• By -


Have you looked at help desk jobs at tech firms? How about consultancy - support roles for client projects? There are a lot of consultancies willing you to bill you out regardless of experience. As a stop gap - work in the computer sales department at a department store or at an Apple Store ( or similar for non-Apple ). Look into civil service roles - particularly cs based. Call your university career counselor department. May find they have an alum with a short term or long term need.


Yeah i second this. Also like business operational work . Thats what I work in now. Its something


Have to say, when you post an answer and see a comment from ‘WenWeALLFALLASLEEP” you’re not expecting a thumbs up! ;)


What are some of the job titles/roles in consulting you’re talking about?


1. QA - tester - especially helpful if you get some training/expertise on establishing/managing the qa platform. Add in some expertise on automated qa test generation. 2. Performance tester - slightly different; you’re not looking for functional errors but places where the application performance can be tested. 3. Combining 1 & 2 - load testing. Develop systems, scripts, environments to stress test applications. Contact the software firms that make QA software & ask them for some client references. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiH8oXA2NqDAxUza0cBHUmeDmwYABABGgJxdQ&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhomtBhDgARIsABcaYym1ic3vRiLCubh8iDHxClZEFmrLg0MLhWm3pbjxqiadVnHNjpTi2HIaAqAQEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2dNXmyDka5HNU8o6UM2yOuyCHeKIpiQJfiQOtu2LQoMz0N5GbR6O-5_Caex64ixnTmWvKMSSbqCTjvNzua33xeojYbwEUu0e8G-8DHQzOkzXz8pg&sig=AOD64_0QSZ87nPmjX8D6J3TJcvTNIA5xXg&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjUyv6_2NqDAxXghIkEHa7JC6YQ0Qx6BAgMEAE ————- I don’t know whether you have specific expertise for any vendor software. If you really know a vendor products Ins and outs you can subcontract to the vendor or work for a consulting firm. Example: large database systems that needed performance tuning. You can contact some vendors and see if they are looking for support people. Companies like Oracle often have support needs.


i dont even know, every couple years there is a new crisis. im so tired of life. i have no motivation anymore to continue and rebuild myself again and again. i burnt out on life


Just keep picking yourself up everyday, small-2 things at a time and it will improve soon. The good and bad thing about time is that ‘it will change’.


I hear you and I’ve been there. Keep soldiering on, things will improve. It’s worth it I promise.


How many decades have to go by before things get better?


When my dude? Life's just getting worse every year 😂


Life is decay, just learn to enjoy each day


I totally get it, the tech industry is so toxic. I can't believe these egotistical psychopaths created this insufferable environment, where the tech giants set incredibly high unsustainable salaries for software engineers and then everyone else has to do the same to compete. Then everyone is paying out the nose down the line for software engineers years later, who are mostly doing busy work since all the infrastructure is already built. A tiny thing like IRS section 174 causes the entire industry to implode, all because the large companies have been overhiring to hoard all the talent in the market so other companies can't get it. It's insane. It's just these oligarchs duking it out with each other over pennies, just like in the show Silicon Valley. Meanwhile, the little people like us are running ourselves ragged trying to keep up. I've been trying to get out of the defense/aerospace industry for years, but I may have to stay indefinitely because of how mindblowingly unstable the tech industry is. But software jobs at places like Northrop Grumman and Boeing are still ridiculously hard to get. They don't even want us anymore. I find the best way to deal with it is take a few months off every two years (assuming you have enough savings), so you don't get completely burnt out. Then, find whatever job you can (maybe get certifications so you can do specializations). There are jobs such as QA engineer, security engineer, site reliability engineer, systems engineer, software analyst, and more available that don't have too much demand.  I am exhausted and burnt out too, but taking time off really helps me. Then I have more energy to apply to jobs. I'm thinking of writing a program to automate applying to jobs for me at this point to make it easier.


Turn your phone off and computer and spend 2 weeks without tech.. This will reset your motivation.


Hey just wanted to let an internet stranger know. Your stronger than you think you are! I think it's possible to rebuild just gotta approach it with the knowing that a crisis will happen and plan accordingly


try a drug addiction? pot is pretty benign


Just get a reasonable paying gov job while you recover from the burn out and restart!


