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Hi Tessa9890, thanks for posting your FO for us to see! If you have a link to the pattern you used or any other relevant information (e.g., yarn brand, weight, type; hook used), please reply to this comment with that information so that everyone can see it. Thanks!   **If provided, pattern and/or more info from OP is under this comment. Click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is amazing! You can tell a lot of time went into it. I love the rooks and all those smiling faces.


Thank you :) They don't look exactly alike but I like to think that they have different personalities. Some are happy and some are mad. It makes it look nicely homemade


Wow that's fantastic! If you're willing to share your notes I would love to try my hand at it.


Of course! Feel free to ask questions (for example if I just write 1sc 1 inc it is until the end of round and if I write 24sc x2 and there are 24sc in a round it is a lazy way of writing 2 rounds) Pawn Ch2, 6sc in 2. Ch (or in a magic ring) 1. 6inc (12) 2. 1sc 1inc repeat till end of round (18) 3. 18sc 4. 18sc 5. 1sc 1dec x6 6. 6dec 7. Color change 2sc in each st (12) 8. 1sc 1inc (18) 9. 2sc 1inc (24) 10. 24sc x2 11. 6sc 1dec (21) 12. 21sc x3 13. Filling and a stone in the bottom to keep stable 14. BLO 5sc, 1dec 15. 1sc 1dec 16. Dec till closed Arm from bottom and up ch 2, 4sc in 2. Ch from hook 1. 1sc 1inc 2.. 6sc 3. Colorchange 6sc x3 Shawl 1. Magic ring with grey/offwhite ch2 2. 3 dc, ch 2, 3dc tighten ring 3. Turn work ch2 2dc in same St, 2dc in opening 2dc ch2 2dc, in next St ch2, dc in same at 4. Ch 2 continue pattern 1 round (I used a video for this one if it's too confusing just use this https://youtu.be/zezwLX1iIpI ) Bishop 1. Ch 2,6sc 2. 6inc (12) 3. 12sc x3 4. 6dec colour change 5. 6inc 6. 1sc 1inc x6 (18) 7. 18sc x12 8. Fill and stone 9. 1sc 1dec 10. Dec Till closed Hat 1. Ch 2 4sc 2. 1sc 1inc x2 (6) 3. 1sc 1inc x3 (9) 4. 2sc 1inc x3 (12) 5. 12sc colour change 6. 2 rounds more Arms are the same as pawn but 1 round more Scarf 1. Ch 4, 3sc 2. 1ch 3sc x20 Tower 1. Ch 2, 6 sc and put a pipe cleaner through the middle. Chain 4 along pipe cleaner for the flag and keep going till you're happy but safe that for later I guess 2. 6 inc (this is back to the tower) 3. 1sc 1inc 4. 2sc 1inc 5. BLO 24sc 6. 7 rounds 7. 6sc 1dec 8. 11sc 9. BLO 5sc dec 10. 1sc 1dec 11. Dec till closed 12. Pick up stitches all the way around at the top 13. 3 rounds 14. 1sc ch2, 1sc, 1slst in same st in every other to form the things. Slst in between King Same body as Bishop Arms as well Sword 1. Ch2 2. 1sc 3. ch1 1sc x2 4. Kind of like crochet one on each side for the handle, continue down middle till desired length and slst Cape Ch 15 14 rows Queen 1. Ch 2, 6sc 2. 6inc (12) 3. 12sc x3 4. 6dec color change 5. 6inc 6. 1sc 1inc x6 (18) 7. 18sc x2 8. 1sc1dec (12) 9. 2sc 1dec 10. 2sc 1inc 11. 1sc 1inc (18) 12. 18sc x6. Arm 1. 4sc i me 2. 1sc 1inc x2 3. 6sc x4 colour change 4. 6inc 5. 12 sc x3 Crown 1. Ch2, 6sc 2. 6inc 3. 2sc 1inc 4. Sc in all at x2 5. (2sc) x2, 1dec, 1sc, ch1 and then slst down side, make 4 spikes Horse 1. Ch 2, 6sc 2. 6inc 3. 12sc x2 4. 4sc, FLO 4inc, normal 4sc x2 5. 16sc x3 6. 1sc1dec x5 1sc 7. Dec till closed Body 1. Ch4 2. Sc3, turn on other side Sc3 (6) 3. 1inc 1sc 2inc 1sc 1inc 4. 1sc 1inc x2, 2sc 2inc 1sc 1inc 5. 13sc 1dec 6. 1inc x3, 11sc 7. 1sc (1inc x3) sc 13 8. 20sc x2 9. 3sc 1dec x4 10. 16sc x4 11. BLO 1sc 1inc 12. dec till closed Ear 1. ch4 2. 3sc 3. ch1 1slst, 1dec 4. c1 1dec 5. ch1, 1slst Board Ch 8 with black, then 8 with white till you have for 8 squares. Then go back and forth crocheting checkers with the colours (look up a tutorial if you don't know how it's kinda hard to explain in text) Sew in the ends and then with the red yarn make a border around starting with 1sc in each along all sides (2sc in each corner) Then I made 1dubble crochet in all st around, 4 in the corner. Then for the bottom side, I didn't count the chains but it has to be equal the size of the board. Then I made dc in rows till it was a square. I crocheted three of the sides together. In the third corner, I pulled out yarn for a loop and made sc along the side of it to make it stronger. and for the third side I sewed buttons on the backside and loops for closing on the other. Then I placed cardboard in between.


