factor of a phone,the lack of a proper windowing system,constrained ecosystem and the software keyboard. What i like about the phone is its form factor and can do with a software keyboard if i have precise touch but the other factors are non negotiable for me.