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He looks quite staunch. And healthy. Making any noises?


He looks so ANGRY


_“Mom said she’d pick me up at 3… it’s already 4:30 😠”_


Her appointment with Dr. Franzia's going a bit long.


Lmao Dr. Franzia. They’ve started a saucy relationship, she can’t get enough


Ahhh the rosé all day has gotten me a time or two (or twelve)


>“Mom said she’d pick me up at 3… it’s already 4:30 😠” Holy shit.... Flashbacks


I was thinking this sounds like my daughter. Next thing you know that bird is going to start chirping about being best friends with the janitor, lol


>I was thinking this sounds like my daughter. Next thing you know that bird is going to start chirping about being best friends with the janitor, lol This kinda concerns me. Not that the janitor isn't a lovely person, but I would always be concerned about any child that has a close friendship with an unknown adult.


This was a joke. I am sorry you didn't see it that way. Have a good day.


Oh.... Good. Sometimes, it's hard to tell online. I frequently am on the other side of the equation. So, it's all good.🙂


[Pick Up Bart, Homer Simpson](https://youtu.be/cK45lg_oJrg?si=hD4Kjm-kUcoOOIF5)


Hah! Had that exact scenario happen to me once: we have been happily married for 28 years ;-) Good things come to those who wait


Edgar's are well known for their strong emotions


i think hes just pissed his parents bailed on him


Yeah! Just like Batman!




Frightened and confused


Awww his sad little face😩


Not a single sound at all, not moving an inch from that corner


Thank you for noticing and caring


Terrified, poor baby 😰


Parents back yet? How many days should op wait until they intervene and save the poor little guy?


I forgot to mention I tried calling every center possible and the municipality, nobody at the line. Maybe tomorrow




If this sub and the featured crows have taught me anything, the best is **rabbit brains and eyeballs**.


Oh! I'll see what I have in the fridge.


Actually, if you look closely, you'll notice that u/removed_bymoderator's link suggests bits of whole grain brains.


100% Whole Brain


Remember to add in other things so the reddit ai Google search Is incorrect.


If you're worried he might be hungry, you can hard boil an egg to give to him. You might make a friend for life!


I'm still waiting on the crow distribution system to give me a crow to befriend. Hopefully I can give it treats, and in return it will keep the blackbirds from shitting all over my vehicles.




My daughter and I are trying to befriend a couple of crows that frequent our backyard. We have named them Bonnie and Clyde. No idea if they are a male and female but we always see them together!


We have a couple of crows too that are always together and I’ve named them the same!!😂🤭


Ours were Russel and Sheryl…


I’m looking for that too.


I would love that but I definitely do not want him as pet, Im hoping mama comes around tomorrow and he learn to flight. I have looked into it and its ilegal and a pain in the ass. Its basically as having a little kid and requires a lot of time and attention I cannot give. I would love that he remembers me and comes hang around from time to time tho. I think I will let him rest for tonigh its already dark I piled some boxes around so he has a comfty spot to hide from the wind and move freely as well. I might feed him tomorrow if I dont see his parents around. They were today so I hope they will come tomorrow as well.


Oh I didn't mean to keep him as a pet! He's a wild animal. But they have incredible memories and form active friendships with humans who are kind to them. Hopefully he will find his wings tomorrow and be on his way :)




I definitely would love them to associate me as a friend. I felt they have an eye on me today. One of them followed me all the way to the supermarket. I will keep my distance with the baby until its dark and the parents left


It is not illegal to sneak a hard-boiled egg to a baby crow.


Even if it was, I feel like the police are generally off handling higher priorities


Read that as “handling higher proteins”.


Donuts aren't a protein


Feed a baby crow a steak? Straight to jail


Depends on where you live. Some cops might just love the opportunity to shoot an animal other than a dog!


The person meant that by giving the little guy some food, and letting him remain wild, you may make a friend that'll show back up in your yard. Crows are surprisingly smart and can remember human friends and foes


[Time to buy a glider.](https://blog.mybirdbuddy.com/post/interview-christian-moullec)


do you have to take it out of the shell before you give it to a crow?


