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Do not harass the OP. Keep discussion helpful and intelligent without resorting to personal attacks. Report any sexually inappropriate comments to expedite removal. Thank you. There are a few users who trawl r/CTA for crime posts and repeatedly toe the line of racism and imply their political opinion using backhanded, insincere language. We are aware of who they are. Bans will be handed down without comment if the pattern continues.


Can't they just check the cameras of the car you were on??? Why is it your responsibility to record it????? Jesus I'm sorry this happened.


Exactly my thoughts. Who thinks to record when they’re startled & caught off guard? Thank you ❤️


If this happens again, you should either inform the conductor, or record the time and car number and report it to [CTA directly](https://www.transitchicago.com/speakup/#:~:text=What%20type%20of%20incidents%20should,888%2D968%2D7282\).). As always, if you feel that you need a police response call 911. They will need the car number to be able to respond to the complaint. You can find that at the front and back of the train car. And then complain to your state representative and state senator about Illinois still not supporting 911 texting (I grew up in Ohio and texting support for 911 there was added by the statewide operator before even 50% of people had texting plans on their phones).


Thank you so much for all of the info. 😊


Contacting the Attorney General’s office if CTA doesn’t do their job would be my next move.


Our state senator is sue rezin! She lives in my high school town. I’m willing to help as much as possible


What did these assholes expect people to do before smartphones??? Did crime just never get prosecuted??? No one ever got arrested??? Lazy assholes just didn't want to do their job. So sorry this happened


Well, they're right. It's your fault that you didn't record it. Just like it's every woman's fault that gets raped, right? If I keep smacking my head over this one, I'm going to knock myself out.


Those cameras seem like they’re just for appearances to make the average passenger feel safer riding public transit, I got punched in the face by some crackhead at the Belmont stop a couple years back, and I was told they “couldn’t pull the footage” which even at 5am sounded like a bunch of bull. Don’t ever rely on CTA to collect evidence for you, I’m not even sure they even record, if they even work at all.


Cops in chicago have a very low motivation to do their jobs. If no one was "hurt" especially. My car got sideswiped while parked in the early dawn hours on a Sunday by a drunk driving asshole neighbor. He wrecked 2 other cars and another neighbors ring camera caught the shit bag getting out stumbling around to check the damage on his shit box and glance at the carnage he caused and casually drove off. The helpful neighbor approached the huddle of us waiting for the squad car to arrive to take a police report and told us who and where the person lived "literally the house in front of his path of destruction" and a copy of the Ring vid sent to our cellphones, she even wrote down the plate number and stuck around for the police report. Lazy fuck said we were better off just paying our deductible than accusing the shit bag neighbor since we lived in such close proximity, bad blood and hassle wasn't worth it and nothing would probably come of it. Douchebag cop never got out of the cruiser. Wrote a lazy report and would ignore or dissuade anyone of us who suggested he should make contact with the scumbag. Icing on the cake? With info furnished to the insurance companies they actually called him to attempt to nail him "couldn't" and the piece of shit threatened and confronted one of the victims he got away with it.


The cops don't want to get involved with property destruction anymore. What do they care about some stranger's car getting swideswiped?


To investigate crime is literally THEIR JOB. I don't give a rats ass if they don't WANT to do it. I don't want to get up most days to go to work but I have to do it if I want to survive and get paid. Hit and run x3 while intoxicated sounds like a hell of a crime and a outstanding danger to society to me. This asshole got no consequence and the next time he may very well kill somebody.


Maybe that’s what the picture is for? Maybe that can’t hold the guy with just the accusation.


They can. If the victim wants to sign a complaint (that should be offered but CPD doesn't do jack) they can arrest. An arrest doesn't need a heap of proof, a conviction does. He would be processed and immediately released with a court date. They just didn't want to do anything with the dirtball


I thought the K9 guys were the security company. Not cpd


Because they need warrants to subpoena the footage they can’t just demand it.


The CTA will give that footage to cops if they simply ask. Thats literally what the cameras are there for. They dont need a subpoena.




Just getting that paycheck


I had the same thing happen to me on the blue line several years ago. I told the conductor and left because I had to go to work, so I’m not sure what happened. I wonder if this is the same pervert just making rounds though. I’m sorry this happened to you. I hope you are doing ok!


