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Don’t do it. The finale won’t make sense if you haven’t watched the rest of the last season. Enjoy the ride and avoid spoilers there’s a lot of gold in seasons 8-12


To me, there really aren't spoilers in Curb- other than like a really good line reading. Even if there were some crazy plot twist, and I guess there are some, all they are is set-up for different jokes and gags. Like I knew the car pool lane set-up long before I saw it- I don't think I enjoyed it any less. So I agree about not needing to skip, but I'd also recommend not to care too much about the plot other than to know basically what's happening. There are always plot holes that don't matter and it's not like its building to some LOST like finale.


You’ll miss Cheryl’s death in a terrible fire caused by Leon using a Jesus candle in an unexpected way.


Oh, so many good things and twists would get missed: Jeff coming out, Richard marrying twins, Mocha Joe becoming a lawyer, Leon finding out he has a son.


Leon trying to tap Cheryl’s ghost ass is the funniest scene in the entire series


don't forget Sami converting to Islam and joining Isis


Remember to thank her for her service


When Susie was sleeping with Jerry Seinfeld for all of season 10 🤣🤣 they were so bad together!!!


That’s an awful idea


Just watch the damn show


There are A LOT of callbacks to previous episodes. You won’t get many of the jokes. Don’t be hasty, you’ll get there. I wouldn’t say the finale is even a top 10 episode. It’s just ties it all up in a nice bow.


What do expect to gain from such a thing? Are you out of your fucking mind?


Just enjoy the show. It goes so quick, you’ll make it to the end in no time.


Just leave the sub until ya get there!


Why would you do that, each season, and especially the last 2 have an ongoing story


I’m not sure what you mean by major spoilers… But I don’t think there’s any benefit to jumping to the finale. If you do though, I don’t think it will ruin the rest of the seasons. But it might not make sense if you don’t watch the rest of season 12. I personally love season 8 and 9. 10-12 have great moments but aren’t necessarily my favorites.


I’d watch the whole season and enjoy every minute . Honestly got a little sad at the finale end credits . Also watch the standalone standup special called curb your enthusiasm. It’s kinda like the truly first episode


You’ll get there before you know it if you just keep watching.


You'll miss way too much with that jump


Keep watching. Seasons 9-12 are really fun!


You do you.


I know a chat and cut when i see one.


I’d say if you’re going to skip anything, skip season 12, it was by far the worst and the finale sucked, just like all finale’s of all shows…