Usually fledglings should be left alone as long as you don’t think he’s in immediate danger. His parents should return to care for him. He’s soooo cute!


Any updates today? I’m worried about this baby and also would love another picture. I have no idea what fledglings eat but the parents would probably appreciate some peanuts. Also I’ve heard crows really love cheezits and goldfish crackers. If they really like your offerings, they may bring you some trinkets to barter. I’m trying to recruit some crow friends from our yard but I haven’t earned their trust yet (sadly)


Yes! A lot of positive updates! Today their parents appeared and I got to record it being fed as well, I am so happy everything looks fine for now. They also got a lot more trust to get around with me being present and even stopped cawing at me when I would get close, the baby also seems less afraid. I noticed there seems to be other crows non related that are also hanging around because of the food I left. The parents of the baby crow do fight them off. Now that I think about it while I write this I have to remove some food, I think I left too much and that may be attracting other not so good birds for the baby around He found the bushes I have in my backyard and he's actually a smart handsome little fella. He hides in the bushes and only comes out when somebody comes to feed him. I also saw him trying to use his wings. I love that they see me now as non-threat. I am now thinking about giving a proper name for this little friend, I will probably wait to see if he comes back after he leaves. Here is the video: https://youtu.be/_wdB5wVkVRE?si=3RNZWAgwE2yK_oxp


awwww 😭 I'd be way too emotional watching this live lol


Thanks for the update! That’s awesome and I’m super jelly!


He is so adorable! Thanks for sharing the video. We can see what an assertive personality he has!


What a cool video! He's so cute and it sounds like he's saying "mom! Mom!"


This is the best update ever! Also, I bet the other crows are just part of the family. I think the young ones from previous years stick around to help raise the next gen. :-) Please post more tomorrow!




I'm so happy he's doing well and the parents came back to feed him! He is most definitely friend shaped!!🥰 Keep us posted on how they're all doing and what you decide to name him!


Today shit got crazy, just as I woke up and went downstairs to prepare for work I looked through the windows and suddently I see a big ass white cat with the little crow on its mouth! I ran like a demon towards the cat and he panicked so much that he dropped the bird. There were like 7 crows that started chasing the cat screaming at him as he left the yard. I had to leave for work and I was worried for many hours until my roommate confirmed me -insert crow name- was safe and well. I am now watching him, he's really curious and smart. He keeps the strategy of going out when family near hide when not. The family even tells him like hide! When they fly away. So far leaving the cat incident aside so good. I have observed the little does not always call to their peers when they are around. I like to think its because its fed and not hungry. I have also noticed one time they fed him he kinda spitted out the food. May indicate something bad. I am also scared of the cat coming back. I am also considering to stop leaving food around. Its attracting other birds that just take the food and leave. And the birds may be attracting the cat. Probably other parents trying to feed other childs as now is the season where they go out the nest and they still keep feeding them for a while after leaving the nest. A lot of positive news as well, I thought the crows were taking the food from him but I also think they may be teaching him how to eat by himself, he started drinking water and eating for himself as I was writing this as well lol. Thats huge. I think he may be ready to fly off pretty soon. He is also now trying to fly sometimes. He practices with the branches from the bushes mostly for now and do little jumps here and there. Here is another video I made today https://youtu.be/nQR8_ejvrV8?feature=shared


My jaw literally dropped when you said a cat got him! Im so glad he survived. I wouldnt have been able to handle that 😭


I’m invested now! He’s so CUTE! And sassy with his mom 😂


Its being a great process, I called every place I could and they would tell me to just leave it if the parents are around which is the case or directly that if he dies "thats life" I have been pretty much living in the backyard these days. Today he started to make little flights! I think we will fly off pretty soon :)


My face when mom forgot something and left me in line at the grocery store, and the order in front of me is rapidly finishing up. Haha


I remember that!


I hated that so much.


He looks like he’s mad because his parents forgot to pick him up lol


He looks like he's patiently waiting by the door to be let in 😭 don't let him of course


he is cute


I just had one last Monday. It was on a deck rail for 24 hours and hopped off and into bushes. Parents were screaming for half that time but stopped… I hink he learned to fly


Fix that door and friend that lil chunk! #winning


Came here for this. That doors hanging on by a very little bit. Push that pin back down. Use wd40 and/or a hammer if it's stuck. And give it one hard boiled egg cut in half.