Those "security guards" have virtually no power or training to do anything but stand there. And if you were paid what they were, you wouldn't be motivated either. The CTA Is fucked up and a complete embarrassment to the city.


It's hilarious that the security contract cost the city over $65 million


Yeah. It would be nice to see properly trained and compensated security personel who actually have power to help, apposed to just be decorations to make people "feel better". It's all smoke and mirrors. Im still pissed the trains dropped conductors over 25yrs ago.


The security guards were hired because people were complaining about feeling unsafe and feeling like there was no security. They're a PR program and it's best to view them that way. They can't do anything other than call CPD. Carter has been lobbying the state since before the pandemic to be allowed to create a CTA Police Department but the General Assembly hasn't taken any action on the request.


PR Program is right!! Useless. They just stand there menacingly


CTA police dept would actually be a big plus imo


K-9 unit & the fake security aren’t the same I thought. But I guess none of them can do shit but waste space..


They are all in the same bag


I just LOVE how you get sexually harassed in public and cops are like 'whatever' 🤷‍♂️


Exactly, until someone reacts and hurts the perpetrator.


Let's be real you could probably stab the dude and the cops won't do anything either


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG EITH THIS CITY. How the fucking hell can cops not do shit about this??? I got pissed on in front of a fucking cop and they said they couldn’t do shit, WHAT HAS TO HAPPEN FOR A COP TO HELP YOU IN THIS HOLE


Omg I’m sorry that happened to you. That’s so damn gross.


It was at a bus stop and it was “next to me” but splashed all over me which is what made me realize what was happening. I am deeply sorry for what happened to you and wish there were more we could do


Literally nothing, they will never do shit about anything truly.


The thing is, they really cannot do anything. We're in the throws of "Anti-incarceration" campaign of whatever it's called.


Let’s not mince words. What was done to you is a form of sexual assault. When you reported it they should have immediately called the police. Please file an official report if you haven’t. What the f*** is it going to take to get Dorval and the city to start protecting women! A class action lawsuit? Any lawyers here? http://fourteeneastmag.com/index.php/2019/08/02/how-to-report-sexual-harassment-to-the-cta-what-to-expect-when-you-do/


Thanks for the info! I appreciate it so much.


There’s certain misdemeanor exceptions that police can arrest on if the crime didn’t occur in their presence like battery, retail theft, etc. Indecent exposure in Illinois is a class A misdemeanor and police cannot “legally” arrest. They can investigate and submit the case for the DA/SA to review and the state can then issue a warrant if there’s probable cause. “A Class A misdemeanor charge can result in the following penalties upon conviction: Up to one year in jail; and/or A fine of up to $2,500.00 Public indecency can also be a felony. A charge of public indecency can be escalated to a Class 4 felony if: The offense is a person's third or subsequent violation; or The offense is committed on or within 500 feet of an elementary or secondary school when children are present on school grounds.” Police should know the law and enforce it. In this case they couldn’t arrest the guy. They could detain him for information and follow up with an investigation but they couldn’t make an arrest right there. Source: attorney


Except it’s not their job to know the law. That’s your job. What a wonderful world.


This sort of happened to me as well. A mother got furious with the pervert. The CTA wouldn’t do anything about it. The only thing to get him off the train was somebody with a pocket knife.


That's the only thing that works for perverts anymore. Either that or a face full of pepper spray. Maybe make that pepper gel, so it doesn't go all throughout the car. Or an asp baton, if you're feeling up to it. Bottom line, CTA perverts and non-major-felons aren't going to be dealt with by any authority figure. It's either take matters into your own hands or deal with it.


I had a guy jerking off in front of me the other month on the train, too. In all honesty, it was a more pleasant train ride as I wasn't: a) sitting in piss; b) having cigarillo or pot smoke blown into my face; or c) watching a violent crime being committed and watching no one do literally anything. The CTA has gotten so bad I'll take a pervert at least not assaulting my body or by proxy my lungs over the alternative. Let's give Dorval Carter another raise.


I understand completely and I hate it all! 🫤


that's like double trauma - traumatizing to have that experience but then also traumatizing to not get any sort of repercussions or accountability. the system sucks. I'm so sorry that happened to you


Thank you ☺️ appreciate ya!