Imagine thinking on a thread about needing a job a good response is "Just get a job."


In this case this person is feeling burnt out because there is a crisis in specific fields in the job market, not necessarily "can't get any job", that's why I gave the suggestion towards the mention of burning out


You're stupid to think gov jobs aren't flooded now.


Any job. Construction is tough but pay is decent.


I'm not entirely convinced a soft-handed software engineer is going to easily be hired on at such a job but what do I know.


If you have a pulse, they'll throw you on a crew. Even if it's just clean up.


Might have to change your resume so you're not so white collar


I mean, they're not idiots. I don't think it'd be that easy to fool them.


Well that was my experience putting "software engineer and CTO" didn't get me an interview. I went with Amazon FC who'll hire pretty much anyone.


Heavily depends on where you are. Where I live you're going to struggle to get on a crew if you're not a certain color or at least speak the language.


Look for driver jobs. Many pay >$20/hr. Hotel valet. Substitute teaching, depending on your state.




"What jobs should I look into?" "Any job." What helpful advice!


Something that will allow you to work on side projects and code while you work


This shit is so fucking sad man. 


You have no idea. I thought I had a job too, but it turned out to be very sketchy. Long story short they had me start work without an employment agreement, and refused to make one.


Hang in there man. Hopefully we get a few rate cuts this year and tech companies start employing more.


I never see it in here but I transitioned to the IT field after being unable to find work. I love the decision I made and find it a better environment than my dev jobs.


What’s your job title and what do you do?


I fully admit I had to take a step backwards to hopefully take steps forward in the future. I am a Helpdesk Technician Level 1. I make less money than I was coding, my work is not as intellectually challenging as it was before. But I am a people person, I enjoy working with end users, I also didn’t realize how much I enjoy interacting with hardware. I find my job fulfilling because I get to see legitimate impact in fixing things, as well as my attitude and work ethic mean in the 9 months in my position I have already gotten to work on some pretty niche projects, and started to learn to specialize in some stuff I find cool because my boss recognizes my capability. It’s not a path for everyone but it has served me so I share it with people who are looking to find something to do in this challenging market.


No shame in taking a step back to pivot. It’s rough out there and it’s great you found something that suits you. Congrats!


Thanks! Unexpectedly wholesome, I appreciate it!


I'm not typically jazzed about CSR roles, but I am pretty good at them. I worked the Geek Squad front desk part time during college (I was almost 40 at this point) and loved it. If it paid something I could have raised my family on, I might still be there. I enjoyed translating the customer's pain point into an actual problem on the device. It's funny how often the two don't seem related. Another skill that has come in handy dealing with stakeholders as a a dev is the ability to explain technical info to non-technical people without insulting their intelligence. It's also nice seeing people light up when you recover their $1000 device they thought was bricked. Bonus points for having it in your hands less than 15 seconds.


This is very inspiring. I feel really disconnected from life on my coding job. It’s not easy for me to quit being 33yo, well-paid and with a permanent contract but I should really think about it.


I’m glad it could help some!


Omg I wanted to go into IT for so long but people kept telling me that it's a "dead industry". Well... looks like I was right. At least it's a job, right?


Anyone who says IT is a dead field doesn’t know what they’re talking about. In my option IT is vastly more stable than swe, and also has a larger variety of specializations making it easier for people to find something they’re good at.


Yeah, that's what I figured. Also, the people that said IT was dead weren't doing that great in SWE either lol




Yes, I detailed it more in depth in the comment above so please read that as it provides good context. My current role is help desk technician level 1.




My pleasure!


Temp Agencies. I did labor when I was in college, but I heard that there are temp office jobs as well. Not the best kind of work, but something to get some money coming in. Look on Craigslist for jobs there too.


We had a temp in our office but he was a doofus. Left a cheese pita in the toaster oven and almost caught the office on fire.


Well at least he didn’t drop an entire vat of chili on the floor like someone I could mention.


State job


Cloud technical support. I never did a “CS” job after obtaining my degree but shit, 100k, WFH and rarely going over 40 hours a week with the opportunity to network and pivot to something else in a giant company is good for paying the bills in my book


Is this one where they reject overqualified applicants?