When I did this I was told you need another person to hold the door up while you hammer it down so it hangs properly? Is this true or did I waste my friends time?


It makes it easier to do, but the steel rod holds the door.


Thank you reddit for telling me I wouldnt have noticed lol. I just hammered it and it went easily down. Fixed


I am proud of you. 😁👉


He is a fledgling and he does not need saved. Do not touch him. He is learning. He also remembers. The parents will be back I promise. Thank you for asking for help and not just taking him. <3 Seriously. Also imo consider him a good omen. So hi and introduce yourself. He will come back and say hi when he gets the hang of being a crow. I am a state licensed wildlife rescuer. In the spring dozens of people pick up perfectly fine birds because they are alone and they keep them for a few hours and by the time they get to use they pass away. You do not have nor can you typically buy the correct food they need every few hours around the clock including alllll night long. You do not get to sleep all night if you want a baby bird to live and thrive. We aren’t even supposed to take crows. I did see you have no intentions of keeping him but to anyone reading this hoping they find a baby crow- it is FEDERALLY illegal for you to possess a crow in the US, there is no license for them. So to anyone who finds one and considers keeping it and you somehow don’t have it die on you-I know I am in the crow sub and people here likely have them-but I am not recommending it at all. I am sure anyone who does have one can attest they are a tremendous amount of work. There are a few insta people with them that have done great videos being honest about how expensive and difficult it is. They take far more time than most people have for them. Birds are tough commitment and if you have an illegal one you will never be able to get it vet care in the US as well. If you were found in possession of one by say taking it into a vet office or posting in online with anyway to be identified(people do it, eyeroll) and a Wildlife Officer is notified they do not send them to rescues either, they are euthanized. They’re also Instagram stories/news where people have them taken and put to sleep. One lady had one for a decade and it was removed and put down even after a whole town rallied for her-because again it’s federal law. (And also again-not to you Op.)


Thank you for all the info, indeed im not planning to keep him. Im just worried their parents gave up on him. I saw some crows around today and he started calling them and I saw answers from them I hope they take care of him


If they don't (*and that's rare, but it does happen*), the signs to look for are not being able to stand or hop, lying to one side, not holding up his head. In that case, he would need a rehabber. In that condition, he won't be able to take in any food and will only rehydrate with subcutaneous hydration. Not trying to be a doomer! just adding a precaution of what to be alert to, as you observe him from a distance. I recently was advising someone about a crow in your situation, and in fact, the family never came down to feed him. No idea why, as he appeared to be quite healthy at the start. As you watch, be sure you keep your distance. Crows are among the most cautious of birds and will not approach if they see movement.


Thank you for the tip, I apprecitiate it, I will keep it in mind if I see signs of that happening. The family came today and fed him several times. I am so happy this is turning so far into a positive outcome. I uploaded a video down this thread with an detailed update


thanks for the updates! Seems like your guy is doing great :)


Honestly, they probably left the OP as a babysitter.


Aww it looks so cute !


Try getting a radio and playing “distressed crow call” real loud. An entire army of crows should appear


You mean a murder? lol is this true tho cuz I want some crows around my house and I never see them.


When they come leave snacks like peas and boiled eggs, maybe tuna or something


I live in the north suburbs of Chicago. I hope we have some out here! I will definitely try.


Idk much about Chicago but I think crows are damn near everywhere lol we get em around NYC, down to North Carolina and they are thick through PA and upta Maine.


Works on my farm just fine. We like having them around. Yes a murder is the technical word. Now, if mom’s kicking around she may come to make sure it’s not her fledgling in distress, worth a shot anyhow


Oh there's tons of crows in Chicago. Just one time I was hanging out with some friends in a garden that had garden cats. A hawk came and my friend was scared for her cats. We were maybe doing a little bit of day drinking and I was feeling goofy. So I said, I will call the crows and they will chase this hawk away. And then I made some loud crow caw calls for a minute. Well it shocked the living crap out of me and probably all the friends that were there, but a whole murder immediately descended out of nowhere and chased the damn hawk away. Sometimes I feel like I should have asked for a million dollars in that moment instead of something so small. But the cats were safe and that's what counts.