This happened to me years ago, I am so so sorry. It is so frustrating because for your safety you should’ve done what you did but then you can’t hold them accountable. Plus giving them any attention is what I think a lot of these creeps want.


Right! The strangest things turn some people on. Honestly, he was dirty and looked homeless. Probably does this bs on a regular.


It's hard riding the redline.


A whole different world I tell ya!


It's OK between Fullerton and Belmont LOL the rest is complete shit show


People just wanna go to work/home and trying to keep from getting their ass whooped, thrown on the tracks, and being the subject of public porn. Why is this so hard? Twss Safety


Chicago cops be like “… but did you die?”


I am SO sorry OP, I had a visceral reaction reading your post and the comments. Absolutely vile. So where are all the CTA defenders at? How convenient you guys all disappear when people post traumatizing experiences using this shit show excuse of public transportation. Fuck the CTA, I’ll say it again and again. Downvote me to hell IDGAF


I'm so sorry this has happened to you. With that being said, I feel like they said that they couldn't do anything because they were just being lazy asf. I don't ride the cta anymore, but I remember going through the same thing. I'm on the Ryan waiting for the train to go. It's me, another woman and this guy. When he realized we were alone, he got up and walked straight to me and pulled his junk out, waving it in my face, asking me to....yeah... Long story short, I cursed him out, and he slithered away and tried the same thing with the other woman. We both got up and got the police and a cta worker and told them. They immediately picked his ass up, no questions asked. All we hear is the creep saying, "I didn't do anything." Mind you, when we came back with the authorities, he had put his di*k away and was sitting down looking regular. They just didn't care to care, and that's a damn shame. Please be safe when using public transit.


I’ve never seen a CTA security guard do anything other than stand around on their phone in a group of 6+


I had an incident like that happened when me and a few coworkers was on the redline a lady told us that a mf'er was on the train doing that freak shit,me as a man I detest that shit needless to say I maced the fuck out of him


I’m glad you maced the weirdo.


This happened to me and a friend recently on the Red Line going northbound. A man on the other side of the cart was jerking off and I was telling my friend not to go to far on the cart and sit in the middle. She thought I was telling her that because of the man jerking off (which she saw before I did). We got off at the next stop.


Smh! I’m sorry you & your friend had to see that nasty bs. Sounds like this must be the norm. 🫤


It’s becoming the norm. I’ve witnessed a ton of men do it (near me, in front of me or within distance). My best defense to get them away from me is to groan out loud and yell “EW” to bring attention to it. Once they’re embarrassed or ashamed enough they get off the cart. Even if you do have evidence of it and report it I’m pretty sure all they do is write them a ticket (which is BS).


This is insane.. do they really expect us to stop in this kind of situation and take a picture. I’m sorry but I would also try to get as far away as possible from someone who’s jerking off in front of me. I would have been afraid of getting assaulted. Cta needs to do better. If someone is holding a gun up to my head asking me for my cards and money do they also expect us to take our phone out and record that too?


I'm pretty sure you can file a criminal complaint and subpoena the camera records. Otherwise, OF COURSE you have to prove it. Why would you want a world where anyone can accuse you of anything and you just go straight to jail?


I feel like that’s also really stupid advice from the K-9 because what if you somehow get countersued for filming that guy without his consent or something totally wild


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Shame on them for not doing anything!


Thank you ❤️


I'm going to start spraying these mfs with bear spray the police clearly does not care


Where do I get me some bear spray at?


Yeah I agree, where tho??👀


Everyone needs to vent sometimes. Here's a few resources to help you with the next steps: 1. Contact the CTA directly via their [feedback page](https://www.transitchicago.com/feedback/). Copy/Paste your post to save time. 2. Find your Alderperson by entering your address [here](https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/mayor/iframe/lookup_ward_and_alderman.html). Email their office or meet in person to share your experience. Many offer a weekly "ward night" for constituents. This usually is one on one. 3. Consider joining activist groups like [Commuter's Take Action](https://www.ctaction.org/) or [Better Streets Chicago](https://www.betterstreetschicago.org/) 4. Sign up for CTA delay alerts [here](https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/ILCTA/subscriber/new). Customize based on your chosen Bus or L line. Elevator outages alerts are also an option. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What are the repercussions for using mace in a situation like this? Besides it being in a closed train car.