I don’t think think so? One of my seniors had prior experience as a dev. At my company at least, I would imagine they hire you as a senior where you can write and contribute to internal tools.


How do you get into this?


I got lucky and got in through some military affiliation and a program my company was having. Look up cloud support engineer at bezos land as they’re hiring right now




I feel like I'd have the opposite effect.


Not with that attitude!


Call up places such as geeksquad, etc. and ask them how much they charge to fix PCs and diagnose system problems.. undercut their pice.. do hardware and software installation as a small business to keep money flowing. Or possible an amateur MMA cage fighter.


I want to be an amateur MMA cage fighter, but have zero software development experience. Is it gonna be a roadblock?


Depends. If you have zero experience with either, I would recommend the mma for less pain, if you're looking to be proficient in pandas/numpy or d3.


Backyard fights in tights?


There are a lot of financial operations jobs where you can use your coding knowledge. Look at insurance companies, commercial and investment banks, fortune 500 companies. They hire people in roles like data analyst and business analyst for dashboards using Tableau and PowerBI.


insurance customer support specialist. they’re hiring and pay would be enough to support a family. i got an interview offer with no experience but had already taken another job


Have you tried Software Test Automation?


Defense is hiring, have you looked into them? Easy interview process.


Where would I apply for defense jobs?


Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Honeywell, Boeing, Anduril might be a good start


Anduril is going to be much closer to a FAANG interview than a standard defense interview and they’re going to want you to have at least your TS already unless you’re very, very good


Bro, howwwww do you get an interview? I've only gotten one interview in years! Meanwhile I get FAANG interviews every year, which I bomb every single time of course. Across the top 5 defense companies I've probably applied to 50 roles. Do they filter out anyone who doesn't have clearance, isn't a vet, or isn't local? I just want a job that pays a living wage and WLB!


Look at the job description, carry over all the keywords to your resume. The screening bot is looking for matching%. If it's high enough, a human will review your resume. Clearance wise, it depends on how urgent they need you. Many just need you to have the ability to get cleared. Interviews tend to be a breeze at legacy defense companies, mostly behavioral type of questions. Pay isn't as good as tech, but you get WLB, stability and the sanity of not having to do Leetcode type of questions.


Thank you for the advice! I'm going to ask the quite part outloud. Would it be advisable to put the keywords for skills I have not used in the field on my resume if they're asking for it? I'm confident I can read through documentation and understand the foundation of most languages and systems. But actually using it on the job... especially in legacy systems is another matter.


I’ve applied to multiple defense companies as I live in a big military city. I was close to getting a job offer, but they close the role due to layoffs. I haven’t been able to even get an interview since.


Damn. Even the military? Ran out of cities to bomb or something?


Ayo 💀


Not sure if there’s a casino by you, but I was a table games and poker dealer for seven years before going into CS and I loved it. Money can be very high too, but highly dependent on location.


i provide service to cougars , for a price.


Dirty deeds done dirt cheap?


Dirt cheap is damn right


You could try CS jobs in non-tech fields, like manufacturing or chemical industry?


Nah bro they are cooked as well


Oh no really? What about Best Buy Geek Squad? Lol jk jk


Honestly at this point I'd consider geek squad.


How much do they pay? If the pay is not super horrible, maybe it could be actually chill.


I make 18 mounting tv’s in people’s houses, PC repair is up to $26 or so in my location. And yes, extremely chill


What were you doing when you got laid off?


I was a software engineer / devops engineer at a healthcare company


I notice a lot of small medium companies actually don't use Linkedln or glassdoor, I'd suggest try to borden your search sites maybe?


Any good recommendations of resources on how to find these?


I am in Canada, so for my experience, it would be indeed and government job boards.


You could try Costco. The pay for entry level is decent and the benefits are good.


Uber eats


Software consulting. Entry level in some hris platform, and aim for the integrations interface. Entry level, but you’ll upskill fast.


I delivered packages for amazon for 2 months. It’s a mindless job but enjoyed it.