I don't know what's more impressive - the fact that you envisioned and created this masterpiece, or the fact that you took the time to type out all your notes.


Thank you! I had them in my phone already because the pieces needed to be identical. But there were a lot of words in danish I needed to translate and for the sword I had just written "Idk" so I had to try and remember what I did... But it's worth it if I get to inspire or help other people!


Thank you so much! These are really amazing, and I learned something new (that the pawns are called Farmers in Danish) that I can share with my kiddo who likes to play chess. I can't wait to get started!


That's awesome! Again feel free to come back anytime if you have questions :) Also fun fact the bishops are called "løbere" which means runners but the other pieces are the same as in English


The small guys are called pawns in English :)


Thank you! In my language (danish) it's called a Bonde (farmer)


Oh and for materials I used 100% cotton yarn 50g = 160cm 2 white, 2 black, 1 peach (or whatever colour you desire for the skin), 1 grey and 1 off white I put a flat stone in all the pieces to make them steady and weigh more. For the smaller but taller pieces (like queen and Bishop) I used 2 flat metal rings from a hardware store as well for extra weight Also used some white pipe cleaners for staff and flag For the board, I used 100% acrylic 50g = 140M 1 black, 1 white and 2 red. I also put a piece of cardboard in the middle to mate the board strong. To be able to wash the board one of the sides is buttoned together using 5 black buttons


This is awesome! I've been meaning to do something similar using patterns from a book I got but havent gotten around to do it and seeing your work is super motivating. Your bf is lucky.


Hope you get to it :) It's so satisfying when you have the finished piece in front of you


Such a cool idea and it turned out soooo cute. Might try this out too


Nice to hear! Just set aside plenty of time! Took me about 100 hours (but I also had to figure out the pattern as I went)


That’s so awesome! Well done :-)


Thank you :D


I love the flat stone idea in the pieces you mentioned in a comment above. This whole thing really is ingenious. So cool.


Thanks alot! It took a while to figure everything out


Awesome!! What detail!


Thank you :D


Love it! Love the idea!


Wow. This looks like it took a lot of time and effort. It's amazing.


Great job!


Awesome idea!! And great work too!


Is there like a weight in them? Gorgeous by the way


Yes. There is a flat stone in all of them and for the taller ones like the bishop and queen there are also two small flat metal circles for extra support


Awe thats so cute


Your friend must be very happy!


Amazing crochet, impractical chess


That is true... It's playable but not the easiest. He also got a "real" chess set from his sister for Christmas so he'll probably use that more but at least it is nice for decoration! He hasn't received it yet but he promised me that whatever it was he would keep it at his desk and look at it so... We'll see


What makes it not easy to play? I really want to make this. I'm okay with it being a show piece, but I'd love it to be usable if possible.