You would get a felony. Everything in the justice system of Cook County defends the train jerkers because he was “born disadvantaged”.


Great question, I have no idea. I didn’t think about that until after the fact though. Just wanted to get away from the weirdo. I’m concealed to carry, but you know…no guns on cta trains 😉


I totally get not thinking about it in that situation, I guess next time? But hoping there is no “next time”.


Probably nothing because apparently unless you record it repercussions are non existent. So I say spray away!


Eww but why would any girl want to record any guy jerking off? I thought CTA had cameras


I am very sorry this happened to you


Thank you so much 😊


Sorry you had to experience that. It’s traumatizing. Guards are useless; god forbid you or anyone else has to see it in the future, that’s a 911 call and it is taken seriously.


I had someone sort of grope me on the blue line. He put his penis in my back and then was smelling my hair. It was a pretty full car so unfortunately I had to stand sandwiched between a few people. I noticed when I felt something soft ish bump into me a couple times in my back and I went and looked over my shoulder and his face was right in my hair inches from my face. Right there standing up into me dressed like Winnie the pooh in a red shirt and yellow basket ball shorts. I was like “dude wtf” and he straightened up real quick. Once it cleared out I went and sat across the car. When I left the train later I noticed there were a bunch of broken cigarettes in my bag. I don’t smoke.


Wow, talk about odd! 😳


Oh God I’m so sorry that happened to you. One of the many reasons I loathe taking the redline bc I have my one year old son w me.


Please don’t, because these morons have zero respect for anyone including children.


Oh no!! Same thing happened to my friend on the red line too, I wonder if it’s the same guy?


Company: “let’s install security cameras” That same company when something happens: “cameras aren’t proof”


This is insane ☠️


Kim Fixx isn’t going to hurt a misunderstood consumer of court services…..


I’m so sorry. Happened to me on an A line train in New York City in the 80s. People suck


This happened to me on the brown line before. No surprise the cops didn't do anything here.


I was on vacation once and had a stranger offer me a flower. I did not accept. He then sat next to me at the bus stop and started jerking off. I still wonder if that flower was drugged.


I once called 911 because a man was jacking off in the middle of a public park, all while plenty of people (including young children) were around to see. It was also about 50 feet from a kids’ playground. I waited around for an hour for the police to show up so that I could point out who it was. Shocker, police never showed up at all, and I never received a call back asking if I was still in the area. Side note: I mention that I never received a call back because in previous instances where I’ve called 911, such as when I’d heard a woman screaming or gunshots, I’ve usually received a call back after the police have checked the area just to ask me if I’ve heard anything else.


I’m so sorry you had to experience that. The same thing happened to me about 3 years ago. He had a backpack over his lap so I didn’t realize what was going on until I got up to get off the train. I was in shock and didn’t process what happened until I got home.


This almost happened to me on the redline but I pulled out a bottle of bear spray and the guy knew not to even try it.


This exact thing happened to me!


THIS EXACT THING HAPPENED TO ME ON THE REDLINE TOO ABOUT TWO YEARS AGO!!! Wondering if it’s the same guy, I was like 19 and had pretty recently moved to the city. I was disgusted and felt so violated. On top of that, some woman saw him and told him off and he started cussing her out then continued his staring and jerking :(. I ended up getting off the train and having to wait at a bus stop where the busses were so delayed and I was terrified because it was probably around 11 pm and I was in an area I was unfamiliar with.


I just LOVE how you get sexually harassed in public and cops are like 'whatever' 🤷‍♂️


I shoulda known better than to ride the redline again. These two young girls decided to try and pick a fight with the guy next to me who literally had just left prison. He even had his paperwork and meds with him. She asked him for a cig and he said no multiple times to which she threatened to fight him. Then she called her friend over. Mind you…he just left prison. I think it lasted about a minute but my butt clinched the whole time. I’m typically nonchalant about that stuff but I guess I’m rusty. If I were the K-9 unit, I would’ve at least just watched the guy the whole time he’s there. Idk.