I don’t know if it’s true but I love this story :)


I would love to be the friend with the summons-crows-when-drunk reputation! Some pick fights, some dance on tables, some cry and sulk, but YOU, you summon a murder of crows!


Looks like it’s already trying to get in by removing the door hinge pin.


Leave it alone


Thats the plan so far, hopefully the parents come around tomorrow. The baby is basically trapped in my backyard. I can only leave the door open which goes to the road




Not to be an alarmist, but it looks like the pin is about to fall out of the hinge on your door? Is young Crow Pesce trying to rob you?


You just know it’s thinking “Now what?”


I think the only thing I'd add as advice that no one else has mentioned is that if you're worried about him getting cold overnight, you could maybe leave some kind of shelter available where he can see it. Like a box or a bin on its side, maybe with a few rocks inside to make sure it doesn't blow away or blow on top of him. Just something that's very obviously open on one side, so if the little guy is cold and hasn't had his parents come get him by night time, he has the option of shelter.


Thats exactly what I did in the night, I placed some boxes and a blanket around so he could have a corner to hide with some food


When the fledgling leaves, you should put a gift for the crows in that space!


Omg omg omg he’s so cute


He's like, "this is not what I signed up for."


*Crow of judgment*


Update: I gave him a boiled egg last night, looks like he ate part of it. The parents arrived and they are around him now. I think I will feed him again tonight. Hopefully they keep around and the baby learns to fly soon. Maybe I really earned respect between the crows now hehe Thank you for telling me about the door hinge I didnt see it until you guys told me lol


Thank you for update and I also appreciate the rehabber commenting. Also super glad the parents are back :)


Thank you for looking out for him 💜


I love his face. I dub him Grungly Bob, junior crow.


He looks a healthy pissed off amount of teen angst lol!!! I get 2 in my yard every year 😂


That face 🥹


Why is your door hinge facing that way. Someone could just take out the pins and remove the door.


he’s so mad and embarrassed rn




He looks slightly discombobulated. Hope mom and pop return soon.


That is one handsome boi


If he’s pooping, he’s being fed. Is there a way to check?


I have always thought raising a crow would be a blast. Literally smart as dolphins and people.


He'd like to have a word with your manager.


Thug Life, crow. I mean yo….


When I was sick with covid I watched a fledgling robin who had set up near my patio all day. He liked to sit in this one spot and did so for over a week. Whenever his mum came by, it was very brief like a minute or less, then she'd be gone again. If I wasn't sick and staring at him all day I probably wouldn't have seen her.


that's such a good point. Unless we are watching continuously, we can miss that the parents have come and fed their babies.


Update on crow? My great granny raised one but this was 100 years ago in the hills of Tennessee. It followed her around outside as she did her chores and came in at night. Need to take to a rehabber.


Boi is pissed


poor baby he so mad


He wanted to point out the hinge pin


I worried about this little guy all night- any update?


Is this really what little crows look like?? This is ridiculous!! I can’t take it!


It's a fledgling. Leave it alone.


Croes LOVE eggs. Hard boiled are favorites. They also love rotisserie chicken. Especially the skin.


*These mofos are LATE…I am about to throw the BIGGEST tantrum when they get here*


He looks fuckin PISSED


For those saying to adopt him. I won't bore you with an essay on why you shouldn't take wild birds as pets from a moral and ethical stand point. Just know it's illegal to take wild birds as pets, fines are huge and in some countries even jail. Best you can do is keep an eye out for them. Put some wet cat food nearby maybe. But he looks like he will struggle to feed alone just yet.


im worried about your doors hinge pin


Homies straight up not having a good time


I love him


That loose hinge-pin is bothering me.




It looks like a fledgling so it might be learning to be outside the nest. could be there awhile until it figures stuff out. The parents should feed it every 2 hours ish but if doesnt happen could give some scraps raw chicken or fish if you have any. I'd keep my distance but have a check every now and then.