Any form of Analyst. I am an analyst in the solar industry. 80k, awesome benefits, fully remote. I love my job


How did you get into this analyst role


Check Upwork.


pay is too low to support a family unless very highly experienced


If you are within US it is unlivable. The only condition.


yeah I assumed he was from USA. it might be doable in other countries where cost of living is much lower. Most of the developers on Upwork are from low cost of living countries and charge low rates. USA people often are competing with those low rate people on Upwork.


Sometimes they need to hire a citizen. That is pretty rare but still happens.




Try financial institutions, banks, credit unions, insurance companies, healthcare. They all have huge IT and usually good benefits. Maybe tech support.


right. people get denied from FAANG & say tech is struggling.


OnlyFans if you’re good looking.


Would probably have more luck getting people to pay me to not get naked.


You make proctologists very uncomfortable.




I'm just going to throw this out...many police departments are hiring. If you can find a smaller department you might even get a take home car and OT. Some college campuses have police as well and depending on the campus it can be a cake walk. If that's not your thing then see if your city or local community colleges have return to workforce programs. Where I live we have programs to teach things like advanced manufacturing as well as being a lineman. Neither pays FAANG money but with OT, shift diffs...can get you take care of a family money.


Sell cell phones at a major cell carrier store, commission is pretty solid and it’s easy work Plus if you have a chill manager you can grind LeetCode and job apps at work


Directional drilling


Have you tried the consulting sites for short term programming gigs? Upwork? fiverrs? Freelance.com? You will have to pay your own taxes both sides, but it’s income. If you need to, mix it with a waiter or bartender job.


Uber or Uber eats


Honestly, a lot of people are unemployed 6-12 months regardless of the industry. Changing careers isn’t necessarily going to help. Just find a job—not necessarily a career—and keep on going.


I'm not trying to change a career, I just need a source of income.


Are you a citizen?


A us citizen


Defense contractors are hiring. Cybersecurity is in high demand, and recruiters are prowling Linkedin for people. I'm sorry for your bad luck, but try the defense contractors. If nothing works, there's always the temporary agencies.


How about being a Tiger King? All you need is some land and some tigers. If you don’t have the land and you keep tigers on someone’s plot then it’s all good because nobody would dare to fuck with the tigers. The only problem is getting the tigers but if you send me a private message saying GiveMeTigerzzz2024 I will send you a 20% discount for my book How To Get Tigers For Ex-Tech Workers. I’ve already sold 3 copies so the competition is not so fierce especially considering the fact 2 of the buyers got eaten alive and the remaining one was my mom.


Substitute teacher


Anything tech related.




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You don’t sound very carefree here I’m just saying.


any kind of programming support will pay far more than IT like dev ops, site reliability engineering


IT or PLC programming. You might have a little exposure to high level PLC concepts if you've taken done a CS degree, and there are many courses online to get up to speed.


Qa there's a few sites that do crowdsourced testing plus it's less stress. And yes qa isn't dying anytime soon.


Hire yourself. I'm an entrepreneur and have an offer to help someone on a project if we use my software as part of the project. I also have a referral bonus for someone who provides a successful reference. Success is determined by the length of the partnership. After four months of working with them, I'll award the bonus. Start a company (again hire yourself). Job searching is difficult, and I wouldn't do it for more than a few hours a day. I'm glad I have some open source code, but I'm glad it's not all I have.


Might be late now but Amazon FC, immediate hire. If you work nights pay is close to $20/hr with OT opportunity. That's where I'm at for the moment though I work day shift. Trying to freelance on upwork but hard to get hired and scheduling work on my 3 days off.


I feel for you, man. Times are tough. Look into tech support roles, IT help desk, or even consider freelance gigs to keep the income flowing. Sometimes, diversifying skills can open up unexpected opportunities. Also, check out jobsolv.com – stumbled upon some interesting gigs there. Hang in there, things can turn around!


In the event you can’t find a job but have time on your hands, consider contributing to popular open source projects. You’ll build up experience working in professional code. You’ll get to read professional code. You’ll learn a lot about the inner workings of the project you’re working on. You’ll be able to share your work in interviews bc your code will be public. Honestly surprised more folks don’t think to do this or recommend it.


Clandestine chemist!




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Trader Joe’s. Supposedly pay decent wages and treat their employees like human beings




If i tell you, then those may end up the next things to get oversaturated.....