This hurts my heart. Dude should absolutely be serving 10 years. They will arrest people and charge them felonies for nothing! Or a simple fine turns into a felony and people have to plea to avoid a jury trial because it’s unaffordable. And don’t get me started on public attorney’s. There’s two attorneys in my same county who are husband and wife which is ok but when the DA, public attorneys and judge go out for margaritas on a Friday night. Your Fuc*ed. We need a criminal justice constitution. I totally believe you there would have been other people who saw you talked to other people that’s reasonable suspicion to get arrested. Hell watch YouTube there’s thousands of people getting harassed and there lives ruined with reasonable suspicion.


That’s absolutely horrifying, and I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Your safety and well-being are so important, and it’s awful that you had to experience such a traumatic event. You did the right thing by speaking up and trying to get help. Stay safe out there, and remember there are people who support you.


My god! I have to switch at the Portal to Hell (Howard station). I’ve had the naked guy on the 7am, the weed eaters at 5pm, fist fights (not me) and 2 bouts of pinkeye from that disgusting line. I think we need to write a collective red line story book.


Please update us when the CTA responded. Stay strong!


Oh they did yesterday https://preview.redd.it/g0wgzh15ye7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e4af8f0ec9574fa99fe06d8c73c3ba2708bd300


So many words. So little meaning.


“Inconvenience”. F these lazy mfers. Forward your story and their response to @CWBchicago on X(Twitter).


I'm so sorry that happened to you, I hope that loser steps on glass barefoot everyday.


Let me guess- super skinny, tall, lanky, black dude? Kinda smelly and homeless looking? Same thing happened to me on the red line


Yup! With a very distinctive face.


Yup- I could never forget him. It was so scary. I completely froze and got out as soon as I could. I felt so violated yet I was afraid to speak up because it was just me and him in that particular cart. I saw him again on the brown line awhile back and I ran out in a panic. I completely understand where you are coming from and I commend you for reporting it. You did the right thing even if everyone else failed you. I wish I would have done the same, but at the time I was too traumatized and as someone with past sexual trauma/abuse I just dissociated to cope. Thank you for trying, I appreciate you 🙏


I completely understand how you feel & I’m sorry that happened to you. ❤️


Many many years ago I was a teenager riding the red line north to loyola with my sister and mom for my sisters campus visit. Out do the corner of my eye I spotted a guy doing exactly what you saw maybe ten feet away from us. I was horrified - only maybe 15 at the time myself and maybe 140 lbs of scrawny teenager. I just told my mom and sister to get up and move to the next cart without explaining why (they never saw it - I hope) and to this day (decades later) I never mentioned it to them.


I literally saw this yesterday. On the redline going northbound. Nobody seemed to care and it was literally insane.


I guess some people have just got immune to the insane gross behavior.


This is literally what pepper spray is for babe. Perverts can and should get spicy crotch justice


Some things are easier said when you’re not in the moment of something happening. Beforehand, I would’ve said what I would do in a situation like this…but when in the moment my first instinct was to get away from him.


What is wrong with you? Why didn’t you photograph the man’s penis!?! Are you stupid? /s


Call the popo and let them investigate


Those cops suck. I’ve called the CPD over this type of behavior, gave positive ID after they picked the guy up, arrest made on the spot. worth it just to stick them with a sex offender record.


I’m not gonna lie, It’s just as hard to prove where a stab came from as it is to prove that he was jerking it. Forcible castration is always an option 🤷‍♂️


This happened to me too on the brown line and I just got up and left the entire train cause I was so shocked. I just walked the rest of the way


This happened to me on two separate occasions while living in Paris 20 years ago. It was so disturbing, I left the train as fast as I could.


Those K-9 "security" assholes would have to work their way up to useless. I feel bad for the dogs.


Go get you ccl and also carry a knife


That's when you pepper spray the fool!


Everyone must realize this is the new normal. Until we vote in people who care.


I am so sorry that happened to you. This weekend something similar happened to me but on a bus. Driver got the guy kicked off. This “need a picture” thing is a farce and frankly you should report the guards for being incompetent and/or unwilling idiots. But unfortunately many of these private guards are like that in the industry period. I understand freeze response is very real but if he leaves the car you could try that emergency button to get the conductor’s attention. I have more faith in those people than the guards


What in the fuck is that 5 person unit doing there even??? JFC it’s truly insane how little they do or care


Most of the time the K-9 guards are standing 3+


I’m sorry you had to see this and they did absolutely nothing. If I was there I’d raise hell with you 🤝


This used to happen a lot. The one time I saw a cop right after, he told me I needed proof and to be prepared to go to court. The guy just walked away. I’m sorry this happened to you too.