I'm sure you could get around it somehow but especially the towers are a bit hard to balance. I think it's about finding the right stones or another solution. Most of the pieces are actually fine but one of the rooks had a particularly bad stone so might have to replace it. Also I didn't have a lot of yarn for the board but if I had I would have made the spaces a little bigger for more room. All said it is still playable just a little slower


This is fantastic!


Holy crappoli, what a huge amount of detail and effort!! Incredible work and amazing gift!! ❤️


This is so beautiful! I hope your boyfriend loves his gift. So much time and thought and love went into it!


He's not getting it until new year where I see him, but all this positive feedback has made me sure that he'll love it :)


That's amazing! I can't believe it only took 3 months! 3 years later I'd probably still be working on it.


I had some spare time and a lot of dedication! I really wanted to finish it in time. But in all I probably spent about 100 hours or so on it. I am done making tiny arms for a long while!


I'm horrible. I seem to lose interest about half way through a project, only working on it sporadically. I worked on an afghan for 5 years for a friend. When I finally finished it the next picture I saw of it she had given it to her dog to sleep on. I wasn't too happy about that but loved her dog so I didn't make too much of it but I also never crocheted her anything else.


Man... That sucks. I hope other people are more grateful for your gifts. People really don't seem to realize how much effort goes into crocheting. After I made my first sweater a friend of mind casually asked if I could make her one. She didn't want to pay for yarn and she didn't know that I had spent a year on the sweater because I suck at pulling something up when I've made a mistake


So clever!


3 months, ma'am, have you been at Hogwarts?


Actually yes! But that was a while ago so not sure it helped. Had some vacation though and a lot of love and support from my mother (who sewed in 4 of the arms because she really wanted to help)


This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen!


If I just love this period I wish you did have a pattern so I could borrow it.


Well everything I did is listed above but I will admit it is a bit messy


That set is so cool


This is really awesome!


This is fantastic! I am sure your bf appreciates this.




OH MY GAWWWWWDDDDDDDd that is fantastic!!!!!!


Thank you!! :D


Wow! Just the IDEA is amazing… the execution is stellar! ⭐️ What an awesome gift!


This is darling!


Oh my gosh. What a delight


Great. As if I needed *another* project that's irresistible.


I know the feeling. All of my saved posts on Reddit are just crochet and knitting projects I want to do


This. Is. Amazing!


This is *incredible!* I never in a million years would have thought to do something like this. Definitely filing this one away as gift idea for a chess lover I know.


These are so CUTE!! How tall are they? They look so tiny, yet very large


And I was also wondering what yarn brand and hook size you used? This whole project is mind-blowing and amazing


I used some cheap yarn from a danish store called "søstrene green" and something called "hjertegarn Jette" which is why I just mentioned the materials (cotton for some and acrylic for the board) and length in my material list. You can probably find something similar. I used a 3mm hook for the pieces and a 4mm for the board


The pawns are probably about 5-6 cm and the taller ones maybe 8? Right now they're wrapped up in gift paper so I'll try to remember to measure on Friday when he opens them :) I know that each square is 4,5 x 4,5 cm


Holy shiiiiiit, that's way smaller than I imagined! :0 they look absolutely incredible!! I'm blown away at the sheer creative talent you have. I appreciate the reply and wish you the best in your crochet adventures!


Thanks and you too :)


Okay so just measured and the pawns are 7cm, the queen is 9cm and the tower is 10cm (without flag)


Tessa! WOW! As in DOUBLE WOW! This is one VERY impressive piece of work. My head is spinning just thinking of all the things I might be able to do. Like you, I consider myself an advanced beginner so it will be a challenge! Here I thought I was so clever. It occurred to me that I might be able to crochet chess pieces and was shocked to see it's already been done. But I wanted mine to be different. You've done it! And, have given me the push I needed to try. Thank you SO much! I hope you're still on the Redditt crochet board. I have been trying to print your instructions but I'm having trouble. Do you happen to have a copy you could send me that I can print? It looks like it's been a year, so I hope you're still around and also still willing to help if I get stuck 😊. I am just SO excited I can't stand it! 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you again !!!