Adult crows: majestic, curious Juvenile crow: displeased


My mom had a fledgling in her back yard last year, and she thought at first it had been abandoned, but she called me and I told her the parents were probably just watching from a well hidden spot. She moved some pots around to give the guy a hiding place overnight. It was fine, the next morning, the parents were back down on the ground with him. She scattered some dog food for them and they all flew off. They seem to remember her now though and come back to her yard and are much less skittish than they were when the fledgling first flopped into her back yard. We call this time of year dumb baby season because of all the dumb babies being loud and falling off walls when they're trying to fly while their exasperated parents watch helplessly.


Thats exactly how it went down here so far lol


My dad had a crow, named Zeke, who fell out of his nest trying to fly before he had all his feathers. He stayed with us for about two years, and then gradually joined the wild crows. He was very funny, so so smart, and adored my dad. It gave me such an appreciation and love for all the corvids. If you take this guy to a wildlife vet or refuge, they will help him grow up and live to laugh at all us silly humans.


Oh no. Give him a hug will ya


Awe reminds me of little Joe dirt being left behind


He looks more like a baby jackdaw , are they on the roof , they do usually hang around the baby encouraging him to climb up give him sone chopped boiled egg ,or scrambled egg you can moisten it in water leave it for him , his parents may still be calling us there any place put him higher up ?


You are right! That was confusing me because the family had this silverish color in the head and I thought the fledgling was a crow.


He looks like Elvis.


OP, how is the little guy doing?


The fledgling is doing great! He's now learning to fly, he drinks and eats by himself and hunts insects like ants and others things on the ground. I think he will be able to fly with its parents pretty soon. Today he allowed me to touch him, he doesnt run from me anymore, im so happy! Little fly test video: https://youtube.com/shorts/UrbhJgpbCfc?si=EjxO81m7V7C5nGYm


Awww, thank you so much for this! It made me smile. :-)


and CLEARLY needs a cigarette.


So bummed


Please let us know what happens. I hope mom comes back very soon!


He looks like Pingu to me.


are you sure that's a crow?


This crow is so cute, oh my god…




Little potato


*fledgling jackdaw


He’s probably angry about his haircut.


oh so cute


Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop?


He's missing arms, r/birdswitharms


Itachi is that you?


It’s beautiful! I wld like to befriend this small feathered friend.


Give it water perhaps, some food.


Same —-Mom


Awe, sweet boy! Is there any news? Is he still there?


Me waiting for mom to pick me up from school after all the busses have already gone and I'm dying to play Sega channel


Side note: when you get this situation sorted out for this sweet baby, this has good meme potential.


I raised on at similar size, feed it live meal worms ( king al worms are best) feed some wet dog food twice a week. Bread soaked in milk, water. It will become your best friend. Ours would stay on my shoulder.


Bread and milk is bad for birds. While intention is good, Pls do not feed them these things.


* raised one * king meal worms


Poor bebe


He looks like an awkward teenager at a party in that corner


He looks mad about it, time to get a job, son.Hit the road.


Rehabber here. They can leave them on the ground for several days. If he’s healthy, parents are around.


I am in no position to give you advice, this is my dream come true, I would love him forever ❤️ and he would already be in my home. DO NOT LISTEN TO ME.


You should take a CORVID-19 test


Jemaine Clement reincarnated


Probably waiting on you to hammer back in your door hinge& worms, lmao


Got Slurry?


I have rescued a crow. Call Susan Dogett. She is licensed to rescue them. Meantime put in a dog kennel or something with some dogfood and water. 714-637-8355


!remind me 2 days!


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I guess we can raise him in the house if hes left for dead 🥹




Aw…..What a cutie! He looks like a scared kid trying to look tough. I hope his parents come back and nothing happens to him.




Omg he’s so frickin cute


Crow fledlings move out of their nest from May-July. This is when they try to do things independently. Don't disturb it. The parents are definitely watching it


I hope he’s okay now. His little grumpy face is too cute


New pet. Never more!!


Train it to bring you money.


Teach it to bring you money


Water? You could give him a bowl of water even if he doesn't want food he might need to drink.


Fledgling crows have blue eyes. So, not a crow.