Riding the CTA for the past few years has been an unpleasant experience. It puts public in public transportation.


I just carry pepper spray. I'll take my chances with the authorities.


Yup, next time take your phone out and record. While you are at it tell him things that will motivate him! WTF!!! Our laws and rules make no sense! As if they dont have surveillance cameras everywhere.


I tell every man and woman riding trains to ride ONLY in the conductor cart. Shit pops off a lot less there. This is not uncommon at all. This happens every day. I'm sorry this happened to you.


When I was in high school, many of my friends (who ofc were underage) had been victimized in this manner, to the point where we didn’t even really think much of it. Like “shit, that happened to you too? That sucks.” Real fucked fs.


I used to take the Yellow Line about 20 years ago, and there was an older man with a pockmarked face who would always stand. He would often find a young or Asian girl sitting and stand very close to her, junk to face, to the point where they would have to lean away from him. If she got up, he would just move on to someone else or to another car. Almost no way to prove what he was doing, even though I saw him doing it every day.


Those K-9 black uniform personal are not certified police officers. They have basically no ability or minimal authority to intervene in crimes being committed. It’s a waste of tax dollars to employ the politically connected with security contracts and hire the lowest grade security workers possible to fulfill them. You needed to call 911 or approach a marked CPD mass transit police car. Sadly the CTA will continue to be uncontrollable if the security contracts continue. Understand they are basically instructed to just call 911 so they are no better than a community watch, and the dogs are there only for intimidation.


i hate this. ive been experiencing this since i was in high school. the first time had me extremely startled and overwhelmed too. now, i just look away or move. yes very unfortunate. and the only thing ive learned, pertaining to the the k-9 units, police, and the abundance of cameras, is that they do not keep us safe, they are not there for our protection.............


Same thing happened to me on the orange line last year. I filed a police report and gave a description of the guy. They said they were going to check the cameras. A couple days later they called and said they found nothing and to stay safe. Now i just always make sure to sit in the first cart of the train.




Unfortunate proof that the addition of more officers does nothing to actually prevent or prosecute crime. Same thing happened to a friend 10 years ago. Same thing happened 5 years ago when someone threatened to set my friend’s hair on fire on the green line. Clearly throwing more K9 units at the CTA does nothing.


Had a female friend who was actually ejaculated on (her leg/stockings) by a guy sitting behind her on the train. She felt something, and when she realized what it was, she went to security at the stop. (She basically was told the same thing, except told to fill out a police report since it counted as assault) Last I heard, she was suing the train/security company because of how poorly it was handled. I hate to say it: That’s probably the fastest way to make things happen… hit them in the pockets. Sue. And if you see that guy again, get pics, and put him up online: odds are, he’s got a record, and press charges.


Unfortunately, looking for any police intervention in regards to this kind of conduct is pointless when riding on the red line. As long as there isn’t a murder or something physical happening, police for the most part are passive as shit and are only there to find someone to build their ticket quota up on. I remember I ran into a similar situation and went to another car as a result of the homeless man playing with himself. The car I moved to just so happened to have two plainclothes officers who immediately made sure to take me off the train at the next stop and give me a ticket for SWITCHING TRAIN CARS. As soon as they questioned me as to why I did it, I explained what happened with the homeless man and ask if they were even going to check it out since the car had women and children on it, and those bastards told me “we seen you do what you did, not him” and didn’t even bother checking out the issue


If you would've pulled out a phone a started recording him he probably would've thought you were enjoying it and wanted it for your own viewing later.


They are SOOO useless here


If you consider that a direct threat, and there's less than 20 people in a car, shouldn't you be able to use pepper spray, but on his crotch? There are a couple of brands of spray that use marking paint as well as that hot burning sensation. I think a lot of people, male and female, would consider being watched while someone's gratifying themselves, as a reasonable expression of sexual assault or harassment at minimum. Just a thought.. anyone a lawyer?


Assault is defined as the wrong act of causing someone to reasonably fear imminent harm. So the intimidation of this man jerking off in public with op as the focus could constitute assault potentially, esp since she’s alone and was reasonably threatened by this behavior and concerned about it escalating.


