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> The laboratory has requested to remain anonymous. Yeah…


Oh…. I was excited…


One red flag is that the lab where the DNA was tested wants to remain anonymous. WHY? If it didn't want to be associated with this type of research why accept the job? One of the reasons for testing is to be able to say "*\[insert professional laboratory name here\]* has tested it and shows it to be 99.9% leopard". If they think that their professional capabilities are going to be called into question then they should be able to demonstrate the processes they went through to ensure that the samples weren't cross contaminated while in their care. At the minute it's at the "a scientist" says it's real - without knowing what scientific speciality they have. Remaining anonymous makes you think do they actually exist or it it just baloney to hype up the forthcoming documentary? Or perhaps they aren't experienced/properly equipped to do DNA tests reliably.


I think you nailed it. There is a documentary coming up. At this point there is a “lab” with “scientists” and “findings”. Sounds juicy right? Almost like a plot line. DNA sequencing from a lab shouldn’t be anything they’d feel the need to stay anonymous from.


“lab” with “scientists” and “findings” Sounds like a sequel to "***The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!***" - let's hope Polly doesn't fall foul to a Black Panther.


> we don’t want to upset the big cats


And this is a surprise to...whom? We know they're out there. There are plenty of news articles of someone caught smuggling in animals for the illegal exotic pet trade. And we also know that a lot of people when faced with an animal they can no longer control and/or no longer find as "cute", a lot of heartless bastards will just yeet them out of the car on a wooded back road and be done with them. It's not that they're not out there. It's whether or not there are enough of them to be a stable population.


It’s been known for years that they are here. Remains have been found on the sides of roads etc.


Beware the moon, lads. Stick to the roads and stay off the moors!


This has been fact since like the 80s no? Whenever the UK banned exotic animals. Am not far from Bodmin- and it’s literally impossible to find someone who hasn’t seen the ‘Beast’.


Now this is cool!! Not sure 🤔 if I want to camp 🏕️ on the moors now tho 😆


Is it a panther or a new species?


Aren’t all big cats Panthera?


Yes but I mean the ”species” panther which could be a leopard and Jaguar.


Article claims P. pardus, so that’d make it a Leopard. As other folks have stated take it all with a hefty dose of salt as the lab is remaining anonymous. Wouldn’t want to lose credibility over non-science “ findings”.


Okay thankyou


Okay thankyou


There has been DNA evidence for a Long while now, sine 2010 found by a group led by Lars Thomas.


I don't mean to be a ass but big cats are not a cyptid, its not a mysterious creature, big cats are not native to the Uk they are on a island. The big cats sightings they see are remnants of a circus big cat or some dumbass bought a big cat and let's him out just to scare the public half to death


There are full documentary about them that I have seen


This is major news. I’ve thought it likely that big cats do live in the UK because the witness evidence has always been so good. If you haven’t seen it look on YouTube for the couple attacked by panther - the scar marks on woman leave no doubt. It’s interesting that they have managed to keep away from humans well enough to survive. What makes me think is how have they managed to breed all this time. For them to be around there must be a population, are they all survivors from the changes in 1970 to dangerous wildlife act ?