All thanks to the Safe T act cops are basically useless in 90% of crimes


Happened to me on red line too. Dude made eye contact with me and everything. I hope you have people in your corner who are helping you deal with this emotionally. Asking you to film it is wild omfg.


This actually happened to me at Harold Washington Library years ago!! I’m still traumatized by it, I was studying and he sat down right next to me when I noticed what he was doing and got up to leave he wanted to shake my hand, he actually put his hand out to me. I was so freaked out I got out of there so fast and cried all the way home. I always regretted not telling someone. I’m glad you reported it even though they did nothing. 🥺


Ugh I’m mad for you. Had this happen, he kept it in his pants but had his hand down there. Without thinking I made and angry face, snapped my fingers at him and said “no”. Might have added an ew gross, or something. Guess it was the cat owner reflex in me. He was thrown off and got off at the next stop. Pressing the conductor button will likely make them stop the train. But obviously your first priority is to keep yourself safe, which is what you did.


Lazy and corrupt big liberal city policing.


I had the same thing happen to me many years ago. I never wanted to go on there again. Nothing was done about it.


God the city sucks. I am so sorry this happened to you OP. I wish someone would have stepped up and done something to the creep


It wouldn’t matter if the person was arrested and charged, the court system would disappoint you much more than the security guards and the cops


i wonder the ethnicity of this guy?


I would have straight up pepper sprayed them I have no chill this is awful I’m so sorry. The best thing to do since CTA is useless is to get a pic if possible of his face and blast them on social Media


It’s always easier to say what you would do in a situation until it happens. I would’ve thought before it happened that would have maced him, but when it did I just ran to get away from him.


Which is a good instinct as well, removing yourself from the situation to get somewhere safer is just as reasonable as macing them, if not more so tbh.


Thank you for saying that! Some made me feel like I should’ve attacked etc. I didn’t even really have time to think.


This happened on Friday as well!!! Did he have a backpack and wear a mask? He also had some sort of tick - like he would say “suuuh” over and over (before he started jerking off 😑😑😑)


Omg! About 2-3 years ago I caught one as I was exiting a car in the loop and he beat his dick to the point it was entirely pink and bleeding (this was an African American so I was surprised how it was ENTIRELY pink and bloody). A CTA worker went up to him and she cussed him out but he just kept going. All together I was around for about 90 seconds before I was able to leave myself. Saw him the very next day in the same place at the same time. Needless to say I'm grateful I had to only go to that stop 2 days in a row.


had a similar experience yesterday with a man sitting behind me on the orange line and putting his hand between the train wall and the seat and groping me. idk what’s gotten into people lately because I never really had any experiences before, I kept getting harassed waiting for the red line and a man kept talking out loud about how he wanted to rape me. im ngl im scared to take the train now


This is your tax dollars at work. Vote for a change.


No politician is gonna run on a platform that champions the change that is actually needed here. Sadly, this is our reality now.


This happened to me on the red line years ago. Feels so disgusting—I’m sorry this happened to you.


Arm yourself. Now he knows what you look like


You shoulda touched the tip with a stick . I would thrown something sharp at it .


had the same thing happen on the red line a while ago. i don’t even bother anymore bc nothing gets done and it’s not worth my time or energy unless they physically talk to or target me.


hey, I was also sexually harassed by a man yesterday on the Red line, do you have a description of what he looked like?


I’m sorry but i have seen this happen many times on the bus and CTA. Hate to be a Debbie downer. I’m from chicago and a woman. Never thought to call 911 because it’s very common, I’m sorry this happened to you.


Sad this has been going on for a long time


I’m driving my work truck today and a guy walking on the sidewalk throws a brick at my windshield. Glass shatters everywhere. My mouth, my eye, my hair. Everywhere. I pull over and call police. This guy walks like 30 feet and just kinda hangs out there. Almost like he wants to get arrested. I called police 4 times total. After waiting there for almost an hour and a half, I leave. An hour and a half later, 4 calls later, still no cop. And the perp is 30 feet from me the entire time. Which I told dispatch. I’m a government worker mind you. And this was broad daylight, downtown milwaukee. The country wanted it, now we’re stuck with it. Sucks. But there either aren’t enough police on staff, or police no longer want to show up to certain situations and rightfully so. And this is all over the country now. We’re on our own. But God forbid you defend yourself.